Luboš Luňák ab1582de27 It's really interesting that KWin has had support for an arbitrary root
window, but I don't think it really works these days, and it's probably
also not useful at all.

svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=689949
2007-07-19 16:24:51 +00:00

1388 lines
38 KiB

KWin - the KDE window manager
This file is part of the KDE project.
Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich <>
Copyright (C) 2003 Lubos Lunak <>
You can Freely distribute this program under the GNU General Public
License. See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.
#include "tabbox.h"
#include "workspace.h"
#include "effects.h"
#include "client.h"
#include <QPainter>
#include <QLabel>
#include <qdrawutil.h>
#include <QStyle>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <fixx11h.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <QApplication>
#include <qdesktopwidget.h>
#include <QAction>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kglobalsettings.h>
#include <kiconeffect.h>
#include <X11/keysym.h>
#include <X11/keysymdef.h>
#include <QX11Info>
#include <kactioncollection.h>
#include <kkeyserver.h>
#include <kconfiggroup.h>
// specify externals before namespace
namespace KWin
extern QPixmap* kwin_get_menu_pix_hack();
TabBox::TabBox( Workspace *ws )
: QFrame( 0, Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint )
, wspace(ws)
, client(0)
, display_refcount( 0 )
setContentsMargins( 2, 2, 2, 2 );
showMiniIcon = false;
no_tasks = i18n("*** No Windows ***");
m = TabBoxDesktopMode; // init variables
connect(&delayedShowTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(show()));
Sets the current mode to \a mode, either TabBoxDesktopListMode or TabBoxWindowsMode
\sa mode()
void TabBox::setMode( TabBoxMode mode )
m = mode;
Create list of clients on specified desktop, starting with client c
void TabBox::createClientList(ClientList &list, int desktop /*-1 = all*/, Client *c, bool chain)
ClientList::size_type idx = 0;
Client* start = c;
if ( chain )
c = workspace()->nextClientFocusChain(c);
c = workspace()->stackingOrder().first();
Client* stop = c;
while ( c )
Client* add = NULL;
if ( ((desktop == -1) || c->isOnDesktop(desktop))
&& c->wantsTabFocus() )
{ // don't add windows that have modal dialogs
Client* modal = c->findModal();
if( modal == NULL || modal == c )
add = c;
else if( !list.contains( modal ))
add = modal;
// nothing
if( options->separateScreenFocus && options->xineramaEnabled )
if( c->screen() != workspace()->activeScreen())
add = NULL;
if( add != NULL )
if ( start == add )
list.removeAll( add );
list.prepend( add );
list += add;
if ( chain )
c = workspace()->nextClientFocusChain( c );
if ( idx >= (workspace()->stackingOrder().size()-1) )
c = 0;
c = workspace()->stackingOrder()[++idx];
if ( c == stop )
Create list of desktops, starting with desktop start
void TabBox::createDesktopList(QList< int > &list, int start, SortOrder order)
int iDesktop = start;
for( int i = 1; i <= workspace()->numberOfDesktops(); i++ )
list.append( iDesktop );
if ( order == StaticOrder )
iDesktop = workspace()->nextDesktopStatic( iDesktop );
{ // MostRecentlyUsedOrder
iDesktop = workspace()->nextDesktopFocusChain( iDesktop );
Resets the tab box to display the active client in TabBoxWindowsMode, or the
current desktop in TabBoxDesktopListMode
void TabBox::reset( bool partial_reset )
int w, h, cw = 0, wmax = 0;
QRect r = workspace()->screenGeometry( workspace()->activeScreen());
// calculate height of 1 line
// fontheight + 1 pixel above + 1 pixel below, or 32x32 icon + 2 pixel above + below
