2007-07-21 18:30:06 +00:00

1126 lines
30 KiB

KWin - the KDE window manager
This file is part of the KDE project.
Copyright (C) 2006 Lubos Lunak <>
You can Freely distribute this program under the GNU General Public
License. See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.
#include "effects.h"
#include "deleted.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "group.h"
#include "scene_xrender.h"
#include "scene_opengl.h"
#include "workspace.h"
#include "kwinglutils.h"
#include <QFile>
#include "kdebug.h"
#include "klibloader.h"
#include "kdesktopfile.h"
#include "kconfiggroup.h"
#include "kstandarddirs.h"
#include <kservice.h>
#include <kservicetypetrader.h>
#include <kplugininfo.h>
#include <assert.h>
namespace KWin
EffectsHandlerImpl::EffectsHandlerImpl(CompositingType type)
: EffectsHandler(type)
, keyboard_grab_effect( NULL )
if( keyboard_grab_effect != NULL )
foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects )
unloadEffect( ep.first );
foreach( InputWindowPair pos, input_windows )
XDestroyWindow( display(), pos.second );
void EffectsHandlerImpl::reconfigure()
KSharedConfig::Ptr _config = KGlobal::config();
KConfigGroup conf(_config, "Plugins");
KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("KWin/Effect");
QStringList effectsToBeLoaded;
// First unload necessary effects
foreach( KService::Ptr service, offers )
KPluginInfo plugininfo( service );
plugininfo.load( conf );
bool isloaded = isEffectLoaded( plugininfo.pluginName() );
bool shouldbeloaded = plugininfo.isPluginEnabled();
if( !shouldbeloaded && isloaded )
unloadEffect( plugininfo.pluginName() );
if( shouldbeloaded )
effectsToBeLoaded.append( plugininfo.pluginName() );
// Then load those that should be loaded
foreach( QString effectName, effectsToBeLoaded )
if( !isEffectLoaded( effectName ))
loadEffect( effectName );
// the idea is that effects call this function again which calls the next one
void EffectsHandlerImpl::prePaintScreen( ScreenPrePaintData& data, int time )
if( current_paint_screen < loaded_effects.size())
loaded_effects[current_paint_screen++].second->prePaintScreen( data, time );
// no special final code
void EffectsHandlerImpl::paintScreen( int mask, QRegion region, ScreenPaintData& data )
if( current_paint_screen < loaded_effects.size())
loaded_effects[current_paint_screen++].second->paintScreen( mask, region, data );
scene->finalPaintScreen( mask, region, data );
void EffectsHandlerImpl::postPaintScreen()
if( current_paint_screen < loaded_effects.size())
// no special final code
void EffectsHandlerImpl::prePaintWindow( EffectWindow* w, WindowPrePaintData& data, int time )
if( current_paint_window < loaded_effects.size())
loaded_effects[current_paint_window++].second->prePaintWindow( w, data, time );
// no special final code
void EffectsHandlerImpl::paintWindow( EffectWindow* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data )
if( current_paint_window < loaded_effects.size())
loaded_effects[current_paint_window++].second->paintWindow( w, mask, region, data );
scene->finalPaintWindow( static_cast<EffectWindowImpl*>( w ), mask, region, data );
void EffectsHandlerImpl::postPaintWindow( EffectWindow* w )
if( current_paint_window < loaded_effects.size())
loaded_effects[current_paint_window++].second->postPaintWindow( w );
// no special final code
void EffectsHandlerImpl::drawWindow( EffectWindow* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data )
if( current_draw_window < loaded_effects.size())
loaded_effects[current_draw_window++].second->drawWindow( w, mask, region, data );
scene->finalDrawWindow( static_cast<EffectWindowImpl*>( w ), mask, region, data );
// start another painting pass
void EffectsHandlerImpl::startPaint()
assert( current_paint_screen == 0 );
assert( current_paint_window == 0 );
