several times with invalid plugin strings (happens when running today's kpersonalizer) svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=139725
362 lines
13 KiB
362 lines
13 KiB
kwin - the KDE window manager
Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich <>
#include "options.h"
#include <qpalette.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kglobalsettings.h>
#include <kkeynative.h> // for KKeyNative::keyboardHasWinKey()
using namespace KWinInternal;
namespace KWinInternal
class OptionsPrivate
OptionsPrivate() : title_buttons_left( "MS" ), title_buttons_right( "HIAX" ),
custom_button_positions( false ), electric_borders( 0 ),
electric_border_delay(0) {};
QColor colors[KWINCOLORS*2];
QColorGroup *cg[KWINCOLORS*2];
QString title_buttons_left;
QString title_buttons_right;
bool custom_button_positions;
bool show_tooltips;
bool fade_tooltips;
bool animate_tooltips;
int electric_borders;
int electric_border_delay;
#define colors (d->colors)
#define cg (d->cg)
: QObject( 0, 0)
d = new OptionsPrivate;
int i;
for(i=0; i < KWINCOLORS*2; ++i)
cg[i] = NULL;
connect( kapp, SIGNAL( appearanceChanged() ), this, SLOT(reload() ) );
int i;
for(i=0; i < KWINCOLORS*2; ++i){
delete cg[i];
cg[i] = NULL;
delete d;
const QColor& Options::color(ColorType type, bool active)
return(colors[type + (active ? 0 : KWINCOLORS)]);
const QFont& Options::font(bool active, bool small)
if ( small )
return(active ? activeFontSmall : inactiveFontSmall);
return(active ? activeFont : inactiveFont);
const QColorGroup& Options::colorGroup(ColorType type, bool active)
int idx = type + (active ? 0 : KWINCOLORS);
cg[idx] = new QColorGroup(Qt::black, colors[idx], colors[idx].light(150),
colors[idx].dark(), colors[idx].dark(120),
Qt::black, QApplication::palette().active().
void Options::reload()
QPalette pal = QApplication::palette();
KConfig *config = KGlobal::config();
// normal colors
colors[Frame] =;
colors[Frame] = config->readColorEntry("frame", &colors[Frame]);
colors[Handle] = colors[Frame];
colors[Handle] = config->readColorEntry("handle", &colors[Handle]);
// full button configuration (background, blend, and foreground
if(QPixmap::defaultDepth() > 8)
colors[ButtonBg] = colors[Frame].light(130);
colors[ButtonBg] = colors[Frame];
colors[ButtonBg] = config->readColorEntry("activeTitleBtnBg",
colors[TitleBar] =;
colors[TitleBar] = config->readColorEntry("activeBackground",
if(QPixmap::defaultDepth() > 8)
colors[TitleBlend] = colors[ TitleBar ].dark(110);
colors[TitleBlend] = colors[ TitleBar ];
colors[TitleBlend] = config->readColorEntry("activeBlend",
colors[Font] =;
colors[Font] = config->readColorEntry("activeForeground", &colors[Font]);
// inactive
colors[Frame+KWINCOLORS] = config->readColorEntry("inactiveFrame",
colors[TitleBar+KWINCOLORS] = colors[Frame];
colors[TitleBar+KWINCOLORS] = config->
readColorEntry("inactiveBackground", &colors[TitleBar+KWINCOLORS]);
if(QPixmap::defaultDepth() > 8)
colors[TitleBlend+KWINCOLORS] = colors[ TitleBar+KWINCOLORS ].dark(110);
colors[TitleBlend+KWINCOLORS] = colors[ TitleBar+KWINCOLORS ];
colors[TitleBlend+KWINCOLORS] =
config->readColorEntry("inactiveBlend", &colors[TitleBlend+KWINCOLORS]);
// full button configuration
if(QPixmap::defaultDepth() > 8)
colors[ButtonBg+KWINCOLORS] = colors[Frame+KWINCOLORS].light(130);
colors[ButtonBg+KWINCOLORS] = colors[Frame+KWINCOLORS];
colors[ButtonBg+KWINCOLORS] =
colors[Handle+KWINCOLORS] = colors[Frame];
config->readColorEntry("inactiveHandle", &colors[Handle]);
colors[Font+KWINCOLORS] = colors[Frame].dark();
colors[Font+KWINCOLORS] = config->readColorEntry("inactiveForeground",
// Keep in sync with kglobalsettings.
