/* KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Martin Gräßlin SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "debug_console.h" #include "compositor.h" #include "core/graphicsbufferview.h" #include "core/inputdevice.h" #include "input_event.h" #include "internalwindow.h" #include "keyboard_input.h" #include "libkwineffects/glplatform.h" #include "libkwineffects/glutils.h" #include "main.h" #include "platformsupport/scenes/opengl/openglbackend.h" #include "utils/filedescriptor.h" #include "utils/subsurfacemonitor.h" #include "wayland/abstract_data_source.h" #include "wayland/clientconnection.h" #include "wayland/datacontrolsource_v1.h" #include "wayland/datasource.h" #include "wayland/display.h" #include "wayland/primaryselectionsource_v1.h" #include "wayland/seat.h" #include "wayland/subcompositor.h" #include "wayland/surface.h" #include "wayland_server.h" #include "waylandwindow.h" #include "workspace.h" #include "x11window.h" #include "xkb.h" #include #include "ui_debug_console.h" // frameworks #include #include // Qt #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // xkb #include #include #include #include #include namespace KWin { static QString tableHeaderRow(const QString &title) { return QStringLiteral("%1").arg(title); } template static QString tableRow(const QString &title, const T &argument) { return QStringLiteral("%1%2").arg(title).arg(argument); } static QString timestampRow(std::chrono::microseconds timestamp) { return tableRow(i18n("Timestamp"), std::chrono::duration_cast(timestamp).count()); } static QString timestampRowUsec(std::chrono::microseconds timestamp) { return tableRow(i18n("Timestamp (µsec)"), timestamp.count()); } static QString buttonToString(Qt::MouseButton button) { switch (button) { case Qt::LeftButton: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Left"); case Qt::RightButton: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Right"); case Qt::MiddleButton: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Middle"); case Qt::BackButton: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Back"); case Qt::ForwardButton: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Forward"); case Qt::TaskButton: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Task"); case Qt::ExtraButton4: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Extra Button 4"); case Qt::ExtraButton5: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Extra Button 5"); case Qt::ExtraButton6: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Extra Button 6"); case Qt::ExtraButton7: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Extra Button 7"); case Qt::ExtraButton8: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Extra Button 8"); case Qt::ExtraButton9: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Extra Button 9"); case Qt::ExtraButton10: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Extra Button 10"); case Qt::ExtraButton11: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Extra Button 11"); case Qt::ExtraButton12: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Extra Button 12"); case Qt::ExtraButton13: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Extra Button 13"); case Qt::ExtraButton14: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Extra Button 14"); case Qt::ExtraButton15: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Extra Button 15"); case Qt::ExtraButton16: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Extra Button 16"); case Qt::ExtraButton17: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Extra Button 17"); case Qt::ExtraButton18: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Extra Button 18"); case Qt::ExtraButton19: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Extra Button 19"); case Qt::ExtraButton20: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Extra Button 20"); case Qt::ExtraButton21: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Extra Button 21"); case Qt::ExtraButton22: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Extra Button 22"); case Qt::ExtraButton23: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Extra Button 23"); case Qt::ExtraButton24: return i18nc("A mouse button", "Extra Button 24"); default: return QString(); } } static QString deviceRow(InputDevice *device) { if (!device) { return tableRow(i18n("Input Device"), i18nc("The input device of the event is not known", "Unknown")); } return tableRow(i18n("Input Device"), QStringLiteral("%1 (%2)").arg(device->name(), device->sysName())); } static QString buttonsToString(Qt::MouseButtons buttons) { QString ret; for (uint i = 1; i < Qt::ExtraButton24; i = i << 1) { if (buttons & i) { ret.append(buttonToString(Qt::MouseButton(uint(buttons) & i))); ret.append(QStringLiteral(" ")); } }; return ret.trimmed(); } static const QString s_hr = QStringLiteral("
"); static const QString s_tableStart = QStringLiteral(""); static const QString s_tableEnd = QStringLiteral("
"); DebugConsoleFilter::DebugConsoleFilter(QTextEdit *textEdit) : InputEventSpy() , m_textEdit(textEdit) { } DebugConsoleFilter::~DebugConsoleFilter() = default; void DebugConsoleFilter::pointerEvent(MouseEvent *event) { QString text = s_hr; const QString timestamp = timestampRow(event->timestamp()); text.append(s_tableStart); switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::MouseMove: { text.append(tableHeaderRow(i18nc("A mouse pointer motion event", "Pointer Motion"))); text.append(deviceRow(event->device())); text.append(timestamp); text.append(timestampRowUsec(event->timestamp())); if (!event->delta().isNull()) { text.append(tableRow(i18nc("The relative mouse movement", "Delta"), QStringLiteral("%1/%2").arg(event->delta().x()).arg(event->delta().y()))); } if (!event->deltaUnaccelerated().isNull()) { text.append(tableRow(i18nc("The relative mouse movement", "Delta (not accelerated)"), QStringLiteral("%1/%2").arg(event->deltaUnaccelerated().x()).arg(event->deltaUnaccelerated().y()))); } text.append(tableRow(i18nc("The global mouse pointer position", "Global Position"), QStringLiteral("%1/%2").arg(event->pos().x()).arg(event->pos().y()))); break; } case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: text.append(tableHeaderRow(i18nc("A mouse pointer button press event", "Pointer Button Press"))); text.append(deviceRow(event->device())); text.append(timestamp); text.append(tableRow(i18nc("A button in a mouse press/release event", "Button"), buttonToString(event->button()))); text.append(tableRow(i18nc("A button in a mouse press/release event", "Native Button code"), event->nativeButton())); text.append(tableRow(i18nc("All currently pressed buttons in a mouse press/release event", "Pressed Buttons"), buttonsToString(event->buttons()))); break; case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: text.append(tableHeaderRow(i18nc("A mouse pointer button release event", "Pointer Button Release"))); text.append(deviceRow(event->device())); text.append(timestamp); text.append(tableRow(i18nc("A button in a mouse press/release event", "Button"), buttonToString(event->button()))); text.append(tableRow(i18nc("A button in a mouse press/release event", "Native Button code"), event->nativeButton())); text.append(tableRow(i18nc("All currently pressed buttons in a mouse press/release event", "Pressed Buttons"), buttonsToString(event->buttons()))); break; default: break; } text.append(s_tableEnd); m_textEdit->insertHtml(text); m_textEdit->ensureCursorVisible(); } void DebugConsoleFilter::wheelEvent(WheelEvent *event) { QString text = s_hr; text.append(s_tableStart); text.append(tableHeaderRow(i18nc("A mouse pointer axis (wheel) event", "Pointer Axis"))); text.append(deviceRow(event->device())); text.append(timestampRow(event->timestamp())); const Qt::Orientation orientation = event->angleDelta().x() == 0 ? Qt::Vertical : Qt::Horizontal; text.append(tableRow(i18nc("The orientation of a pointer axis event", "Orientation"), orientation == Qt::Horizontal ? i18nc("An orientation of a pointer axis event", "Horizontal") : i18nc("An orientation of a pointer axis event", "Vertical"))); text.append(tableRow(i18nc("The angle delta of a pointer axis event", "Delta"), orientation == Qt::Horizontal ? event->angleDelta().x() : event->angleDelta().y())); text.append(s_tableEnd); m_textEdit->insertHtml(text); m_textEdit->ensureCursorVisible(); } void DebugConsoleFilter::keyEvent(KeyEvent *event) { QString text = s_hr; text.append(s_tableStart); switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::KeyPress: text.append(tableHeaderRow(i18nc("A key press event", "Key Press"))); break; case QEvent::KeyRelease: text.append(tableHeaderRow(i18nc("A key release event", "Key Release"))); break; default: break; } text.append(deviceRow(event->device())); auto modifiersToString = [event] { QString ret; if (event->modifiers().testFlag(Qt::ShiftModifier)) { ret.append(i18nc("A keyboard modifier", "Shift")); ret.append(QStringLiteral(" ")); } if (event->modifiers().testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier)) { ret.append(i18nc("A keyboard modifier", "Control")); ret.append(QStringLiteral(" ")); } if (event->modifiers().testFlag(Qt::AltModifier)) { ret.append(i18nc("A keyboard modifier", "Alt")); ret.append(QStringLiteral(" ")); } if (event->modifiers().testFlag(Qt::MetaModifier)) { ret.append(i18nc("A keyboard modifier", "Meta")); ret.append(QStringLiteral(" ")); } if (event->modifiers().testFlag(Qt::KeypadModifier)) { ret.append(i18nc("A keyboard modifier", "Keypad")); ret.append(QStringLiteral(" ")); } if (event->modifiers().testFlag(Qt::GroupSwitchModifier)) { ret.append(i18nc("A keyboard modifier", "Group-switch")); ret.append(QStringLiteral(" ")); } return ret; }; text.append(timestampRow(event->timestamp())); text.append(tableRow(i18nc("Whether the event is an automatic key repeat", "Repeat"), event->isAutoRepeat())); const auto keyMetaObject = Qt::qt_getEnumMetaObject(Qt::Key()); const auto enumerator = keyMetaObject->enumerator(keyMetaObject->indexOfEnumerator("Key")); text.append(tableRow(i18nc("The code as read from the input device", "Scan code"), event->nativeScanCode())); text.append(tableRow(i18nc("Key according to Qt", "Qt::Key code"), enumerator.valueToKey(event->key()))); text.append(tableRow(i18nc("The translated code to an Xkb symbol", "Xkb symbol"), event->nativeVirtualKey())); text.append(tableRow(i18nc("The translated code interpreted as text", "Utf8"), event->text())); text.append(tableRow(i18nc("The currently active modifiers", "Modifiers"), modifiersToString())); text.append(s_tableEnd); m_textEdit->insertHtml(text); m_textEdit->ensureCursorVisible(); } void DebugConsoleFilter::touchDown(qint32 id, const QPointF &pos, std::chrono::microseconds time) { QString text = s_hr; text.append(s_tableStart); text.append(tableHeaderRow(i18nc("A touch down event", "Touch down"))); text.append(timestampRow(time)); text.append(tableRow(i18nc("The id of the touch point in the touch event", "Point identifier"), id)); text.append(tableRow(i18nc("The global position of the touch point", "Global position"), QStringLiteral("%1/%2").arg(pos.x()).arg(pos.y()))); text.append(s_tableEnd); m_textEdit->insertHtml(text); m_textEdit->ensureCursorVisible(); } void DebugConsoleFilter::touchMotion(qint32 id, const QPointF &pos, std::chrono::microseconds time) { QString text = s_hr; text.append(s_tableStart); text.append(tableHeaderRow(i18nc("A touch motion event", "Touch Motion"))); text.append(timestampRow(time)); text.append(tableRow(i18nc("The id of the touch point in the touch event", "Point identifier"), id)); text.append(tableRow(i18nc("The global position of the touch point", "Global position"), QStringLiteral("%1/%2").arg(pos.x()).arg(pos.y()))); text.append(s_tableEnd); m_textEdit->insertHtml(text); m_textEdit->ensureCursorVisible(); } void DebugConsoleFilter::touchUp(qint32 id, std::chrono::microseconds time) { QString text = s_hr; text.append(s_tableStart); text.append(tableHeaderRow(i18nc("A touch up event", "Touch Up"))); text.append(timestampRow(time)); text.append(tableRow(i18nc("The id of the touch point in the touch event", "Point identifier"), id)); text.append(s_tableEnd); m_textEdit->insertHtml(text); m_textEdit->ensureCursorVisible(); } void DebugConsoleFilter::pinchGestureBegin(int fingerCount, std::chrono::microseconds time) { QString text = s_hr; text.append(s_tableStart); text.append(tableHeaderRow(i18nc("A pinch gesture is started", "Pinch start"))); text.append(timestampRow(time)); text.append(tableRow(i18nc("Number of fingers in this pinch gesture", "Finger count"), fingerCount)); text.append(s_tableEnd); m_textEdit->insertHtml(text); m_textEdit->ensureCursorVisible(); } void DebugConsoleFilter::pinchGestureUpdate(qreal scale, qreal angleDelta, const QPointF &delta, std::chrono::microseconds time) { QString text = s_hr; text.append(s_tableStart); text.append(tableHeaderRow(i18nc("A pinch gesture is updated", "Pinch update"))); text.append(timestampRow(time)); text.append(tableRow(i18nc("Current scale in pinch gesture", "Scale"), scale)); text.append(tableRow(i18nc("Current angle in pinch gesture", "Angle delta"), angleDelta)); text.append(tableRow(i18nc("Current delta in pinch gesture", "Delta x"), delta.x())); text.append(tableRow(i18nc("Current delta in pinch gesture", "Delta y"), delta.y())); text.append(s_tableEnd); m_textEdit->insertHtml(text); m_textEdit->ensureCursorVisible(); } void DebugConsoleFilter::pinchGestureEnd(std::chrono::microseconds time) { QString text = s_hr; text.append(s_tableStart); text.append(tableHeaderRow(i18nc("A pinch gesture ended", "Pinch