also detect not-so-bad-but-still-slow paint times over a longer period of time, i.e. the old check is for systems which are pathetically slow, this one is for systems that are just slow. Possibly may need tweaking for cases like high system load, but right now it seems that e.g. a compilation running cannot trigger this check because it cannot cause many long repaints in a row. svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=866636
927 lines
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927 lines
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KWin - the KDE window manager
This file is part of the KDE project.
Copyright (C) 2006 Lubos Lunak <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Code related to compositing (redirecting windows to pixmaps and tracking
window damage).
XComposite (the protocol, but the function calls map to it):
XDamage (again the protocol):
Paper including basics on compositing, XGL vs AIGLX, XRender vs OpenGL, etc.:
Composite HOWTO from Fredrik:
#include <config-X11.h>
#include "utils.h"
#include <QTextStream>
#include "workspace.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "unmanaged.h"
#include "deleted.h"
#include "effects.h"
#include "scene.h"
#include "scene_basic.h"
#include "scene_xrender.h"
#include "scene_opengl.h"
#include "compositingprefs.h"
#include "notifications.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <QMenu>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kactioncollection.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kxerrorhandler.h>
#include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
#include <X11/extensions/Xcomposite.h>
#include <X11/extensions/Xrandr.h>
namespace KWin
// Workspace
void Workspace::setupCompositing()
if( scene != NULL )
if( !options->useCompositing && getenv( "KWIN_COMPOSE") == NULL )
kDebug( 1212 ) << "Compositing is turned off in options";
else if( compositingSuspended )
kDebug( 1212 ) << "Compositing is suspended";
else if( !CompositingPrefs::compositingPossible() )
kError( 1212 ) << "Compositing is not possible";
CompositingType type = options->compositingMode;
if( getenv( "KWIN_COMPOSE" ))
char c = getenv( "KWIN_COMPOSE" )[ 0 ];
switch( c )
case 'O':
type = OpenGLCompositing;
case 'X':
type = XRenderCompositing;
kDebug( 1212 ) << "No compositing";
char selection_name[ 100 ];
sprintf( selection_name, "_NET_WM_CM_S%d", DefaultScreen( display()));
cm_selection = new KSelectionOwner( selection_name );
connect( cm_selection, SIGNAL( lostOwnership()), SLOT( lostCMSelection()));
cm_selection->claim( true ); // force claiming
switch( type )
/*case 'B':
kDebug( 1212 ) << "X compositing";
scene = new SceneBasic( this );
break; // don't fall through (this is a testing one) */
case OpenGLCompositing:
kDebug( 1212 ) << "OpenGL compositing";
scene = new SceneOpenGL( this );
if( !scene->initFailed())
break; // -->
delete scene;
scene = NULL;
break; // do not fall back to XRender for now, maybe in the future
case XRenderCompositing:
kDebug( 1212 ) << "XRender compositing";
scene = new SceneXrender( this );
kDebug( 1212 ) << "Compositing was not available at compile time";
kDebug( 1212 ) << "No compositing";
delete cm_selection;
if( scene == NULL || scene->initFailed())
kError( 1212 ) << "Failed to initialize compositing, compositing disabled";
kError( 1212 ) << "Consult";
delete scene;
scene = NULL;
delete cm_selection;
int rate = 0;
if( options->refreshRate > 0 )
{ // use manually configured refresh rate
rate = options->refreshRate;
{ // autoconfigure refresh rate based on XRandR info
if( Extensions::randrAvailable() )
XRRScreenConfiguration *config;
config = XRRGetScreenInfo( display(), rootWindow() );
rate = XRRConfigCurrentRate( config );
XRRFreeScreenConfigInfo( config );
// 0Hz or less is invalid, so we fallback to a default rate
if( rate <= 0 )
rate = 50;
