#include // up here to avoid X11 header conflict :P #include "laptopclient.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../workspace.h" #include "../../options.h" extern "C" { Client *allocate(Workspace *ws, WId w) { return(new LaptopClient(ws, w)); } } static unsigned char iconify_bits[] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x7e, 0x3c, 0x18}; static unsigned char close_bits[] = { 0xc3, 0x66, 0x3c, 0x18, 0x3c, 0x66, 0xc3, 0x00 }; static unsigned char maximize_bits[] = { 0x18, 0x3c, 0x7e, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff }; static unsigned char minmax_bits[] = { 0x0c, 0x18, 0x33, 0x67, 0xcf, 0x9f, 0x3f, 0x3f}; static unsigned char unsticky_bits[] = { 0x00, 0x18, 0x18, 0x7e, 0x7e, 0x18, 0x18, 0x00}; static unsigned char sticky_bits[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7e, 0x7e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; static unsigned char question_bits[] = { 0x3c, 0x66, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0x00, 0x18, 0x18}; static QPixmap *titlePix=0; static KPixmap *aUpperGradient=0; static KPixmap *iUpperGradient=0; // buttons active, inactive, up, down, and 2 sizes :P static KPixmap *btnPix1; static KPixmap *btnDownPix1; static KPixmap *iBtnPix1; static KPixmap *iBtnDownPix1; static KPixmap *btnPix2; static KPixmap *btnDownPix2; static KPixmap *iBtnPix2; static KPixmap *iBtnDownPix2; static QColor btnForeground; static bool pixmaps_created = false; static int titleHeight = -1; static int btnWidth1 = 18; static int btnWidth2 = 28; static void drawButtonFrame(KPixmap *pix, const QColorGroup &g, bool sunken) { QPainter p; int w = pix->width(); int h = pix->height(); p.begin(pix); p.setPen(sunken ? g.dark() : g.light()); p.drawLine(0, 0, w-1, 0); p.drawLine(0, 0, 0, w-1); p.setPen(sunken ? g.light() : g.dark()); p.drawLine(w-1, 0, w-1, h-1); p.drawLine(0, h-1, w-1, h-1); p.end(); } static void create_pixmaps() { if(pixmaps_created) return; pixmaps_created = true; // titlebar QPainter p; QPainter maskPainter; int i, x, y; titlePix = new QPixmap(33, 12); QBitmap mask(33, 12); mask.fill(Qt::color0); p.begin(titlePix); maskPainter.begin(&mask); maskPainter.setPen(Qt::color1); for(i=0, y=2; i < 3; ++i, y+=4){ for(x=1; x <= 33; x+=3){ p.setPen(options->color(Options::TitleBar, true).light(150)); p.drawPoint(x, y); maskPainter.drawPoint(x, y); p.setPen(options->color(Options::TitleBar, true).dark(150)); p.drawPoint(x+1, y+1); maskPainter.drawPoint(x+1, y+1); } } p.end(); maskPainter.end(); titlePix->setMask(mask); if(QPixmap::defaultDepth() > 8){ aUpperGradient = new KPixmap; aUpperGradient->resize(32, titleHeight+2); iUpperGradient = new KPixmap; iUpperGradient->resize(32, titleHeight+2); QColor bgColor = options->color(Options::TitleBar, true); KPixmapEffect::gradient(*aUpperGradient, bgColor.light(120), bgColor.dark(120), KPixmapEffect::VerticalGradient); bgColor = options->color(Options::TitleBar, false); KPixmapEffect::gradient(*iUpperGradient, bgColor.light(120), bgColor.dark(120), KPixmapEffect::VerticalGradient); // buttons (active, 2 sizes) QColorGroup g = options->colorGroup(Options::ButtonBg, true); QColor c = g.background(); btnPix1 = new KPixmap; btnPix1->resize(btnWidth1, titleHeight-2); KPixmapEffect::gradient(*btnPix1, c.light(120), c.dark(120), KPixmapEffect::DiagonalGradient); drawButtonFrame(btnPix1, g, false); btnDownPix1 = new KPixmap; btnDownPix1->resize(btnWidth1, titleHeight-2); KPixmapEffect::gradient(*btnDownPix1, c.dark(120), c.light(120), KPixmapEffect::DiagonalGradient); drawButtonFrame(btnDownPix1, g, true); btnPix2 = new