lineHeight = qMax(fontMetrics().height() + 2, 32 + 4);
if ( mode() == TabBoxWindowsMode )
Client* starting_client = 0;
if( partial_reset && clients.count() != 0 )
starting_client = clients.first();
client = starting_client = workspace()->activeClient();
// get all clients to show
createClientList(clients, options_traverse_all ? -1 : workspace()->currentDesktop(), starting_client, true);
// calculate maximum caption width
cw = fontMetrics().width(no_tasks)+20;
for (ClientList::ConstIterator it = clients.begin(); it != clients.end(); ++it)
cw = fontMetrics().width( (*it)->caption() );
if ( cw > wmax ) wmax = cw;
// calculate height for the popup
if ( clients.count() == 0 ) // height for the "not tasks" text
QFont f = font();
f.setBold( true );
f.setPointSize( 14 );
h = QFontMetrics(f).height()*4;
showMiniIcon = false;
h = clients.count() * lineHeight;
if ( h > (r.height()-(2*frameWidth())) ) // if too high, use mini icons
showMiniIcon = true;
// fontheight + 1 pixel above + 1 pixel below, or 16x16 icon + 1 pixel above + below
lineHeight = qMax(fontMetrics().height() + 2, 16 + 2);
h = clients.count() * lineHeight;
if ( h > (r.height()-(2*frameWidth())) ) // if still too high, remove some clients
// how many clients to remove
int howMany = (h - (r.height()-(2*frameWidth())))/lineHeight;
for (; howMany; howMany--)
h = clients.count() * lineHeight;
int starting_desktop;
if( mode() == TabBoxDesktopListMode )
starting_desktop = 1;
createDesktopList(desktops, starting_desktop, StaticOrder );
{ // TabBoxDesktopMode
starting_desktop = workspace()->currentDesktop();
createDesktopList(desktops, starting_desktop, MostRecentlyUsedOrder );
if( !partial_reset )
desk = workspace()->currentDesktop();
showMiniIcon = false;
foreach (int it, desktops)
cw = fontMetrics().width( workspace()->desktopName(it) );
if ( cw > wmax ) wmax = cw;
// calculate height for the popup (max. 16 desktops always fit in a 800x600 screen)
h = desktops.count() * lineHeight;
// height, width for the popup
h += 2 * frameWidth();
w = 2*frameWidth() + 5*2 + ( showMiniIcon ? 16 : 32 ) + 8 + wmax; // 5*2=margins, ()=icon, 8=space between icon+text
w = qBound( r.width()/3 , w, r.width() * 4 / 5 );
setGeometry( (r.width()-w)/2 + r.x(),
(r.height()-h)/2+ r.y(),
w, h );
if( effects )
Shows the next or previous item, depending on \a next
void TabBox::nextPrev( bool next)
if ( mode() == TabBoxWindowsMode )
Client* firstClient = 0;
Client* newClient = client;
if ( next )
newClient = workspace()->nextClientFocusChain(newClient);
newClient = workspace()->previousClientFocusChain(newClient);
if (!firstClient)
// When we see our first client for the second time,
// it's time to stop.
firstClient = newClient;
else if (newClient == firstClient)
// No candidates found.
newClient = 0;
} while ( newClient && !clients.contains( newClient ));
setCurrentClient( newClient );
else if( mode() == TabBoxDesktopMode )
setCurrentDesktop ( next ? workspace()->nextDesktopFocusChain( desk )
: workspace()->previousDesktopFocusChain( desk ) );
{ // TabBoxDesktopListMode
setCurrentDesktop ( next ? workspace()->nextDesktopStatic( desk )
: workspace()->previousDesktopStatic( desk )) ;
if( effects )
Returns the currently displayed client ( only works in TabBoxWindowsMode ).
Returns 0 if no client is displayed.
Client* TabBox::currentClient()
if ( mode() != TabBoxWindowsMode )
return 0;
if (!workspace()->hasClient( client ))
return 0;
return client;
Returns the list of clients potentially displayed ( only works in
TabBoxWindowsMode ).
Returns an empty list if no clients are available.
