With fractional scaling integer based logical geometry may not match device pixels. Once we have a floating point base we can fix that. This also is important for our X11 scale override, with a scale of 2 we could get logical sizes with halves. We already have all input being floating point, this doubles down on it for all remaining geometry. - Outputs remain integer to ensure that any screen on the right remains aligned. - Placement also remains integer based for now. - Repainting is untouched as we always expand outwards (QRectF::toAdjustedRect(). - Decoration is untouched for now - Rules are integer in the config, but floating in the adjusting/API This should also be fine. At some point we'll add a method to snap to the device pixel grid. Effectively `round(value * dpr) / dpr` though right now things mostly work. This also gets rid of a lot of hacks for QRect right and bottom which are very confusing. Parts to watch out in the port are: QRectF::contains now includes edges QRectF::right and bottom are now sane so previous hacks have to be removed QRectF(QPoint, QPoint) behaves differently for the same reason QRectF::center too In test results some adjusted values which are the result of QRect.center because using QRectF's center should behave the same to the user.
291 lines
12 KiB
291 lines
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SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Vlad Zahorodnii <vlad.zahorodnii@kde.org>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "shadowitem.h"
#include "deleted.h"
#include "shadow.h"
namespace KWin
ShadowItem::ShadowItem(Shadow *shadow, Window *window, Item *parent)
: Item(parent)
, m_window(window)
, m_shadow(shadow)
connect(window, &Window::windowClosed, this, &ShadowItem::handleWindowClosed);
connect(shadow, &Shadow::offsetChanged, this, &ShadowItem::updateGeometry);
connect(shadow, &Shadow::rectChanged, this, &ShadowItem::updateGeometry);
connect(shadow, &Shadow::textureChanged, this, &ShadowItem::handleTextureChanged);
Shadow *ShadowItem::shadow() const
return m_shadow;
void ShadowItem::updateGeometry()
const QRectF rect = m_shadow->rect() + m_shadow->offset();
void ShadowItem::handleTextureChanged()
void ShadowItem::handleWindowClosed(Window *original, Deleted *deleted)
m_window = deleted;
static inline void distributeHorizontally(QRectF &leftRect, QRectF &rightRect)
if (leftRect.right() > rightRect.left()) {
const qreal boundedRight = std::min(leftRect.right(), rightRect.right());
const qreal boundedLeft = std::max(leftRect.left(), rightRect.left());
const qreal halfOverlap = (boundedRight - boundedLeft) / 2.0;
leftRect.setRight(boundedRight - halfOverlap);
rightRect.setLeft(boundedLeft + halfOverlap);
static inline void distributeVertically(QRectF &topRect, QRectF &bottomRect)
if (topRect.bottom() > bottomRect.top()) {
const qreal boundedBottom = std::min(topRect.bottom(), bottomRect.bottom());
const qreal boundedTop = std::max(topRect.top(), bottomRect.top());
const qreal halfOverlap = (boundedBottom - boundedTop) / 2.0;
topRect.setBottom(boundedBottom - halfOverlap);
bottomRect.setTop(boundedTop + halfOverlap);
WindowQuadList ShadowItem::buildQuads() const
// Do not draw shadows if window width or window height is less than 5 px. 5 is an arbitrary choice.
