Effects are given the interval between two consecutive frames. The main flaw of this approach is that if the Compositor transitions from the idle state to "active" state, i.e. when there is something to repaint, effects may see a very large interval between the last painted frame and the current. In order to address this issue, the Scene invalidates the timer that is used to measure time between consecutive frames before the Compositor is about to become idle. While this works perfectly fine with Xinerama-style rendering, with per screen rendering, determining whether the compositor is about to idle is rather a tedious task mostly because a single output can't be used for the test. Furthermore, since the Compositor schedules pointless repaints just to ensure that it's idle, it might take several attempts to figure out whether the scene timer must be invalidated if you use (true) per screen rendering. Ideally, all effects should use a timeline helper that is aware of the underlying render loop and its timings. However, this option is off the table because it will involve a lot of work to implement it. Alternative and much simpler option is to pass the expected presentation time to effects rather than time between consecutive frames. This means that effects are responsible for determining how much animation timelines have to be advanced. Typically, an effect would have to store the presentation timestamp provided in either prePaint{Screen,Window} and use it in the subsequent prePaint{Screen,Window} call to estimate the amount of time passed between the next and the last frames. Unfortunately, this is an API incompatible change. However, it shouldn't take a lot of work to port third-party binary effects, which don't use the AnimationEffect class, to the new API. On the bright side, we no longer need to be concerned about the Compositor getting idle. We do still try to determine whether the Compositor is about to idle, primarily, because the OpenGL render backend swaps buffers on present, but that will change with the ongoing compositing timing rework.
1100 lines
37 KiB
1100 lines
37 KiB
KWin - the KDE window manager
This file is part of the KDE project.
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008 Cédric Borgese <cedric.borgese@gmail.com>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "wobblywindows.h"
#include "wobblywindowsconfig.h"
#include <cmath>
// if you enable it and run kwin in a terminal from the session it manages,
// be sure to redirect the output of kwin in a file or
// you'll propably get deadlocks.
//#define VERBOSE_MODE
#if defined COMPUTE_STATS && !defined VERBOSE_MODE
# ifdef __GNUC__
# warning "You enable COMPUTE_STATS without VERBOSE_MODE, computed stats will not be printed."
# endif
namespace KWin
struct ParameterSet {
qreal stiffness;
qreal drag;
qreal move_factor;
qreal xTesselation;
qreal yTesselation;
qreal minVelocity;
qreal maxVelocity;
qreal stopVelocity;
qreal minAcceleration;
qreal maxAcceleration;
qreal stopAcceleration;
static const ParameterSet set_0 = {
static const ParameterSet set_1 = {
static const ParameterSet set_2 = {
static const ParameterSet set_3 = {
static const ParameterSet set_4 = {
static const ParameterSet pset[5] = { set_0, set_1, set_2, set_3, set_4 };
connect(effects, &EffectsHandler::windowStartUserMovedResized, this, &WobblyWindowsEffect::slotWindowStartUserMovedResized);
connect(effects, &EffectsHandler::windowStepUserMovedResized, this, &WobblyWindowsEffect::slotWindowStepUserMovedResized);
connect(effects, &EffectsHandler::windowFinishUserMovedResized, this, &WobblyWindowsEffect::slotWindowFinishUserMovedResized);
connect(effects, &EffectsHandler::windowMaximizedStateChanged, this, &WobblyWindowsEffect::slotWindowMaximizeStateChanged);
if (!windows.empty()) {
// we should be empty at this point...
// emit a warning and clean the list.
qCDebug(KWINEFFECTS) << "Windows list not empty. Left items : " << windows.count();
QHash< const EffectWindow*, WindowWobblyInfos >::iterator i;
for (i = windows.begin(); i != windows.end(); ++i) {
void WobblyWindowsEffect::reconfigure(ReconfigureFlags)
QString settingsMode = WobblyWindowsConfig::settings();
if (settingsMode != QStringLiteral("Custom")) {
unsigned int wobblynessLevel = WobblyWindowsConfig::wobblynessLevel();
if (wobblynessLevel > 4) {
qCDebug(KWINEFFECTS) << "Wrong value for \"WobblynessLevel\" : " << wobblynessLevel;
wobblynessLevel = 4;
if (WobblyWindowsConfig::advancedMode()) {
m_stiffness = WobblyWindowsConfig::stiffness() / 100.0;
m_drag = WobblyWindowsConfig::drag() / 100.0;
m_move_factor = WobblyWindowsConfig::moveFactor() / 100.0;
} else { // Custom method, read all values from config file.