ClientList TabBox::currentClientList()
if( mode() != TabBoxWindowsMode )
return ClientList();
return clients;
Returns the currently displayed virtual desktop ( only works in
TabBoxDesktopListMode )
Returns -1 if no desktop is displayed.
int TabBox::currentDesktop()
if ( mode() == TabBoxDesktopListMode || mode() == TabBoxDesktopMode )
return desk;
return -1;
Returns the list of desktops potentially displayed ( only works in
TabBoxDesktopListMode )
Returns an empty list if no desktops are available.
QList< int > TabBox::currentDesktopList()
if ( mode() == TabBoxDesktopListMode || mode() == TabBoxDesktopMode )
return desktops;
return QList< int >();
Change the currently selected client, and notify the effects.
\sa setCurrentDesktop()
void TabBox::setCurrentClient( Client* newClient )
client = newClient;
if( effects )
Change the currently selected desktop, and notify the effects.
\sa setCurrentClient()
void TabBox::setCurrentDesktop( int newDesktop )
desk = newDesktop;
if( effects )
Reimplemented to raise the tab box as well
void TabBox::showEvent( QShowEvent* )
hide the icon box if necessary
void TabBox::hideEvent( QHideEvent* )
Paints the tab box
void TabBox::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* e )
QFrame::paintEvent( e );
QPainter p( this );
QRect r( contentsRect());
QPixmap* menu_pix = kwin_get_menu_pix_hack();
int iconWidth = showMiniIcon ? 16 : 32;
int x = r.x();
int y = r.y();
if ( mode () == TabBoxWindowsMode )
if ( !currentClient() )
QFont f = font();
f.setBold( true );
f.setPointSize( 14 );
p.drawText( r, Qt::AlignCenter, no_tasks);
for (ClientList::ConstIterator it = clients.begin(); it != clients.end(); ++it)
if ( workspace()->hasClient( *it ) ) // safety
// draw highlight background
if ( (*it) == currentClient() )
p.fillRect(x, y, r.width(), lineHeight, palette().brush( QPalette::Highlight ));
// draw icon
QPixmap icon;
if ( showMiniIcon )
if ( !(*it)->miniIcon().isNull() )
icon = (*it)->miniIcon();
if ( !(*it)->icon().isNull() )
icon = (*it)->icon();
else if ( menu_pix )
icon = *menu_pix;
if( !icon.isNull())
if( (*it)->isMinimized())
KIconEffect::semiTransparent( icon );
p.drawPixmap( x+5, y + (lineHeight - iconWidth)/2, icon );
// generate text to display
QString s;
if ( !(*it)->isOnDesktop(workspace()->currentDesktop()) )
s = workspace()->desktopName((*it)->desktop()) + ": ";
if ( (*it)->isMinimized() )
s += '(' + (*it)->caption() + ')';
s += (*it)->caption();
s = fontMetrics().elidedText( s, Qt::ElideMiddle, r.width() - 5 - iconWidth - 8 );
// draw text
if ( (*it) == currentClient() )
p.setPen(palette().color( QPalette::HighlightedText ));
else if( (*it)->isMinimized())
QColor c1 = palette().color( QPalette::Text );
QColor c2 = palette().color( QPalette::Background );
// from kicker's TaskContainer::blendColors()
int r1, g1, b1;
int r2, g2, b2;
c1.getRgb( &r1, &g1, &b1 );
c2.getRgb( &r2, &g2, &b2 );
r1 += (int) ( .5 * ( r2 - r1 ) );
g1 += (int) ( .5 * ( g2 - g1 ) );
b1 += (int) ( .5 * ( b2 - b1 ) );
p.setPen(QColor( r1, g1, b1 ));
p.setPen(palette().color( QPalette::Text ));