if (!m_window->wantsShadowToBeRendered() || m_window->width() < 5 || m_window->height() < 5) {
return WindowQuadList();
const QSizeF top(m_shadow->elementSize(Shadow::ShadowElementTop));
const QSizeF topRight(m_shadow->elementSize(Shadow::ShadowElementTopRight));
const QSizeF right(m_shadow->elementSize(Shadow::ShadowElementRight));
const QSizeF bottomRight(m_shadow->elementSize(Shadow::ShadowElementBottomRight));
const QSizeF bottom(m_shadow->elementSize(Shadow::ShadowElementBottom));
const QSizeF bottomLeft(m_shadow->elementSize(Shadow::ShadowElementBottomLeft));
const QSizeF left(m_shadow->elementSize(Shadow::ShadowElementLeft));
const QSizeF topLeft(m_shadow->elementSize(Shadow::ShadowElementTopLeft));
const QMarginsF shadowMargins(
std::max({topLeft.width(), left.width(), bottomLeft.width()}),
std::max({topLeft.height(), top.height(), topRight.height()}),
std::max({topRight.width(), right.width(), bottomRight.width()}),
std::max({bottomRight.height(), bottom.height(), bottomLeft.height()}));
const QRectF outerRect = rect();
const int width = shadowMargins.left() + std::max(top.width(), bottom.width()) + shadowMargins.right();
const int height = shadowMargins.top() + std::max(left.height(), right.height()) + shadowMargins.bottom();
QRectF topLeftRect;
if (!topLeft.isEmpty()) {
topLeftRect = QRectF(outerRect.topLeft(), topLeft);
} else {
topLeftRect = QRectF(outerRect.left() + shadowMargins.left(),
outerRect.top() + shadowMargins.top(), 0, 0);
QRectF topRightRect;
if (!topRight.isEmpty()) {
topRightRect = QRectF(outerRect.right() - topRight.width(), outerRect.top(),
topRight.width(), topRight.height());
} else {
topRightRect = QRectF(outerRect.right() - shadowMargins.right(),
outerRect.top() + shadowMargins.top(), 0, 0);
QRectF bottomRightRect;
if (!bottomRight.isEmpty()) {
bottomRightRect = QRectF(outerRect.right() - bottomRight.width(),
outerRect.bottom() - bottomRight.height(),
bottomRight.width(), bottomRight.height());
} else {
bottomRightRect = QRectF(outerRect.right() - shadowMargins.right(),
outerRect.bottom() - shadowMargins.bottom(), 0, 0);
QRectF bottomLeftRect;
if (!bottomLeft.isEmpty()) {
bottomLeftRect = QRectF(outerRect.left(), outerRect.bottom() - bottomLeft.height(),
bottomLeft.width(), bottomLeft.height());
} else {
bottomLeftRect = QRectF(outerRect.left() + shadowMargins.left(),
outerRect.bottom() - shadowMargins.bottom(), 0, 0);
// Re-distribute the corner tiles so no one of them is overlapping with others.
// By doing this, we assume that shadow's corner tiles are symmetric
// and it is OK to not draw top/right/bottom/left tile between corners.
// For example, let's say top-left and top-right tiles are overlapping.
// In that case, the right side of the top-left tile will be shifted to left,
// the left side of the top-right tile will shifted to right, and the top
// tile won't be rendered.
distributeHorizontally(topLeftRect, topRightRect);
distributeHorizontally(bottomLeftRect, bottomRightRect);
distributeVertically(topLeftRect, bottomLeftRect);
distributeVertically(topRightRect, bottomRightRect);
qreal tx1 = 0.0,
tx2 = 0.0,
ty1 = 0.0,
ty2 = 0.0;
WindowQuadList quads;
if (topLeftRect.isValid()) {
tx1 = 0.0;
ty1 = 0.0;
tx2 = topLeftRect.width();
ty2 = topLeftRect.height();
WindowQuad topLeftQuad;
topLeftQuad[0] = WindowVertex(topLeftRect.left(), topLeftRect.top(), tx1, ty1);
topLeftQuad[1] = WindowVertex(topLeftRect.right(), topLeftRect.top(), tx2, ty1);
topLeftQuad[2] = WindowVertex(topLeftRect.right(), topLeftRect.bottom(), tx2, ty2);
topLeftQuad[3] = WindowVertex(topLeftRect.left(), topLeftRect.bottom(), tx1, ty2);
if (topRightRect.isValid()) {
tx1 = width - topRightRect.width();
ty1 = 0.0;
tx2 = width;
ty2 = topRightRect.height();
WindowQuad topRightQuad;
topRightQuad[0] = WindowVertex(topRightRect.left(), topRightRect.top(), tx1, ty1);
topRightQuad[1] = WindowVertex(topRightRect.right(), topRightRect.top(), tx2, ty1);
