/* KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 Lubos Lunak SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "deleted.h" #include "group.h" #include "netinfo.h" #include "shadow.h" #include "virtualdesktops.h" #include "workspace.h" #include namespace KWin { Deleted::Deleted() : AbstractClient() , delete_refcount(1) , m_frame(XCB_WINDOW_NONE) , m_layer(UnknownLayer) , m_shade(false) , m_minimized(false) , m_modal(false) , m_wasClient(false) , m_fullscreen(false) , m_keepAbove(false) , m_keepBelow(false) , m_wasPopupWindow(false) , m_wasOutline(false) , m_wasLockScreen(false) { } Deleted::~Deleted() { if (delete_refcount != 0) { qCCritical(KWIN_CORE) << "Deleted client has non-zero reference count (" << delete_refcount << ")"; } Q_ASSERT(delete_refcount == 0); if (workspace()) { workspace()->removeDeleted(this); } deleteEffectWindow(); deleteShadow(); } Deleted *Deleted::create(Toplevel *c) { Deleted *d = new Deleted(); d->copyToDeleted(c); workspace()->addDeleted(d, c); return d; } // to be used only from Workspace::finishCompositing() void Deleted::discard() { delete_refcount = 0; delete this; } void Deleted::copyToDeleted(Toplevel *c) { Q_ASSERT(dynamic_cast(c) == nullptr); Toplevel::copyToDeleted(c); m_frameMargins = c->frameMargins(); desk = c->desktop(); m_desktops = c->desktops(); activityList = c->activities(); contentsRect = QRect(c->clientPos(), c->clientSize()); m_layer = c->layer(); m_frame = c->frameId(); m_type = c->windowType(); m_windowRole = c->windowRole(); m_shade = c->isShade(); if (WinInfo *cinfo = dynamic_cast(info)) { cinfo->disable(); } if (AbstractClient *client = dynamic_cast(c)) { if (client->isDecorated()) { client->layoutDecorationRects(decoration_left, decoration_top, decoration_right, decoration_bottom); } m_wasClient = true; m_minimized = client->isMinimized(); m_modal = client->isModal(); m_mainClients = client->mainClients(); for (AbstractClient *c : qAsConst(m_mainClients)) { connect(c, &AbstractClient::windowClosed, this, &Deleted::mainClientClosed); } m_fullscreen = client->isFullScreen(); m_keepAbove = client->keepAbove(); m_keepBelow = client->keepBelow(); m_caption = client->caption(); } for (auto vd : qAsConst(m_desktops)) { connect(vd, &QObject::destroyed, this, [=] { m_desktops.removeOne(vd); }); } m_wasPopupWindow = c->isPopupWindow(); m_wasOutline = c->isOutline(); m_wasLockScreen = c->isLockScreen(); } void Deleted::unrefWindow() { if (--delete_refcount > 0) { return; } // needs to be delayed // a) when calling from effects, otherwise it'd be rather complicated to handle the case of the // window going away during a painting pass // b) to prevent dangeling pointers in the stacking order, see bug #317765 deleteLater(); } QMargins Deleted::frameMargins() const { return m_frameMargins; } int Deleted::desktop() const { return desk; } QStringList Deleted::activities() const { return activityList; } QVector Deleted::desktops() const { return m_desktops; } QPoint Deleted::clientPos() const { return contentsRect.topLeft(); } void Deleted::layoutDecorationRects(QRect &left, QRect &top, QRect &right, QRect &bottom) const { left = decoration_left; top = decoration_top; right = decoration_right; bottom = decoration_bottom; } bool Deleted::isDeleted() const { return true; } NET::WindowType Deleted::windowType(bool direct, int supportedTypes) const { Q_UNUSED(direct) Q_UNUSED(supportedTypes) return m_type; } void Deleted::mainClientClosed(Toplevel *client) { if (AbstractClient *c = dynamic_cast(client)) { m_mainClients.removeAll(c); } } xcb_window_t Deleted::frameId() const { return m_frame; } QByteArray Deleted::windowRole() const { return m_windowRole; } QVector Deleted::x11DesktopIds() const { const auto desks = desktops(); QVector x11Ids; x11Ids.reserve(desks.count()); std::transform(desks.constBegin(), desks.constEnd(), std::back_inserter(x11Ids), [](const VirtualDesktop *vd) { return vd->x11DesktopNumber(); }); return x11Ids; } } // namespace