p.drawText(x+5 + iconWidth + 8, y, r.width() - 5 - iconWidth - 8, lineHeight,
Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::TextSingleLine, s);
y += lineHeight;
if ( y >= r.height() ) break;
{ // TabBoxDesktopMode || TabBoxDesktopListMode
int iconHeight = iconWidth;
// get widest desktop name/number
QFont f(font());
f.setPixelSize(iconHeight - 4); // pixel, not point because I need to know the pixels
QFontMetrics fm(f);
int wmax = 0;
foreach (int it, desktops)
wmax = qMax(wmax, fontMetrics().width(workspace()->desktopName(it)));
// calculate max width of desktop-number text
QString num = QString::number(it);
iconWidth = qMax(iconWidth - 4, fm.boundingRect(num).width()) + 4;
foreach (int it, desktops)
// draw highlight background
if ( it == desk ) // current desktop
p.fillRect(x, y, r.width(), lineHeight, palette().brush( QPalette::Highlight ));;
// draw "icon" (here: number of desktop)
p.fillRect(x+5, y+2, iconWidth, iconHeight, palette().brush( QPalette::Base ));
p.setPen(palette().color( QPalette::Text ));
p.drawRect(x+5, y+2, iconWidth, iconHeight);
// draw desktop-number
QString num = QString::number(it);
p.drawText(x+5, y+2, iconWidth, iconHeight, Qt::AlignCenter, num);
// draw desktop name text
if ( it == desk )
p.setPen(palette().color( QPalette::HighlightedText ));
p.setPen(palette().color( QPalette::Text ));
p.drawText(x+5 + iconWidth + 8, y, r.width() - 5 - iconWidth - 8, lineHeight,
Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::TextSingleLine,
// show mini icons from that desktop aligned to each other
int x1 = x + 5 + iconWidth + 8 + wmax + 5;
ClientList list;
createClientList(list, it, 0, false);
// clients are in reversed stacking order
for ( int i = list.size() - 1; i>=0; i-- )
if ( ! i )->miniIcon().isNull() )
if ( x1+18 >= x+r.width() ) // only show full icons
p.drawPixmap( x1, y + (lineHeight - 16)/2, i )->miniIcon() );
x1 += 18;
// next desktop
y += lineHeight;
if ( y >= r.height() ) break;
Notify effects that the tab box is being shown, and only display the
default tab box QFrame if no effect has referenced the tab box.
void TabBox::show()
if( effects )
static_cast<EffectsHandlerImpl*>(effects)->tabBoxAdded( mode());
if( isDisplayed())
Notify effects that the tab box is being hidden.
void TabBox::hide()
if( isVisible())
if( effects )
if( isDisplayed())
kDebug( 1212 ) << "Tab box was not properly closed by an effect" << endl;
XEvent otherEvent;
while (XCheckTypedEvent (display(), EnterNotify, &otherEvent ) )
Decrease the reference count. Only when the reference count is 0 will
the default tab box be shown.
void TabBox::unrefDisplay()
void TabBox::reconfigure()
KSharedConfigPtr c(KGlobal::config());
options_traverse_all = c->group("TabBox").readEntry("TraverseAll", false );
Rikkus: please document! (Matthias)
Ok, here's the docs :)
You call delayedShow() instead of show() directly.
If the 'ShowDelay' setting is false, show() is simply called.
Otherwise, we start a timer for the delay given in the settings and only
do a show() when it times out.
