 KWin - the KDE window manager
 This file is part of the KDE project.

Copyright (C) 2012 Martin Gräßlin <mgraesslin@kde.org>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// KWin
#include <kwinglobals.h>
#include <kwin_export.h>
// Qt includes
#include <QObject>
#include <QPoint>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QSize>

// KDE includes
#include <KConfig>
#include <KSharedConfig>

class KLocalizedString;
class NETRootInfo;
class QAction;

namespace KWayland
namespace Server
class PlasmaVirtualDesktopManagementInterface;

namespace KWin {

class KWIN_EXPORT VirtualDesktop : public QObject
    Q_PROPERTY(uint x11DesktopNumber READ x11DesktopNumber NOTIFY x11DesktopNumberChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name WRITE setName NOTIFY nameChanged)
    explicit VirtualDesktop(QObject *parent = nullptr);
    virtual ~VirtualDesktop();

    void setId(const QByteArray &id);
    QByteArray id() const {
        return m_id;

    void setName(const QString &name);
    QString name() const {
        return m_name;

    void setX11DesktopNumber(uint number);
    uint x11DesktopNumber() const {
        return m_x11DesktopNumber;

    void nameChanged();
    void x11DesktopNumberChanged();
     * Emitted just before the desktop gets destroyed.
    void aboutToBeDestroyed();

    QByteArray m_id;
    QString m_name;
    int m_x11DesktopNumber = 0;


 * @brief Two dimensional grid containing the ID of the virtual desktop at a specific position
 * in the grid.
 * The VirtualDesktopGrid represents a visual layout of the Virtual Desktops as they are in e.g.
 * a Pager. This grid is used for getting a desktop next to a given desktop in any direction by
 * making use of the layout information. This allows navigation like move to desktop on left.
class VirtualDesktopGrid
    void update(const QSize &size, Qt::Orientation orientation, const QVector<VirtualDesktop*> &desktops);
     * @returns The coords of desktop @a id in grid units.
    QPoint gridCoords(uint id) const;
     * @returns The coords of desktop @a vd in grid units.
    QPoint gridCoords(VirtualDesktop *vd) const;
     * @returns The desktop at the point @a coords or 0 if no desktop exists at that
     * point. @a coords is to be in grid units.
    VirtualDesktop *at(const QPoint &coords) const;
    int width() const;
    int height() const;
    const QSize &size() const;
    QSize m_size;
    QVector<QVector<VirtualDesktop*>> m_grid;

 * @brief Manages the number of available virtual desktops, the layout of those and which virtual
 * desktop is the current one.
 * This manager is responsible for Virtual Desktop handling inside KWin. It has a property for the
 * count of available virtual desktops and a property for the currently active virtual desktop. All
 * changes to the number of virtual desktops and the current virtual desktop need to go through this
 * manager.
 * On all changes a signal is emitted and interested parties should connect to the signal. The manager
 * itself does not interact with other parts of the system. E.g. it does not hide/show windows of
 * desktop changes. This is outside the scope of this manager.
 * Internally the manager organizes the virtual desktops in a grid allowing to navigate over the
 * virtual desktops. For this a set of convenient methods are available which allow to get the id
 * of an adjacent desktop or to switch to an adjacent desktop. Interested parties should make use of
 * these methods and not replicate the logic to switch to the next desktop.
class KWIN_EXPORT VirtualDesktopManager : public QObject
     * The number of virtual desktops currently available.
     * The ids of the virtual desktops are in the range [1, VirtualDesktopManager::maximum()].
    Q_PROPERTY(uint count READ count WRITE setCount NOTIFY countChanged)
     * The id of the virtual desktop which is currently in use.
    Q_PROPERTY(uint current READ current WRITE setCurrent NOTIFY currentChanged)
     * Whether navigation in the desktop layout wraps around at the borders.
    Q_PROPERTY(bool navigationWrappingAround READ isNavigationWrappingAround WRITE setNavigationWrappingAround NOTIFY navigationWrappingAroundChanged)
    virtual ~VirtualDesktopManager();
     * @internal, for X11 case
    void setRootInfo(NETRootInfo *info);
     * @internal, for Wayland case
    void setVirtualDesktopManagement(KWayland::Server::PlasmaVirtualDesktopManagementInterface *management);
     * @internal
    void setConfig(KSharedConfig::Ptr config);
     * @returns Total number of desktops currently in existence.
     * @see setCount
     * @see countChanged
    uint count() const;
     * @returns the number of rows the layout has.
     * @see setRows
     * @see rowsChanged
    uint rows() const;
     * @returns The ID of the current desktop.
     * @see setCurrent
     * @see currentChanged
    uint current() const;
     * @returns The current desktop
     * @see setCurrent
     * @see currentChanged
    VirtualDesktop *currentDesktop() const;
     * Moves to the desktop through the algorithm described by Direction.
     * @param wrap If @c true wraps around to the other side of the layout
     * @see setCurrent
    template <typename Direction>
    void moveTo(bool wrap = false);