m_stiffness = WobblyWindowsConfig::stiffness() / 100.0;
m_drag = WobblyWindowsConfig::drag() / 100.0;
m_move_factor = WobblyWindowsConfig::moveFactor() / 100.0;
m_xTesselation = WobblyWindowsConfig::xTesselation();
m_yTesselation = WobblyWindowsConfig::yTesselation();
m_minVelocity = WobblyWindowsConfig::minVelocity();
m_maxVelocity = WobblyWindowsConfig::maxVelocity();
m_stopVelocity = WobblyWindowsConfig::stopVelocity();
m_minAcceleration = WobblyWindowsConfig::minAcceleration();
m_maxAcceleration = WobblyWindowsConfig::maxAcceleration();
m_stopAcceleration = WobblyWindowsConfig::stopAcceleration();
m_moveWobble = WobblyWindowsConfig::moveWobble();
m_resizeWobble = WobblyWindowsConfig::resizeWobble();
#if defined VERBOSE_MODE
qCDebug(KWINEFFECTS) << "Parameters :\n" <<
"grid(" << m_stiffness << ", " << m_drag << ", " << m_move_factor << ")\n" <<
"velocity(" << m_minVelocity << ", " << m_maxVelocity << ", " << m_stopVelocity << ")\n" <<
"acceleration(" << m_minAcceleration << ", " << m_maxAcceleration << ", " << m_stopAcceleration << ")\n" <<
"tesselation(" << m_xTesselation << ", " << m_yTesselation << ")";
bool WobblyWindowsEffect::supported()
return effects->isOpenGLCompositing() && effects->animationsSupported();
void WobblyWindowsEffect::setParameterSet(const ParameterSet& pset)
m_stiffness = pset.stiffness;
m_drag = pset.drag;
m_move_factor = pset.move_factor;
m_xTesselation = pset.xTesselation;
m_yTesselation = pset.yTesselation;
m_minVelocity = pset.minVelocity;
m_maxVelocity = pset.maxVelocity;
m_stopVelocity = pset.stopVelocity;
m_minAcceleration = pset.minAcceleration;
m_maxAcceleration = pset.maxAcceleration;
m_stopAcceleration = pset.stopAcceleration;
void WobblyWindowsEffect::setVelocityThreshold(qreal m_minVelocity)
this->m_minVelocity = m_minVelocity;
void WobblyWindowsEffect::setMoveFactor(qreal factor)
m_move_factor = factor;
void WobblyWindowsEffect::setStiffness(qreal stiffness)
m_stiffness = stiffness;
void WobblyWindowsEffect::setDrag(qreal drag)
m_drag = drag;
void WobblyWindowsEffect::prePaintScreen(ScreenPrePaintData& data, std::chrono::milliseconds presentTime)
// We need to mark the screen windows as transformed. Otherwise the whole
// screen won't be repainted, resulting in artefacts.
// Could we just set a subset of the screen to be repainted ?
if (windows.count() != 0) {
m_updateRegion = QRegion();
effects->prePaintScreen(data, presentTime);
const qreal maxTime = 10.0;
void WobblyWindowsEffect::prePaintWindow(EffectWindow* w, WindowPrePaintData& data, std::chrono::milliseconds presentTime)
auto infoIt = windows.find(w);
if (infoIt != windows.end()) {
data.quads = data.quads.makeRegularGrid(m_xTesselation, m_yTesselation);
bool stop = false;
qreal updateTime = 0;
if (infoIt->lastPresentTime.count()) {
updateTime = (presentTime - infoIt->lastPresentTime).count();
infoIt->lastPresentTime = presentTime;
// We have to reset the clip region in order to render clients below
// opaque wobbly windows.
data.clip = QRegion();
while (!stop && (updateTime > maxTime)) {
#if defined VERBOSE_MODE
qCDebug(KWINEFFECTS) << "loop time " << updateTime << " / " << time;
stop = !updateWindowWobblyDatas(w, maxTime);
updateTime -= maxTime;
if (!stop && updateTime > 0) {
updateWindowWobblyDatas(w, updateTime);
effects->prePaintWindow(w, data, presentTime);
void WobblyWindowsEffect::paintWindow(EffectWindow* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data)
if (!(mask & PAINT_SCREEN_TRANSFORMED) && windows.contains(w)) {
WindowWobblyInfos& wwi = windows[w];
int tx = w->geometry().x();
int ty = w->geometry().y();
double left = 0.0;
double top = 0.0;
double right = w->width();
double bottom = w->height();
for (int i = 0; i < data.quads.count(); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
WindowVertex& v = data.quads[i][j];
Pair oldPos = {tx + v.x(), ty + v.y()};
Pair newPos = computeBezierPoint(wwi, oldPos);
v.move(newPos.x - tx, newPos.y - ty);
left = qMin(left, data.quads[i].left());
top = qMin(top, data.quads[i].top());
right = qMax(right, data.quads[i].right());
bottom = qMax(bottom, data.quads[i].bottom());
QRectF dirtyRect(
left * data.xScale() + w->x() + data.xTranslation(),
top * data.yScale() + w->y() + data.yTranslation(),
(right - left + 1.0) * data.xScale(),
(bottom - top + 1.0) * data.yScale());
// Expand the dirty region by 1px to fix potential round/floor issues.
dirtyRect.adjust(-1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
m_updateRegion = m_updateRegion.united(dirtyRect.toRect());
// Call the next effect.
effects->paintWindow(w, mask, region, data);
void WobblyWindowsEffect::postPaintScreen()
if (!windows.isEmpty()) {
// Call the next effect.