// QTimer gives us 1msec (1000Hz) at best, so we ignore anything higher;
// however, additional throttling prevents very high rates from taking place anyway
else if( rate > 1000 )
rate = 1000;
kDebug( 1212 ) << "Refresh rate " << rate << "Hz";
compositeRate = 1000 / rate;
// fake a previous paint, so that the next starts right now
nextPaintReference = QTime::currentTime().addMSecs( -compositeRate );
compositeTimer.setSingleShot( true );
XCompositeRedirectSubwindows( display(), rootWindow(), CompositeRedirectManual );
new EffectsHandlerImpl( scene->compositingType() ); // sets also the 'effects' pointer
foreach( Client* c, clients )
foreach( Client* c, desktops )
foreach( Unmanaged* c, unmanaged )
foreach( Client* c, clients )
scene->windowAdded( c );
foreach( Client* c, desktops )
scene->windowAdded( c );
foreach( Unmanaged* c, unmanaged )
scene->windowAdded( c );
discardPopup(); // force re-creation of the Alt+F3 popup (opacity option)
kDebug( 1212 ) << "Compositing was not available at compile time";
void Workspace::finishCompositing()
if( scene == NULL )
delete cm_selection;
foreach( Client* c, clients )
scene->windowClosed( c, NULL );
foreach( Client* c, desktops )
scene->windowClosed( c, NULL );
foreach( Unmanaged* c, unmanaged )
scene->windowClosed( c, NULL );
foreach( Deleted* c, deleted )
scene->windowDeleted( c );
foreach( Client* c, clients )
foreach( Client* c, desktops )
foreach( Unmanaged* c, unmanaged )
foreach( Deleted* c, deleted )
XCompositeUnredirectSubwindows( display(), rootWindow(), CompositeRedirectManual );
delete effects;
effects = NULL;
delete scene;
scene = NULL;
repaints_region = QRegion();
for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = clients.begin();
it != clients.end();
++it )
{ // forward all opacity values to the frame in case there'll be other CM running
if( (*it)->opacity() != 1.0 )
NETWinInfo i( display(), (*it)->frameId(), rootWindow(), 0 );
i.setOpacity( static_cast< unsigned long >((*it)->opacity() * 0xffffffff ));
discardPopup(); // force re-creation of the Alt+F3 popup (opacity option)
// discard all Deleted windows (#152914)
while( !deleted.isEmpty())
deleted.first()->discard( Allowed );
void Workspace::lostCMSelection()
kDebug( 1212 ) << "Lost compositing manager selection";
// for the shortcut
void Workspace::slotToggleCompositing()
suspendCompositing( !compositingSuspended );
void Workspace::suspendCompositing()
suspendCompositing( true );
void Workspace::suspendCompositing( bool suspend )
compositingSuspended = suspend;
setupCompositing(); // will do nothing if suspended
void Workspace::addRepaint( int x, int y, int w, int h )
if( !compositing())
repaints_region += QRegion( x, y, w, h );
void Workspace::addRepaint( const QRect& r )
if( !compositing())
repaints_region += r;
void Workspace::addRepaint( const QRegion& r )
if( !compositing())
repaints_region += r;
void Workspace::addRepaintFull()
if( !compositing())
repaints_region = QRegion( 0, 0, displayWidth(), displayHeight());
void Workspace::performCompositing()
// The event loop apparently tries to fire a QTimer as often as possible, even
// at the expense of not processing many X events. This means that the composite
// repaints can seriously impact performance of everything else, therefore throttle
// them - leave at least 1msec time after one repaint is finished and next one
// is started.
if( lastCompositePaint.elapsed() < 1 )
compositeTimer.start( 1 );
if( !scene->waitSyncAvailable())
nextPaintReference = QTime::currentTime();
if(( repaints_region.isEmpty() && !windowRepaintsPending()) // no damage
|| !overlay_visible ) // nothing is visible anyway
// Note: It would seem here we should undo suspended unredirect, but when scenes need
// it for some reason, e.g. transformations or translucency, the next pass that does not
// need this anymore and paints normally will also reset the suspended unredirect.