KPixmap; btnPix2->resize(btnWidth2, titleHeight-2); KPixmapEffect::gradient(*btnPix2, c.light(120), c.dark(120), KPixmapEffect::DiagonalGradient); drawButtonFrame(btnPix2, g, false); btnDownPix2 = new KPixmap; btnDownPix2->resize(btnWidth2, titleHeight-2); KPixmapEffect::gradient(*btnDownPix2, c.dark(120), c.light(120), KPixmapEffect::DiagonalGradient); drawButtonFrame(btnDownPix2, g, true); // inactive g = options->colorGroup(Options::ButtonBg, false); c = g.background(); iBtnPix1 = new KPixmap; iBtnPix1->resize(btnWidth1, titleHeight-2); KPixmapEffect::gradient(*iBtnPix1, c.light(120), c.dark(120), KPixmapEffect::DiagonalGradient); drawButtonFrame(iBtnPix1, g, false); iBtnDownPix1 = new KPixmap; iBtnDownPix1->resize(btnWidth1, titleHeight-2); KPixmapEffect::gradient(*iBtnDownPix1, c.dark(120), c.light(120), KPixmapEffect::DiagonalGradient); drawButtonFrame(iBtnDownPix1, g, true); iBtnPix2 = new KPixmap; iBtnPix2->resize(btnWidth2, titleHeight-2); KPixmapEffect::gradient(*iBtnPix2, c.light(120), c.dark(120), KPixmapEffect::DiagonalGradient); drawButtonFrame(iBtnPix2, g, false); iBtnDownPix2 = new KPixmap; iBtnDownPix2->resize(btnWidth2, titleHeight-2); KPixmapEffect::gradient(*iBtnDownPix2, c.dark(120), c.light(120), KPixmapEffect::DiagonalGradient); drawButtonFrame(iBtnDownPix2, g, true); } if(qGray(options->color(Options::ButtonBg, true).rgb()) > 128) btnForeground = Qt::black; else btnForeground = Qt::white; } LaptopClientButton::LaptopClientButton(int w, int h, Client *parent, const char *name, const unsigned char *bitmap) : QButton(parent, name) { client = parent; setFixedSize(w, h); if(bitmap) setBitmap(bitmap); } /* QSize LaptopClientButton::sizeHint() const { return(QSize(22, 12)); }*/ void LaptopClientButton::reset() { repaint(false); } void LaptopClientButton::setBitmap(const unsigned char *bitmap) { deco = QBitmap(8, 8, bitmap, true); deco.setMask(deco); repaint(); } void LaptopClientButton::drawButton(QPainter *p) { bool smallBtn = width() == btnWidth1; if(btnPix1){ if(client->isActive()){ if(isDown()) p->drawPixmap(0, 0, smallBtn ? *btnDownPix1 : *btnDownPix2); else p->drawPixmap(0, 0, smallBtn ? *btnPix1 : *btnPix2); } else{ if(isDown()) p->drawPixmap(0, 0, smallBtn ? *iBtnDownPix1 : *iBtnDownPix2); else p->drawPixmap(0, 0, smallBtn ? *iBtnPix1 : *iBtnPix2); } } else{ QColorGroup g = options->colorGroup(Options::ButtonBg, client->isActive()); int w = width(); int h = height(); p->fillRect(1, 1, w-2, h-2, isDown() ? g.mid() : g.button()); p->setPen(isDown() ? g.dark() : g.light()); p->drawLine(0, 0, w-1, 0); p->drawLine(0, 0, 0, w-1); p->setPen(isDown() ? g.light() : g.dark()); p->drawLine(w-1, 0, w-1, h-1); p->drawLine(0, h-1, w-1, h-1); } p->setPen(btnForeground); int xOff = (width()-8)/2; int yOff = (height()-8)/2; p->drawPixmap(isDown() ? xOff+1: xOff, isDown() ? yOff+1 : yOff, deco); } void LaptopClient::slotReset() { delete titlePix; if(aUpperGradient){ delete aUpperGradient; delete iUpperGradient; delete btnPix1; delete btnDownPix1; delete iBtnPix1; delete iBtnDownPix1; delete btnPix2; delete btnDownPix2; delete iBtnPix2; delete iBtnDownPix2; } pixmaps_created = false; create_pixmaps(); button[0]->reset(); button[1]->reset(); button[2]->reset(); button[3]->reset(); if(button[4]) button[4]->reset(); repaint(); } LaptopClient::LaptopClient( Workspace *ws, WId w, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : Client( ws, w, parent, name, WResizeNoErase | WNorthWestGravity ) { if(titleHeight == -1){ KConfig *config = KGlobal::config(); config->setGroup("Laptop"); titleHeight = config->readNumEntry("TitleHeight", 14); if(titleHeight < 15) titleHeight = 15; if(titleHeight > 32) titleHeight = 