Luboš Luňák 63a97b7d3d Add DesktopChangeSlideEffect, an effect that on virtual desktop
change slides the old desktop out and the new one in. Should not
be really technically different from the cube.

svn path=/branches/work/kwin_composite/; revision=629163
2007-02-01 17:20:48 +00:00

386 lines
13 KiB

KWin - the KDE window manager
This file is part of the KDE project.
Copyright (C) 2007 Rivo Laks <>
You can Freely distribute this program under the GNU General Public
License. See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.
#include "presentwindows.h"
#include <client.h>
#include <workspace.h>
#include <kactioncollection.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <math.h>
// Note that currently effects need to be manually enabled in the EffectsHandler
// class constructor (in effects.cpp).
namespace KWinInternal
PresentWindowsEffect::PresentWindowsEffect(Workspace* ws) : Effect()
mWorkspace = ws;
mActivated = false;
mActiveness = 0.0;
KActionCollection* actionCollection = new KActionCollection( this );
KAction* a = (KAction*)actionCollection->addAction( "Expose" );
a->setText( i18n("Toggle Expose effect" ));
a->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_F10));
connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(toggleActive()));
void PresentWindowsEffect::prePaintScreen( int* mask, QRegion* region, int time )
// How long does it take for the effect to get it's full strength (in ms)
const float changeTime = 300;
mActiveness = qMin(1.0f, mActiveness + time/changeTime);
else if(mActiveness > 0.0f)
mActiveness = qMax(0.0f, mActiveness - time/changeTime);
if(mActiveness <= 0.0f)
// We need to mark the screen as transformed. Otherwise the whole screen
// won't be repainted, resulting in artefacts
if( mActiveness > 0.0f )
effects->prePaintScreen(mask, region, time);
void PresentWindowsEffect::prePaintWindow( EffectWindow* w, int* mask, QRegion* region, int time )
if( mActiveness > 0.0f && mWindowData.contains(w->window()) )
// This window will be transformed by the effect
// If it's minimized window and effect is not fully active, then apply
// some transparency
if( mActiveness < 1.0f && static_cast< Client* >( w->window() )->isMinimized() )
effects->prePaintWindow( w, mask, region, time );
void PresentWindowsEffect::paintWindow( EffectWindow* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data )
if(mActiveness > 0.0f && mWindowData.contains(w->window()))
// Change window's position and scale
const WindowData& windata = mWindowData[w->window()];
data.xScale = interpolate(data.xScale, windata.scale, mActiveness);
data.yScale = interpolate(data.xScale, windata.scale, mActiveness);
data.xTranslate = (int)interpolate(data.xTranslate, windata.area.left() - w->window()->x(), mActiveness);
data.yTranslate = (int)interpolate(data.yTranslate, - w->window()->y(), mActiveness);
// Darken all windows except for the one under the cursor
if( !windata.area.contains(cursorPos()) )
data.brightness *= interpolate(1.0, 0.7, mActiveness);
// If it's minimized window and effect is not fully active, then apply
// some transparency
if( mActiveness < 1.0f && static_cast< Client* >( w->window() )->isMinimized() )
data.opacity *= interpolate(0.0, 1.0, mActiveness);
// Call the next effect.
effects->paintWindow( w, mask, region, data );
void PresentWindowsEffect::postPaintScreen()
// If mActiveness is between 0 and 1, the effect is still in progress and the
// workspace has to be repainted during the next pass
if( mActiveness > 0.0 && mActiveness < 1.0 )
mWorkspace->addDamageFull(); // trigger next animation repaint
// Call the next effect.
void PresentWindowsEffect::windowInputMouseEvent( Window w, QEvent* e )
assert( w == mInput );
if( e->type() != QEvent::MouseButtonPress )
// Find out which window (if any) was clicked and activate it
QPoint pos = static_cast< QMouseEvent* >( e )->pos();
for( QMap<Toplevel*, WindowData>::iterator it = mWindowData.begin();
it != mWindowData.end(); ++it )
if( it.value().area.contains(pos) )
effects->activateWindow( it.key()->effectWindow());
// Deactivate effect, no matter if any window was actually activated
void PresentWindowsEffect::windowActivated( EffectWindow* )
void PresentWindowsEffect::windowClosed( EffectWindow* )
void PresentWindowsEffect::setActive(bool active)
mActivated = active;
if( mActivated && mActiveness == 0.0f )
void PresentWindowsEffect::effectActivated()
// Create temporary input window to catch mouse events
mInput = effects->createInputWindow( this, 0, 0, displayWidth(), displayHeight(), Qt::PointingHandCursor );
// TODO: maybe also create a KAction so that ressing Esc would terminate the effect?
void PresentWindowsEffect::effectTerminated()
// Destroy the temporary input window
effects->destroyInputWindow( mInput );
void PresentWindowsEffect::rearrangeWindows()
if( !mActivated )
const ClientList& originalclientlist = mWorkspace->stackingOrder();
// Filter out special windows such as panels and taskbars
ClientList clientlist;
foreach( Client* client, originalclientlist )
if( client->isSpecialWindow() )
// TODO: make it possible to show windows of all desktops (needs config
// option)
if( !client->effectWindow()->isOnCurrentDesktop() )
// Calculate new positions and scales for windows
calculateWindowTransformationsKompose( clientlist );
// Schedule entire desktop to be repainted