// Otherwise the window would not be painted normally anyway.
// create a list of all windows in the stacking order
ToplevelList windows = xStackingOrder();
foreach( EffectWindow* c, static_cast< EffectsHandlerImpl* >( effects )->elevatedWindows())
Toplevel* t = static_cast< EffectWindowImpl* >( c )->window();
windows.removeAll( t );
windows.append( t );
// skip windows that are not yet ready for being painted
ToplevelList tmp = windows;
#if 0
// There is a bug somewhere that prevents this from working properly (#160393), but additionally
// this cannot be used so carelessly - needs protections against broken clients, the window
// should not get focus before it's displayed, handle unredirected windows properly and so on.
foreach( Toplevel* c, tmp )
if( c->readyForPainting())
windows.append( c );
foreach( Toplevel* c, tmp )
windows.append( c );
foreach( Toplevel* c, windows )
{ // This could be possibly optimized WRT obscuring, but that'd need being already
// past prePaint() phase - probably not worth it.
// TODO I think effects->transformWindowDamage() doesn't need to be called here,
// pre-paint will extend painted window areas as necessary.
repaints_region |= c->repaints().translated( c->pos());
c->resetRepaints( c->rect());
QRegion repaints = repaints_region;
// clear all repaints, so that post-pass can add repaints for the next repaint
repaints_region = QRegion();
QTime t = QTime::currentTime();
scene->paint( repaints, windows );
if( scene->waitSyncAvailable())
// If vsync is used, schedule the next repaint slightly in advance of the next sync,
// so that there is still time for the drawing to take place. We have just synced, and
// nextPaintReference is time from which multiples of compositeRate should be added,
// so set it 10ms back (meaning next paint will be in 'compositeRate - 10').
// However, make sure the reserve is smaller than the composite rate.
int reserve = compositeRate <= 10 ? compositeRate - 1 : 10;
nextPaintReference = QTime::currentTime().addMSecs( -reserve );
// Trigger at least one more pass even if there would be nothing to paint, so that scene->idle()
// is called the next time. If there would be nothing pending, it will not restart the timer and
// checkCompositeTime() would restart it again somewhen later, called from functions that
// would again add something pending.
checkCompositePaintTime( t.elapsed());
bool Workspace::windowRepaintsPending() const
foreach( Toplevel* c, clients )
if( !c->repaints().isEmpty())
return true;
foreach( Toplevel* c, desktops )
if( !c->repaints().isEmpty())
return true;
foreach( Toplevel* c, unmanaged )
if( !c->repaints().isEmpty())
return true;
foreach( Toplevel* c, deleted )
if( !c->repaints().isEmpty())
return true;
return false;
void Workspace::setCompositeTimer()
if( !compositing()) // should not really happen, but there may be e.g. some damage events still pending
// The last paint set nextPaintReference as a reference time to which multiples of compositeRate
// should be added for the next paint. qBound() for protection; system time can change without notice.
compositeTimer.start( qBound( 0, nextPaintReference.msecsTo( QTime::currentTime() ), 250 ) % compositeRate );
bool Workspace::createOverlay()
assert( overlay == None );
if( !Extensions::compositeOverlayAvailable())
return false;
if( !Extensions::shapeInputAvailable()) // needed in setupOverlay()
return false;
overlay = XCompositeGetOverlayWindow( display(), rootWindow());
if( overlay == None )
return false;
return true;
return false;
void Workspace::checkCompositePaintTime( int msec )
if( options->disableCompositingChecks )
composite_paint_times.prepend( msec );
bool tooslow = false;
// If last 3 paints were way too slow, disable and warn.
