 KWin - the KDE window manager
 This file is part of the KDE project.

Copyright (C) 2013 Martin Gräßlin <mgraesslin@kde.org>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef KWIN_INPUT_H
#define KWIN_INPUT_H
#include <kwinglobals.h>
#include <QAction>
#include <QHash>
#include <QObject>
#include <QPoint>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QEvent>
#include <QWeakPointer>
#include <config-kwin.h>

class KGlobalAccelInterface;
class QKeySequence;

struct xkb_context;
struct xkb_keymap;
struct xkb_state;
typedef uint32_t xkb_mod_index_t;
typedef uint32_t xkb_keysym_t;

namespace KWin
class GlobalShortcutsManager;
class Toplevel;
class Xkb;

namespace Decoration
class DecoratedClientImpl;

namespace LibInput
    class Connection;

 * @brief This class is responsible for redirecting incoming input to the surface which currently
 * has input or send enter/leave events.
 * In addition input is intercepted before passed to the surfaces to have KWin internal areas
 * getting input first (e.g. screen edges) and filter the input event out if we currently have
 * a full input grab.
class KWIN_EXPORT InputRedirection : public QObject
    enum PointerButtonState {
    enum PointerAxis {
    enum KeyboardKeyState {
    virtual ~InputRedirection();
    void init();

     * @return const QPointF& The current global pointer position
    const QPointF &globalPointer() const;
     * @brief The last known state of the @p button. If @p button is still unknown the state is
     * @c PointerButtonReleased.
     * @param button The button for which the last known state should be queried.
     * @return KWin::InputRedirection::PointerButtonState
    PointerButtonState pointerButtonState(uint32_t button) const;
    Qt::MouseButtons qtButtonStates() const;
    Qt::KeyboardModifiers keyboardModifiers() const;

    void registerShortcut(const QKeySequence &shortcut, QAction *action);
     * @overload
     * Like registerShortcut, but also connects QAction::triggered to the @p slot on @p receiver.
     * It's recommended to use this method as it ensures that the X11 timestamp is updated prior
     * to the @p slot being invoked. If not using this overload it's required to ensure that
     * registerShortcut is called before connecting to QAction's triggered signal.
    template <typename T>
    void registerShortcut(const QKeySequence &shortcut, QAction *action, T *receiver, void (T::*slot)());
    void registerPointerShortcut(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton pointerButtons, QAction *action);
    void registerAxisShortcut(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, PointerAxisDirection axis, QAction *action);
    void registerGlobalAccel(KGlobalAccelInterface *interface);

     * @internal
    void processPointerMotion(const QPointF &pos, uint32_t time);
     * @internal
    void processPointerButton(uint32_t button, PointerButtonState state, uint32_t time);
     * @internal
    void processPointerAxis(PointerAxis axis, qreal delta, uint32_t time);
     * @internal
    void processKeyboardKey(uint32_t key, KeyboardKeyState state, uint32_t time);
     * @internal
    void processKeyboardModifiers(uint32_t modsDepressed, uint32_t modsLatched, uint32_t modsLocked, uint32_t group);
     * @internal
    void processKeymapChange(int fd, uint32_t size);
    void processTouchDown(qint32 id, const QPointF &pos, quint32 time);
    void processTouchUp(qint32 id, quint32 time);
    void processTouchMotion(qint32 id, const QPointF &pos, quint32 time);
    void cancelTouch();
    void touchFrame();

    bool supportsPointerWarping() const;
    void warpPointer(const QPointF &pos);

    static uint8_t toXPointerButton(uint32_t button);
    static uint8_t toXPointerButton(PointerAxis axis, qreal delta);

public Q_SLOTS:
    void updatePointerWindow();

     * @brief Emitted when the global pointer position changed
     * @param pos The new global pointer position.
    void globalPointerChanged(const QPointF &pos);
     * @brief Emitted when the state of a pointer button changed.
     * @param button The button which changed
     * @param state The new button state
    void pointerButtonStateChanged(uint32_t button, InputRedirection::PointerButtonState state);
     * @brief Emitted when a pointer axis changed
     * @param axis The axis on which the even occurred
     * @param delta The delta of the event.
    void pointerAxisChanged(InputRedirection::PointerAxis axis, qreal delta);
     * @brief Emitted when the modifiers changes.
     * Only emitted for the mask which is provided by Qt::KeyboardModifiers, if other modifiers
     * change signal is not emitted
     * @param newMods The new modifiers state
     * @param oldMods The previous modifiers state
    void keyboardModifiersChanged(Qt::KeyboardModifiers newMods, Qt::KeyboardModifiers oldMods);
     * @brief Emitted when the state of a key changed.
     * @param keyCode The keycode of the key which changed
     * @param oldMods The new key state
    void keyStateChanged(quint32 keyCode, InputRedirection::KeyboardKeyState state);

