104 lines
4.3 KiB
104 lines
4.3 KiB
// ==============================================================
// Ok, *some* apps have really long and nasty window captions
// this looks clutterd, so we allow to crop them a bit and remove
// any information considered to be useless
// ==============================================================
function isBrowser(appName) {
if (appName.toLowerCase() == "konqueror")
return true;
if (appName.toLowerCase() == "rekonq")
return true;
if (appName.toLowerCase() == "qupzilla")
return true;
if (appName.toLowerCase() == "chromium")
return true;
if (appName.toLowerCase() == "firefox")
return true;
if (appName.toLowerCase() == "opera")
return true;
if (appName.toLowerCase() == "arora")
return true;
if (appName.toLowerCase() == "mozilla")
return true;
return false;
(function(title, wm_name, wm_class) {
var ret;
// == 1st off ======================================================================
// we assume the part beyond the last dash (if any) to be the
// uninteresting one (usually it's the apps name, if there's add info, that's
// more important to the user)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var lastPos = title.lastIndexOf(" – "); // U+2013 "EN DASH"
if (lastPos > -1)
ret = title.slice(0, lastPos);
else {
lastPos = title.lastIndexOf(" - "); // ASCII Dash
if (lastPos > -1)
ret = title.slice(0, lastPos);
else {
lastPos = title.lastIndexOf(" — "); // U+2014 "EM DASH"
if (lastPos > -1)
ret = title.slice(0, lastPos);
ret = title;
// == 2nd =========================================================================
// Browsers set the caption to "<html><title/></html> - appname"
// Now the page titles can be ridiculously looooong, especially on news pages
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (isBrowser(wm_name)) {
var parts = ret.split(" - ");
ret = "";
if (parts.length > 2) { // select last two if 3 or more sects, prelast otherwise
for (i = Math.max(0,parts.length-2); i < parts.length - 1; ++i)
ret = ret + parts[i] + " - ";
ret = ret + parts[parts.length - 1];
} else {
ret = ret + parts[Math.max(0,parts.length-2)];
// 3rd ============================================================================
// if there're any details left, cut of stuff by ": ",
// we remove them as well
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var lastPos = ret.lastIndexOf(": ");
if (lastPos > -1)
ret = title.slice(0, lastPos);
// 4th ============================================================================
// if this is a http url, please get rid of protocol, assuming the user knows or doesn't care
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ret = ret.replace("http://", '');
// finally =========================================================================
// if the remaining string still contains the app name (which should have been removed),
// please shape away additional info like compile time, version numbers etc.
// we usitlize the caption string to preserve CapiTaliZation
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
lastPos = ret.indexOf(RegExp("\\b" + wm_name + "\\b"));
if (lastPos > -1)
ret = ret.substr(lastPos, wm_name.length);
else {
lastPos = ret.indexOf(RegExp("\\b" + wm_class + "\\b"));
if (lastPos > -1)
ret = ret.substr(lastPos, wm_class.length);
if (ret.length == 0)
ret = title; // something _terribly_ went wrong -> fall back to the original string
// but in any case get replace the stupid [modified] hint by just an asterisk
ret = ret.replace("[modified]", "❖");
// in general, remove leading [and trailing] blanks and special chars
// ret = ret.replace(/^\W*/, ''); - this does not work - Umlauts and pot. other chars are considered "non Word"
ret = ret.replace(/^\s*/, '').replace(/\s*$/, '');
return ret;
}) |