// 1 second seems reasonable, it's not that difficult to get relatively high times
// with high system load.
const int MAX_LONG_PAINT = 1000;
if( composite_paint_times.count() >= 3 && composite_paint_times[ 0 ] > MAX_LONG_PAINT
&& composite_paint_times[ 1 ] > MAX_LONG_PAINT && composite_paint_times[ 2 ] > MAX_LONG_PAINT )
kDebug( 1212 ) << "Too long paint times, suspending";
tooslow = true;
// If last 15 seconds all paints (all of them) were quite slow, disable and warn too. Quite slow being 0,1s
// should be reasonable, that's 10fps and having constant 10fps is bad.
// This may possibly trigger also when activating an expensive effect, so this may need tweaking.
const int MAX_SHORT_PAINT = 100;
const int SHORT_TIME = 15000; // 15 sec
int time = 0;
foreach( int t, composite_paint_times )
time += t;
if( time > SHORT_TIME ) // all paints in the given time were long
kDebug( 1212 ) << "Long paint times for long time, suspending";
tooslow = true;
if( composite_paint_times.count() > 1000 )
if( tooslow )
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( suspendCompositing()));
QString shortcut = i18n( "Empty" );
if( KAction* action = qobject_cast<KAction*>( keys->action("Suspend Compositing")))
shortcut = action->globalShortcut().primary().toString();
QString message = i18n( "Compositing was too slow and has been suspended.\n"
"If this was only a temporary problem, you can resume using the '%1' shortcut.\n"
"You can also disable functionality checks in advanced compositing settings.", shortcut );
Notify::raise( Notify::CompositingSlow, message );
compositeTimer.start( 1000 ); // so that it doesn't trigger sooner than suspendCompositing()
void Workspace::setupOverlay( Window w )
assert( overlay != None );
assert( Extensions::shapeInputAvailable());
XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap( display(), overlay, None );
overlay_shape = QRegion();
setOverlayShape( QRect( 0, 0, displayWidth(), displayHeight()));
if( w != None )
XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap( display(), w, None );
XShapeCombineRectangles( display(), w, ShapeInput, 0, 0, NULL, 0, ShapeSet, Unsorted );
XSelectInput( display(), overlay, VisibilityChangeMask );
void Workspace::showOverlay()
assert( overlay != None );
if( overlay_shown )
XMapSubwindows( display(), overlay );
XMapWindow( display(), overlay );
overlay_shown = true;
void Workspace::hideOverlay()
assert( overlay != None );
XUnmapWindow( display(), overlay );
overlay_shown = false;
setOverlayShape( QRect( 0, 0, displayWidth(), displayHeight()));
void Workspace::setOverlayShape( const QRegion& reg )
// Avoid setting the same shape again, it causes flicker (apparently it is not a no-op
// and triggers something).
if( reg == overlay_shape )
QVector< QRect > rects = reg.rects();
XRectangle* xrects = new XRectangle[ rects.count() ];
for( int i = 0;
i < rects.count();
++i )
xrects[ i ].x = rects[ i ].x();
xrects[ i ].y = rects[ i ].y();
xrects[ i ].width = rects[ i ].width();
xrects[ i ].height = rects[ i ].height();
XShapeCombineRectangles( display(), overlay, ShapeBounding, 0, 0,
xrects, rects.count(), ShapeSet, Unsorted );
delete[] xrects;
XShapeCombineRectangles( display(), overlay, ShapeInput, 0, 0, NULL, 0, ShapeSet, Unsorted );
overlay_shape = reg;
void Workspace::destroyOverlay()
if( overlay == None )
// reset the overlay shape
XRectangle rec = { 0, 0, displayWidth(), displayHeight() };
XShapeCombineRectangles( display(), overlay, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, &rec, 1, ShapeSet, Unsorted );
XShapeCombineRectangles( display(), overlay, ShapeInput, 0, 0, &rec, 1, ShapeSet, Unsorted );
XCompositeReleaseOverlayWindow( display(), overlay );
overlay = None;
overlay_shown = false;
bool Workspace::compositingActive()
return compositing();
// force is needed when the list of windows changes (e.g. a window goes away)
void Workspace::checkUnredirect( bool force )
if( !compositing() || overlay == None || !options->unredirectFullscreen )
if( force )
forceUnredirectCheck = true;
if( !unredirectTimer.isActive())
unredirectTimer.start( 0 );
void Workspace::delayedCheckUnredirect()
if( !compositing() || overlay == None || !options->unredirectFullscreen )
ToplevelList list;
bool changed = forceUnredirectCheck;
foreach( Client* c, clients )
list.append( c );
foreach( Unmanaged* c, unmanaged )
list.append( c );
foreach( Toplevel* c, list )
if( c->updateUnredirectedState())
changed = true;
// no desktops, no Deleted ones
if( !changed )
forceUnredirectCheck = false;
// Cut out parts from the overlay window where unredirected windows are,
// so that they are actually visible.