assert( current_draw_window == 0 );
assert( current_transform == 0 );
void EffectsHandlerImpl::windowUserMovedResized( EffectWindow* c, bool first, bool last )
foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects )
ep.second->windowUserMovedResized( c, first, last );
void EffectsHandlerImpl::windowOpacityChanged( EffectWindow* c, double old_opacity )
if( static_cast<EffectWindowImpl*>(c)->window()->opacity() == old_opacity )
foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects )
ep.second->windowOpacityChanged( c, old_opacity );
void EffectsHandlerImpl::windowAdded( EffectWindow* c )
foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects )
ep.second->windowAdded( c );
void EffectsHandlerImpl::windowDeleted( EffectWindow* c )
foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects )
ep.second->windowDeleted( c );
Toplevel* c2 = static_cast< EffectWindowImpl* >( c )->window();
elevated_windows.removeAll( c2 );
void EffectsHandlerImpl::windowClosed( EffectWindow* c )
foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects )
ep.second->windowClosed( c );
void EffectsHandlerImpl::windowActivated( EffectWindow* c )
foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects )
ep.second->windowActivated( c );
void EffectsHandlerImpl::windowMinimized( EffectWindow* c )
foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects )
ep.second->windowMinimized( c );
void EffectsHandlerImpl::windowUnminimized( EffectWindow* c )
foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects )
ep.second->windowUnminimized( c );
void EffectsHandlerImpl::desktopChanged( int old )
foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects )
ep.second->desktopChanged( old );
void EffectsHandlerImpl::windowDamaged( EffectWindow* w, const QRect& r )
if( w == NULL )
foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects )
ep.second->windowDamaged( w, r );
void EffectsHandlerImpl::windowGeometryShapeChanged( EffectWindow* w, const QRect& old )
if( w == NULL ) // during late cleanup effectWindow() may be already NULL
return; // in some functions that may still call this
foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects )
ep.second->windowGeometryShapeChanged( w, old );
void EffectsHandlerImpl::tabBoxAdded( int mode )
foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects )
ep.second->tabBoxAdded( mode );
void EffectsHandlerImpl::tabBoxClosed()
foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects )
void EffectsHandlerImpl::tabBoxUpdated()
foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects )
bool EffectsHandlerImpl::borderActivated( ElectricBorder border )
bool ret = false;
foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects )
if( ep.second->borderActivated( border ))
ret = true; // bail out or tell all?
return ret;
void EffectsHandlerImpl::mouseChanged( const QPoint& pos, const QPoint& old,
Qt::MouseButtons buttons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers )
foreach( EffectPair ep, loaded_effects )
ep.second->mouseChanged( pos, old, buttons, modifiers );
bool EffectsHandlerImpl::grabKeyboard( Effect* effect )
if( keyboard_grab_effect != NULL )
return false;
bool ret = grabXKeyboard();
if( !ret )
return false;
keyboard_grab_effect = effect;
return true;
void EffectsHandlerImpl::ungrabKeyboard()
assert( keyboard_grab_effect != NULL );
keyboard_grab_effect = NULL;
void EffectsHandlerImpl::grabbedKeyboardEvent( QKeyEvent* e )
if( keyboard_grab_effect != NULL )
keyboard_grab_effect->grabbedKeyboardEvent( e );
bool EffectsHandlerImpl::hasKeyboardGrab() const
return keyboard_grab_effect != NULL;
void EffectsHandlerImpl::activateWindow( EffectWindow* c )
if( Client* cl = dynamic_cast< Client* >( static_cast<EffectWindowImpl*>(c)->window()))
Workspace::self()->activateClient( cl, true );