end"))); text.append(timestampRow(time)); text.append(s_tableEnd); m_textEdit->insertHtml(text); m_textEdit->ensureCursorVisible(); } void DebugConsoleFilter::pinchGestureCancelled(std::chrono::microseconds time) { QString text = s_hr; text.append(s_tableStart); text.append(tableHeaderRow(i18nc("A pinch gesture got cancelled", "Pinch cancelled"))); text.append(timestampRow(time)); text.append(s_tableEnd); m_textEdit->insertHtml(text); m_textEdit->ensureCursorVisible(); } void DebugConsoleFilter::swipeGestureBegin(int fingerCount, std::chrono::microseconds time) { QString text = s_hr; text.append(s_tableStart); text.append(tableHeaderRow(i18nc("A swipe gesture is started", "Swipe start"))); text.append(timestampRow(time)); text.append(tableRow(i18nc("Number of fingers in this swipe gesture", "Finger count"), fingerCount)); text.append(s_tableEnd); m_textEdit->insertHtml(text); m_textEdit->ensureCursorVisible(); } void DebugConsoleFilter::swipeGestureUpdate(const QPointF &delta, std::chrono::microseconds time) { QString text = s_hr; text.append(s_tableStart); text.append(tableHeaderRow(i18nc("A swipe gesture is updated", "Swipe update"))); text.append(timestampRow(time)); text.append(tableRow(i18nc("Current delta in swipe gesture", "Delta x"), delta.x())); text.append(tableRow(i18nc("Current delta in swipe gesture", "Delta y"), delta.y())); text.append(s_tableEnd); m_textEdit->insertHtml(text); m_textEdit->ensureCursorVisible(); } void DebugConsoleFilter::swipeGestureEnd(std::chrono::microseconds time) { QString text = s_hr; text.append(s_tableStart); text.append(tableHeaderRow(i18nc("A swipe gesture ended", "Swipe end"))); text.append(timestampRow(time)); text.append(s_tableEnd); m_textEdit->insertHtml(text); m_textEdit->ensureCursorVisible(); } void DebugConsoleFilter::swipeGestureCancelled(std::chrono::microseconds time) { QString text = s_hr; text.append(s_tableStart); text.append(tableHeaderRow(i18nc("A swipe gesture got cancelled", "Swipe cancelled"))); text.append(timestampRow(time)); text.append(s_tableEnd); m_textEdit->insertHtml(text); m_textEdit->ensureCursorVisible(); } void DebugConsoleFilter::switchEvent(SwitchEvent *event) { QString text = s_hr; text.append(s_tableStart); text.append(tableHeaderRow(i18nc("A hardware switch (e.g. notebook lid) got toggled", "Switch toggled"))); text.append(timestampRow(event->timestamp())); text.append(timestampRowUsec(event->timestamp())); text.append(deviceRow(event->device())); QString switchName; if (event->device()->isLidSwitch()) { switchName = i18nc("Name of a hardware switch", "Notebook lid"); } else if (event->device()->isTabletModeSwitch()) { switchName = i18nc("Name of a hardware switch", "Tablet mode"); } text.append(tableRow(i18nc("A hardware switch", "Switch"), switchName)); QString switchState; switch (event->state()) { case SwitchEvent::State::Off: switchState = i18nc("The hardware switch got turned off", "Off"); break; case SwitchEvent::State::On: switchState = i18nc("The hardware switch got turned on", "On"); break; default: Q_UNREACHABLE(); } text.append(tableRow(i18nc("State of a hardware switch (on/off)", "State"), switchState)); text.append(s_tableEnd); m_textEdit->insertHtml(text); m_textEdit->ensureCursorVisible(); } void DebugConsoleFilter::tabletToolEvent(TabletEvent *event) { QString typeString; { QDebug d(&typeString); d << event->type(); } QString text = s_hr + s_tableStart + tableHeaderRow(i18n("Tablet Tool")) + tableRow(i18n("EventType"), typeString) + tableRow(i18n("Position"), QStringLiteral("%1,%2").arg(event->pos().x()).arg(event->pos().y())) + tableRow(i18n("Tilt"), QStringLiteral("%1,%2").arg(event->xTilt()).arg(event->yTilt())) + tableRow(i18n("Rotation"), QString::number(event->rotation())) + tableRow(i18n("Pressure"), QString::number(event->pressure())) + tableRow(i18n("Buttons"), QString::number(event->buttons())) + tableRow(i18n("Modifiers"), QString::number(event->modifiers())) + s_tableEnd; m_textEdit->insertHtml(text); m_textEdit->ensureCursorVisible(); } void DebugConsoleFilter::tabletToolButtonEvent(uint button, bool pressed, const TabletToolId &tabletToolId, std::chrono::microseconds time) { QString text = s_hr + s_tableStart + tableHeaderRow(i18n("Tablet Tool Button")) + tableRow(i18n("Button"), button) + tableRow(i18n("Pressed"), pressed) + tableRow(i18n("Tablet"), qHash(tabletToolId.m_deviceGroupData)) + timestampRow(time) + s_tableEnd; m_textEdit->insertHtml(text); m_textEdit->ensureCursorVisible(); } void DebugConsoleFilter::tabletPadButtonEvent(uint button, bool pressed, const TabletPadId &tabletPadId, std::chrono::microseconds time) { QString text = s_hr + s_tableStart + tableHeaderRow(i18n("Tablet Pad Button")) + tableRow(i18n("Button"), button) + tableRow(i18n("Pressed"), pressed) + tableRow(i18n("Tablet"), qHash(tabletPadId.data)) + timestampRow(time) + s_tableEnd; m_textEdit->insertHtml(text); m_textEdit->ensureCursorVisible(); } void DebugConsoleFilter::tabletPadStripEvent(int number, int position, bool isFinger, const TabletPadId &tabletPadId, std::chrono::microseconds time) { QString text = s_hr + s_tableStart + tableHeaderRow(i18n("Tablet Pad Strip")) + tableRow(i18n("Number"), number) + tableRow(i18n("Position"), position) + tableRow(i18n("isFinger"), isFinger) + tableRow(i18n("Tablet"), qHash(tabletPadId.data)) + timestampRow(time) + s_tableEnd; m_textEdit->insertHtml(text); m_textEdit->ensureCursorVisible(); } void DebugConsoleFilter::tabletPadRingEvent(int number, int position, bool isFinger, const TabletPadId &tabletPadId, std::chrono::microseconds time) { QString text = s_hr + s_tableStart + tableHeaderRow(i18n("Tablet Pad Ring")) + tableRow(i18n("Number"), number) + tableRow(i18n("Position"), position) + tableRow(i18n("isFinger"), isFinger) + tableRow(i18n("Tablet"), qHash(tabletPadId.data)) + timestampRow(time) + s_tableEnd; m_textEdit->insertHtml(text); m_textEdit->ensureCursorVisible(); } static QString sourceString(const AbstractDataSource *const source) { if (!source) { return QString(); } if (!source->client()) { return QStringLiteral("XWayland source"); } const QString executable = waylandServer()->display()->getConnection(source->client())->executablePath(); if (auto dataSource = qobject_cast(source)) { return QStringLiteral("wl_data_source@%1 of %2").arg(wl_resource_get_id(dataSource->resource())).arg(executable); } else if (qobject_cast(source)) { return QStringLiteral("zwp_primary_selection_source_v1 of %2").arg(executable); } else if (qobject_cast(source)) { return QStringLiteral("data control by %1").arg(executable); } return QStringLiteral("unknown source of").arg(executable); } DebugConsole::DebugConsole() : QWidget() , m_ui(new Ui::DebugConsole) { setAttribute(Qt::WA_ShowWithoutActivating); m_ui->setupUi(this); auto windowsModel = new DebugConsoleModel(this); QSortFilterProxyModel *proxyWindowsModel = new QSortFilterProxyModel(this); proxyWindowsModel->setSourceModel(windowsModel); m_ui->windowsView->setModel(proxyWindowsModel); m_ui->windowsView->sortByColumn(0, Qt::AscendingOrder); m_ui->windowsView->header()->setSortIndicatorShown(true); m_ui->windowsView->setItemDelegate(new DebugConsoleDelegate(this)); m_ui->surfacesView->setModel(new SurfaceTreeModel(this)); m_ui->clipboardContent->setModel(new DataSourceModel(this)); m_ui->primaryContent->setModel(new DataSourceModel(this)); m_ui->inputDevicesView->setModel(new InputDeviceModel(this)); m_ui->inputDevicesView->setItemDelegate(new DebugConsoleDelegate(this)); m_ui->quitButton->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("application-exit"))); m_ui->tabWidget->setTabIcon(0, QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("view-list-tree"))); m_ui->tabWidget->setTabIcon(1, QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("view-list-tree"))); if (kwinApp()->operationMode() == Application::OperationMode::OperationModeX11) { m_ui->tabWidget->setTabEnabled(1, false); m_ui->tabWidget->setTabEnabled(2, false); m_ui->tabWidget->setTabEnabled(6, false); setWindowFlags(Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint); } connect(m_ui->quitButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &DebugConsole::deleteLater); connect(m_ui->tabWidget, &QTabWidget::currentChanged, this, [this](int index) { // delay creation of input event filter until the tab is selected if (index == 2 && !m_inputFilter) { m_inputFilter = std::make_unique(m_ui->inputTextEdit); input()->installInputEventSpy(m_inputFilter.get()); } if (index == 5) { updateKeyboardTab(); connect(input(), &InputRedirection::keyStateChanged, this, &DebugConsole::updateKeyboardTab); } if (index == 6) { static_cast(m_ui->clipboardContent->model())->setSource(waylandServer()->seat()->selection()); m_ui->clipboardSource->setText(sourceString(waylandServer()->seat()->selection())); connect(waylandServer()->seat(), &SeatInterface::selectionChanged, this, [this](AbstractDataSource *source) { static_cast(m_ui->clipboardContent->model())->setSource(source); m_ui->clipboardSource->setText(sourceString(source)); }); static_cast(m_ui->primaryContent->model())->setSource(waylandServer()->seat()->primarySelection()); m_ui->primarySource->setText(sourceString(waylandServer()->seat()->primarySelection())); connect(waylandServer()->seat(), &SeatInterface::primarySelectionChanged, this, [this](AbstractDataSource *source) { static_cast(m_ui->primaryContent->model())->setSource(source); m_ui->primarySource->setText(sourceString(source)); }); } }); initGLTab(); } DebugConsole::~DebugConsole() = default; void DebugConsole::initGLTab() { if (!effects || !effects->isOpenGLCompositing()) { m_ui->noOpenGLLabel->setVisible(true); m_ui->glInfoScrollArea->setVisible(false); return; } GLPlatform *gl = GLPlatform::instance(); m_ui->noOpenGLLabel->setVisible(false); m_ui->glInfoScrollArea->setVisible(true); m_ui->glVendorStringLabel->setText(QString::fromLocal8Bit(gl->glVendorString())); m_ui->glRendererStringLabel->setText(QString::fromLocal8Bit(gl->glRendererString())); m_ui->glVersionStringLabel->setText(QString::fromLocal8Bit(gl->glVersionString())); m_ui->glslVersionStringLabel->setText(QString::fromLocal8Bit(gl->glShadingLanguageVersionString())); m_ui->glDriverLabel->setText(GLPlatform::driverToString(gl->driver())); m_ui->glGPULabel->setText(GLPlatform::chipClassToString(gl->chipClass())); m_ui->glVersionLabel->setText(gl->glVersion().toString()); m_ui->glslLabel->setText(gl->glslVersion().toString()); auto extensionsString = [](const auto &extensions) { QString text = QStringLiteral("
    "); for (auto extension : extensions) { text.append(QStringLiteral("
  • %1
  • ").arg(QString::fromLocal8Bit(extension))); } text.append(QStringLiteral("
")); return text; }; const OpenGLBackend *backend = static_cast(Compositor::self()->backend()); m_ui->platformExtensionsLabel->setText(extensionsString(backend->extensions())); m_ui->openGLExtensionsLabel->setText(extensionsString(openGLExtensions())); } template QString keymapComponentToString(xkb_keymap *map, const T &count, std::function f) { QString text = QStringLiteral("
    "); for (T i = 0; i < count; i++) { text.append(QStringLiteral("
  • %1
  • ").arg(QString::fromLocal8Bit(f(map, i)))); } text.append(QStringLiteral("
")); return text; } template QString stateActiveComponents(xkb_state *state, const T &count, std::function f, std::function name) { QString text = QStringLiteral("
    "); xkb_keymap *map = xkb_state_get_keymap(state); for (T i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (f(state, i) == 1) { text.append(QStringLiteral("
  • %1
  • ").arg(QString::fromLocal8Bit(name(map, i)))); } } text.append(QStringLiteral("
")); return text; } void DebugConsole::updateKeyboardTab() { auto xkb = input()->keyboard()->xkb(); xkb_keymap *map = xkb->keymap(); xkb_state *state = xkb->state(); m_ui->layoutsLabel->setText(keymapComponentToString(map, xkb_keymap_num_layouts(map), &xkb_keymap_layout_get_name)); m_ui->currentLayoutLabel->setText(xkb_keymap_layout_get_name(map, xkb->currentLayout())); m_ui->modifiersLabel->setText(keymapComponentToString(map, xkb_keymap_num_mods(map), &xkb_keymap_mod_get_name)); m_ui->ledsLabel->setText(keymapComponentToString(map, xkb_keymap_num_leds(map), &xkb_keymap_led_get_name)); m_ui->activeLedsLabel->setText(stateActiveComponents(state, xkb_keymap_num_leds(map), &xkb_state_led_index_is_active, &xkb_keymap_led_get_name)); using namespace std::placeholders; auto modActive = std::bind(xkb_state_mod_index_is_active, _1, _2, XKB_STATE_MODS_EFFECTIVE); m_ui->activeModifiersLabel->setText(stateActiveComponents(state, xkb_keymap_num_mods(map), modActive, &xkb_keymap_mod_get_name)); } void DebugConsole::showEvent(QShowEvent *event) { QWidget::showEvent(event); // delay the connection to the show event as in ctor the windowHandle returns null connect(windowHandle(), &QWindow::visibleChanged, this, [this](bool visible) { if (visible) { // ignore return; } deleteLater(); }); } DebugConsoleDelegate::DebugConsoleDelegate(QObject *parent) : QStyledItemDelegate(parent) { } DebugConsoleDelegate::~DebugConsoleDelegate() = default; QString DebugConsoleDelegate::displayText(const QVariant &value, const QLocale &locale) const { switch (value.userType()) { case QMetaType::QPoint: { const QPoint p = value.toPoint(); return QStringLiteral("%1,%2").arg(p.x()).arg(p.y()); } case QMetaType::QPointF: { const QPointF p = value.toPointF(); return QStringLiteral("%1,%2").arg(p.x()).arg(p.y()); } case QMetaType::QSize: { const QSize s = value.toSize(); return QStringLiteral("%1x%2").arg(s.width()).arg(s.height()); } case QMetaType::QSizeF: { const QSizeF s = value.toSizeF(); return QStringLiteral("%1x%2").arg(s.width()).arg(s.height()); } case