[Desktop Entry] # Name of the effect Name=Snow Name[af]=Sneeu Name[ar]=الثلج Name[be@latin]=Śnieh Name[bg]=Сняг Name[bn_IN]=Snow (তুষার) Name[ca]=Neu Name[cs]=Sníh Name[csb]=Sniég Name[da]=Sne Name[de]=Schnee Name[el]=Χιόνι Name[eo]=Neĝo Name[es]=Nieve Name[et]=Lumi Name[eu]=Elurra Name[fi]=Lumisade Name[fr]=Neige Name[fy]=Snie Name[ga]=Sneachta Name[gl]=Neve Name[gu]=બરફ Name[he]=שלג Name[hi]=बर्फीला Name[hr]=Snijeg Name[hu]=Hóesés Name[is]=Snjór Name[it]=Neve Name[ja]=雪 Name[kk]=Қар Name[km]=ធ្លាក់​ព្រឹល Name[kn]=ಮಂಜು Name[ko]=눈 Name[ku]=Berf Name[lt]=Sniegas Name[lv]=Sniegs Name[mk]=Снег Name[ml]=മഞ്ഞു വീഴ്ച Name[mr]=हिमवृष्टी Name[nb]=Snø Name[nds]=Snee Name[nl]=Sneeuw Name[nn]=Snø Name[oc]=Nèu Name[pa]=ਬਰਫ਼ Name[pl]=Śnieg Name[pt]=Neve Name[pt_BR]=Neve Name[ro]=Zăpadă Name[ru]=Снег Name[sl]=Sneg Name[sr]=Снег Name[sr@latin]=Sneg Name[sv]=Snö Name[ta]=பணி Name[te]=మంచు Name[tg]=Барф Name[th]=หิมะโปรยปราย Name[tr]=Kar Name[uk]=Сніг Name[uz]=Qor Name[uz@cyrillic]=Қор Name[wa]=Nive Name[x-test]=xxSnowxx Name[zh_CN]=雪飘 Name[zh_TW]=下雪 Comment=Simulate snow falling over the desktop Comment[ar]=تحاكي سقوط الثلج على سطح المكتب Comment[be@latin]=Uklučaje śniehapad na rabočym stale. Comment[bg]=Сняг върху работния плот Comment[bn_IN]=ডেস্কটপে তুষারপাত প্রদর্শন করা হবে Comment[ca]=Simula que cau neu sobre l'escriptori Comment[cs]=Simuluje sněžení na ploše Comment[csb]=Symùlëjë padający sniég na pùlce Comment[da]=Simulér snefald over desktoppen Comment[de]=Lässt Schnee auf Ihre Arbeitsfläche fallen. Comment[el]=Εξομοίωση χιονιού στην επιφάνεια εργασίας Comment[es]=Simula una nevada en el escritorio Comment[et]=Lumesadu töölaual Comment[eu]=Egin mahaigainean elurra ari balu bezala Comment[fr]=Simule de la neige qui tombe sur votre bureau Comment[gl]=Simula unha nevarada no escritorio Comment[gu]=ડેસ્કટોપ પર બરફ પડતો બતાવે છે Comment[he]=מדמה ירידת שלג על שולחן העבודה Comment[hi]=डेस्कटॉप के ऊपर बर्फबारी सिमुलेट करें Comment[is]=Líkja eftir snjókomu á skjáborð Comment[it]=Simula la caduta della neve sul desktop Comment[ja]=デスクトップに雪を降らせます Comment[kk]=Үстелде қар жабуын көрсету Comment[km]=អនុញ្ញាត​ឲ្យ​វា​ធ្លាក់​ព្រឹល​នៅលើ​ផ្ទៃតុ Comment[kn]=ಗಣಕತೆರೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಮಂಜು ಬೀಳುತ್ತಿರುವಂತೆ ತೋರುವ ಹಾಗೆ ಮಾಡು Comment[ko]=데스크톱에 눈이 오도록 합니다 Comment[lv]=Imitē sniegu uz darbvirsmas Comment[ml]=പണിയിടത്തില്‍ മഞ്ഞുപെയ്യട്ടെ. Comment[nb]=Simuler snøfall over skrivebordet Comment[nds]=Op'n Schriefdisch dat Fallen vun Snee simuleren Comment[nl]=Laat het op uw bureaublad sneeuwen Comment[pa]=ਡੈਸਕਟਾਪ ਉੱਤੇ ਬਰਫ਼ ਪੈਣ ਦਿਓ Comment[pt]=Simular a queda de neve no ecrã Comment[pt_BR]=Simular a queda de neve no ecrã Comment[ro]=Simulează zăpada căzînd pe birou Comment[sl]=Simulira sneženje na zaslonu Comment[sv]=Simulera snö som faller över skrivbordet Comment[ta]=திரைமேசை மீது பணி விழுவது போல் பாசாங்கு செய் Comment[th]=จำลองการตกหิมะมาสู่พื้นที่ทำงานของคุณ Comment[tr]=Masaüstünde kar yağdır Comment[uk]=Імітація завірюх на стільниці Comment[x-test]=xxSimulate snow falling over the desktopxx Comment[zh_CN]=在桌面上模拟雪飘效果 Comment[zh_TW]=模擬在桌面上下雪 Icon=preferences-system-windows-effect-snow # This is KWin effect Type=Service X-KDE-ServiceTypes=KWin/Effect # Author and email of the author X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author=Martin Gräßlin X-KDE-PluginInfo-Email=ubuntu@martin-graesslin.com # Internal name of the effect X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name=kwin4_effect_snow # Category of the effect, for config dialog X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category=Candy # Version and license X-KDE-PluginInfo-Version=0.1.2 X-KDE-PluginInfo-License=GPL # If the effect depends on any other effect(s) to be active, then internal # names of those effects can be given here X-KDE-PluginInfo-Depends= # Whether this effect should be enabled by default X-KDE-PluginInfo-EnabledByDefault=false # The plugin (library) which contains the effect. One library may contain more effects. X-KDE-Library=kwin4_effect_builtins # The order in which this effect is loaded. Lower numbers are loaded first. X-KDE-Ordering=90