 KWin - the KDE window manager
 This file is part of the KDE project.

Copyright (C) 2009 Martin Gräßlin <kde@martin-graesslin.com>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "decorationmodel.h"
#include "preview.h"
#include "auroraepreview.h"
// kwin
#include <kdecorationfactory.h>
// Qt
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
// KDE
#include <KConfigGroup>
#include <KDesktopFile>
#include <KStandardDirs>

namespace KWin

DecorationModel::DecorationModel( KSharedConfigPtr config, QObject* parent )
    : QAbstractListModel( parent )
    , m_plugins( new KDecorationPreviewPlugins( config ) )
    , m_preview( new KDecorationPreview() )
    , m_customButtons( false )
    , m_leftButtons( QString() )
    , m_rightButtons( QString() )

    delete m_preview;
    delete m_plugins;

void DecorationModel::reload()

// Find all theme desktop files in all 'data' dirs owned by kwin.
// And insert these into a DecorationInfo structure
void DecorationModel::findDecorations()
    const QStringList dirList = KGlobal::dirs()->findDirs("data", "kwin");

    foreach( const QString &dir, dirList )
        QDir d( dir );
        if( d.exists() )
            foreach( const QFileInfo& fi, d.entryInfoList() )
                const QString filename( fi.absoluteFilePath() );
                if( KDesktopFile::isDesktopFile(filename) )
                    const KDesktopFile desktopFile( filename );
                    const QString libName = desktopFile.desktopGroup().readEntry( "X-KDE-Library" );

                    if( !libName.isEmpty() && libName.startsWith( "kwin3_" ) )
                        if( libName == "kwin3_aurorae" )
                            // read the Aurorae themes
                        DecorationModelData data;
                        data.name = desktopFile.readName();
                        data.libraryName = libName;
                        data.type = DecorationModelData::NativeDecoration;
                        data.aurorae = NULL;
                        data.borderSize = KDecorationDefines::BorderNormal;
                        metaData( data, desktopFile );
    qSort( m_decorations.begin(), m_decorations.end(), DecorationModelData::less );

void DecorationModel::findAuroraeThemes()
    // get all desktop themes
    QStringList themes = KGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources("data",
    foreach(const QString &theme, themes)
        int themeSepIndex = theme.lastIndexOf( '/', -1 );
        QString themeRoot = theme.left( themeSepIndex );
        int themeNameSepIndex = themeRoot.lastIndexOf( '/', -1 );
        QString packageName = themeRoot.right( themeRoot.length() - themeNameSepIndex - 1 );

        KDesktopFile df( theme );
        QString name = df.readName();
        if( name.isEmpty() )
            name = packageName;

        DecorationModelData data;
        data.name = name;
        data.libraryName = "kwin3_aurorae";
        data.type = DecorationModelData::AuroraeDecoration;
        data.auroraeName = packageName;
        data.aurorae = new AuroraePreview( name, packageName, themeRoot, this );
        data.borderSize = KDecorationDefines::BorderNormal;
        metaData( data, df );

void DecorationModel::metaData( DecorationModelData& data, const KDesktopFile& df )
    data.comment = df.readComment();
    data.author = df.desktopGroup().readEntry( "X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author", QString() );
    data.email = df.desktopGroup().readEntry( "X-KDE-PluginInfo-Email", QString() );
    data.version = df.desktopGroup().readEntry( "X-KDE-PluginInfo-Version", QString() );
    data.license = df.desktopGroup().readEntry( "X-KDE-PluginInfo-License", QString() );
    data.website = df.desktopGroup().readEntry( "X-KDE-PluginInfo-Website", QString() );

int DecorationModel::rowCount( const QModelIndex& parent ) const
    Q_UNUSED( parent )
    return m_decorations.count();