void WobblyWindowsEffect::slotWindowStartUserMovedResized(EffectWindow *w)
if (w->isSpecialWindow()) {
if ((w->isUserMove() && m_moveWobble) || (w->isUserResize() && m_resizeWobble)) {
void WobblyWindowsEffect::slotWindowStepUserMovedResized(EffectWindow *w, const QRect &geometry)
if (windows.contains(w)) {
WindowWobblyInfos& wwi = windows[w];
QRect rect = w->geometry();
if (rect.y() != wwi.resize_original_rect.y()) wwi.can_wobble_top = true;
if (rect.x() != wwi.resize_original_rect.x()) wwi.can_wobble_left = true;
if (rect.right() != wwi.resize_original_rect.right()) wwi.can_wobble_right = true;
if (rect.bottom() != wwi.resize_original_rect.bottom()) wwi.can_wobble_bottom = true;
void WobblyWindowsEffect::slotWindowFinishUserMovedResized(EffectWindow *w)
if (windows.contains(w)) {
WindowWobblyInfos& wwi = windows[w];
wwi.status = Free;
QRect rect = w->geometry();
if (rect.y() != wwi.resize_original_rect.y()) wwi.can_wobble_top = true;
if (rect.x() != wwi.resize_original_rect.x()) wwi.can_wobble_left = true;
if (rect.right() != wwi.resize_original_rect.right()) wwi.can_wobble_right = true;
if (rect.bottom() != wwi.resize_original_rect.bottom()) wwi.can_wobble_bottom = true;
void WobblyWindowsEffect::slotWindowMaximizeStateChanged(EffectWindow *w, bool horizontal, bool vertical)
if (w->isUserMove() || w->isSpecialWindow()) {
if (m_moveWobble && m_resizeWobble) {
if (windows.contains(w)) {
WindowWobblyInfos& wwi = windows[w];
QRect rect = w->geometry();
if (rect.y() != wwi.resize_original_rect.y()) wwi.can_wobble_top = true;
if (rect.x() != wwi.resize_original_rect.x()) wwi.can_wobble_left = true;
if (rect.right() != wwi.resize_original_rect.right()) wwi.can_wobble_right = true;
if (rect.bottom() != wwi.resize_original_rect.bottom()) wwi.can_wobble_bottom = true;
void WobblyWindowsEffect::startMovedResized(EffectWindow* w)
if (!windows.contains(w)) {
WindowWobblyInfos new_wwi;
initWobblyInfo(new_wwi, w->geometry());
windows[w] = new_wwi;
WindowWobblyInfos& wwi = windows[w];
wwi.status = Moving;
const QRectF& rect = w->geometry();
qreal x_increment = rect.width() / (wwi.width - 1.0);
qreal y_increment = rect.height() / (wwi.height - 1.0);
Pair picked = {static_cast<qreal>(cursorPos().x()), static_cast<qreal>(cursorPos().y())};
int indx = (picked.x - rect.x()) / x_increment + 0.5;
int indy = (picked.y - rect.y()) / y_increment + 0.5;
int pickedPointIndex = indy * wwi.width + indx;
if (pickedPointIndex < 0) {
qCDebug(KWINEFFECTS) << "Picked index == " << pickedPointIndex << " with (" << cursorPos().x() << "," << cursorPos().y() << ")";
pickedPointIndex = 0;
} else if (static_cast<unsigned int>(pickedPointIndex) > wwi.count - 1) {
qCDebug(KWINEFFECTS) << "Picked index == " << pickedPointIndex << " with (" << cursorPos().x() << "," << cursorPos().y() << ")";
pickedPointIndex = wwi.count - 1;
#if defined VERBOSE_MODE
qCDebug(KWINEFFECTS) << "Original Picked point -- x : " << picked.x << " - y : " << picked.y;
wwi.constraint[pickedPointIndex] = true;
if (w->isUserResize()) {
// on a resize, do not allow any edges to wobble until it has been moved from
// its original location
wwi.can_wobble_top = wwi.can_wobble_left = wwi.can_wobble_right = wwi.can_wobble_bottom = false;
wwi.resize_original_rect = w->geometry();
} else {
wwi.can_wobble_top = wwi.can_wobble_left = wwi.can_wobble_right = wwi.can_wobble_bottom = true;
void WobblyWindowsEffect::stepMovedResized(EffectWindow* w)
QRect new_geometry = w->geometry();
if (!windows.contains(w)) {
WindowWobblyInfos new_wwi;
initWobblyInfo(new_wwi, new_geometry);
windows[w] = new_wwi;
WindowWobblyInfos& wwi = windows[w];
wwi.status = Free;
QRect maximized_area = effects->clientArea(MaximizeArea, w);
bool throb_direction_out = (new_geometry.top() == maximized_area.top() && new_geometry.bottom() == maximized_area.bottom()) ||
(new_geometry.left() == maximized_area.left() && new_geometry.right() == maximized_area.right());