     * @returns The name of the @p desktop
    QString name(uint desktop) const;

     * @returns @c true if navigation at borders of layout wraps around, @c false otherwise
     * @see setNavigationWrappingAround
     * @see navigationWrappingAroundChanged
    bool isNavigationWrappingAround() const;

     * @returns The layout aware virtual desktop grid used by this manager.
    const VirtualDesktopGrid &grid() const;

     * @returns The ID of the desktop above desktop @a id. Wraps around to the bottom of
     * the layout if @a wrap is set. If @a id is not set use the current one.
    uint above(uint id = 0, bool wrap = true) const;
     * @returns The desktop above desktop @a desktop. Wraps around to the bottom of
     * the layout if @a wrap is set. If @a desktop is @c null use the current one.
    VirtualDesktop *above(VirtualDesktop *desktop, bool wrap = true) const;
     * @returns The ID of the desktop to the right of desktop @a id. Wraps around to the
     * left of the layout if @a wrap is set. If @a id is not set use the current one.
    uint toRight(uint id = 0, bool wrap = true) const;
     * @returns The desktop to the right of desktop @a desktop. Wraps around to the
     * left of the layout if @a wrap is set. If @a desktop is @c null use the current one.
    VirtualDesktop *toRight(VirtualDesktop *desktop, bool wrap = true) const;
     * @returns The ID of the desktop below desktop @a id. Wraps around to the top of the
     * layout if @a wrap is set. If @a id is not set use the current one.
    uint below(uint id = 0, bool wrap = true) const;
     * @returns The desktop below desktop @a desktop. Wraps around to the top of the
     * layout if @a wrap is set. If @a desktop is @c null use the current one.
    VirtualDesktop *below(VirtualDesktop *desktop, bool wrap = true) const;
     * @returns The ID of the desktop to the left of desktop @a id. Wraps around to the
     * right of the layout if @a wrap is set. If @a id is not set use the current one.
    uint toLeft(uint id = 0, bool wrap = true) const;
     * @returns The desktop to the left of desktop @a desktop. Wraps around to the
     * right of the layout if @a wrap is set. If @a desktop is @c null use the current one.
    VirtualDesktop *toLeft(VirtualDesktop *desktop, bool wrap = true) const;
     * @returns The desktop after the desktop @a desktop. Wraps around to the first
     * desktop if @a wrap is set. If @a desktop is @c null use the current desktop.
    VirtualDesktop *next(VirtualDesktop *desktop = nullptr, bool wrap = true) const;
     * @returns The desktop in front of the desktop @a desktop. Wraps around to the
     * last desktop if @a wrap is set. If @a desktop is @c null use the current desktop.
    VirtualDesktop *previous(VirtualDesktop *desktop = nullptr, bool wrap = true) const;

    void initShortcuts();

     * @returns all currently managed VirtualDesktops
    QVector<VirtualDesktop*> desktops() const {
        return m_desktops;

     * @returns The VirtualDesktop for the x11 @p id, if no such VirtualDesktop @c null is returned
    VirtualDesktop *desktopForX11Id(uint id) const;

     * @returns The VirtualDesktop for the internal desktop string @p id, if no such VirtualDesktop @c null is returned
    VirtualDesktop *desktopForId(const QByteArray &id) const;

