/* KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 David Edmundson SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace KWin { /** * FTraceLogger is a singleton utility for writing log messages using ftrace * * Usage: Either: * Set the KWIN_PERF_FTRACE environment variable before starting the application * Calling on DBus /FTrace org.kde.kwin.FTrace.setEnabled true * After having created the ftrace mount */ class KWIN_EXPORT FTraceLogger : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.kde.kwin.FTrace"); Q_PROPERTY(bool isEnabled READ isEnabled NOTIFY enabledChanged) public: /** * Enabled through DBus and logging has started */ bool isEnabled() const; /** * Main log function * Takes any number of arguments that can be written into QTextStream */ template void trace(Args... args) { Q_ASSERT(isEnabled()); QMutexLocker lock(&m_mutex); if (!m_file.isOpen()) { return; } QTextStream stream(&m_file); (stream << ... << args) << Qt::endl; } Q_SIGNALS: void enabledChanged(); public Q_SLOTS: Q_SCRIPTABLE void setEnabled(bool enabled); private: static QString filePath(); bool open(); QFile m_file; QMutex m_mutex; KWIN_SINGLETON(FTraceLogger) }; class KWIN_EXPORT FTraceDuration { public: template FTraceDuration(Args... args) { static QAtomicInteger s_context = 0; QTextStream stream(&m_message); (stream << ... << args); stream.flush(); m_context = ++s_context; FTraceLogger::self()->trace(m_message, " begin_ctx=", m_context); } ~FTraceDuration(); private: QByteArray m_message; quint32 m_context; }; } // namespace KWin /** * Optimised macro, arguments are only copied if tracing is enabled */ #define fTrace(...) \ if (KWin::FTraceLogger::self()->isEnabled()) \ KWin::FTraceLogger::self()->trace(__VA_ARGS__); /** * Will insert two markers into the log. Once when called, and the second at the end of the relevant block * In GPUVis this will appear as a timed block with begin_ctx and end_ctx markers */ #define fTraceDuration(...) \ std::unique_ptr _duration(KWin::FTraceLogger::self()->isEnabled() ? new KWin::FTraceDuration(__VA_ARGS__) : nullptr);