EffectWindow* EffectsHandlerImpl::activeWindow() const
return Workspace::self()->activeClient() ? Workspace::self()->activeClient()->effectWindow() : NULL;
void EffectsHandlerImpl::moveWindow( EffectWindow* w, const QPoint& pos )
Client* cl = dynamic_cast< Client* >( static_cast<EffectWindowImpl*>(w)->window());
if( cl && cl->isMovable())
cl->move( pos );
void EffectsHandlerImpl::windowToDesktop( EffectWindow* w, int desktop )
Client* cl = dynamic_cast< Client* >( static_cast<EffectWindowImpl*>(w)->window());
if( cl && cl->isMovable())
Workspace::self()->sendClientToDesktop( cl, desktop, true );
int EffectsHandlerImpl::currentDesktop() const
return Workspace::self()->currentDesktop();
int EffectsHandlerImpl::numberOfDesktops() const
return Workspace::self()->numberOfDesktops();
void EffectsHandlerImpl::setCurrentDesktop( int desktop )
Workspace::self()->setCurrentDesktop( desktop );
QString EffectsHandlerImpl::desktopName( int desktop ) const
return Workspace::self()->desktopName( desktop );
void EffectsHandlerImpl::calcDesktopLayout(int* x, int* y, Qt::Orientation* orientation) const
Workspace::self()->calcDesktopLayout( x, y, orientation );
bool EffectsHandlerImpl::optionRollOverDesktops() const
return options->rollOverDesktops;
int EffectsHandlerImpl::displayWidth() const
return KWin::displayWidth();
int EffectsHandlerImpl::displayHeight() const
return KWin::displayWidth();
EffectWindowList EffectsHandlerImpl::stackingOrder() const
ClientList list = Workspace::self()->stackingOrder();
EffectWindowList ret;
foreach( Client* c, list )
ret.append( effectWindow( c ));
return ret;
void EffectsHandlerImpl::setElevatedWindow( EffectWindow* w, bool set )
Toplevel* c = static_cast< EffectWindowImpl* >( w )->window();
elevated_windows.removeAll( c );
if( set )
elevated_windows.append( c );
void EffectsHandlerImpl::setTabBoxWindow(EffectWindow* w)
if( Client* c = dynamic_cast< Client* >( static_cast< EffectWindowImpl* >( w )->window()))
Workspace::self()->setTabBoxClient( c );
void EffectsHandlerImpl::setTabBoxDesktop(int desktop)
Workspace::self()->setTabBoxDesktop( desktop );
EffectWindowList EffectsHandlerImpl::currentTabBoxWindowList() const
EffectWindowList ret;
ClientList clients = Workspace::self()->currentTabBoxClientList();
foreach( Client* c, clients )
ret.append( c->effectWindow());
return ret;
void EffectsHandlerImpl::refTabBox()
void EffectsHandlerImpl::unrefTabBox()
void EffectsHandlerImpl::closeTabBox()
QList< int > EffectsHandlerImpl::currentTabBoxDesktopList() const
return Workspace::self()->currentTabBoxDesktopList();
int EffectsHandlerImpl::currentTabBoxDesktop() const
return Workspace::self()->currentTabBoxDesktop();
EffectWindow* EffectsHandlerImpl::currentTabBoxWindow() const
if( Client* c = Workspace::self()->currentTabBoxClient())
return c->effectWindow();
return NULL;
void EffectsHandlerImpl::pushRenderTarget(GLRenderTarget* target)
GLRenderTarget* EffectsHandlerImpl::popRenderTarget()
GLRenderTarget* ret = render_targets.pop();
if( !render_targets.isEmpty() )>enable();
return ret;
return 0;
void EffectsHandlerImpl::addRepaintFull()
void EffectsHandlerImpl::addRepaint( const QRect& r )
Workspace::self()->addRepaint( r );
void EffectsHandlerImpl::addRepaint( int x, int y, int w, int h )
Workspace::self()->addRepaint( x, y, w, h );
QRect EffectsHandlerImpl::clientArea( clientAreaOption opt, const QPoint& p, int desktop ) const
return Workspace::self()->clientArea( opt, p, desktop );
Window EffectsHandlerImpl::createInputWindow( Effect* e, int x, int y, int w, int h, const QCursor& cursor )
XSetWindowAttributes attrs;
attrs.override_redirect = True;
Window win = XCreateWindow( display(), rootWindow(), x, y, w, h, 0, 0, InputOnly, CopyFromParent,
CWOverrideRedirect, &attrs );
// TODO keeping on top?
// TODO enter/leave notify?