QMetaType::QRect: { const QRect r = value.toRect(); return QStringLiteral("%1,%2 %3x%4").arg(r.x()).arg(r.y()).arg(r.width()).arg(r.height()); } case QMetaType::QRectF: { const QRectF r = value.toRectF(); return QStringLiteral("%1,%2 %3x%4").arg(r.x()).arg(r.y()).arg(r.width()).arg(r.height()); } default: if (value.userType() == qMetaTypeId()) { if (auto s = value.value()) { return QStringLiteral("KWin::SurfaceInterface(0x%1)").arg(qulonglong(s), 0, 16); } else { return QStringLiteral("nullptr"); } } if (value.userType() == qMetaTypeId()) { if (auto w = value.value()) { return w->caption() + QLatin1Char(' ') + QString::fromUtf8(w->metaObject()->className()); } else { return QStringLiteral("nullptr"); } } if (value.userType() == qMetaTypeId()) { const auto buttons = value.value(); if (buttons == Qt::NoButton) { return i18n("No Mouse Buttons"); } QStringList list; if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::LeftButton)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "left"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::RightButton)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "right"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::MiddleButton)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "middle"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::BackButton)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "back"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::ForwardButton)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "forward"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::ExtraButton1)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "extra 1"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::ExtraButton2)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "extra 2"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::ExtraButton3)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "extra 3"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::ExtraButton4)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "extra 4"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::ExtraButton5)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "extra 5"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::ExtraButton6)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "extra 6"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::ExtraButton7)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "extra 7"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::ExtraButton8)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "extra 8"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::ExtraButton9)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "extra 9"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::ExtraButton10)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "extra 10"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::ExtraButton11)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "extra 11"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::ExtraButton12)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "extra 12"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::ExtraButton13)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "extra 13"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::ExtraButton14)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "extra 14"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::ExtraButton15)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "extra 15"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::ExtraButton16)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "extra 16"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::ExtraButton17)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "extra 17"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::ExtraButton18)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "extra 18"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::ExtraButton19)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "extra 19"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::ExtraButton20)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "extra 20"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::ExtraButton21)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "extra 21"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::ExtraButton22)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "extra 22"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::ExtraButton23)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "extra 23"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::ExtraButton24)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "extra 24"); } if (buttons.testFlag(Qt::TaskButton)) { list << i18nc("Mouse Button", "task"); } return list.join(QStringLiteral(", ")); } break; } return QStyledItemDelegate::displayText(value, locale); } static const int s_x11WindowId = 1; static const int s_x11UnmanagedId = 2; static const int s_waylandWindowId = 3; static const int s_workspaceInternalId = 4; static const quint32 s_propertyBitMask = 0xFFFF0000; static const quint32 s_windowBitMask = 0x0000FFFF; static const quint32 s_idDistance = 10000; template void DebugConsoleModel::add(int parentRow, QVector &windows, T *window) { beginInsertRows(index(parentRow, 0, QModelIndex()), windows.count(), windows.count()); windows.append(window); endInsertRows(); } template void DebugConsoleModel::remove(int parentRow, QVector &windows, T *window) { const int remove = windows.indexOf(window); if (remove == -1) { return; } beginRemoveRows(index(parentRow, 0, QModelIndex()), remove, remove); windows.removeAt(remove); endRemoveRows(); } DebugConsoleModel::DebugConsoleModel(QObject *parent) : QAbstractItemModel(parent) { const auto windows = workspace()->windows(); for (auto window : windows) { handleWindowAdded(window); } connect(workspace(), &Workspace::windowAdded, this, &DebugConsoleModel::handleWindowAdded); connect(workspace(), &Workspace::windowRemoved, this, &DebugConsoleModel::handleWindowRemoved); } void DebugConsoleModel::handleWindowAdded(Window *window) { if (auto x11 = qobject_cast(window)) { if (x11->isUnmanaged()) { add(s_x11UnmanagedId - 1, m_unmanageds, x11); } else { add(s_x11WindowId - 1, m_x11Windows, x11); } return; } if (auto wayland = qobject_cast(window)) { add(s_waylandWindowId - 1, m_waylandWindows, wayland); return; } if (auto internal = qobject_cast(window)) { add(s_workspaceInternalId - 1, m_internalWindows, internal); return; } } void DebugConsoleModel::handleWindowRemoved(Window *window) { if (auto x11 = qobject_cast(window)) { if (x11->isUnmanaged()) { remove(s_x11UnmanagedId - 1, m_unmanageds, x11); } else { remove(s_x11WindowId - 1, m_x11Windows, x11); } return; } if (auto wayland = qobject_cast(window)) { remove(s_waylandWindowId - 1, m_waylandWindows, wayland); return; } if (auto internal = qobject_cast(window)) { remove(s_workspaceInternalId - 1, m_internalWindows, internal); return; } } DebugConsoleModel::~DebugConsoleModel() = default; int DebugConsoleModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { return 2; } int DebugConsoleModel::topLevelRowCount() const { return kwinApp()->shouldUseWaylandForCompositing() ? 