qreal magnitude = throb_direction_out ? 10 : -30; // a small throb out when maximized, a larger throb inwards when restored
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < wwi.height; ++j) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < wwi.width; ++i) {
Pair v = { magnitude*(i / qreal(wwi.width - 1) - 0.5), magnitude*(j / qreal(wwi.height - 1) - 0.5) };
wwi.velocity[j*wwi.width+i] = v;
// constrain the middle of the window, so that any asymetry wont cause it to drift off-center
for (unsigned int j = 1; j < wwi.height - 1; ++j) {
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < wwi.width - 1; ++i) {
wwi.constraint[j*wwi.width+i] = true;
void WobblyWindowsEffect::initWobblyInfo(WindowWobblyInfos& wwi, QRect geometry) const
wwi.count = 4 * 4;
wwi.width = 4;
wwi.height = 4;
wwi.bezierWidth = m_xTesselation;
wwi.bezierHeight = m_yTesselation;
wwi.bezierCount = m_xTesselation * m_yTesselation;
wwi.origin = new Pair[wwi.count];
wwi.position = new Pair[wwi.count];
wwi.velocity = new Pair[wwi.count];
wwi.acceleration = new Pair[wwi.count];
wwi.buffer = new Pair[wwi.count];
wwi.constraint = new bool[wwi.count];
wwi.bezierSurface = new Pair[wwi.bezierCount];
wwi.status = Moving;
wwi.lastPresentTime = std::chrono::milliseconds::zero();
qreal x = geometry.x(), y = geometry.y();
qreal width = geometry.width(), height = geometry.height();
Pair initValue = {x, y};
static const Pair nullPair = {0.0, 0.0};
qreal x_increment = width / (wwi.width - 1.0);
qreal y_increment = height / (wwi.height - 1.0);
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
unsigned int idx = j * 4 + i;
wwi.origin[idx] = initValue;
wwi.position[idx] = initValue;
wwi.velocity[idx] = nullPair;
wwi.constraint[idx] = false;
if (i != 4 - 2) { // x grid count - 2, i.e. not the last point
initValue.x += x_increment;
} else {
initValue.x = width + x;
initValue.x = initValue.x;
initValue.x = x;
initValue.x = initValue.x;
if (j != 4 - 2) { // y grid count - 2, i.e. not the last point
initValue.y += y_increment;
} else {
initValue.y = height + y;
initValue.y = initValue.y;
void WobblyWindowsEffect::freeWobblyInfo(WindowWobblyInfos& wwi) const
delete[] wwi.origin;
delete[] wwi.position;
delete[] wwi.velocity;
delete[] wwi.acceleration;
delete[] wwi.buffer;
delete[] wwi.constraint;
delete[] wwi.bezierSurface;
WobblyWindowsEffect::Pair WobblyWindowsEffect::computeBezierPoint(const WindowWobblyInfos& wwi, Pair point) const
// compute the input value
Pair topleft = wwi.origin[0];
Pair bottomright = wwi.origin[wwi.count-1];
qreal tx = (point.x - topleft.x) / (bottomright.x - topleft.x);
qreal ty = (point.y - topleft.y) / (bottomright.y - topleft.y);
// compute polynomial coeff
qreal px[4];
px[0] = (1 - tx) * (1 - tx) * (1 - tx);
px[1] = 3 * (1 - tx) * (1 - tx) * tx;
px[2] = 3 * (1 - tx) * tx * tx;
px[3] = tx * tx * tx;
qreal py[4];
py[0] = (1 - ty) * (1 - ty) * (1 - ty);
py[1] = 3 * (1 - ty) * (1 - ty) * ty;
py[2] = 3 * (1 - ty) * ty * ty;
py[3] = ty * ty * ty;
Pair res = {0.0, 0.0};
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
// this assume the grid is 4*4
res.x += px[i] * py[j] * wwi.position[i + j * wwi.width].x;
res.y += px[i] * py[j] * wwi.position[i + j * wwi.width].y;
return res;
static inline void fixVectorBounds(WobblyWindowsEffect::Pair& vec, qreal min, qreal max)
if (fabs(vec.x) < min) {
vec.x = 0.0;
} else if (fabs(vec.x) > max) {
if (vec.x > 0.0) {
vec.x = max;
} else {
vec.x = -max;
if (fabs(vec.y) < min) {
vec.y = 0.0;
} else if (fabs(vec.y) > max) {
if (vec.y > 0.0) {
vec.y = max;
} else {
vec.y = -max;
#if defined COMPUTE_STATS
static inline void computeVectorBounds(WobblyWindowsEffect::Pair& vec, WobblyWindowsEffect::Pair& bound)
if (fabs(vec.x) < bound.x) {
bound.x = fabs(vec.x);
} else if (fabs(vec.x) > bound.y) {
bound.y = fabs(vec.x);
if (fabs(vec.y) < bound.x) {
bound.x = fabs(vec.y);
} else if (fabs(vec.y) > bound.y) {
bound.y = fabs(vec.y);
} // close the anonymous namespace
bool WobblyWindowsEffect::updateWindowWobblyDatas(EffectWindow* w, qreal time)