This means that you can alt-tab between windows and you don't see the
tab box immediately. Not only does this make alt-tabbing faster, it gives
less 'flicker' to the eyes. You don't need to see the tab box if you're
just quickly switching between 2 or 3 windows. It seems to work quite
void TabBox::delayedShow()
KSharedConfigPtr c(KGlobal::config());
KConfigGroup cg(c, "TabBox");
bool delay = cg.readEntry("ShowDelay", true);
if (!delay)
int delayTime = cg.readEntry("DelayTime", 90);
void TabBox::handleMouseEvent( XEvent* e )
XAllowEvents( display(), AsyncPointer, xTime() );
if( !isVisible() && isDisplayed())
{ // tabbox has been replaced, check effects
if( effects && static_cast<EffectsHandlerImpl*>(effects)->checkInputWindowEvent( e ))
if( e->type != ButtonPress )
QPoint pos( e->xbutton.x_root, e->xbutton.y_root );
QPoint widgetPos = mapFromGlobal( pos ); // inside tabbox
if(( !isVisible() && isDisplayed())
|| !geometry().contains( pos ))
workspace()->closeTabBox(); // click outside closes tab
int num = (widgetPos.y()-frameWidth()) / lineHeight;
if( mode() == TabBoxWindowsMode )
for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = clients.begin();
it != clients.end();
if( workspace()->hasClient( *it ) && (num == 0) ) // safety
setCurrentClient( *it );
foreach( int it, desktops )
if( num == 0 )
setCurrentDesktop( it );
// Workspace
Handles alt-tab / control-tab
bool areKeySymXsDepressed( bool bAll, const uint keySyms[], int nKeySyms )
char keymap[32];
kDebug(125) << "areKeySymXsDepressed: " << (bAll ? "all of " : "any of ") << nKeySyms << endl;
XQueryKeymap( display(), keymap );
for( int iKeySym = 0; iKeySym < nKeySyms; iKeySym++ )
uint keySymX = keySyms[ iKeySym ];
uchar keyCodeX = XKeysymToKeycode( display(), keySymX );
int i = keyCodeX / 8;
char mask = 1 << (keyCodeX - (i * 8));
// Abort if bad index value,
if( i < 0 || i >= 32 )
return false;
kDebug(125) << iKeySym << ": keySymX=0x" << QString::number( keySymX, 16 )
<< " i=" << i << " mask=0x" << QString::number( mask, 16 )
<< " keymap[i]=0x" << QString::number( keymap[i], 16 ) << endl;
// If ALL keys passed need to be depressed,
if( bAll )
if( (keymap[i] & mask) == 0 )
return false;
// If we are looking for ANY key press, and this key is depressed,
if( keymap[i] & mask )
return true;
// If we were looking for ANY key press, then none was found, return false,
// If we were looking for ALL key presses, then all were found, return true.
return bAll;
static bool areModKeysDepressed( const QKeySequence& seq )
uint rgKeySyms[10];
int nKeySyms = 0;
if( seq.isEmpty())
return false;
int mod = seq[seq.count()-1] & Qt::KeyboardModifierMask;
if ( mod & Qt::SHIFT )
rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Shift_L;
rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Shift_R;
if ( mod & Qt::CTRL )
rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Control_L;
rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Control_R;
if( mod & Qt::ALT )
rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Alt_L;
rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Alt_R;
if( mod & Qt::META )
// It would take some code to determine whether the Win key
// is associated with Super or Meta, so check for both.
// See bug #140023 for details.
rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Super_L;
rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Super_R;
rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Meta_L;
rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Meta_R;
return areKeySymXsDepressed( false, rgKeySyms, nKeySyms );
static bool areModKeysDepressed( const KShortcut& cut )
if( areModKeysDepressed( cut.primary()) || areModKeysDepressed( cut.alternate()) )
return true;
return false;
void Workspace::slotWalkThroughWindows()