4 : 2; } template int DebugConsoleModel::propertyCount(const QModelIndex &parent, T *(DebugConsoleModel::*filter)(const QModelIndex &) const) const { if (T *t = (this->*filter)(parent)) { return t->metaObject()->propertyCount(); } return 0; } int DebugConsoleModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (!parent.isValid()) { return topLevelRowCount(); } switch (parent.internalId()) { case s_x11WindowId: return m_x11Windows.count(); case s_x11UnmanagedId: return m_unmanageds.count(); case s_waylandWindowId: return m_waylandWindows.count(); case s_workspaceInternalId: return m_internalWindows.count(); default: break; } if (parent.internalId() & s_propertyBitMask) { // properties do not have children return 0; } if (parent.internalId() < s_idDistance * (s_x11WindowId + 1)) { return propertyCount(parent, &DebugConsoleModel::x11Window); } else if (parent.internalId() < s_idDistance * (s_x11UnmanagedId + 1)) { return propertyCount(parent, &DebugConsoleModel::unmanaged); } else if (parent.internalId() < s_idDistance * (s_waylandWindowId + 1)) { return propertyCount(parent, &DebugConsoleModel::waylandWindow); } else if (parent.internalId() < s_idDistance * (s_workspaceInternalId + 1)) { return propertyCount(parent, &DebugConsoleModel::internalWindow); } return 0; } template QModelIndex DebugConsoleModel::indexForWindow(int row, int column, const QVector &windows, int id) const { if (column != 0) { return QModelIndex(); } if (row >= windows.count()) { return QModelIndex(); } return createIndex(row, column, s_idDistance * id + row); } template QModelIndex DebugConsoleModel::indexForProperty(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent, T *(DebugConsoleModel::*filter)(const QModelIndex &) const) const { if (T *t = (this->*filter)(parent)) { if (row >= t->metaObject()->propertyCount()) { return QModelIndex(); } return createIndex(row, column, quint32(row + 1) << 16 | parent.internalId()); } return QModelIndex(); } QModelIndex DebugConsoleModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (!parent.isValid()) { // index for a top level item if (column != 0 || row >= topLevelRowCount()) { return QModelIndex(); } return createIndex(row, column, row + 1); } if (column >= 2) { // max of 2 columns return QModelIndex(); } // index for a window (second level) switch (parent.internalId()) { case s_x11WindowId: return indexForWindow(row, column, m_x11Windows, s_x11WindowId); case s_x11UnmanagedId: return indexForWindow(row, column, m_unmanageds, s_x11UnmanagedId); case s_waylandWindowId: return indexForWindow(row, column, m_waylandWindows, s_waylandWindowId); case s_workspaceInternalId: return indexForWindow(row, column, m_internalWindows, s_workspaceInternalId); default: break; } // index for a property (third level) if (parent.internalId() < s_idDistance * (s_x11WindowId + 1)) { return indexForProperty(row, column, parent, &DebugConsoleModel::x11Window); } else if (parent.internalId() < s_idDistance * (s_x11UnmanagedId + 1)) { return indexForProperty(row, column, parent, &DebugConsoleModel::unmanaged); } else if (parent.internalId() < s_idDistance * (s_waylandWindowId + 1)) { return indexForProperty(row, column, parent, &DebugConsoleModel::waylandWindow); } else if (parent.internalId() < s_idDistance * (s_workspaceInternalId + 1)) { return indexForProperty(row, column, parent, &DebugConsoleModel::internalWindow); } return QModelIndex(); } QModelIndex DebugConsoleModel::parent(const QModelIndex &child) const { if (child.internalId() <= s_workspaceInternalId) { return QModelIndex(); } if (child.internalId() & s_propertyBitMask) { // a property const quint32 parentId = child.internalId() & s_windowBitMask; if (parentId < s_idDistance * (s_x11WindowId + 1)) { return createIndex(parentId - (s_idDistance * s_x11WindowId), 0, parentId); } else if (parentId < s_idDistance * (s_x11UnmanagedId + 1)) { return createIndex(parentId - (s_idDistance * s_x11UnmanagedId), 0, parentId); } else if (parentId < s_idDistance * (s_waylandWindowId + 1)) { return createIndex(parentId - (s_idDistance * s_waylandWindowId), 0, parentId); } else if (parentId < s_idDistance * (s_workspaceInternalId + 1)) { return createIndex(parentId - (s_idDistance * s_workspaceInternalId), 0, parentId); } return QModelIndex(); } if (child.internalId() < s_idDistance * (s_x11WindowId + 1)) { return createIndex(s_x11WindowId - 1, 0, s_x11WindowId); } else if (child.internalId() < s_idDistance * (s_x11UnmanagedId + 1)) { return createIndex(s_x11UnmanagedId - 1, 0, s_x11UnmanagedId); } else if (child.internalId() < s_idDistance * (s_waylandWindowId + 1)) { return createIndex(s_waylandWindowId - 1, 0, s_waylandWindowId); } else if (child.internalId() < s_idDistance * (s_workspaceInternalId + 1)) { return createIndex(s_workspaceInternalId - 1, 0, s_workspaceInternalId); } return QModelIndex(); } QVariant DebugConsoleModel::propertyData(QObject *object, const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { const auto property = object->metaObject()->property(index.row()); if (index.column() == 0) { return property.name(); } else { const QVariant value = property.read(object); if (qstrcmp(property.name(), "windowType") == 0) { switch (value.toInt()) { case NET::Normal: return QStringLiteral("NET::Normal"); case NET::Desktop: return QStringLiteral("NET::Desktop"); case NET::Dock: return QStringLiteral("NET::Dock"); case NET::Toolbar: return QStringLiteral("NET::Toolbar"); case NET::Menu: return QStringLiteral("NET::Menu"); case NET::Dialog: return QStringLiteral("NET::Dialog"); case NET::Override: return QStringLiteral("NET::Override"); case NET::TopMenu: return QStringLiteral("NET::TopMenu"); case NET::Utility: return QStringLiteral("NET::Utility"); case NET::Splash: return QStringLiteral("NET::Splash"); case NET::DropdownMenu: return QStringLiteral("NET::DropdownMenu"); case NET::PopupMenu: return QStringLiteral("NET::PopupMenu"); case NET::Tooltip: return QStringLiteral("NET::Tooltip"); case NET::Notification: return QStringLiteral("NET::Notification"); case NET::ComboBox: return QStringLiteral("NET::ComboBox"); case NET::DNDIcon: return QStringLiteral("NET::DNDIcon"); case NET::OnScreenDisplay: return QStringLiteral("NET::OnScreenDisplay"); case NET::CriticalNotification: return QStringLiteral("NET::CriticalNotification"); case NET::AppletPopup: return QStringLiteral("NET::AppletPopup"); case NET::Unknown: default: return QStringLiteral("NET::Unknown"); } } else