QRegion reg( 0, 0, displayWidth(), displayHeight());
foreach( Toplevel* c, list )
if( c->unredirected())
reg -= c->geometry();
setOverlayShape( reg );
// Toplevel
void Toplevel::setupCompositing()
if( !compositing())
if( damage_handle != None )
damage_handle = XDamageCreate( display(), frameId(), XDamageReportRawRectangles );
damage_region = QRegion( 0, 0, width(), height());
effect_window = new EffectWindowImpl();
effect_window->setWindow( this );
unredirect = false;
workspace()->checkUnredirect( true );
void Toplevel::finishCompositing()
if( damage_handle == None )
workspace()->checkUnredirect( true );
if( effect_window->window() == this ) // otherwise it's already passed to Deleted, don't free data
delete effect_window;
XDamageDestroy( display(), damage_handle );
damage_handle = None;
damage_region = QRegion();
repaints_region = QRegion();
effect_window = NULL;
void Toplevel::discardWindowPixmap()
if( window_pix == None )
XFreePixmap( display(), window_pix );
window_pix = None;
if( effectWindow() != NULL && effectWindow()->sceneWindow() != NULL )
Pixmap Toplevel::createWindowPixmap()
assert( compositing());
if( unredirected())
return None;
KXErrorHandler err;
Pixmap pix = XCompositeNameWindowPixmap( display(), frameId());
// check that the received pixmap is valid and actually matches what we
// know about the window (i.e. size)
XWindowAttributes attrs;
if( !XGetWindowAttributes( display(), frameId(), &attrs )
|| err.error( false )
|| attrs.width != width() || attrs.height != height() || attrs.map_state != IsViewable )
kDebug( 1212 ) << "Creating window pixmap failed: " << this;
XFreePixmap( display(), pix );
pix = None;
return pix;
return None;
void Toplevel::damageNotifyEvent( XDamageNotifyEvent* e )
QRegion damage( e->area.x, e->area.y, e->area.width, e->area.height );
// compress
int cnt = 1;
while( XPending( display()))
XEvent e2;
if( XPeekEvent( display(), &e2 ) && e2.type == Extensions::damageNotifyEvent()
&& e2.xany.window == frameId())
XNextEvent( display(), &e2 );
if( cnt > 200 )
// If there are way too many damage events in the queue, just discard them
// and damage the whole window. Otherwise the X server can just overload
// us with a flood of damage events. Should be probably optimized
// in the X server, as this is rather lame.
damage = rect();
XDamageNotifyEvent* e = reinterpret_cast< XDamageNotifyEvent* >( &e2 );
QRect r( e->area.x, e->area.y, e->area.width, e->area.height );
// If there are too many damaged rectangles, increase them
// to be multiples of 100x100 px grid, since QRegion get quite
// slow with many rectangles, and there is little to gain by using
// many small rectangles (rather the opposite, several large should
// be often faster).