XSelectInput( display(), win, ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask );
XDefineCursor( display(), win, cursor.handle());
XMapWindow( display(), win );
input_windows.append( qMakePair( e, win ));
return win;
void EffectsHandlerImpl::destroyInputWindow( Window w )
foreach( InputWindowPair pos, input_windows )
if( pos.second == w )
input_windows.removeAll( pos );
XDestroyWindow( display(), w );
assert( false );
bool EffectsHandlerImpl::checkInputWindowEvent( XEvent* e )
if( e->type != ButtonPress && e->type != ButtonRelease && e->type != MotionNotify )
return false;
foreach( InputWindowPair pos, input_windows )
if( pos.second == e->xany.window )
switch( e->type )
case ButtonPress:
XButtonEvent* e2 = &e->xbutton;
Qt::MouseButton button = x11ToQtMouseButton( e2->button );
Qt::MouseButtons buttons = x11ToQtMouseButtons( e2->state ) | button;
QMouseEvent ev( QEvent::MouseButtonPress,
QPoint( e2->x, e2->y ), QPoint( e2->x_root, e2->y_root ),
button, buttons, x11ToQtKeyboardModifiers( e2->state ));
pos.first->windowInputMouseEvent( pos.second, &ev );
break; // --->
case ButtonRelease:
XButtonEvent* e2 = &e->xbutton;
Qt::MouseButton button = x11ToQtMouseButton( e2->button );
Qt::MouseButtons buttons = x11ToQtMouseButtons( e2->state ) & ~button;
QMouseEvent ev( QEvent::MouseButtonRelease,
QPoint( e2->x, e2->y ), QPoint( e2->x_root, e2->y_root ),
button, buttons, x11ToQtKeyboardModifiers( e2->state ));
pos.first->windowInputMouseEvent( pos.second, &ev );
break; // --->
case MotionNotify:
XMotionEvent* e2 = &e->xmotion;
QMouseEvent ev( QEvent::MouseMove, QPoint( e2->x, e2->y ), QPoint( e2->x_root, e2->y_root ),
Qt::NoButton, x11ToQtMouseButtons( e2->state ), x11ToQtKeyboardModifiers( e2->state ));
pos.first->windowInputMouseEvent( pos.second, &ev );
break; // --->
return true; // eat event
return false;
void EffectsHandlerImpl::checkInputWindowStacking()
if( input_windows.count() == 0 )
Window* wins = new Window[ input_windows.count() ];
int pos = 0;
foreach( InputWindowPair it, input_windows )
wins[ pos++ ] = it.second;
XRaiseWindow( display(), wins[ 0 ] );
XRestackWindows( display(), wins, pos );
delete[] wins;
QPoint EffectsHandlerImpl::cursorPos() const
return Workspace::self()->cursorPos();
void EffectsHandlerImpl::checkElectricBorder(const QPoint &pos, Time time)
Workspace::self()->checkElectricBorder( pos, time );
void EffectsHandlerImpl::reserveElectricBorder( ElectricBorder border )
Workspace::self()->reserveElectricBorder( border );
void EffectsHandlerImpl::unreserveElectricBorder( ElectricBorder border )
Workspace::self()->unreserveElectricBorder( border );
void EffectsHandlerImpl::reserveElectricBorderSwitching( bool reserve )
Workspace::self()->reserveElectricBorderSwitching( reserve );
unsigned long EffectsHandlerImpl::xrenderBufferPicture()
#if defined(HAVE_XRENDER) && defined(HAVE_XFIXES)
if( SceneXrender* s = dynamic_cast< SceneXrender* >( scene ))
return s->bufferPicture();
return None;
KLibrary* EffectsHandlerImpl::findEffectLibrary( KService* service )
QString libname = service->library();
KLibrary* library = KLibLoader::self()->library(libname);
if( !library )
kError( 1212 ) << k_funcinfo << "couldn't open library for effect '" <<
service->name() << "'" << endl;
return 0;
return library;
void EffectsHandlerImpl::toggleEffect( const QString& name )
if( isEffectLoaded( name ))
unloadEffect( name );
loadEffect( name );
bool EffectsHandlerImpl::loadEffect( const QString& name )
assert( current_paint_screen == 0 );
assert( current_paint_window == 0 );
assert( current_draw_window == 0 );
assert( current_transform == 0 );
if( !name.startsWith("kwin4_effect_") )
kWarning( 1212 ) << k_funcinfo << "Effect names usually have kwin4_effect_ prefix" << endl;
// Make sure a single effect won't be loaded multiple times
for(QVector< EffectPair >::const_iterator it = loaded_effects.constBegin(); it != loaded_effects.constEnd(); ++it)
if( (*it).first == name )
kDebug( 1212 ) << "EffectsHandler::loadEffect : Effect already loaded : " << name << endl;
return true;
kDebug( 1212 ) << k_funcinfo << "Trying to load " << name << endl;
QString internalname = name.toLower();
QString constraint = QString("[X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name] == '%1'").arg(internalname);
KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("KWin/Effect", constraint);
kError( 1212 ) << k_funcinfo << "Couldn't find effect " << name << endl;