     * Create a new virtual desktop at the requested position.
     * The difference with setCount is that setCount always adds new desktops at the end of the chain. The Id is automatically generated.
     * @param position The position of the desktop. It should be in range [0, count].
     * @param name The name for the new desktop, if empty the default name will be used.
     * @returns the new VirtualDesktop, nullptr if we reached the maximum number of desktops
     VirtualDesktop *createVirtualDesktop(uint position, const QString &name = QString());

     * Remove the virtual desktop identified by id, if it exists
     * difference with setCount is that is possible to remove an arbitrary desktop,
     * not only the last one.
     * @param id the string id of the desktop to remove
    void removeVirtualDesktop(const QByteArray &id);

     * Updates the net root info for new number of desktops
    void updateRootInfo();

     * @returns The maximum number of desktops that KWin supports.
    static uint maximum();

public Q_SLOTS:
     * Set the number of available desktops to @a count. This function overrides any previous
     * grid layout.
     * There needs to be at least one virtual desktop and the new value is capped at the maximum
     * number of desktops. A caller of this function cannot expect that the change has been applied.
     * It is the callers responsibility to either check the numberOfDesktops or connect to the
     * countChanged signal.
     * In case the @ref current desktop is on a desktop higher than the new count, the current desktop
     * is changed to be the new desktop with highest id. In that situation the signal desktopRemoved
     * is emitted.
     * @param count The new number of desktops to use
     * @see count
     * @see maximum
     * @see countChanged
     * @see desktopCreated
     * @see desktopRemoved
    void setCount(uint count);
     * Set the current desktop to @a current.
     * @returns True on success, false otherwise.
     * @see current
     * @see currentChanged
     * @see moveTo
    bool setCurrent(uint current);
     * Set the current desktop to @a current.
     * @returns True on success, false otherwise.
     * @see current
     * @see currentChanged
     * @see moveTo
    bool setCurrent(VirtualDesktop *current);
     * Updates the layout to a new number of rows. The number of columns will be calculated accordingly
    void setRows(uint rows);
     * Called from within setCount() to ensure the desktop layout is still valid.
    void updateLayout();
     * @param enabled wrapping around borders for navigation in desktop layout
     * @see isNavigationWrappingAround
     * @see navigationWrappingAroundChanged
    void setNavigationWrappingAround(bool enabled);
     * Loads number of desktops and names from configuration file
    void load();
     * Saves number of desktops and names to configuration file
    void save();

     * Signal emitted whenever the number of virtual desktops changes.
     * @param previousCount The number of desktops prior to the change
     * @param newCount The new current number of desktops
    void countChanged(uint previousCount, uint newCount);

     * Signal when the number of rows in the layout changes
     * @param rows number of rows
    void rowsChanged(uint rows);

     * A new desktop has been created
     * @param desktop the new just crated desktop
    void desktopCreated(KWin::VirtualDesktop *desktop);

     * A desktop has been removed and is about to be deleted
     * @param desktop the desktop that has been removed.
     *          It's guaranteed to stil la valid pointer when the signal arrives,
     *          but it's about to be deleted.
    void desktopRemoved(KWin::VirtualDesktop *desktop);

     * Signal emitted whenever the current desktop changes.
     * @param previousDesktop The virtual desktop changed from
     * @param newDesktop The virtual desktop changed to
    void currentChanged(uint previousDesktop, uint newDesktop);
     * Signal emitted whenever the desktop layout changes.
     * @param columns The new number of columns in the layout
     * @param rows The new number of rows in the layout
    void layoutChanged(int columns, int rows);
     * Signal emitted whenever the navigationWrappingAround property changes.
    void navigationWrappingAroundChanged();

private Q_SLOTS:
     * Common slot for all "Switch to Desktop n" shortcuts.
     * This method uses the sender() method to access some data.
    void slotSwitchTo();
     * Slot for switch to next desktop action.
    void slotNext();
     * Slot for switch to previous desktop action.
    void slotPrevious();
     * Slot for switch to right desktop action.
    void slotRight();
     * Slot for switch to left desktop action.
    void slotLeft();
     * Slot for switch to desktop above action.
    void slotUp();
     * Slot for switch to desktop below action.
    void slotDown();