QRectF rect = w->geometry();
WindowWobblyInfos& wwi = windows[w];
qreal x_length = rect.width() / (wwi.width - 1.0);
qreal y_length = rect.height() / (wwi.height - 1.0);
#if defined VERBOSE_MODE
qCDebug(KWINEFFECTS) << "time " << time;
qCDebug(KWINEFFECTS) << "increment x " << x_length << " // y" << y_length;
Pair origine = {rect.x(), rect.y()};
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < wwi.height; ++j) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < wwi.width; ++i) {
wwi.origin[wwi.width*j + i] = origine;
if (i != wwi.width - 2) {
origine.x += x_length;
} else {
origine.x = rect.width() + rect.x();
origine.x = rect.x();
if (j != wwi.height - 2) {
origine.y += y_length;
} else {
origine.y = rect.height() + rect.y();
Pair neibourgs[4];
Pair acceleration;
qreal acc_sum = 0.0;
qreal vel_sum = 0.0;
// compute acceleration, velocity and position for each point
// for corners
// top-left
if (wwi.constraint[0]) {
Pair window_pos = wwi.origin[0];
Pair current_pos = wwi.position[0];
Pair move = {window_pos.x - current_pos.x, window_pos.y - current_pos.y};
Pair accel = {move.x*m_stiffness, move.y*m_stiffness};
wwi.acceleration[0] = accel;
} else {
Pair& pos = wwi.position[0];
neibourgs[0] = wwi.position[1];
neibourgs[1] = wwi.position[wwi.width];
acceleration.x = ((neibourgs[0].x - pos.x) - x_length) * m_stiffness + (neibourgs[1].x - pos.x) * m_stiffness;
acceleration.y = ((neibourgs[1].y - pos.y) - y_length) * m_stiffness + (neibourgs[0].y - pos.y) * m_stiffness;
acceleration.x /= 2;
acceleration.y /= 2;
wwi.acceleration[0] = acceleration;
// top-right
if (wwi.constraint[wwi.width-1]) {
Pair window_pos = wwi.origin[wwi.width-1];
Pair current_pos = wwi.position[wwi.width-1];
Pair move = {window_pos.x - current_pos.x, window_pos.y - current_pos.y};
Pair accel = {move.x*m_stiffness, move.y*m_stiffness};
wwi.acceleration[wwi.width-1] = accel;
} else {
Pair& pos = wwi.position[wwi.width-1];
neibourgs[0] = wwi.position[wwi.width-2];
neibourgs[1] = wwi.position[2*wwi.width-1];
acceleration.x = (x_length - (pos.x - neibourgs[0].x)) * m_stiffness + (neibourgs[1].x - pos.x) * m_stiffness;
acceleration.y = ((neibourgs[1].y - pos.y) - y_length) * m_stiffness + (neibourgs[0].y - pos.y) * m_stiffness;
acceleration.x /= 2;
acceleration.y /= 2;
wwi.acceleration[wwi.width-1] = acceleration;
// bottom-left
if (wwi.constraint[wwi.width*(wwi.height-1)]) {
Pair window_pos = wwi.origin[wwi.width*(wwi.height-1)];
Pair current_pos = wwi.position[wwi.width*(wwi.height-1)];
Pair move = {window_pos.x - current_pos.x, window_pos.y - current_pos.y};
Pair accel = {move.x*m_stiffness, move.y*m_stiffness};
wwi.acceleration[wwi.width*(wwi.height-1)] = accel;
} else {
Pair& pos = wwi.position[wwi.width*(wwi.height-1)];
neibourgs[0] = wwi.position[wwi.width*(wwi.height-1)+1];
neibourgs[1] = wwi.position[wwi.width*(wwi.height-2)];
acceleration.x = ((neibourgs[0].x - pos.x) - x_length) * m_stiffness + (neibourgs[1].x - pos.x) * m_stiffness;
acceleration.y = (y_length - (pos.y - neibourgs[1].y)) * m_stiffness + (neibourgs[0].y - pos.y) * m_stiffness;
acceleration.x /= 2;
acceleration.y /= 2;
wwi.acceleration[wwi.width*(wwi.height-1)] = acceleration;
// bottom-right
if (wwi.constraint[wwi.count-1]) {
Pair window_pos = wwi.origin[wwi.count-1];
Pair current_pos = wwi.position[wwi.count-1];
Pair move = {window_pos.x - current_pos.x, window_pos.y - current_pos.y};
Pair accel = {move.x*m_stiffness, move.y*m_stiffness};
wwi.acceleration[wwi.count-1] = accel;
} else {
Pair& pos = wwi.position[wwi.count-1];
neibourgs[0] = wwi.position[wwi.count-2];
neibourgs[1] = wwi.position[wwi.width*(wwi.height-1)-1];
acceleration.x = (x_length - (pos.x - neibourgs[0].x)) * m_stiffness + (neibourgs[1].x - pos.x) * m_stiffness;
acceleration.y = (y_length - (pos.y - neibourgs[1].y)) * m_stiffness + (neibourgs[0].y - pos.y) * m_stiffness;
acceleration.x /= 2;
acceleration.y /= 2;
wwi.acceleration[wwi.count-1] = acceleration;
// for borders
// top border