return false;
KService::Ptr service = offers.first();
KLibrary* library = findEffectLibrary( );
if( !library )
return false;
QString supported_symbol = "effect_supported_" + name;
KLibrary::void_function_ptr supported_func = library->resolveFunction(supported_symbol.toAscii().data());
QString create_symbol = "effect_create_" + name;
KLibrary::void_function_ptr create_func = library->resolveFunction(create_symbol.toAscii().data());
if( supported_func )
typedef bool (*t_supportedfunc)();
t_supportedfunc supported = reinterpret_cast<t_supportedfunc>(supported_func);
kWarning( 1212 ) << "EffectsHandler::loadEffect : Effect " << name << " is not supported" << endl;
return false;
kError( 1212 ) << "EffectsHandler::loadEffect : effect_create function not found" << endl;
return false;
typedef Effect* (*t_createfunc)();
t_createfunc create = reinterpret_cast<t_createfunc>(create_func);
// Make sure all depenedencies have been loaded
// TODO: detect circular deps
KPluginInfo plugininfo( service );
QStringList dependencies = plugininfo.dependencies();
foreach( QString depName, dependencies )
if( !loadEffect(depName))
kError() << "EffectsHandler::loadEffect : Couldn't load dependencies for effect " << name << endl;
return false;
Effect* e = create();
effect_order.insert( service->property( "X-Ordering" ).toInt(), EffectPair( name, e ));
effect_libraries[ name ] = library;
return true;
void EffectsHandlerImpl::unloadEffect( const QString& name )
assert( current_paint_screen == 0 );
assert( current_paint_window == 0 );
assert( current_draw_window == 0 );
assert( current_transform == 0 );
for( QMap< int, EffectPair >::iterator it = effect_order.begin(); it != effect_order.end(); ++it)
if ( it.value().first == name )
kDebug( 1212 ) << "EffectsHandler::unloadEffect : Unloading Effect : " << name << endl;
delete it.value().second;
effect_libraries[ name ]->unload();
kDebug( 1212 ) << "EffectsHandler::unloadEffect : Effect not loaded : " << name << endl;
void EffectsHandlerImpl::reloadEffect( const QString& name )
if( isEffectLoaded( name ))
unloadEffect( name );
loadEffect( name );
bool EffectsHandlerImpl::isEffectLoaded( const QString& name )
for( QVector< EffectPair >::iterator it = loaded_effects.begin(); it != loaded_effects.end(); ++it)
if ( (*it).first == name )
return true;
return false;
void EffectsHandlerImpl::effectsChanged()
kDebug() << k_funcinfo << "Recreating effects' list:" << endl;
foreach( EffectPair effect, effect_order )
kDebug() << k_funcinfo << effect.first << endl;
loaded_effects.append( effect );
// EffectWindowImpl
EffectWindowImpl::EffectWindowImpl() : EffectWindow()
, toplevel( NULL )
, sw( NULL )
bool EffectWindowImpl::isPaintingEnabled()
return sceneWindow()->isPaintingEnabled();
void EffectWindowImpl::enablePainting( int reason )
sceneWindow()->enablePainting( reason );
void EffectWindowImpl::disablePainting( int reason )
sceneWindow()->disablePainting( reason );
void EffectWindowImpl::addRepaint( const QRect& r )
toplevel->addRepaint( r );
void EffectWindowImpl::addRepaint( int x, int y, int w, int h )
toplevel->addRepaint( x, y, w, h );
void EffectWindowImpl::addRepaintFull()
int EffectWindowImpl::desktop() const
return toplevel->desktop();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isOnAllDesktops() const
return desktop() == NET::OnAllDesktops;
QString EffectWindowImpl::caption() const
if( Client* c = dynamic_cast<Client*>( toplevel ))
return c->caption();
return "";
QString EffectWindowImpl::windowClass() const
return toplevel->resourceName() + ' ' + toplevel->resourceClass();
QPixmap EffectWindowImpl::icon() const
if( Client* c = dynamic_cast<Client*>( toplevel ))
return c->icon();
return QPixmap(); // TODO
const EffectWindowGroup* EffectWindowImpl::group() const
if( Client* c = dynamic_cast< Client* >( toplevel ))
return c->group()->effectGroup();
return NULL; // TODO
bool EffectWindowImpl::isMinimized() const
if( Client* c = dynamic_cast<Client*>( toplevel ))
return c->isMinimized();
return false;
double EffectWindowImpl::opacity() const
return toplevel->opacity();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isDeleted() const
return (dynamic_cast<Deleted*>( toplevel ) != 0);
void EffectWindowImpl::refWindow()
if( Deleted* d = dynamic_cast< Deleted* >( toplevel ))
return d->refWindow();
abort(); // TODO
void EffectWindowImpl::unrefWindow()
