today. First: All decoration pixmaps are now regenerated when the palette color scheme changes. There is no longer any need to apply color schemes *before* switching styles or reload the plugin. The schemes can change any time and be handled correctly by styles that generate their pixmaps based on the color scheme. Second: The color scheme has been extended to allow separate entries for different visual styles. For example there are now entries for both titlebar rectangle fills like those used in the standard KDE style and KStep vs. titlebar grooves like those used in System. The same thing applies to foreground colors for buttons that follow the button background settings like KStep and System vs. those that don't like the standard style. Right now none of the color schemes have the new entries so defaults are calculated, usually by judging the intensity of what the decoration is drawn on and contrasted with that. To check things out look at the standard, KStep, and System styles under color schemes like default, CDE, and Digital CDE. The Be style is not updated because I have a cooler one on my HD ;-) I hope this makes David happier <grin> :) svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=39126
392 lines
13 KiB
392 lines
13 KiB
#include "stdclient.h"
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qcursor.h>
#include <qabstractlayout.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qtoolbutton.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qdrawutil.h>
#include <qbitmap.h>
#include <kdrawutil.h>
#include "workspace.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "stdclient_bitmaps.h"
static QPixmap* close_pix = 0;
static QPixmap* maximize_pix = 0;
static QPixmap* minimize_pix = 0;
static QPixmap* normalize_pix = 0;
static QPixmap* pinup_pix = 0;
static QPixmap* pindown_pix = 0;
static QPixmap* menu_pix = 0;
static QPixmap* dis_close_pix = 0;
static QPixmap* dis_maximize_pix = 0;
static QPixmap* dis_minimize_pix = 0;
static QPixmap* dis_normalize_pix = 0;
static QPixmap* dis_pinup_pix = 0;
static QPixmap* dis_pindown_pix = 0;
static QPixmap* dis_menu_pix = 0;
static QPixmap* question_mark_pix = 0;
static bool pixmaps_created = FALSE;
static void create_pixmaps();
QPixmap* kwin_get_menu_pix_hack()
return menu_pix;
static void create_pixmaps()
if ( pixmaps_created )
pixmaps_created = true;
QColorGroup aGrp = options->colorGroup(Options::ButtonSingleColor, true);
QColorGroup iGrp = options->colorGroup(Options::ButtonSingleColor, false);
QPainter aPainter, iPainter;
close_pix = new QPixmap(16, 16);
dis_close_pix = new QPixmap(16, 16);
aPainter.begin(close_pix); iPainter.begin(dis_close_pix);
kColorBitmaps(&aPainter, aGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, close_white_bits,
NULL, NULL, close_dgray_bits, NULL, NULL);
kColorBitmaps(&iPainter, iGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, close_white_bits,
NULL, NULL, close_dgray_bits, NULL, NULL);
aPainter.end(); iPainter.end();
close_pix->setMask(QBitmap(16, 16, close_mask_bits, true));
minimize_pix = new QPixmap(16, 16);
dis_minimize_pix = new QPixmap(16, 16);
aPainter.begin(minimize_pix); iPainter.begin(dis_minimize_pix);
kColorBitmaps(&aPainter, aGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, iconify_white_bits,
NULL, NULL, iconify_dgray_bits, NULL, NULL);
kColorBitmaps(&iPainter, iGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, iconify_white_bits,
NULL, NULL, iconify_dgray_bits, NULL, NULL);
aPainter.end(); iPainter.end();
minimize_pix->setMask(QBitmap(16, 16, iconify_mask_bits, true));
maximize_pix = new QPixmap(16, 16);
dis_maximize_pix = new QPixmap(16, 16);
aPainter.begin(maximize_pix); iPainter.begin(dis_maximize_pix);
kColorBitmaps(&aPainter, aGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, maximize_white_bits,
NULL, NULL, maximize_dgray_bits, NULL, NULL);
kColorBitmaps(&iPainter, iGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, maximize_white_bits,
NULL, NULL, maximize_dgray_bits, NULL, NULL);
aPainter.end(); iPainter.end();
maximize_pix->setMask(QBitmap(16, 16, maximize_mask_bits, true));
normalize_pix = new QPixmap(16, 16);
dis_normalize_pix = new QPixmap(16, 16);
aPainter.begin(normalize_pix); iPainter.begin(dis_normalize_pix);