topRightQuad[2] = WindowVertex(topRightRect.right(), topRightRect.bottom(), tx2, ty2);
topRightQuad[3] = WindowVertex(topRightRect.left(), topRightRect.bottom(), tx1, ty2);
if (bottomRightRect.isValid()) {
tx1 = width - bottomRightRect.width();
tx2 = width;
ty1 = height - bottomRightRect.height();
ty2 = height;
WindowQuad bottomRightQuad;
bottomRightQuad[0] = WindowVertex(bottomRightRect.left(), bottomRightRect.top(), tx1, ty1);
bottomRightQuad[1] = WindowVertex(bottomRightRect.right(), bottomRightRect.top(), tx2, ty1);
bottomRightQuad[2] = WindowVertex(bottomRightRect.right(), bottomRightRect.bottom(), tx2, ty2);
bottomRightQuad[3] = WindowVertex(bottomRightRect.left(), bottomRightRect.bottom(), tx1, ty2);
if (bottomLeftRect.isValid()) {
tx1 = 0.0;
tx2 = bottomLeftRect.width();
ty1 = height - bottomLeftRect.height();
ty2 = height;
WindowQuad bottomLeftQuad;
bottomLeftQuad[0] = WindowVertex(bottomLeftRect.left(), bottomLeftRect.top(), tx1, ty1);
bottomLeftQuad[1] = WindowVertex(bottomLeftRect.right(), bottomLeftRect.top(), tx2, ty1);
bottomLeftQuad[2] = WindowVertex(bottomLeftRect.right(), bottomLeftRect.bottom(), tx2, ty2);
bottomLeftQuad[3] = WindowVertex(bottomLeftRect.left(), bottomLeftRect.bottom(), tx1, ty2);
QRectF topRect(QPointF(topLeftRect.right(), outerRect.top()),
QPointF(topRightRect.left(), outerRect.top() + top.height()));
QRectF rightRect(QPointF(outerRect.right() - right.width(), topRightRect.bottom()),
QPointF(outerRect.right(), bottomRightRect.top()));
QRectF bottomRect(QPointF(bottomLeftRect.right(), outerRect.bottom() - bottom.height()),
QPointF(bottomRightRect.left(), outerRect.bottom()));
QRectF leftRect(QPointF(outerRect.left(), topLeftRect.bottom()),
QPointF(outerRect.left() + left.width(), bottomLeftRect.top()));
// Re-distribute left/right and top/bottom shadow tiles so they don't
// overlap when the window is too small. Please notice that we don't
// fix overlaps between left/top(left/bottom, right/top, and so on)
// corner tiles because corresponding counter parts won't be valid when
// the window is too small, which means they won't be rendered.
distributeHorizontally(leftRect, rightRect);
distributeVertically(topRect, bottomRect);
if (topRect.isValid()) {
tx1 = shadowMargins.left();
ty1 = 0.0;
tx2 = tx1 + top.width();
ty2 = topRect.height();
WindowQuad topQuad;
topQuad[0] = WindowVertex(topRect.left(), topRect.top(), tx1, ty1);
topQuad[1] = WindowVertex(topRect.right(), topRect.top(), tx2, ty1);
topQuad[2] = WindowVertex(topRect.right(), topRect.bottom(), tx2, ty2);
topQuad[3] = WindowVertex(topRect.left(), topRect.bottom(), tx1, ty2);
if (rightRect.isValid()) {
tx1 = width - rightRect.width();
ty1 = shadowMargins.top();
tx2 = width;
ty2 = ty1 + right.height();
WindowQuad rightQuad;
rightQuad[0] = WindowVertex(rightRect.left(), rightRect.top(), tx1, ty1);
rightQuad[1] = WindowVertex(rightRect.right(), rightRect.top(), tx2, ty1);
rightQuad[2] = WindowVertex(rightRect.right(), rightRect.bottom(), tx2, ty2);
rightQuad[3] = WindowVertex(rightRect.left(), rightRect.bottom(), tx1, ty2);
if (bottomRect.isValid()) {
tx1 = shadowMargins.left();
ty1 = height - bottomRect.height();
tx2 = tx1 + bottom.width();
ty2 = height;
WindowQuad bottomQuad;
bottomQuad[0] = WindowVertex(bottomRect.left(), bottomRect.top(), tx1, ty1);
bottomQuad[1] = WindowVertex(bottomRect.right(), bottomRect.top(), tx2, ty1);
bottomQuad[2] = WindowVertex(bottomRect.right(), bottomRect.bottom(), tx2, ty2);
bottomQuad[3] = WindowVertex(bottomRect.left(), bottomRect.bottom(), tx1, ty2);
if (leftRect.isValid()) {
tx1 = 0.0;
ty1 = shadowMargins.top();
tx2 = leftRect.width();
ty2 = ty1 + left.height();
WindowQuad leftQuad;
leftQuad[0] = WindowVertex(leftRect.left(), leftRect.top(), tx1, ty1);
leftQuad[1] = WindowVertex(leftRect.right(), leftRect.top(), tx2, ty1);
leftQuad[2] = WindowVertex(leftRect.right(), leftRect.bottom(), tx2, ty2);
leftQuad[3] = WindowVertex(leftRect.left(), leftRect.bottom(), tx1, ty2);
return quads;
} // namespace KWin