QVariant DecorationModel::data( const QModelIndex& index, int role ) const
    if( !index.isValid() )
        return QVariant();

    switch( role )
        case Qt::DisplayRole:
        case NameRole:
            return m_decorations[ index.row() ].name;
        case LibraryNameRole:
            return m_decorations[ index.row() ].libraryName;
        case PixmapRole:
            return m_decorations[ index.row() ].preview;
        case TypeRole:
            return m_decorations[ index.row() ].type;
        case AuroraeNameRole:
            return m_decorations[ index.row() ].auroraeName;
        case PackageDescriptionRole:
            return m_decorations[ index.row() ].comment;
        case PackageAuthorRole:
            return m_decorations[ index.row() ].author;
        case PackageEmailRole:
            return m_decorations[ index.row() ].email;
        case PackageWebsiteRole:
            return m_decorations[ index.row() ].website;
        case PackageVersionRole:
            return m_decorations[ index.row() ].version;
        case PackageLicenseRole:
            return m_decorations[ index.row() ].license;
        case BorderSizeRole:
            return static_cast< int >( m_decorations[ index.row() ].borderSize );
        case BorderSizesRole:
            QList< QVariant > sizes;
            if( m_plugins->loadPlugin( m_decorations[ index.row() ].libraryName ) &&
                m_plugins->factory() != NULL )
                foreach( KDecorationDefines::BorderSize size, m_plugins->factory()->borderSizes() )
                    sizes << int(size) ;
            return sizes;
            return QVariant();

void DecorationModel::changeButtons( bool custom, const QString& left, const QString& right )
    bool regenerate = (custom != m_customButtons);
    if( !regenerate && custom )
        regenerate = (left != m_leftButtons) || (right != m_rightButtons);
    m_customButtons = custom;
    m_leftButtons = left;
    m_rightButtons = right;
    if( regenerate )

void DecorationModel::setButtons(bool custom, const QString& left, const QString& right)
    m_customButtons = custom;
    m_leftButtons = left;
    m_rightButtons = right;

void DecorationModel::regeneratePreviews()
    QList<DecorationModelData>::iterator it = m_decorations.begin();

    for( int i=0; i<m_decorations.count(); i++ )
        regeneratePreview( index( i ), m_decorations.at(i).preview.size() );

void DecorationModel::regeneratePreview( const QModelIndex& index, const QSize& size )
    DecorationModelData& data = m_decorations[ index.row() ];
    switch( data.type )
        case DecorationModelData::NativeDecoration:
            m_plugins->reset( KDecoration::SettingDecoration );
            if ( m_plugins->loadPlugin( data.libraryName ) &&
                m_preview->recreateDecoration( m_plugins ) )
            m_preview->resize( size );
            m_preview->setTempButtons( m_plugins, m_customButtons, m_leftButtons, m_rightButtons );
            m_preview->setTempBorderSize( m_plugins, data.borderSize );
            data.preview = m_preview->preview();
        case DecorationModelData::AuroraeDecoration:
            data.preview = data.aurorae->preview( size, m_customButtons, m_leftButtons, m_rightButtons );
            // nothing
    emit dataChanged( index, index );

void DecorationModel::regeneratePreview( const QModelIndex& index )
    regeneratePreview( index, m_decorations.at( index.row() ).preview.size() );

QModelIndex DecorationModel::indexOfLibrary( const QString& libraryName ) const
    for( int i=0; i<m_decorations.count(); i++ )
        if( m_decorations.at( i ).libraryName.compare( libraryName ) == 0 )
            return index( i );
    return QModelIndex();

QModelIndex DecorationModel::indexOfName( const QString& decoName ) const
    for( int i=0; i<m_decorations.count(); i++ )
        if( m_decorations.at( i ).name.compare( decoName ) == 0 )
            return index( i );
    return QModelIndex();

QModelIndex DecorationModel::indexOfAuroraeName( const QString& auroraeName ) const
    for( int i=0; i<m_decorations.count(); i++ )
        const DecorationModelData& data = m_decorations.at( i );
        if( data.type == DecorationModelData::AuroraeDecoration &&
            data.auroraeName.compare( auroraeName ) == 0 )
            return index( i );
    return QModelIndex();

void DecorationModel::setBorderSize( const QModelIndex& index, KDecorationDefines::BorderSize size )
    if( !index.isValid() )
    m_decorations[ index.row() ].borderSize = size;

void DecorationModel::resetAuroraeBorderSizes( KDecorationDefines::BorderSize size )
    QList<DecorationModelData>::iterator it = m_decorations.begin();

    while( it != m_decorations.end() )
        if( (*it).type == DecorationModelData::AuroraeDecoration )
            (*it).borderSize = size;

} // namespace KWin