QFont activeFontGuess("helvetica", 12, QFont::Bold);
activeFont = config->readFontEntry("activeFont", &activeFontGuess);
inactiveFont = config->readFontEntry("inactiveFont", &activeFont);
activeFontSmall = activeFont;
activeFontSmall.setPointSize(activeFont.pointSize() - 2);
activeFontSmall = config->readFontEntry("activeFontSmall", &activeFontSmall);
inactiveFontSmall = config->readFontEntry("inactiveFontSmall", &activeFontSmall);
int i;
for(i=0; i < KWINCOLORS*2; ++i){
delete cg[i];
cg[i] = NULL;
config->setGroup( "Windows" );
moveMode = config->readEntry("MoveMode", "Opaque" ) == "Opaque"?Opaque:Transparent;
resizeMode = config->readEntry("ResizeMode", "Opaque" ) == "Opaque"?Opaque:Transparent;
moveResizeMaximizedWindows = config->readBoolEntry("MoveResizeMaximizedWindows", true );
QString val;
val = config->readEntry ("FocusPolicy", "ClickToFocus");
focusPolicy = ClickToFocus; // what a default :-)
if ( val == "FocusFollowsMouse" )
focusPolicy = FocusFollowsMouse;
else if ( val == "FocusUnderMouse" )
focusPolicy = FocusUnderMouse;
else if ( val == "FocusStrictlyUnderMouse" )
focusPolicy = FocusStrictlyUnderMouse;
val = config->readEntry ("AltTabStyle", "KDE");
altTabStyle = KDE; // what a default :-)
if ( val == "CDE" )
altTabStyle = CDE;
rollOverDesktops = config->readBoolEntry("RollOverDesktops", TRUE);
xineramaEnabled = config->readBoolEntry ("XineramaEnabled", FALSE ) &&
if (xineramaEnabled) {
xineramaPlacementEnabled = config->readBoolEntry ("XineramaPlacementEnabled", FALSE);
xineramaMovementEnabled = config->readBoolEntry ("XineramaMovementEnabled", FALSE);
xineramaMaximizeEnabled = config->readBoolEntry ("XineramaMaximizeEnabled", FALSE);
} else {
xineramaPlacementEnabled = xineramaMovementEnabled = xineramaMaximizeEnabled = false;
val = config->readEntry("Placement","Smart");
if (val == "Smart") placement = Smart;
else if (val == "Random") placement = Random;
else if (val == "Cascade") placement = Cascade;
animateShade = config->readBoolEntry("AnimateShade", TRUE );
animateMinimize = config->readBoolEntry("AnimateMinimize", TRUE );
animateMinimizeSpeed = config->readNumEntry("AnimateMinimizeSpeed", 5 );
autoRaise = config->readBoolEntry("AutoRaise", FALSE );
autoRaiseInterval = config->readNumEntry("AutoRaiseInterval", 0 );
shadeHover = config->readBoolEntry("ShadeHover", FALSE );
shadeHoverInterval = config->readNumEntry("ShadeHoverInterval", 250 );
// important: autoRaise implies ClickRaise
clickRaise = autoRaise || config->readBoolEntry("ClickRaise", FALSE );
borderSnapZone = config->readNumEntry("BorderSnapZone", 10);
windowSnapZone = config->readNumEntry("WindowSnapZone", 10);
d->electric_borders = config->readNumEntry("ElectricBorders", 0);
d->electric_border_delay = config->readNumEntry("ElectricBorderDelay", 150);
OpTitlebarDblClick = windowOperation( config->readEntry("TitlebarDoubleClickCommand", "Shade") );
ignorePositionClasses = config->readListEntry("IgnorePositionClasses");
// Mouse bindings
config->setGroup( "MouseBindings");
CmdActiveTitlebar1 = mouseCommand(config->readEntry("CommandActiveTitlebar1","Raise"));
CmdActiveTitlebar2 = mouseCommand(config->readEntry("CommandActiveTitlebar2","Lower"));
CmdActiveTitlebar3 = mouseCommand(config->readEntry("CommandActiveTitlebar3","Operations menu"));
CmdInactiveTitlebar1 = mouseCommand(config->readEntry("CommandInactiveTitlebar1","Activate and raise"));
CmdInactiveTitlebar2 = mouseCommand(config->readEntry("CommandInactiveTitlebar2","Activate and lower"));