    static QEvent::Type buttonStateToEvent(PointerButtonState state);
    static Qt::MouseButton buttonToQtMouseButton(uint32_t button);
    Toplevel *findToplevel(const QPoint &pos);
    void setupLibInput();
    void setupLibInputWithScreens();
    void updatePointerPosition(const QPointF &pos);
    void updatePointerAfterScreenChange();
    void registerShortcutForGlobalAccelTimestamp(QAction *action);
    void updateFocusedPointerPosition();
    void updateFocusedTouchPosition();
    void updateTouchWindow(const QPointF &pos);
    void updatePointerDecoration(Toplevel *t);
    void updatePointerInternalWindow();
    void pointerInternalWindowVisibilityChanged(bool visible);
    void installCursorFromDecoration();
    bool areButtonsPressed() const;
    void updateKeyboardWindow();
    void setupWorkspace();
    void reconfigure();
    QPointF m_globalPointer;
    QHash<uint32_t, PointerButtonState> m_pointerButtons;
    QScopedPointer<Xkb> m_xkb;
     * @brief The Toplevel which currently receives pointer events
    QWeakPointer<Toplevel> m_pointerWindow;
     * @brief The Decoration which currently receives pointer events.
     * Decoration belongs to the pointerWindow
    QPointer<Decoration::DecoratedClientImpl> m_pointerDecoration;
    QPointer<QWindow> m_pointerInternalWindow;
     * @brief The Toplevel which currently receives touch events
    QWeakPointer<Toplevel> m_touchWindow;
     * external/kwayland
    QHash<qint32, qint32> m_touchIdMapper;

    GlobalShortcutsManager *m_shortcuts;

    LibInput::Connection *m_libInput = nullptr;

    bool m_pointerWarping = false;

    friend InputRedirection *input();

class Xkb
    Xkb(InputRedirection *input);
    void installKeymap(int fd, uint32_t size);
    void updateModifiers(uint32_t modsDepressed, uint32_t modsLatched, uint32_t modsLocked, uint32_t group);
    void updateKey(uint32_t key, InputRedirection::KeyboardKeyState state);
    xkb_keysym_t toKeysym(uint32_t key);
    QString toString(xkb_keysym_t keysym);
    Qt::Key toQtKey(xkb_keysym_t keysym);
    Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers() const;

    quint32 getMods(quint32 components);
    quint32 getGroup();
    void updateKeymap(xkb_keymap *keymap);
    void createKeymapFile();
    void updateModifiers();
    InputRedirection *m_input;
    xkb_context *m_context;
    xkb_keymap *m_keymap;
    xkb_state *m_state;
    xkb_mod_index_t m_shiftModifier;
    xkb_mod_index_t m_controlModifier;
    xkb_mod_index_t m_altModifier;
    xkb_mod_index_t m_metaModifier;
    Qt::KeyboardModifiers m_modifiers;
    struct {
        uint pressCount = 0;
        Qt::KeyboardModifier modifier = Qt::NoModifier;
    } m_modOnlyShortcut;

InputRedirection *input()
    return InputRedirection::s_self;

const QPointF &InputRedirection::globalPointer() const
    return m_globalPointer;

InputRedirection::PointerButtonState InputRedirection::pointerButtonState(uint32_t button) const
    auto it = m_pointerButtons.constFind(button);
    if (it != m_pointerButtons.constEnd()) {
        return it.value();
    } else {
        return KWin::InputRedirection::PointerButtonReleased;

template <typename T>
void InputRedirection::registerShortcut(const QKeySequence &shortcut, QAction *action, T *receiver, void (T::*slot)()) {
    registerShortcut(shortcut, action);
    connect(action, &QAction::triggered, receiver, slot);

Qt::KeyboardModifiers Xkb::modifiers() const
    return m_modifiers;

} // namespace KWin


#endif // KWIN_INPUT_H