if( Deleted* d = dynamic_cast< Deleted* >( toplevel ))
return d->unrefWindow( true ); // delayed
abort(); // TODO
const Toplevel* EffectWindowImpl::window() const
return toplevel;
Toplevel* EffectWindowImpl::window()
return toplevel;
void EffectWindowImpl::setWindow( Toplevel* w )
toplevel = w;
void EffectWindowImpl::setSceneWindow( Scene::Window* w )
sw = w;
Scene::Window* EffectWindowImpl::sceneWindow()
return sw;
int EffectWindowImpl::x() const
return toplevel->x();
int EffectWindowImpl::y() const
return toplevel->y();
int EffectWindowImpl::width() const
return toplevel->width();
int EffectWindowImpl::height() const
return toplevel->height();
QRect EffectWindowImpl::geometry() const
return toplevel->geometry();
QSize EffectWindowImpl::size() const
return toplevel->size();
QPoint EffectWindowImpl::pos() const
return toplevel->pos();
QRect EffectWindowImpl::rect() const
return toplevel->rect();
QRect EffectWindowImpl::contentsRect() const
return QRect( toplevel->clientPos(), toplevel->clientSize());
bool EffectWindowImpl::isMovable() const
if( Client* c = dynamic_cast< Client* >( toplevel ))
return c->isMovable();
return false;
bool EffectWindowImpl::isUserMove() const
if( Client* c = dynamic_cast< Client* >( toplevel ))
return c->isMove();
return false;
bool EffectWindowImpl::isUserResize() const
if( Client* c = dynamic_cast< Client* >( toplevel ))
return c->isResize();
return false;
QRect EffectWindowImpl::iconGeometry() const
if( Client* c = dynamic_cast< Client* >( toplevel ))
return c->iconGeometry();
return QRect();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isDesktop() const
return toplevel->isDesktop();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isDock() const
return toplevel->isDock();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isToolbar() const
return toplevel->isToolbar();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isTopMenu() const
return toplevel->isTopMenu();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isMenu() const
return toplevel->isMenu();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isNormalWindow() const
return toplevel->isNormalWindow();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isSpecialWindow() const
if( Client* c = dynamic_cast<Client*>( toplevel ))
return c->isSpecialWindow();
return false;
bool EffectWindowImpl::isDialog() const
return toplevel->isDialog();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isSplash() const
return toplevel->isSplash();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isUtility() const
return toplevel->isUtility();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isDropdownMenu() const
return toplevel->isDropdownMenu();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isPopupMenu() const
return toplevel->isPopupMenu();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isTooltip() const
return toplevel->isTooltip();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isNotification() const
return toplevel->isNotification();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isComboBox() const
return toplevel->isComboBox();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isDNDIcon() const
return toplevel->isDNDIcon();
bool EffectWindowImpl::isModal() const
if( Client* c = dynamic_cast< Client* >( toplevel ))
return c->isModal();
return false;
EffectWindow* EffectWindowImpl::findModal()
if( Client* c = dynamic_cast< Client* >( toplevel ))
if( Client* c2 = c->findModal())
return c2->effectWindow();
return NULL;
EffectWindowList EffectWindowImpl::mainWindows() const
if( Client* c = dynamic_cast< Client* >( toplevel ))
EffectWindowList ret;
ClientList mainclients = c->mainClients();
foreach( Client* tmp, mainclients )
ret.append( tmp->effectWindow());
return ret;
return EffectWindowList();
void EffectWindowImpl::setShader(GLShader* shader)
if( SceneOpenGL::Window* w = dynamic_cast< SceneOpenGL::Window* >( sceneWindow()))
return w->setShader(shader);
abort(); // TODO
EffectWindow* effectWindow( Toplevel* w )
EffectWindowImpl* ret = w->effectWindow();
return ret;
EffectWindow* effectWindow( Scene::Window* w )
EffectWindowImpl* ret = w->window()->effectWindow();
ret->setSceneWindow( w );
return ret;
// EffectWindowGroupImpl
EffectWindowList EffectWindowGroupImpl::members() const
EffectWindowList ret;
foreach( Toplevel* c, group->members())
ret.append( c->effectWindow());
return ret;
} // namespace