32; } create_pixmaps(); connect(options, SIGNAL(resetClients()), this, SLOT(slotReset())); bool help = providesContextHelp(); QGridLayout* g = new QGridLayout(this, 0, 0, 0); g->addRowSpacing(0, 3); g->addRowSpacing(2, 1); g->addWidget(windowWrapper(), 3, 1); g->setRowStretch(3, 10); g->addRowSpacing(4, 12); g->addColSpacing(0, 4); g->addColSpacing(2, 4); g->addColSpacing(2, 12); button[0] = new LaptopClientButton(28, titleHeight-2, this, "close", close_bits); button[1] = new LaptopClientButton(18, titleHeight-2, this, "sticky"); if(isSticky()) button[1]->setBitmap(unsticky_bits); else button[1]->setBitmap(sticky_bits); button[2] = new LaptopClientButton(28, titleHeight-2, this, "iconify", iconify_bits); button[3] = new LaptopClientButton(28, titleHeight-2, this, "maximize", maximize_bits); if(help){ button[4] = new LaptopClientButton(18, titleHeight-2, this, "help", question_bits); connect( button[4], SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, ( SLOT( contextHelp() ) ) ); } else button[4] = NULL; connect( button[0], SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, ( SLOT( closeWindow() ) ) ); connect( button[1], SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, ( SLOT( toggleSticky() ) ) ); connect( button[2], SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, ( SLOT( iconify() ) ) ); connect( button[3], SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, ( SLOT( maximize() ) ) ); QHBoxLayout* hb = new QHBoxLayout(); hb->setResizeMode(QLayout::FreeResize); g->addLayout( hb, 1, 1 ); hb->addWidget( button[0]); hb->addSpacing(3); titlebar = new QSpacerItem(10, titleHeight, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum); hb->addItem(titlebar); hb->addSpacing(3); if(help){ hb->addWidget( button[4]); } hb->addWidget( button[1]); hb->addWidget( button[2]); hb->addWidget( button[3]); /* for ( int i = 0; i < (help ? 5 : 4); i++) { button[i]->setFixedSize(22, 12); }*/ } void LaptopClient::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* e) { Client::resizeEvent( e ); doShape(); if ( isVisibleToTLW() ) { int dx = 0; int dy = 0; if ( e->oldSize().width() != width() ) dx = 16 + QABS( e->oldSize().width() - width() ); if ( e->oldSize().height() != height() ) dy = 16 + QABS( e->oldSize().height() - height() ); if ( dy ) update( 0, height() - dy + 1, width(), dy ); if ( dx ) { update( width() - dx + 1, 0, dx, height() ); update( QRect( QPoint(4,4), titlebar->geometry().bottomLeft() - QPoint(1,0) ) ); update( QRect( titlebar->geometry().topRight(), QPoint( width() - 4, titlebar->geometry().bottom() ) ) ); // titlebar needs no background QApplication::postEvent( this, new QPaintEvent( titlebar->geometry(), FALSE ) ); } } } void LaptopClient::captionChange( const QString& ) { repaint( titlebar->geometry(), false ); } void LaptopClient::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* ) { QPainter p(this); QColorGroup g = options->colorGroup(Options::Frame, isActive()); // bottom handle QRect r(width()-33, height()-33, 33, 33); p.setPen(Qt::black); p.drawRect(r); qDrawShadePanel(&p, r.x()+1, r.y()+1, r.width()-2, r.height()-2, g, false, 1 ); // &g.brush(QColorGroup::Background)); p.setPen(g.light()); p.drawLine(r.right()-7, r.y()+1, r.right()-7, r.bottom()-8); p.drawLine(r.x()+1, r.bottom()-7, r.right()-7, r.bottom()-7); // frame r = QRect(rect()); r.setHeight(r.height()-8); r.setWidth(r.width()-8); p.setPen(Qt::black); p.drawRect(r); qDrawShadeRect(&p, r.x()+1, r.y()+1, r.width()-2, r.height()-2, g, false, 1, 0 ); //, &g.brush(QColorGroup::Background)); qDrawShadePanel(&p, r.x()+3, r.y()+titleHeight+3, r.width()-6, r.height()-titleHeight-6, g, true, 