     * Generate a desktop layout from EWMH _NET_DESKTOP_LAYOUT property parameters.
    void setNETDesktopLayout(Qt::Orientation orientation, uint width, uint height, int startingCorner);
     * @returns A default name for the given @p desktop
    QString defaultName(int desktop) const;
     * Creates all the global keyboard shortcuts for "Switch To Desktop n" actions.
    void initSwitchToShortcuts();
     * Creates an action and connects it to the @p slot in this Manager. This method is
     * meant to be used for the case that an additional information needs to be stored in
     * the action and the label.
     * @param name The name of the action to be created
     * @param label The localized name for the action to be created
     * @param value An additional value added to the label and to the created action
     * @param key The global shortcut for the action
     * @param slot The slot to invoke when the action is triggered
    QAction *addAction(const QString &name, const KLocalizedString &label, uint value, const QKeySequence &key, void (VirtualDesktopManager::*slot)());
     * Creates an action and connects it to the @p slot in this Manager.
     * Overloaded method for the case that no additional value needs to be passed to the action and
     * no global shortcut is defined by default.
     * @param name The name of the action to be created
     * @param label The localized name for the action to be created
     * @param slot The slot to invoke when the action is triggered
    QAction *addAction(const QString &name, const QString &label, void (VirtualDesktopManager::*slot)());

    QVector<VirtualDesktop*> m_desktops;
    QPointer<VirtualDesktop> m_current;
    quint32 m_rows = 2;
    bool m_navigationWrapsAround;
    VirtualDesktopGrid m_grid;
    // TODO: QPointer
    NETRootInfo *m_rootInfo;
    KWayland::Server::PlasmaVirtualDesktopManagementInterface *m_virtualDesktopManagement = nullptr;
    KSharedConfig::Ptr m_config;

    KWIN_SINGLETON_VARIABLE(VirtualDesktopManager, s_manager)

 * Function object to select the desktop above in the layout.
 * Note: does not switch to the desktop!
class DesktopAbove
    DesktopAbove() {}
     * @param desktop The desktop from which the desktop above should be selected. If @c 0 the current desktop is used
     * @param wrap Whether to wrap around if already topmost desktop
     * @returns Id of the desktop above @p desktop
    uint operator() (uint desktop, bool wrap) {
        return (*this)(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->desktopForX11Id(desktop), wrap)->x11DesktopNumber();
     * @param desktop The desktop from which the desktop above should be selected. If @c 0 the current desktop is used
     * @param wrap Whether to wrap around if already topmost desktop
     * @returns the desktop above @p desktop
    VirtualDesktop *operator() (VirtualDesktop *desktop, bool wrap) {
        return VirtualDesktopManager::self()->above(desktop, wrap);

 * Function object to select the desktop below in the layout.
 * Note: does not switch to the desktop!
class DesktopBelow
    DesktopBelow() {}
     * @param desktop The desktop from which the desktop below should be selected. If @c 0 the current desktop is used
     * @param wrap Whether to wrap around if already lowest desktop
     * @returns Id of the desktop below @p desktop
    uint operator() (uint desktop, bool wrap) {
        return (*this)(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->desktopForX11Id(desktop), wrap)->x11DesktopNumber();
     * @param desktop The desktop from which the desktop below should be selected. If @c 0 the current desktop is used
     * @param wrap Whether to wrap around if already lowest desktop
     * @returns the desktop below @p desktop
    VirtualDesktop *operator() (VirtualDesktop *desktop, bool wrap) {
        return VirtualDesktopManager::self()->below(desktop, wrap);

 * Function object to select the desktop to the left in the layout.
 * Note: does not switch to the desktop!
class DesktopLeft
    DesktopLeft() {}
     * @param desktop The desktop from which the desktop on the left should be selected. If @c 0 the current desktop is used
     * @param wrap Whether to wrap around if already leftmost desktop
     * @returns Id of the desktop left of @p desktop
    uint operator() (uint desktop, bool wrap) {
        return (*this)(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->desktopForX11Id(desktop), wrap)->x11DesktopNumber();
     * @param desktop The desktop from which the desktop on the left should be selected. If @c 0 the current desktop is used
     * @param wrap Whether to wrap around if already leftmost desktop
     * @returns the desktop left of @p desktop
    VirtualDesktop *operator() (VirtualDesktop *desktop, bool wrap) {
        return VirtualDesktopManager::self()->toLeft(desktop, wrap);