kColorBitmaps(&aPainter, aGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, maximizedown_white_bits,
NULL, NULL, maximizedown_dgray_bits, NULL, NULL);
kColorBitmaps(&iPainter, iGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, maximizedown_white_bits,
NULL, NULL, maximizedown_dgray_bits, NULL, NULL);
aPainter.end(); iPainter.end();
normalize_pix->setMask(QBitmap(16, 16, maximizedown_mask_bits, true));
menu_pix = new QPixmap(16, 16);
dis_menu_pix = new QPixmap(16, 16);
aPainter.begin(menu_pix); iPainter.begin(dis_menu_pix);
kColorBitmaps(&aPainter, aGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, menu_white_bits,
NULL, NULL, menu_dgray_bits, NULL, NULL);
kColorBitmaps(&iPainter, iGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, menu_white_bits,
NULL, NULL, menu_dgray_bits, NULL, NULL);
aPainter.end(); iPainter.end();
menu_pix->setMask(QBitmap(16, 16, menu_mask_bits, true));
pinup_pix = new QPixmap(16, 16);
dis_pinup_pix = new QPixmap(16, 16);
aPainter.begin(pinup_pix); iPainter.begin(dis_pinup_pix);
kColorBitmaps(&aPainter, aGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, pinup_white_bits,
pinup_gray_bits, NULL, pinup_dgray_bits, NULL, NULL);
kColorBitmaps(&iPainter, iGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, pinup_white_bits,
pinup_gray_bits, NULL, pinup_dgray_bits, NULL, NULL);
aPainter.end(); iPainter.end();
pinup_pix->setMask(QBitmap(16, 16, pinup_mask_bits, true));
pindown_pix = new QPixmap(16, 16);
dis_pindown_pix = new QPixmap(16, 16);
aPainter.begin(pindown_pix); iPainter.begin(dis_pindown_pix);
kColorBitmaps(&aPainter, aGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, pindown_white_bits,
pindown_gray_bits, NULL, pindown_dgray_bits, NULL, NULL);
kColorBitmaps(&iPainter, iGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, pindown_white_bits,
pindown_gray_bits, NULL, pindown_dgray_bits, NULL, NULL);
aPainter.end(); iPainter.end();
pindown_pix->setMask(QBitmap(16, 16, pindown_mask_bits, true));
question_mark_pix = new QPixmap(16, 16);
kColorBitmaps(&aPainter, aGrp, 0, 0, 16, 16, true, help_light_bits,
NULL, NULL, help_dark_bits, NULL, NULL);
question_mark_pix->setMask(QBitmap(16, 16, help_mask_bits, true));
void StdClient::slotReset()
warning("In slotReset");
delete close_pix;
delete maximize_pix;
delete minimize_pix;
delete normalize_pix;
delete pinup_pix;
delete pindown_pix;
delete menu_pix;
delete dis_close_pix;
delete dis_maximize_pix;
delete dis_minimize_pix;
delete dis_normalize_pix;
delete dis_pinup_pix;
delete dis_pindown_pix;
delete dis_menu_pix;
delete question_mark_pix;
pixmaps_created = false;
button[0]->setIconSet(isActive() ? *menu_pix : *dis_menu_pix);
button[1]->setIconSet(isSticky() ? isActive() ? *pindown_pix : *dis_pindown_pix :
isActive() ? *pinup_pix : *dis_pinup_pix );
button[3]->setIconSet(isActive() ? *minimize_pix : *dis_minimize_pix);
button[4]->setIconSet(isActive() ? *maximize_pix : *dis_maximize_pix);
button[5]->setIconSet(isActive() ? *close_pix : *dis_close_pix);
if (button[6])
button[6]->setIconSet( *question_mark_pix );
StdClient::StdClient( Workspace *ws, WId w, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
: Client( ws, w, parent, name, WResizeNoErase )
connect(options, SIGNAL(resetClients()), this, SLOT(slotReset()));
QGridLayout* g = new QGridLayout( this, 0, 0, 2 );
g->setRowStretch( 1, 10 );
g->addWidget( windowWrapper(), 1, 1 );
g->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Expanding ) );
g->addColSpacing(0, 1);
g->addColSpacing(2, 1);
g->addRowSpacing(2, 2);
button[0] = new QToolButton( this );
button[1] = new QToolButton( this );
button[2] = new QToolButton( this );
button[3] = new QToolButton( this );
button[4] = new ThreeButtonButton( this );
button[5] = new QToolButton( this );
QHBoxLayout* hb = new QHBoxLayout;
g->addLayout( hb, 0, 1 );
hb->addWidget( button[0] );
hb->addWidget( button[1] );
hb->addWidget( button[2] );
int fh = fontMetrics().lineSpacing();
titlebar = new QSpacerItem(10, fh, QSizePolicy::Expanding,
QSizePolicy::Minimum );
hb->addItem( titlebar );
button[6] = 0;
if ( providesContextHelp() ) {
button[6] = new QToolButton( this );
hb->addWidget( button[6] ); // help button
hb->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 5, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Expanding ) );
button[6]->setIconSet( *question_mark_pix );