if ( tab_grab || control_grab )
if ( options->altTabStyle == Options::CDE || !options->focusPolicyIsReasonable())
//ungrabXKeyboard(); // need that because of accelerator raw mode
// CDE style raise / lower
CDEWalkThroughWindows( true );
if ( areModKeysDepressed( cutWalkThroughWindows ) )
if ( startKDEWalkThroughWindows() )
KDEWalkThroughWindows( true );
// if the shortcut has no modifiers, don't show the tabbox,
// don't grab, but simply go to the next window
KDEOneStepThroughWindows( true );
void Workspace::slotWalkBackThroughWindows()
if( tab_grab || control_grab )
if ( options->altTabStyle == Options::CDE || !options->focusPolicyIsReasonable())
// CDE style raise / lower
CDEWalkThroughWindows( false );
if ( areModKeysDepressed( cutWalkThroughWindowsReverse ) )
if ( startKDEWalkThroughWindows() )
KDEWalkThroughWindows( false );
KDEOneStepThroughWindows( false );
void Workspace::slotWalkThroughDesktops()
if( tab_grab || control_grab )
if ( areModKeysDepressed( cutWalkThroughDesktops ) )
if ( startWalkThroughDesktops() )
walkThroughDesktops( true );
oneStepThroughDesktops( true );
void Workspace::slotWalkBackThroughDesktops()
if( tab_grab || control_grab )
if ( areModKeysDepressed( cutWalkThroughDesktopsReverse ) )
if ( startWalkThroughDesktops() )
walkThroughDesktops( false );
oneStepThroughDesktops( false );
void Workspace::slotWalkThroughDesktopList()
if( tab_grab || control_grab )
if ( areModKeysDepressed( cutWalkThroughDesktopList ) )
if ( startWalkThroughDesktopList() )
walkThroughDesktops( true );
oneStepThroughDesktopList( true );
void Workspace::slotWalkBackThroughDesktopList()
if( tab_grab || control_grab )
if ( areModKeysDepressed( cutWalkThroughDesktopListReverse ) )
if ( startWalkThroughDesktopList() )
walkThroughDesktops( false );
oneStepThroughDesktopList( false );
void Workspace::modalActionsSwitch( bool enabled )
QList<KActionCollection*> collections;
collections.append( keys );
collections.append( disable_shortcuts_keys );
collections.append( client_keys );
foreach (KActionCollection* collection, collections)
foreach (QAction *action, collection->actions())
bool Workspace::startKDEWalkThroughWindows()
if( !establishTabBoxGrab())
return false;
tab_grab = true;
modalActionsSwitch( false );
tab_box->setMode( TabBoxWindowsMode );
return true;
bool Workspace::startWalkThroughDesktops( TabBoxMode mode )
if( !establishTabBoxGrab())
return false;
control_grab = true;
modalActionsSwitch( false );
tab_box->setMode( mode );
return true;
bool Workspace::startWalkThroughDesktops()
return startWalkThroughDesktops( TabBoxDesktopMode );
bool Workspace::startWalkThroughDesktopList()
return startWalkThroughDesktops( TabBoxDesktopListMode );
void Workspace::KDEWalkThroughWindows( bool forward )
tab_box->nextPrev( forward );
void Workspace::walkThroughDesktops( bool forward )
tab_box->nextPrev( forward );
void Workspace::CDEWalkThroughWindows( bool forward )
Client* c = NULL;
// this function find the first suitable client for unreasonable focus
// policies - the topmost one, with some exceptions (can't be keepabove/below,
// otherwise it gets stuck on them)
Q_ASSERT( block_stacking_updates == 0 );
for( int i = stacking_order.size() - 1;
i >= 0 ;
--i )
Client* it = i );
if ( it->isOnCurrentDesktop() && !it->isSpecialWindow()
&& it->isShown( false ) && it->wantsTabFocus()
&& !it->keepAbove() && !it->keepBelow())
c = it;
Client* nc = c;
bool options_traverse_all;
KConfigGroup group( KGlobal::config(), "TabBox" );
options_traverse_all = group.readEntry("TraverseAll", false );
Client* firstClient = 0;
nc = forward ? nextClientStatic(nc) : previousClientStatic(nc);
if (!firstClient)
// When we see our first client for the second time,
// it's time to stop.
firstClient = nc;
else if (nc == firstClient)
// No candidates found.
