The Screens object is created by Workspace on X11. This change makes X11 and Wayland behave more similar. As is, the Screens is a helper for window management code, don't use it in backends. Note that the X11 backend already uses the Screens, it needs to be addressed individually.
352 lines
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352 lines
8.6 KiB
KWin - the KDE window manager
This file is part of the KDE project.
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich <ettrich@kde.org>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2003 Lubos Lunak <l.lunak@kde.org>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#ifndef MAIN_H
#define MAIN_H
#include <config-kwin.h>
#include <kwinglobals.h>
#include <KSharedConfig>
// Qt
#include <QAbstractNativeEventFilter>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QProcessEnvironment>
class KPluginMetaData;
class QCommandLineParser;
namespace KWin
class Platform;
class X11EventFilter;
class XcbEventFilter : public QAbstractNativeEventFilter
bool nativeEventFilter(const QByteArray &eventType, void *message, long int *result) override;
bool nativeEventFilter(const QByteArray &eventType, void *message, qintptr *result) override;
class X11EventFilterContainer : public QObject
explicit X11EventFilterContainer(X11EventFilter *filter);
X11EventFilter *filter() const;
X11EventFilter *m_filter;
class KWIN_EXPORT Application : public QApplication
Q_PROPERTY(quint32 x11Time READ x11Time WRITE setX11Time)
Q_PROPERTY(quint32 x11RootWindow READ x11RootWindow CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(void *x11Connection READ x11Connection NOTIFY x11ConnectionChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int x11ScreenNumber READ x11ScreenNumber CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(KSharedConfigPtr config READ config WRITE setConfig)
Q_PROPERTY(KSharedConfigPtr kxkbConfig READ kxkbConfig WRITE setKxkbConfig)
* @brief This enum provides the various operation modes of KWin depending on the available
* Windowing Systems at startup. For example whether KWin only talks to X11 or also to a Wayland
* Compositor.
enum OperationMode {
* @brief KWin uses only X11 for managing windows and compositing
* @brief KWin uses only Wayland
* @brief KWin uses Wayland and controls a nested Xwayland server.
~Application() override;
void setConfigLock(bool lock);
KSharedConfigPtr config() const
return m_config;
void setConfig(KSharedConfigPtr config)
m_config = std::move(config);
KSharedConfigPtr kxkbConfig() const
return m_kxkbConfig;
void setKxkbConfig(KSharedConfigPtr config)
m_kxkbConfig = std::move(config);
void start();
* @brief The operation mode used by KWin.
* @return OperationMode
OperationMode operationMode() const;
void setOperationMode(OperationMode mode);
bool shouldUseWaylandForCompositing() const;
void setupTranslator();
void setupCommandLine(QCommandLineParser *parser);
void processCommandLine(QCommandLineParser *parser);
void registerEventFilter(X11EventFilter *filter);
void unregisterEventFilter(X11EventFilter *filter);
bool dispatchEvent(xcb_generic_event_t *event);
xcb_timestamp_t x11Time() const
return m_x11Time;
enum class TimestampUpdate {
void setX11Time(xcb_timestamp_t timestamp, TimestampUpdate force = TimestampUpdate::OnlyIfLarger)
if ((timestamp > m_x11Time || force == TimestampUpdate::Always) && timestamp != 0) {
m_x11Time = timestamp;
void updateX11Time(xcb_generic_event_t *event);
static void setCrashCount(int count);
static bool wasCrash();
void resetCrashesCount();
* Creates the KAboutData object for the KWin instance and registers it as
* KAboutData::setApplicationData.
static void createAboutData();
* @returns the X11 Screen number. If not applicable it's set to @c -1.
static int x11ScreenNumber();
* Sets the X11 screen number of this KWin instance to @p screenNumber.
static void setX11ScreenNumber(int screenNumber);
* @returns whether this is a multi head setup on X11.
static bool isX11MultiHead();
* Sets whether this is a multi head setup on X11.
static void setX11MultiHead(bool multiHead);
* @returns the X11 root window.
xcb_window_t x11RootWindow() const
return m_rootWindow;
* @returns the X11 xcb connection
xcb_connection_t *x11Connection() const
return m_connection;
* @returns the X11 default screen
xcb_screen_t *x11DefaultScreen() const
return m_defaultScreen;
qreal xwaylandScale() const
return m_xwaylandScale;
void setXwaylandScale(qreal scale);
* Returns @c true if we're in the middle of destroying the X11 connection.
bool isClosingX11Connection() const
return m_isClosingX11Connection;
bool usesKActivities() const
return m_useKActivities;
void setUseKActivities(bool use)
m_useKActivities = use;
virtual QProcessEnvironment processStartupEnvironment() const;
void initPlatform(const KPluginMetaData &plugin);
Platform *platform() const
return m_platform;
bool isTerminating() const
return m_terminating;
static void setupMalloc();
static void setupLocalizedString();
void x11ConnectionChanged();
void x11ConnectionAboutToBeDestroyed();
void xwaylandScaleChanged();
void workspaceCreated();
void platformCreated();
void virtualTerminalCreated();
void started();
Application(OperationMode mode, int &argc, char **argv);
virtual void performStartup() = 0;
void notifyKSplash();
void notifyStarted();
void createInput();
void createWorkspace();
void createAtoms();
void createOptions();
void createPlugins();
void createColorManager();
void createInputMethod();
void installNativeX11EventFilter();
void removeNativeX11EventFilter();
void destroyInput();
void destroyWorkspace();
void destroyCompositor();
void destroyPlugins();
void destroyColorManager();
void destroyInputMethod();
* Inheriting classes should use this method to set the X11 root window
* before accessing any X11 specific code pathes.
void setX11RootWindow(xcb_window_t root)
m_rootWindow = root;
* Inheriting classes should use this method to set the xcb connection
* before accessing any X11 specific code pathes.
void setX11Connection(xcb_connection_t *c)
m_connection = c;
* Inheriting classes should use this method to set the default screen
* before accessing any X11 specific code pathes.
void setX11DefaultScreen(xcb_screen_t *screen)
m_defaultScreen = screen;
void destroyAtoms();
void destroyPlatform();
void setTerminating()
m_terminating = true;
static int crashes;
QList<QPointer<X11EventFilterContainer>> m_eventFilters;
QList<QPointer<X11EventFilterContainer>> m_genericEventFilters;
QScopedPointer<XcbEventFilter> m_eventFilter;
bool m_configLock;
KSharedConfigPtr m_config;
KSharedConfigPtr m_kxkbConfig;
OperationMode m_operationMode;
xcb_timestamp_t m_x11Time = XCB_TIME_CURRENT_TIME;
xcb_window_t m_rootWindow = XCB_WINDOW_NONE;
xcb_connection_t *m_connection = nullptr;
xcb_screen_t *m_defaultScreen = nullptr;
bool m_useKActivities = true;
Platform *m_platform = nullptr;
bool m_terminating = false;
bool m_isClosingX11Connection = false;
qreal m_xwaylandScale = 1;
inline static Application *kwinApp()
return static_cast<Application *>(QCoreApplication::instance());
namespace Xwl
class Xwayland;
class KWIN_EXPORT ApplicationWaylandAbstract : public Application
~ApplicationWaylandAbstract() override = 0;
friend class Xwl::Xwayland;
ApplicationWaylandAbstract(OperationMode mode, int &argc, char **argv);
virtual void setProcessStartupEnvironment(const QProcessEnvironment &environment)
virtual void startSession()
} // namespace