connect( button[6], SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, ( SLOT( contextHelp() ) ) );
hb->addWidget( button[3] );
hb->addWidget( button[4] );
hb->addWidget( button[5] );
for ( int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
if ( !button[i] )
button[i]->setBackgroundMode( PaletteBackground );
button[i]->setMouseTracking( TRUE );
button[i]->setAutoRaise( TRUE );
button[i]->setFocusPolicy( NoFocus );
button[i]->setFixedSize( 20, 20 );
button[0]->setIconSet(isActive() ? *menu_pix : *dis_menu_pix);
button[0]->setIconSet( miniIcon() );
connect( button[0], SIGNAL( pressed() ), this, SLOT( menuButtonPressed() ) );
button[0]->setPopupDelay( 0 );
button[0]->setPopup( workspace()->clientPopup( this ) );
button[1]->setIconSet(isSticky() ? isActive() ? *pindown_pix : *dis_pindown_pix :
isActive() ? *pinup_pix : *dis_pinup_pix );
connect( button[1], SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, ( SLOT( toggleSticky() ) ) );
button[3]->setIconSet(isActive() ? *minimize_pix : *dis_minimize_pix);
connect( button[3], SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, ( SLOT( iconify() ) ) );
button[4]->setIconSet(isActive() ? *maximize_pix : *dis_maximize_pix);
connect( button[4], SIGNAL( clicked(int) ), this, ( SLOT( maxButtonClicked(int) ) ) );
button[5]->setIconSet(isActive() ? *close_pix : *dis_close_pix);
connect( button[5], SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, ( SLOT( closeWindow() ) ) );
if ( button[6] ) {
if ( isTransient() ) {
// lighter decoration for transient windows
void StdClient::activeChange(bool on)
button[0]->setIconSet(on ? *menu_pix : *dis_menu_pix);
button[1]->setIconSet(isSticky() ? on ? *pindown_pix : *dis_pindown_pix :
on ? *pinup_pix : *dis_pinup_pix );
button[3]->setIconSet(on ? *minimize_pix : *dis_minimize_pix);
button[4]->setIconSet(on ? *maximize_pix : *dis_maximize_pix);
button[5]->setIconSet(on ? *close_pix : *dis_close_pix);
void StdClient::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* e)
Client::resizeEvent( e );
QRegion rr = rect();
QRect t = titlebar->geometry();
t.setTop( 0 );
QRegion r = rr.subtract( QRect( t.x()+1, 0, t.width()-2, 1 ) );
setMask( r );
if ( isVisibleToTLW() && !testWFlags( WNorthWestGravity )) {
// manual clearing without the titlebar (we selected WResizeNoErase )
QPainter p( this );
r = rr.subtract( t );
p.setClipRegion( r );
p.fillRect( rect(), colorGroup().brush( QColorGroup::Background ) );
void StdClient::captionChange( const QString& )
repaint( titlebar->geometry(), FALSE );
void StdClient::maximizeChange( bool m )
button[4]->setIconSet( m?*normalize_pix:*maximize_pix );
void StdClient::stickyChange( bool s)
button[1]->setIconSet( s?*pindown_pix:*pinup_pix );
void StdClient::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* )
QPainter p( this );
QRect t = titlebar->geometry();
QRegion r = rect();
r = r.subtract( t );
p.setClipRegion( r );
qDrawWinPanel( &p, rect(), colorGroup() );
t.setTop( 1 );
p.setClipRegion( t );
t.setTop( 0 );
p.fillRect( t, options->color(Options::TitleBar, isActive()));
p.setPen( options->color(Options::TitleBar, isActive()).light() );
p.drawLine(t.left(),, t.right(),;
qDrawShadePanel( &p, t.x(), t.y(), t.width(), t.height(),
colorGroup(), true, 1 );
t.setLeft( t.left() + 4 );
t.setRight( t.right() - 2 );
p.setPen(options->color(Options::Font, isActive()));
p.drawText( t, AlignLeft|AlignVCenter|SingleLine, caption() );
void StdClient::mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent * e )
if ( titlebar->geometry().contains( e->pos() ) )
workspace()->performWindowOperation( this, options->operationTitlebarDblClick() );
workspace()->requestFocus( this );
void StdClient::init()
button[0]->setIconSet( miniIcon() );
// ### TODO transient etc.
void StdClient::iconChange()
button[0]->setIconSet(isActive() ? *menu_pix : *dis_menu_pix);
button[0]->setIconSet( miniIcon() );
button[0]->repaint( FALSE );
Indicates that the menu button has been clicked
void StdClient::menuButtonPressed()
(void ) workspace()->clientPopup( this ); //trigger the popup menu
void StdClient::maxButtonClicked( int button )
switch ( button ){
case MidButton:
maximize( MaximizeVertical );
case RightButton:
maximize( MaximizeHorizontal );
default: //LeftButton:
maximize( MaximizeFull );