nc = 0;
} while (nc && nc != c &&
(( !options_traverse_all && !nc->isOnDesktop(currentDesktop())) ||
nc->isMinimized() || !nc->wantsTabFocus() || nc->keepAbove() || nc->keepBelow() ) );
if (nc)
if (c && c != nc)
lowerClient( c );
if ( options->focusPolicyIsReasonable() )
activateClient( nc );
if( nc->isShade() && options->shadeHover )
nc->setShade( ShadeActivated );
if( !nc->isOnDesktop( currentDesktop()))
setCurrentDesktop( nc->desktop());
raiseClient( nc );
void Workspace::KDEOneStepThroughWindows( bool forward )
tab_box->setMode( TabBoxWindowsMode );
tab_box->nextPrev( forward );
if( Client* c = tab_box->currentClient() )
activateClient( c );
if( c->isShade() && options->shadeHover )
c->setShade( ShadeActivated );
void Workspace::oneStepThroughDesktops( bool forward, TabBoxMode mode )
tab_box->setMode( mode );
tab_box->nextPrev( forward );
if ( tab_box->currentDesktop() != -1 )
setCurrentDesktop( tab_box->currentDesktop() );
void Workspace::oneStepThroughDesktops( bool forward )
oneStepThroughDesktops( forward, TabBoxDesktopMode );
void Workspace::oneStepThroughDesktopList( bool forward )
oneStepThroughDesktops( forward, TabBoxDesktopListMode );
Handles holding alt-tab / control-tab
void Workspace::tabBoxKeyPress( int keyQt )
bool forward = false;
bool backward = false;
if (tab_grab)
forward = cutWalkThroughWindows.contains( keyQt );
backward = cutWalkThroughWindowsReverse.contains( keyQt );
if (forward || backward)
kDebug(125) << "== " << cutWalkThroughWindows.toString()
<< " or " << cutWalkThroughWindowsReverse.toString() << endl;
KDEWalkThroughWindows( forward );
else if (control_grab)
forward = cutWalkThroughDesktops.contains( keyQt ) ||
cutWalkThroughDesktopList.contains( keyQt );
backward = cutWalkThroughDesktopsReverse.contains( keyQt ) ||
cutWalkThroughDesktopListReverse.contains( keyQt );
if (forward || backward)
if (control_grab || tab_grab)
if ( ((keyQt & ~Qt::KeyboardModifierMask) == Qt::Key_Escape)
&& !(forward || backward) )
{ // if Escape is part of the shortcut, don't cancel
void Workspace::refTabBox()
if( tab_box )
void Workspace::unrefTabBox()
if( tab_box )
void Workspace::closeTabBox()
modalActionsSwitch( true );
tab_grab = false;
control_grab = false;
Handles alt-tab / control-tab releasing
void Workspace::tabBoxKeyRelease( const XKeyEvent& ev )
unsigned int mk = ev.state &
(KKeyServer::modXShift() |
KKeyServer::modXCtrl() |
KKeyServer::modXAlt() |
KKeyServer::modXMeta() );
// ev.state is state before the key release, so just checking mk being 0 isn't enough
// using XQueryPointer() also doesn't seem to work well, so the check that all
// modifiers are released: only one modifier is active and the currently released
// key is this modifier - if yes, release the grab
int mod_index = -1;
for( int i = ShiftMapIndex;
i <= Mod5MapIndex;
++i )
if(( mk & ( 1 << i )) != 0 )
if( mod_index >= 0 )
mod_index = i;
bool release = false;
if( mod_index == -1 )
release = true;
XModifierKeymap* xmk = XGetModifierMapping(display());
for (int i=0; i<xmk->max_keypermod; i++)
if (xmk->modifiermap[xmk->max_keypermod * mod_index + i]
== ev.keycode)
release = true;
if( !release )
if (tab_grab)
bool old_control_grab = control_grab;
control_grab = old_control_grab;
if( Client* c = tab_box->currentClient())
activateClient( c );
if( c->isShade() && options->shadeHover )
c->setShade( ShadeActivated );
if (control_grab)
bool old_tab_grab = tab_grab;
tab_grab = old_tab_grab;
if ( tab_box->currentDesktop() != -1 )
setCurrentDesktop( tab_box->currentDesktop() );
int Workspace::nextDesktopFocusChain( int iDesktop ) const
int i = desktop_focus_chain.indexOf( iDesktop );
if( i >= 0 && i+1 < (int)desktop_focus_chain.size() )
return desktop_focus_chain[i+1];
else if( desktop_focus_chain.size() > 0 )
return desktop_focus_chain[ 0 ];
return 1;
int Workspace::previousDesktopFocusChain( int iDesktop ) const
int i = desktop_focus_chain.indexOf( iDesktop );
if( i-1 >= 0 )
return desktop_focus_chain[i-1];
else if( desktop_focus_chain.size() > 0 )
return desktop_focus_chain[desktop_focus_chain.size()-1];
return numberOfDesktops();
int Workspace::nextDesktopStatic( int iDesktop ) const
int i = ++iDesktop;
if( i > numberOfDesktops())
i = 1;
return i;
int Workspace::previousDesktopStatic( int iDesktop ) const
int i = --iDesktop;
if( i < 1 )
i = numberOfDesktops();
return i;
auxiliary functions to travers all clients according the focus
order. Useful for kwms Alt-tab feature.