if( cnt > 50 )
r.setLeft( r.left() / 100 * 100 );
r.setRight(( r.right() + 99 ) / 100 * 100 );
r.setTop( / 100 * 100 );
r.setBottom(( r.bottom() + 99 ) / 100 * 100 );
damage += r;
foreach( QRect r, damage.rects())
addDamage( r );
void Client::damageNotifyEvent( XDamageNotifyEvent* e )
Toplevel::damageNotifyEvent( e );
if( sync_counter == None ) // cannot detect complete redraw, consider done now
ready_for_painting = true;
ready_for_painting = true; // no sync at all, consider done now
void Toplevel::addDamage( const QRect& r )
addDamage( r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height());
void Toplevel::addDamage( int x, int y, int w, int h )
if( !compositing())
QRect r( x, y, w, h );
// resizing the decoration may lag behind a bit and when shrinking there
// may be a damage event coming with size larger than the current window size
r &= rect();
damage_region += r;
repaints_region += r;
static_cast<EffectsHandlerImpl*>(effects)->windowDamaged( effectWindow(), r );
void Toplevel::addDamageFull()
if( !compositing())
damage_region = rect();
repaints_region = rect();
static_cast<EffectsHandlerImpl*>(effects)->windowDamaged( effectWindow(), rect());
void Toplevel::resetDamage( const QRect& r )
damage_region -= r;
void Toplevel::addRepaint( const QRect& r )
addRepaint( r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height());
void Toplevel::addRepaint( int x, int y, int w, int h )
if( !compositing())
QRect r( x, y, w, h );
r &= rect();
repaints_region += r;
void Toplevel::addRepaintFull()
repaints_region = rect();
void Toplevel::resetRepaints( const QRect& r )
repaints_region -= r;
void Toplevel::addWorkspaceRepaint( int x, int y, int w, int h )
addWorkspaceRepaint( QRect( x, y, w, h ));
void Toplevel::addWorkspaceRepaint( const QRect& r2 )
if( !compositing())
if( effectWindow() == NULL ) // TODO - this can happen during window destruction
return workspace()->addRepaint( r2 );
QRect r = effects->transformWindowDamage( effectWindow(), r2 );
workspace()->addRepaint( r );
bool Toplevel::updateUnredirectedState()
assert( compositing());
bool should = shouldUnredirect() && !unredirectSuspend && !shape() && !hasAlpha() && opacity() == 1.0;
if( should && !unredirect )
unredirect = true;
kDebug( 1212 ) << "Unredirecting:" << this;
XCompositeUnredirectWindow( display(), frameId(), CompositeRedirectManual );
return true;
else if( !should && unredirect )
unredirect = false;
kDebug( 1212 ) << "Redirecting:" << this;
XCompositeRedirectWindow( display(), frameId(), CompositeRedirectManual );
return true;
return false;
void Toplevel::suspendUnredirect( bool suspend )
if( unredirectSuspend == suspend )
unredirectSuspend = suspend;
// Client
void Client::setupCompositing()
updateVisibility(); // for internalKeep()
void Client::finishCompositing()
bool Client::shouldUnredirect() const
if( isActiveFullScreen())
ToplevelList stacking = workspace()->xStackingOrder();
for( int pos = stacking.count() - 1;
pos >= 0;
--pos )
Toplevel* c = pos );
if( c == this ) // is not covered by any other window, ok to unredirect
return true;
if( c->geometry().intersects( geometry()))
return false;
return false;
// Unmanaged
bool Unmanaged::shouldUnredirect() const
// it must cover whole display or one xinerama screen, and be the topmost there
if( geometry() == workspace()->clientArea( FullArea, geometry().center(), workspace()->currentDesktop())
|| geometry() == workspace()->clientArea( ScreenArea, geometry().center(), workspace()->currentDesktop()))
ToplevelList stacking = workspace()->xStackingOrder();
for( int pos = stacking.count() - 1;
pos >= 0;
--pos )
Toplevel* c = pos );
if( c == this ) // is not covered by any other window, ok to unredirect
return true;
if( c->geometry().intersects( geometry()))
return false;
return false;
// Deleted
bool Deleted::shouldUnredirect() const
return false;
} // namespace