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < wwi.width - 1; ++i) {
if (wwi.constraint[i]) {
Pair window_pos = wwi.origin[i];
Pair current_pos = wwi.position[i];
Pair move = {window_pos.x - current_pos.x, window_pos.y - current_pos.y};
Pair accel = {move.x*m_stiffness, move.y*m_stiffness};
wwi.acceleration[i] = accel;
} else {
Pair& pos = wwi.position[i];
neibourgs[0] = wwi.position[i-1];
neibourgs[1] = wwi.position[i+1];
neibourgs[2] = wwi.position[i+wwi.width];
acceleration.x = (x_length - (pos.x - neibourgs[0].x)) * m_stiffness + ((neibourgs[1].x - pos.x) - x_length) * m_stiffness + (neibourgs[2].x - pos.x) * m_stiffness;
acceleration.y = ((neibourgs[2].y - pos.y) - y_length) * m_stiffness + (neibourgs[0].y - pos.y) * m_stiffness + (neibourgs[1].y - pos.y) * m_stiffness;
acceleration.x /= 3;
acceleration.y /= 3;
wwi.acceleration[i] = acceleration;
// bottom border
for (unsigned int i = wwi.width * (wwi.height - 1) + 1; i < wwi.count - 1; ++i) {
if (wwi.constraint[i]) {
Pair window_pos = wwi.origin[i];
Pair current_pos = wwi.position[i];
Pair move = {window_pos.x - current_pos.x, window_pos.y - current_pos.y};
Pair accel = {move.x*m_stiffness, move.y*m_stiffness};
wwi.acceleration[i] = accel;
} else {
Pair& pos = wwi.position[i];
neibourgs[0] = wwi.position[i-1];
neibourgs[1] = wwi.position[i+1];
neibourgs[2] = wwi.position[i-wwi.width];
acceleration.x = (x_length - (pos.x - neibourgs[0].x)) * m_stiffness + ((neibourgs[1].x - pos.x) - x_length) * m_stiffness + (neibourgs[2].x - pos.x) * m_stiffness;
acceleration.y = (y_length - (pos.y - neibourgs[2].y)) * m_stiffness + (neibourgs[0].y - pos.y) * m_stiffness + (neibourgs[1].y - pos.y) * m_stiffness;
acceleration.x /= 3;
acceleration.y /= 3;
wwi.acceleration[i] = acceleration;
// left border
for (unsigned int i = wwi.width; i < wwi.width*(wwi.height - 1); i += wwi.width) {
if (wwi.constraint[i]) {
Pair window_pos = wwi.origin[i];
Pair current_pos = wwi.position[i];
Pair move = {window_pos.x - current_pos.x, window_pos.y - current_pos.y};
Pair accel = {move.x*m_stiffness, move.y*m_stiffness};
wwi.acceleration[i] = accel;
} else {
Pair& pos = wwi.position[i];
neibourgs[0] = wwi.position[i+1];
neibourgs[1] = wwi.position[i-wwi.width];
neibourgs[2] = wwi.position[i+wwi.width];
acceleration.x = ((neibourgs[0].x - pos.x) - x_length) * m_stiffness + (neibourgs[1].x - pos.x) * m_stiffness + (neibourgs[2].x - pos.x) * m_stiffness;
acceleration.y = (y_length - (pos.y - neibourgs[1].y)) * m_stiffness + ((neibourgs[2].y - pos.y) - y_length) * m_stiffness + (neibourgs[0].y - pos.y) * m_stiffness;
acceleration.x /= 3;
acceleration.y /= 3;
wwi.acceleration[i] = acceleration;
// right border
for (unsigned int i = 2 * wwi.width - 1; i < wwi.count - 1; i += wwi.width) {
if (wwi.constraint[i]) {
Pair window_pos = wwi.origin[i];
Pair current_pos = wwi.position[i];
Pair move = {window_pos.x - current_pos.x, window_pos.y - current_pos.y};
Pair accel = {move.x*m_stiffness, move.y*m_stiffness};
wwi.acceleration[i] = accel;
} else {
Pair& pos = wwi.position[i];
neibourgs[0] = wwi.position[i-1];
neibourgs[1] = wwi.position[i-wwi.width];
neibourgs[2] = wwi.position[i+wwi.width];
acceleration.x = (x_length - (pos.x - neibourgs[0].x)) * m_stiffness + (neibourgs[1].x - pos.x) * m_stiffness + (neibourgs[2].x - pos.x) * m_stiffness;
acceleration.y = (y_length - (pos.y - neibourgs[1].y)) * m_stiffness + ((neibourgs[2].y - pos.y) - y_length) * m_stiffness + (neibourgs[0].y - pos.y) * m_stiffness;
acceleration.x /= 3;
acceleration.y /= 3;
wwi.acceleration[i] = acceleration;
// for the inner points
for (unsigned int j = 1; j < wwi.height - 1; ++j) {
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < wwi.width - 1; ++i) {
unsigned int index = i + j * wwi.width;
if (wwi.constraint[index]) {
Pair window_pos = wwi.origin[index];
Pair current_pos = wwi.position[index];
Pair move = {window_pos.x - current_pos.x, window_pos.y - current_pos.y};
Pair accel = {move.x*m_stiffness, move.y*m_stiffness};