Client* Workspace::nextClientFocusChain( Client* c ) const
if ( global_focus_chain.isEmpty() )
return 0;
int pos = global_focus_chain.indexOf( c );
if ( pos == -1 )
return global_focus_chain.last();
if ( pos == 0 )
return global_focus_chain.last();
return global_focus_chain[ pos ];
auxiliary functions to travers all clients according the focus
order. Useful for kwms Alt-tab feature.
Client* Workspace::previousClientFocusChain( Client* c ) const
if ( global_focus_chain.isEmpty() )
return 0;
int pos = global_focus_chain.indexOf( c );
if ( pos == -1 )
return global_focus_chain.first();
if ( pos == global_focus_chain.count() )
return global_focus_chain.first();
return global_focus_chain[ pos ];
auxiliary functions to travers all clients according the static
order. Useful for the CDE-style Alt-tab feature.
Client* Workspace::nextClientStatic( Client* c ) const
if ( !c || clients.isEmpty() )
return 0;
int pos = clients.indexOf( c );
if ( pos == -1 )
return clients.first();
if ( pos == clients.count() )
return clients.first();
return clients[ pos ];
auxiliary functions to travers all clients according the static
order. Useful for the CDE-style Alt-tab feature.
Client* Workspace::previousClientStatic( Client* c ) const
if ( !c || clients.isEmpty() )
return 0;
int pos = clients.indexOf( c );
if ( pos == -1 )
return clients.last();
if ( pos == 0 )
return clients.last();
return clients[ pos ];
Client* Workspace::currentTabBoxClient() const
if( !tab_box )
return 0;
return tab_box->currentClient();
ClientList Workspace::currentTabBoxClientList() const
if( !tab_box )
return ClientList();
return tab_box->currentClientList();
int Workspace::currentTabBoxDesktop() const
if( !tab_box )
return -1;
return tab_box->currentDesktop();
QList< int > Workspace::currentTabBoxDesktopList() const
if( !tab_box )
return QList< int >();
return tab_box->currentDesktopList();
void Workspace::setTabBoxClient( Client* c )
if( tab_box )
tab_box->setCurrentClient( c );
void Workspace::setTabBoxDesktop( int iDesktop )
if( tab_box )
tab_box->setCurrentDesktop( iDesktop );
bool Workspace::establishTabBoxGrab()
if( !grabXKeyboard())
return false;
// Don't try to establish a global mouse grab using XGrabPointer, as that would prevent
// using Alt+Tab while DND (#44972). However force passive grabs on all windows
// in order to catch MouseRelease events and close the tabbox (#67416).
// All clients already have passive grabs in their wrapper windows, so check only
// the active client, which may not have it.
assert( !forced_global_mouse_grab );
forced_global_mouse_grab = true;
if( active_client != NULL )
return true;
void Workspace::removeTabBoxGrab()
assert( forced_global_mouse_grab );
forced_global_mouse_grab = false;
if( active_client != NULL )
} // namespace
#include "tabbox.moc"