1); r = titlebar->geometry(); KPixmap *grPix = isActive() ? aUpperGradient : iUpperGradient; if(grPix){ p.drawTiledPixmap(r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height()-1, *grPix); } else p.fillRect(r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height()-1, options->color(Options::TitleBar, isActive())); if(titlePix && isActive()) p.drawTiledPixmap(r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height()-1, *titlePix); QButton *rBtn = providesContextHelp() ? button[4] : button[1]; int x2 = button[3]->x()+button[3]->width(); int h = titleHeight-2; g = options->colorGroup(Options::Frame, isActive()); p.setPen(g.dark()); p.drawLine(rBtn->x()-1, rBtn->y()-1, x2, rBtn->y()-1); p.drawLine(rBtn->x()-1, rBtn->y()-1, rBtn->x()-1, rBtn->y()+h); p.setPen(g.midlight()); p.drawLine(x2, rBtn->y()-1, x2, rBtn->y()+h); p.drawLine(rBtn->x()-1, rBtn->y()+h, x2, rBtn->y()+h); rBtn = button[0]; x2 = button[0]->x()+28; p.setPen(g.dark()); p.drawLine(rBtn->x()-1, rBtn->y()-1, x2, rBtn->y()-1); p.drawLine(rBtn->x()-1, rBtn->y()-1, rBtn->x()-1, rBtn->y()+h); p.setPen(g.midlight()); p.drawLine(x2, rBtn->y()-1, x2, rBtn->y()+h); p.drawLine(rBtn->x()-1, rBtn->y()+h, x2, rBtn->y()+h); p.setFont(options->font(isActive())); QFontMetrics fm(options->font(true)); g = options->colorGroup(Options::TitleBar, isActive()); if(isActive()){ if(grPix) p.drawTiledPixmap(r.x()+((r.width()-fm.width(caption()))/2)-4, r.y(), fm.width(caption())+8, r.height()-1, *grPix); else p.fillRect(r.x()+((r.width()-fm.width(caption()))/2)-4, r.y(), fm.width(caption())+8, r.height()-1, g.brush(QColorGroup::Background)); } /* qDrawShadePanel(&p, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height()-1, options->colorGroup(Options::TitleBar, isActive()), true, 1); */ p.setPen(g.mid()); p.drawLine(r.x(), r.y(), r.right(), r.y()); p.drawLine(r.x(), r.y(), r.x(), r.bottom()-1); p.setPen(g.button()); p.drawLine(r.right(), r.y(), r.right(), r.bottom()-1); p.drawLine(r.x(), r.bottom()-1, r.right(), r.bottom()-1); p.setPen(options->color(Options::Font, isActive())); p.drawText(r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height()-1, AlignCenter, caption() ); } #define QCOORDARRLEN(x) sizeof(x)/(sizeof(QCOORD)*2) void LaptopClient::doShape() { QRegion mask(QRect(0, 0, width()-8, height()-8)); mask += QRect(width()-33, height()-33, 33, 33); mask -= QRect(0, 0, 1, 1); mask -= QRect(width()-9, 0, 1, 1); mask -= QRect(0, height()-9, 1, 1); // handle mask -= QRect(width()-1, height()-33, 1, 1); mask -= QRect(width()-33, height()-1, 1, 1); mask -= QRect(width()-1, height()-1, 1, 1); setMask(mask); } void LaptopClient::showEvent(QShowEvent *ev) { Client::showEvent(ev); doShape(); repaint(); } void LaptopClient::windowWrapperShowEvent( QShowEvent* ) { doShape(); } void LaptopClient::mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent * e ) { if (titlebar->geometry().contains( e->pos() ) ) setShade( !isShade() ); workspace()->requestFocus( this ); } void LaptopClient::stickyChange(bool on) { button[1]->setBitmap(on ? unsticky_bits : sticky_bits); } void LaptopClient::maximizeChange(bool m) { button[3]->setBitmap(m ? minmax_bits : maximize_bits); } void LaptopClient::init() { // } Client::MousePosition LaptopClient::mousePosition( const QPoint& pos) const { QPoint p = pos; if ( pos.x() > rect().right() - 12 ) p.rx() += 8; if ( pos.y() > rect().bottom() - 12 ) p.ry() += 8; return Client::mousePosition( p ); } void LaptopClient::activeChange(bool) { repaint(false); button[0]->reset(); button[1]->reset(); button[2]->reset(); button[3]->reset(); if(button[4]) button[4]->reset(); } #include "laptopclient.moc"