CmdInactiveTitlebar3 = mouseCommand(config->readEntry("CommandInactiveTitlebar3","Activate"));
CmdWindow1 = mouseCommand(config->readEntry("CommandWindow1","Activate, raise and pass click"));
CmdWindow2 = mouseCommand(config->readEntry("CommandWindow2","Activate and pass click"));
CmdWindow3 = mouseCommand(config->readEntry("CommandWindow3","Activate and pass click"));
CmdAllModKey = (config->readEntry("CommandAllKey", KKeyNative::keyboardHasWinKey() ? "Meta" : "Alt") == "Meta") ? Qt::Key_Meta : Qt::Key_Alt;
CmdAll1 = mouseCommand(config->readEntry("CommandAll1","Move"));
CmdAll2 = mouseCommand(config->readEntry("CommandAll2","Toggle raise and lower"));
CmdAll3 = mouseCommand(config->readEntry("CommandAll3","Resize"));
// custom button positions
d->custom_button_positions = config->readBoolEntry("CustomButtonPositions", false);
if (d->custom_button_positions) {
d->title_buttons_left = config->readEntry("ButtonsOnLeft", "MS");
d->title_buttons_right = config->readEntry("ButtonsOnRight", "HIAX");
else {
d->title_buttons_left = "MS";
d->title_buttons_right = "HIAX";
// button tooltips
d->show_tooltips = config->readBoolEntry("ShowToolTips", true);
// Read button tooltip animation effect from kdeglobals
// Since we want to allow users to enable window decoration tooltips
// and not kstyle tooltips and vise-versa, we don't read the
// "EffectNoTooltip" setting from kdeglobals.
KConfig globalConfig("kdeglobals");
d->fade_tooltips = globalConfig.readBoolEntry("EffectFadeTooltip", false);
d->animate_tooltips = globalConfig.readBoolEntry("EffectAnimateTooltip", false);
Options::WindowOperation Options::windowOperation(const QString &name){
if (name == "Move")
return MoveOp;
else if (name == "Resize")
return ResizeOp;
else if (name == "Maximize")
return MaximizeOp;
else if (name == "Iconify")
return IconifyOp;
else if (name == "Close")
return CloseOp;
else if (name == "Sticky")
return StickyOp;
else if (name == "Shade")
return ShadeOp;
else if (name == "Operations")
return OperationsOp;
else if (name == "Maximize (vertical only)")
return VMaximizeOp;
else if (name == "Maximize (horizontal only)")
return HMaximizeOp;
else if (name == "Lower")
return LowerOp;
return NoOp;
Options::MouseCommand Options::mouseCommand(const QString &name)
if (name == "Raise") return MouseRaise;
if (name == "Lower") return MouseLower;
if (name == "Operations menu") return MouseOperationsMenu;
if (name == "Toggle raise and lower") return MouseToggleRaiseAndLower;
if (name == "Activate and raise") return MouseActivateAndRaise;
if (name == "Activate and lower") return MouseActivateAndLower;
if (name == "Activate") return MouseActivate;
if (name == "Activate, raise and pass click") return MouseActivateRaiseAndPassClick;
if (name == "Activate and pass click") return MouseActivateAndPassClick;
if (name == "Move") return MouseMove;
if (name == "Resize") return MouseResize;
if (name == "Shade") return MouseShade;
if (name == "Nothing") return MouseNothing;
return MouseNothing;
QString Options::titleButtonsLeft()
return d->title_buttons_left;
QString Options::titleButtonsRight()
return d->title_buttons_right;
bool Options::customButtonPositions()
return d->custom_button_positions;
bool Options::showTooltips()
return d->show_tooltips;
bool Options::fadeTooltips()
return d->fade_tooltips;
bool Options::animateTooltips()
return d->animate_tooltips;
int Options::electricBorders()
return d->electric_borders;
int Options::electricBorderDelay()
return d->electric_border_delay;
#include "options.moc"