wwi.acceleration[index] = accel;
} else {
Pair& pos = wwi.position[index];
neibourgs[0] = wwi.position[index-1];
neibourgs[1] = wwi.position[index+1];
neibourgs[2] = wwi.position[index-wwi.width];
neibourgs[3] = wwi.position[index+wwi.width];
acceleration.x = ((neibourgs[0].x - pos.x) - x_length) * m_stiffness +
(x_length - (pos.x - neibourgs[1].x)) * m_stiffness +
(neibourgs[2].x - pos.x) * m_stiffness +
(neibourgs[3].x - pos.x) * m_stiffness;
acceleration.y = (y_length - (pos.y - neibourgs[2].y)) * m_stiffness +
((neibourgs[3].y - pos.y) - y_length) * m_stiffness +
(neibourgs[0].y - pos.y) * m_stiffness +
(neibourgs[1].y - pos.y) * m_stiffness;
acceleration.x /= 4;
acceleration.y /= 4;
wwi.acceleration[index] = acceleration;
heightRingLinearMean(&wwi.acceleration, wwi);
#if defined COMPUTE_STATS
Pair accBound = {m_maxAcceleration, m_minAcceleration};
Pair velBound = {m_maxVelocity, m_minVelocity};
// compute the new velocity of each vertex.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < wwi.count; ++i) {
Pair acc = wwi.acceleration[i];
fixVectorBounds(acc, m_minAcceleration, m_maxAcceleration);
#if defined COMPUTE_STATS
computeVectorBounds(acc, accBound);
Pair& vel = wwi.velocity[i];
vel.x = acc.x * time + vel.x * m_drag;
vel.y = acc.y * time + vel.y * m_drag;
acc_sum += fabs(acc.x) + fabs(acc.y);
heightRingLinearMean(&wwi.velocity, wwi);
// compute the new pos of each vertex.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < wwi.count; ++i) {
Pair& pos = wwi.position[i];
Pair& vel = wwi.velocity[i];
fixVectorBounds(vel, m_minVelocity, m_maxVelocity);
#if defined COMPUTE_STATS
computeVectorBounds(vel, velBound);
pos.x += vel.x * time * m_move_factor;
pos.y += vel.y * time * m_move_factor;
vel_sum += fabs(vel.x) + fabs(vel.y);
#if defined VERBOSE_MODE
if (wwi.constraint[i]) {
qCDebug(KWINEFFECTS) << "Constraint point ** vel : " << vel.x << "," << vel.y << " ** move : " << vel.x*time << "," << vel.y*time;
if (!wwi.can_wobble_top) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < wwi.width; ++i)
for (unsigned j = 0; j < wwi.width - 1; ++j)
wwi.position[i+wwi.width*j].y = wwi.origin[i+wwi.width*j].y;
if (!wwi.can_wobble_bottom) {
for (unsigned int i = wwi.width * (wwi.height - 1); i < wwi.count; ++i)
for (unsigned j = 0; j < wwi.width - 1; ++j)
wwi.position[i-wwi.width*j].y = wwi.origin[i-wwi.width*j].y;
if (!wwi.can_wobble_left) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < wwi.count; i += wwi.width)
for (unsigned j = 0; j < wwi.width - 1; ++j)
wwi.position[i+j].x = wwi.origin[i+j].x;
if (!wwi.can_wobble_right) {
for (unsigned int i = wwi.width - 1; i < wwi.count; i += wwi.width)
for (unsigned j = 0; j < wwi.width - 1; ++j)
wwi.position[i-j].x = wwi.origin[i-j].x;
#if defined VERBOSE_MODE
# if defined COMPUTE_STATS
qCDebug(KWINEFFECTS) << "Acceleration bounds (" << accBound.x << ", " << accBound.y << ")";
qCDebug(KWINEFFECTS) << "Velocity bounds (" << velBound.x << ", " << velBound.y << ")";
# endif
qCDebug(KWINEFFECTS) << "sum_acc : " << acc_sum << " *** sum_vel :" << vel_sum;
if (wwi.status != Moving && acc_sum < m_stopAcceleration && vel_sum < m_stopVelocity) {
if (windows.isEmpty())
return false;
return true;
void WobblyWindowsEffect::heightRingLinearMean(Pair** data_pointer, WindowWobblyInfos& wwi)
Pair* data = *data_pointer;
Pair neibourgs[8];
// for corners
// top-left
Pair& res = wwi.buffer[0];
Pair vit = data[0];
neibourgs[0] = data[1];
neibourgs[1] = data[wwi.width];
neibourgs[2] = data[wwi.width+1];
res.x = (neibourgs[0].x + neibourgs[1].x + neibourgs[2].x + 3.0 * vit.x) / 6.0;
res.y = (neibourgs[0].y + neibourgs[1].y + neibourgs[2].y + 3.0 * vit.y) / 6.0;
// top-right
Pair& res = wwi.buffer[wwi.width-1];
Pair vit = data[wwi.width-1];
neibourgs[0] = data[wwi.width-2];
neibourgs[1] = data[2*wwi.width-1];
neibourgs[2] = data[2*wwi.width-2];
res.x = (neibourgs[0].x + neibourgs[1].x + neibourgs[2].x + 3.0 * vit.x) / 6.0;
res.y = (neibourgs[0].y + neibourgs[1].y + neibourgs[2].y + 3.0 * vit.y) / 6.0;