 * Function object to select the desktop to the right in the layout.
 * Note: does not switch to the desktop!
class DesktopRight
    DesktopRight() {}
     * @param desktop The desktop from which the desktop on the right should be selected. If @c 0 the current desktop is used
     * @param wrap Whether to wrap around if already rightmost desktop
     * @returns Id of the desktop right of @p desktop
    uint operator() (uint desktop, bool wrap) {
        return (*this)(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->desktopForX11Id(desktop), wrap)->x11DesktopNumber();
     * @param desktop The desktop from which the desktop on the right should be selected. If @c 0 the current desktop is used
     * @param wrap Whether to wrap around if already rightmost desktop
     * @returns the desktop right of @p desktop
    VirtualDesktop *operator() (VirtualDesktop *desktop, bool wrap) {
        return VirtualDesktopManager::self()->toRight(desktop, wrap);

 * Function object to select the next desktop in the layout.
 * Note: does not switch to the desktop!
class DesktopNext
    DesktopNext() {}
     * @param desktop The desktop from which the next desktop should be selected. If @c 0 the current desktop is used
     * @param wrap Whether to wrap around if already last desktop
     * @returns Id of the next desktop
    uint operator() (uint desktop, bool wrap) {
        return (*this)(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->desktopForX11Id(desktop), wrap)->x11DesktopNumber();
     * @param desktop The desktop from which the next desktop should be selected. If @c 0 the current desktop is used
     * @param wrap Whether to wrap around if already last desktop
     * @returns the next desktop
    VirtualDesktop *operator() (VirtualDesktop *desktop, bool wrap) {
        return VirtualDesktopManager::self()->next(desktop, wrap);

 * Function object to select the previous desktop in the layout.
 * Note: does not switch to the desktop!
class DesktopPrevious
    DesktopPrevious() {}
     * @param desktop The desktop from which the previous desktop should be selected. If @c 0 the current desktop is used
     * @param wrap Whether to wrap around if already first desktop
     * @returns Id of the previous desktop
    uint operator() (uint desktop, bool wrap) {
        return (*this)(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->desktopForX11Id(desktop), wrap)->x11DesktopNumber();
     * @param desktop The desktop from which the previous desktop should be selected. If @c 0 the current desktop is used
     * @param wrap Whether to wrap around if already first desktop
     * @returns the previous desktop
    VirtualDesktop *operator() (VirtualDesktop *desktop, bool wrap) {
        return VirtualDesktopManager::self()->previous(desktop, wrap);

 * Helper function to get the ID of a virtual desktop in the direction from
 * the given @p desktop. If @c 0 the current desktop is used as a starting point.
 * @param desktop The desktop from which the desktop in given Direction should be selected.
 * @param wrap Whether desktop navigation wraps around at the borders of the layout
 * @returns The next desktop in specified direction
template <typename Direction>
uint getDesktop(int desktop = 0, bool wrap = true);

template <typename Direction>
uint getDesktop(int d, bool wrap)
    Direction direction;
    return direction(d, wrap);

int VirtualDesktopGrid::width() const
    return m_size.width();

int VirtualDesktopGrid::height() const
    return m_size.height();

const QSize &VirtualDesktopGrid::size() const
    return m_size;

uint VirtualDesktopManager::maximum()
    return 20;

uint VirtualDesktopManager::count() const
    return m_desktops.count();

bool VirtualDesktopManager::isNavigationWrappingAround() const
    return m_navigationWrapsAround;

void VirtualDesktopManager::setConfig(KSharedConfig::Ptr config)
    m_config = config;

const VirtualDesktopGrid &VirtualDesktopManager::grid() const
    return m_grid;

template <typename Direction>
void VirtualDesktopManager::moveTo(bool wrap)
    Direction functor;
    setCurrent(functor(nullptr, wrap));

} // namespace KWin