void PresentWindowsEffect::calculateWindowTransformationsDumb(ClientList clientlist)
// Calculate number of rows/cols
int rows = clientlist.count() / 4 + 1;
int cols = clientlist.count() / rows + clientlist.count() % rows;
// Get rect which we can use on current desktop. This excludes e.g. panels
QRect placementRect = mWorkspace->clientArea( PlacementArea, QPoint( 0, 0 ), 0 );
// Size of one cell
int cellwidth = placementRect.width() / cols;
int cellheight = placementRect.height() / rows;
kDebug() << k_funcinfo << "Got " << clientlist.count() << " clients, using " << rows << "x" << cols << " grid" << endl;
// Calculate position and scale factor for each window
int i = 0;
foreach( Client* client, clientlist )
// Row/Col of this window
int r = i / cols;
int c = i % cols;
mWindowData[client].scale = qMin(cellwidth / (float)client->width(), cellheight / (float)client->height());
mWindowData[client].area.setLeft(placementRect.left() + cellwidth * c);
mWindowData[client].area.setTop( + cellheight * r);
mWindowData[client].area.setWidth((int)(client->width() * mWindowData[client].scale));
mWindowData[client].area.setHeight((int)(client->height() * mWindowData[client].scale));
kDebug() << k_funcinfo << "Window '" << client->caption() << "' gets moved to (" <<
mWindowData[client].area.left() << "; " << mWindowData[client].area.right() <<
"), scale: " << mWindowData[client].scale << endl;
float PresentWindowsEffect::clientAspectRatio(Client* c)
return c->width() / (float)c->height();
int PresentWindowsEffect::clientWidthForHeight(Client* c, int h)
return (int)((h / (float)c->height()) * c->width());
int PresentWindowsEffect::clientHeightForWidth(Client* c, int w)
return (int)((w / (float)c->width()) * c->height());
void PresentWindowsEffect::calculateWindowTransformationsKompose(ClientList clientlist)
// Get rect which we can use on current desktop. This excludes e.g. panels
QRect availRect = mWorkspace->clientArea( PlacementArea, QPoint( 0, 0 ), 0 );
// Following code is taken from Kompose 0.5.4, src/komposelayout.cpp
int spacing = 10;
int rows, columns;
float parentRatio = availRect.width() / (float)availRect.height();
// Use more columns than rows when parent's width > parent's height
if ( parentRatio > 1 )
columns = (int)ceil( sqrt(clientlist.count()) );
rows = (int)ceil( (double)clientlist.count() / (double)columns );
rows = (int)ceil( sqrt(clientlist.count()) );
columns = (int)ceil( (double)clientlist.count() / (double)rows );
kDebug() << k_funcinfo << "Using " << rows << " rows & " << columns << " columns for " << clientlist.count() << " clients" << endl;
// Calculate width & height
int w = (availRect.width() - (columns+1) * spacing ) / columns;
int h = (availRect.height() - (rows+1) * spacing ) / rows;
ClientList::iterator it( clientlist.begin() );
QList<QRect> geometryRects;
QList<int> maxRowHeights;
// Process rows
for ( int i=0; i<rows; ++i )
int xOffsetFromLastCol = 0;
int maxHeightInRow = 0;
// Process columns
for ( int j=0; j<columns; ++j )
Client *client;
// Check for end of List
if ( it == clientlist.end() )
client = *it;
// Calculate width and height of widget
float ratio = clientAspectRatio(client);
int widgetw = 100;
int widgeth = 100;
int usableW = w;
int usableH = h;
// use width of two boxes if there is no right neighbour
if (client == clientlist.last() && j != columns-1)
usableW = 2*w;
++it; // We need access to the neighbour in the following
// expand if right neighbour has ratio < 1
if (j != columns-1 && it != clientlist.end() && clientAspectRatio(*it) < 1)
int addW = w - clientWidthForHeight(*it, h);
if ( addW > 0 )
usableW = w + addW;
if ( ratio == -1 )
widgetw = w;
widgeth = h;
double widthForHeight = clientWidthForHeight(client, usableH);
double heightForWidth = clientHeightForWidth(client, usableW);
if ( (ratio >= 1.0 && heightForWidth <= usableH) ||
(ratio < 1.0 && widthForHeight > usableW) )
widgetw = usableW;
widgeth = (int)heightForWidth;
else if ( (ratio < 1.0 && widthForHeight <= usableW) ||
(ratio >= 1.0 && heightForWidth > usableH) )
widgeth = usableH;
widgetw = (int)widthForHeight;
// Set the Widget's size
int alignmentXoffset = 0;
int alignmentYoffset = 0;
if ( i==0 && h > widgeth )
alignmentYoffset = h - widgeth;
if ( j==0 && w > widgetw )
alignmentXoffset = w - widgetw;
QRect geom( availRect.x() + j * (w + spacing) + spacing + alignmentXoffset + xOffsetFromLastCol,
availRect.y() + i * (h + spacing) + spacing + alignmentYoffset,
widgetw, widgeth );
// Set the x offset for the next column
if (alignmentXoffset==0)
xOffsetFromLastCol += widgetw-w;
if (maxHeightInRow < widgeth)
maxHeightInRow = widgeth;
int topOffset = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < rows; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < columns; j++ )
int pos = i*columns + j;
if(pos >= clientlist.count())
Client* client = clientlist[pos];
QRect geom = geometryRects[pos];
geom.setY( geom.y() + topOffset );
mWindowData[client].area = geom;
mWindowData[client].scale = geom.width() / (float)client->width();
kDebug() << k_funcinfo << "Window '" << client->caption() << "' gets moved to (" <<
mWindowData[client].area.left() << "; " << mWindowData[client].area.right() <<
"), scale: " << mWindowData[client].scale << endl;
if ( maxRowHeights[i]-h > 0 )
topOffset += maxRowHeights[i]-h;
} // namespace
#include "presentwindows.moc"