// bottom-left
Pair& res = wwi.buffer[wwi.width*(wwi.height-1)];
Pair vit = data[wwi.width*(wwi.height-1)];
neibourgs[0] = data[wwi.width*(wwi.height-1)+1];
neibourgs[1] = data[wwi.width*(wwi.height-2)];
neibourgs[2] = data[wwi.width*(wwi.height-2)+1];
res.x = (neibourgs[0].x + neibourgs[1].x + neibourgs[2].x + 3.0 * vit.x) / 6.0;
res.y = (neibourgs[0].y + neibourgs[1].y + neibourgs[2].y + 3.0 * vit.y) / 6.0;
// bottom-right
Pair& res = wwi.buffer[wwi.count-1];
Pair vit = data[wwi.count-1];
neibourgs[0] = data[wwi.count-2];
neibourgs[1] = data[wwi.width*(wwi.height-1)-1];
neibourgs[2] = data[wwi.width*(wwi.height-1)-2];
res.x = (neibourgs[0].x + neibourgs[1].x + neibourgs[2].x + 3.0 * vit.x) / 6.0;
res.y = (neibourgs[0].y + neibourgs[1].y + neibourgs[2].y + 3.0 * vit.y) / 6.0;
// for borders
// top border
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < wwi.width - 1; ++i) {
Pair& res = wwi.buffer[i];
Pair vit = data[i];
neibourgs[0] = data[i-1];
neibourgs[1] = data[i+1];
neibourgs[2] = data[i+wwi.width];
neibourgs[3] = data[i+wwi.width-1];
neibourgs[4] = data[i+wwi.width+1];
res.x = (neibourgs[0].x + neibourgs[1].x + neibourgs[2].x + neibourgs[3].x + neibourgs[4].x + 5.0 * vit.x) / 10.0;
res.y = (neibourgs[0].y + neibourgs[1].y + neibourgs[2].y + neibourgs[3].y + neibourgs[4].y + 5.0 * vit.y) / 10.0;
// bottom border
for (unsigned int i = wwi.width * (wwi.height - 1) + 1; i < wwi.count - 1; ++i) {
Pair& res = wwi.buffer[i];
Pair vit = data[i];
neibourgs[0] = data[i-1];
neibourgs[1] = data[i+1];
neibourgs[2] = data[i-wwi.width];
neibourgs[3] = data[i-wwi.width-1];
neibourgs[4] = data[i-wwi.width+1];
res.x = (neibourgs[0].x + neibourgs[1].x + neibourgs[2].x + neibourgs[3].x + neibourgs[4].x + 5.0 * vit.x) / 10.0;
res.y = (neibourgs[0].y + neibourgs[1].y + neibourgs[2].y + neibourgs[3].y + neibourgs[4].y + 5.0 * vit.y) / 10.0;
// left border
for (unsigned int i = wwi.width; i < wwi.width*(wwi.height - 1); i += wwi.width) {
Pair& res = wwi.buffer[i];
Pair vit = data[i];
neibourgs[0] = data[i+1];
neibourgs[1] = data[i-wwi.width];
neibourgs[2] = data[i+wwi.width];
neibourgs[3] = data[i-wwi.width+1];
neibourgs[4] = data[i+wwi.width+1];
res.x = (neibourgs[0].x + neibourgs[1].x + neibourgs[2].x + neibourgs[3].x + neibourgs[4].x + 5.0 * vit.x) / 10.0;
res.y = (neibourgs[0].y + neibourgs[1].y + neibourgs[2].y + neibourgs[3].y + neibourgs[4].y + 5.0 * vit.y) / 10.0;
// right border
for (unsigned int i = 2 * wwi.width - 1; i < wwi.count - 1; i += wwi.width) {
Pair& res = wwi.buffer[i];
Pair vit = data[i];
neibourgs[0] = data[i-1];
neibourgs[1] = data[i-wwi.width];
neibourgs[2] = data[i+wwi.width];
neibourgs[3] = data[i-wwi.width-1];
neibourgs[4] = data[i+wwi.width-1];
res.x = (neibourgs[0].x + neibourgs[1].x + neibourgs[2].x + neibourgs[3].x + neibourgs[4].x + 5.0 * vit.x) / 10.0;
res.y = (neibourgs[0].y + neibourgs[1].y + neibourgs[2].y + neibourgs[3].y + neibourgs[4].y + 5.0 * vit.y) / 10.0;
// for the inner points
for (unsigned int j = 1; j < wwi.height - 1; ++j) {
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < wwi.width - 1; ++i) {
unsigned int index = i + j * wwi.width;
Pair& res = wwi.buffer[index];
Pair& vit = data[index];
neibourgs[0] = data[index-1];
neibourgs[1] = data[index+1];
neibourgs[2] = data[index-wwi.width];
neibourgs[3] = data[index+wwi.width];
neibourgs[4] = data[index-wwi.width-1];
neibourgs[5] = data[index-wwi.width+1];
neibourgs[6] = data[index+wwi.width-1];
neibourgs[7] = data[index+wwi.width+1];
res.x = (neibourgs[0].x + neibourgs[1].x + neibourgs[2].x + neibourgs[3].x + neibourgs[4].x + neibourgs[5].x + neibourgs[6].x + neibourgs[7].x + 8.0 * vit.x) / 16.0;
res.y = (neibourgs[0].y + neibourgs[1].y + neibourgs[2].y + neibourgs[3].y + neibourgs[4].y + neibourgs[5].y + neibourgs[6].y + neibourgs[7].y + 8.0 * vit.y) / 16.0;
Pair* tmp = data;
*data_pointer = wwi.buffer;
wwi.buffer = tmp;
bool WobblyWindowsEffect::isActive() const
return !windows.isEmpty();
} // namespace KWin