if (qstrcmp(property.name(), "layer") == 0) { return QMetaEnum::fromType().valueToKey(value.value()); } return value; } return QVariant(); } template QVariant DebugConsoleModel::windowData(const QModelIndex &index, int role, const QVector windows, const std::function &toString) const { if (index.row() >= windows.count()) { return QVariant(); } auto c = windows.at(index.row()); if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { return toString(c); } else if (role == Qt::DecorationRole) { return c->icon(); } return QVariant(); } QVariant DebugConsoleModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid()) { return QVariant(); } if (!index.parent().isValid()) { // one of the top levels if (index.column() != 0 || role != Qt::DisplayRole) { return QVariant(); } switch (index.internalId()) { case s_x11WindowId: return i18n("X11 Windows"); case s_x11UnmanagedId: return i18n("X11 Unmanaged Windows"); case s_waylandWindowId: return i18n("Wayland Windows"); case s_workspaceInternalId: return i18n("Internal Windows"); default: return QVariant(); } } if (index.internalId() & s_propertyBitMask) { if (index.column() >= 2 || role != Qt::DisplayRole) { return QVariant(); } if (Window *w = waylandWindow(index)) { return propertyData(w, index, role); } else if (InternalWindow *w = internalWindow(index)) { return propertyData(w, index, role); } else if (X11Window *w = x11Window(index)) { return propertyData(w, index, role); } else if (X11Window *u = unmanaged(index)) { return propertyData(u, index, role); } } else { if (index.column() != 0) { return QVariant(); } auto generic = [](Window *c) -> QString { return c->caption() + QLatin1Char(' ') + QString::fromUtf8(c->metaObject()->className()); }; switch (index.parent().internalId()) { case s_x11WindowId: return windowData(index, role, m_x11Windows, [](X11Window *c) -> QString { return QStringLiteral("0x%1: %2").arg(c->window(), 0, 16).arg(c->caption()); }); case s_x11UnmanagedId: { if (index.row() >= m_unmanageds.count()) { return QVariant(); } auto u = m_unmanageds.at(index.row()); if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { return QStringLiteral("0x%1").arg(u->window(), 0, 16); } break; } case s_waylandWindowId: return windowData(index, role, m_waylandWindows, generic); case s_workspaceInternalId: return windowData(index, role, m_internalWindows, generic); default: break; } } return QVariant(); } template static T *windowForIndex(const QModelIndex &index, const QVector &windows, int id) { const qint32 row = (index.internalId() & s_windowBitMask) - (s_idDistance * id); if (row < 0 || row >= windows.count()) { return nullptr; } return windows.at(row); } WaylandWindow *DebugConsoleModel::waylandWindow(const QModelIndex &index) const { return windowForIndex(index, m_waylandWindows, s_waylandWindowId); } InternalWindow *DebugConsoleModel::internalWindow(const QModelIndex &index) const { return windowForIndex(index, m_internalWindows, s_workspaceInternalId); } X11Window *DebugConsoleModel::x11Window(const QModelIndex &index) const { return windowForIndex(index, m_x11Windows, s_x11WindowId); } X11Window *DebugConsoleModel::unmanaged(const QModelIndex &index) const { return windowForIndex(index, m_unmanageds, s_x11UnmanagedId); } /////////////////////////////////////// SurfaceTreeModel SurfaceTreeModel::SurfaceTreeModel(QObject *parent) : QAbstractItemModel(parent) { // TODO: it would be nice to not have to reset the model on each change auto reset = [this] { beginResetModel(); endResetModel(); }; auto watchSubsurfaces = [this, reset](Window *c) { if (!c->surface()) { return; } auto monitor = new SubSurfaceMonitor(c->surface(), this); connect(monitor, &SubSurfaceMonitor::subSurfaceAdded, this, reset); connect(monitor, &SubSurfaceMonitor::subSurfaceRemoved, this, reset); connect(c, &QObject::destroyed, monitor, &QObject::deleteLater); }; for (auto c : workspace()->windows()) { watchSubsurfaces(c); } connect(workspace(), &Workspace::windowAdded, this, [reset, watchSubsurfaces](Window *c) { watchSubsurfaces(c); reset(); }); connect(workspace(), &Workspace::windowRemoved, this, reset); } SurfaceTreeModel::~SurfaceTreeModel() = default; int SurfaceTreeModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { return 1; } int SurfaceTreeModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (parent.isValid()) { if (SurfaceInterface *surface = static_cast(parent.internalPointer())) { return surface->below().count() + surface->above().count(); } return 0; } // toplevel are all windows return workspace()->windows().count(); } QModelIndex SurfaceTreeModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (column != 0) { // invalid column return QModelIndex(); } if (parent.isValid()) { if (SurfaceInterface *surface = static_cast(parent.internalPointer())) { int reference = 0; const auto &below = surface->below(); if (row < reference + below.count()) { return createIndex(row, column, below.at(row - reference)->surface()); } reference += below.count(); const auto &above = surface->above(); if (row < reference + above.count()) { return createIndex(row, column, above.at(row - reference)->surface()); } } return QModelIndex(); } // a window const auto &allClients = workspace()->windows(); if (row < allClients.count()) { // references a client return createIndex(row, column, allClients.at(row)->surface()); } // not found return QModelIndex(); } QModelIndex SurfaceTreeModel::parent(const QModelIndex &child) const { if (SurfaceInterface *surface = static_cast(child.internalPointer())) { const auto &subsurface = surface->subSurface(); if (!subsurface) { // doesn't reference a subsurface, this is a top-level window return QModelIndex(); } SurfaceInterface *parent = subsurface->parentSurface(); if (!parent) { // something is wrong return QModelIndex(); } // is the parent a subsurface itself? if (parent->subSurface()) { auto grandParent = parent->subSurface()->parentSurface(); if (!grandParent) { // something is wrong return QModelIndex(); } int row = 0; const auto &below = grandParent->below(); for (int i = 0; i < below.count(); i++) { if (below.at(i) == parent->subSurface()) { return createIndex(row + i, 0, parent); } } row += below.count(); const auto &above = grandParent->above(); for (int i = 0; i < above.count(); i++) { if (above.at(i) == parent->subSurface()) { return createIndex(row + i, 0, parent); } } return QModelIndex(); } // not a subsurface, thus it's a true window const auto &allClients = workspace()->windows(); for (int row = 0; row < allClients.count(); row++) { if (allClients.at(row)->surface() == parent) { return createIndex(row, 0, parent); } } } return QModelIndex(); } QVariant SurfaceTreeModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid()) { return QVariant(); } if (SurfaceInterface *surface = static_cast(index.internalPointer())) { if (role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::ToolTipRole) { return QStringLiteral("%1 (%2) - %3").arg(surface->client()->executablePath()).arg(surface->client()->processId()).arg(surface->id()); } else if (role == Qt::DecorationRole) { if (surface->buffer()) { const GraphicsBufferView view(surface->buffer()); if (const QImage *image = view.image()) { return image->scaled(QSize(64, 64), Qt::KeepAspectRatio); } } return QImage(); } } return QVariant(); } InputDeviceModel::InputDeviceModel(QObject *parent) : QAbstractItemModel(parent) , m_devices(input()->devices()) { for (auto it = m_devices.constBegin(); it != m_devices.constEnd(); ++it) { setupDeviceConnections(*it); } connect(input(), &InputRedirection::deviceAdded, this, [this](InputDevice *d) { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), m_devices.count(), m_devices.count()); m_devices << d; setupDeviceConnections(d); endInsertRows(); }); connect(input(), &InputRedirection::deviceRemoved, this, [this](InputDevice *d) { const int index = m_devices.indexOf(d); if (index == -1) { return; } beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), index, index); m_devices.removeAt(index); endRemoveRows(); }); } InputDeviceModel::~InputDeviceModel() = default; int InputDeviceModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { return 2; } QVariant InputDeviceModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid()) { return QVariant(); } if (!index.parent().isValid() && index.column() == 0) { if (index.row() >= m_devices.count()) { return QVariant(); } if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { return m_devices.at(index.row())->name(); } } if (index.parent().isValid()) { if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { const auto device = m_devices.at(index.parent().row()); const auto property = device->metaObject()->property(index.row()); if (index.column() == 0) { return property.name(); } else if (index.column() == 1) { return device->property(property.name()); } } } return QVariant(); } QModelIndex InputDeviceModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (column >= 2) { return QModelIndex(); } if (parent.isValid()) { if (parent.internalId() & s_propertyBitMask) { return QModelIndex(); } if (row >= m_devices.at(parent.row())->metaObject()->propertyCount()) { return QModelIndex(); } return createIndex(row, column, quint32(row + 1) << 16 | parent.internalId()); } if (row >= m_devices.count()) { return QModelIndex(); } return createIndex(row, column, row + 1); } int InputDeviceModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (!parent.isValid()) { return m_devices.count(); } if (parent.internalId() & s_propertyBitMask) { return 0; } return m_devices.at(parent.row())->metaObject()->propertyCount(); } QModelIndex InputDeviceModel::parent(const QModelIndex &child) const { if (child.internalId() & s_propertyBitMask) { const quintptr parentId = child.internalId() & s_windowBitMask; return createIndex(parentId - 1, 0, parentId); } return QModelIndex(); } void InputDeviceModel::slotPropertyChanged() { const auto device = static_cast(sender()); for (int i = 0; i < device->metaObject()->propertyCount(); ++i) { const QMetaProperty metaProperty = device->metaObject()->property(i); if (metaProperty.notifySignalIndex() == senderSignalIndex()) { const QModelIndex parent = index(m_devices.indexOf(device), 0, QModelIndex()); const QModelIndex child = index(i, 1, parent); Q_EMIT dataChanged(child, child, QVector{Qt::DisplayRole}); } } } void InputDeviceModel::setupDeviceConnections(InputDevice *device) { QMetaMethod handler = metaObject()->method(metaObject()->indexOfMethod("slotPropertyChanged()")); for (int i = 0; i < device->metaObject()->propertyCount(); ++i) { const QMetaProperty metaProperty = device->metaObject()->property(i); if (metaProperty.hasNotifySignal()) { connect(device, metaProperty.notifySignal(), this, handler); } } } QModelIndex DataSourceModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (!m_source || parent.isValid() || column >= 2 || row >= m_source->mimeTypes().size()) { return QModelIndex(); } return createIndex(row, column, nullptr); } QModelIndex DataSourceModel::parent(const QModelIndex &child) const { return QModelIndex(); } int DataSourceModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (!parent.isValid()) { return m_source ? m_source->mimeTypes().count() : 0; } return 0; } QVariant DataSourceModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if (role != Qt::DisplayRole || orientation != Qt::Horizontal || section >= 2) { return QVariant(); } return section == 0 ? QStringLiteral("Mime type") : QStringLiteral("Content"); } QVariant DataSourceModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!checkIndex(index, CheckIndexOption::ParentIsInvalid | CheckIndexOption::IndexIsValid)) { return QVariant(); } const QString mimeType = m_source->mimeTypes().at(index.row()); ; if (index.column() == 0 && role == Qt::DisplayRole) { return mimeType; } else if (index.column() == 1 && index.row() < m_data.count()) { const QByteArray &data = m_data.at(index.row()); if (mimeType.contains(QLatin1String("image"))) { if (role == Qt::DecorationRole) { return QImage::fromData(data); } } else if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { return data; } } return QVariant(); } static QByteArray readData(int fd) { pollfd pfd; pfd.fd = fd; pfd.events = POLLIN; FileDescriptor closeFd{fd}; QByteArray data; while (true) { const int ready = poll(&pfd, 1, 1000); if (ready < 0) { if (errno != EINTR) { return QByteArrayLiteral("poll() failed: ") + strerror(errno); } } else if (ready == 0) { return QByteArrayLiteral("timeout reading from pipe"); } else { char buf[4096]; int n = read(fd, buf, sizeof buf); if (n < 0) { return QByteArrayLiteral("read failed: ") + strerror(errno); } else if (n == 0) { return data; } else if (n > 0) { data.append(buf, n); } } } } void DataSourceModel::setSource(AbstractDataSource *source) { beginResetModel(); m_source = source; m_data.clear(); if (source) { m_data.resize(m_source->mimeTypes().size()); for (auto type = m_source->mimeTypes().cbegin(); type != m_source->mimeTypes().cend(); ++type) { int pipeFds[2]; if (pipe2(pipeFds, O_CLOEXEC) != 0) { continue; } source->requestData(*type, pipeFds[1]); QFuture data = QtConcurrent::run(readData, pipeFds[0]); auto watcher = new QFutureWatcher(this); watcher->setFuture(data); const int index = type - m_source->mimeTypes().cbegin(); connect(watcher, &QFutureWatcher::finished, this, [this, watcher, index, source = QPointer(source)] { watcher->deleteLater(); if (source && source == m_source) { m_data[index] = watcher->result(); Q_EMIT dataChanged(this->index(index, 1), this->index(index, 1), {Qt::DecorationRole | Qt::DisplayRole}); } }); } } endResetModel(); } } #include "moc_debug_console.cpp"