Luboš Luňák 9052116e4f Support for having previews even for unmapped windows - they're
actually kept mapped, so that they still have the backing pixmap.
Plus some small tricks to prevent such windows from interfering.
Only two basic modes are implemented right now.

svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=683156
2007-07-04 09:51:10 +00:00

351 lines
10 KiB

KWin - the KDE window manager
This file is part of the KDE project.
Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich <>
Copyright (C) 2003 Lubos Lunak <>
You can Freely distribute this program under the GNU General Public
License. See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.
#ifndef KWIN_UTILS_H
#define KWIN_UTILS_H
#include <config-workspace.h>
#include <config-X11.h>
#include <config-kwin.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <fixx11h.h>
#include <QWidget>
#include <kmanagerselection.h>
#include <netwm_def.h>
//#include <kshortcutdialog.h> //you really want to use KKeySequenceWidget
#include <limits.h>
#include <QX11Info>
#include <kwinglobals.h>
namespace KWin
typedef long Damage;
struct XDamageNotifyEvent
const int SUPPORTED_WINDOW_TYPES_MASK = NET::NormalMask | NET::DesktopMask | NET::DockMask
| NET::ToolbarMask | NET::MenuMask | NET::DialogMask /*| NET::OverrideMask*/ | NET::TopMenuMask
| NET::UtilityMask | NET::SplashMask | NET::DropdownMenuMask | NET::PopupMenuMask
| NET::TooltipMask | NET::NotificationMask | NET::ComboBoxMask | NET::DNDIconMask;
const long ClientWinMask = KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask |
ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask |
KeymapStateMask |
ButtonMotionMask |
PointerMotionMask | // need this, too!
EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask |
FocusChangeMask |
ExposureMask |
StructureNotifyMask |
const QPoint invalidPoint( INT_MIN, INT_MIN );
class Toplevel;
class Client;
class Unmanaged;
class Deleted;
class Group;
class Options;
typedef QList< Toplevel* > ToplevelList;
typedef QList< const Toplevel* > ConstToplevelList;
typedef QList< Client* > ClientList;
typedef QList< const Client* > ConstClientList;
typedef QList< Unmanaged* > UnmanagedList;
typedef QList< const Unmanaged* > ConstUnmanagedList;
typedef QList< Deleted* > DeletedList;
typedef QList< const Deleted* > ConstDeletedList;
typedef QList< Group* > GroupList;
typedef QList< const Group* > ConstGroupList;
extern Options* options;
enum Layer
UnknownLayer = -1,
FirstLayer = 0,
DesktopLayer = FirstLayer,
ActiveLayer, // active fullscreen, or active dialog
NumLayers // number of layers, must be last
// yes, I know this is not 100% like standard operator++
inline void operator++( Layer& lay )
lay = static_cast< Layer >( lay + 1 );
// for Client::takeActivity()
enum ActivityFlags
ActivityFocus = 1 << 0, // focus the window
ActivityFocusForce = 1 << 1, // focus even if Dock etc.
ActivityRaise = 1 << 2 // raise the window
// Some KWin classes, mainly Client and Workspace, are very tighly coupled,
// and some of the methods of one class may be called only from speficic places.
// Those methods have additional allowed_t argument. If you pass Allowed
// as an argument to any function, make sure you really know what you're doing.
enum allowed_t { Allowed };
// some enums to have more readable code, instead of using bools
enum ForceGeometry_t { NormalGeometrySet, ForceGeometrySet };
enum ShadeMode
ShadeNone, // not shaded
ShadeNormal, // normally shaded - isShade() is true only here
ShadeHover, // "shaded", but visible due to hover unshade
ShadeActivated // "shaded", but visible due to alt+tab to the window
enum HiddenPreviews // whether to keep all windows mapped when compositing
{ // do not reorder (config file)
HiddenPreviewsNever, // don't keep pixmaps of unmapped windows at all
/**/ HiddenPreviewsKeep, // only keep pixmaps, but unmap windows
/**/ HiddenPreviewUpdate, // unmap, keep, but when needed map back and wait
HiddenPreviewsActive // keep windows mapped
class Extensions
static void init();
static bool shapeAvailable() { return shape_version > 0; }
static bool shapeInputAvailable();
static int shapeNotifyEvent();
static bool hasShape( Window w );
static bool randrAvailable() { return has_randr; }
static int randrNotifyEvent();
static bool damageAvailable() { return has_damage; }
static int damageNotifyEvent();
static bool compositeAvailable() { return composite_version > 0; }
static bool compositeOverlayAvailable();
static bool renderAvailable() { return render_version > 0; }
static bool fixesAvailable() { return fixes_version > 0; }
static bool fixesRegionAvailable();
static bool glxAvailable() { return has_glx; }
static bool syncAvailable() { return has_sync; }
static int syncAlarmNotifyEvent();
static int shape_version;
static int shape_event_base;
static bool has_randr;
static int randr_event_base;
static bool has_damage;
static int damage_event_base;
static int composite_version;
static int render_version;
static int fixes_version;
static bool has_glx;
static bool has_sync;
static int sync_event_base;
// compile with XShape older than 1.0
#ifndef ShapeInput
const int ShapeInput = 2;
class Motif
static void readFlags( WId w, bool& noborder, bool& resize, bool& move,
bool& minimize, bool& maximize, bool& close );
struct MwmHints
ulong flags;
ulong functions;
ulong decorations;
long input_mode;
ulong status;
enum {
MWM_FUNC_ALL = (1L << 0),
MWM_FUNC_RESIZE = (1L << 1),
MWM_FUNC_MOVE = (1L << 2),
MWM_FUNC_CLOSE = (1L << 5)
class KWinSelectionOwner
: public KSelectionOwner
KWinSelectionOwner( int screen );
virtual bool genericReply( Atom target, Atom property, Window requestor );
virtual void replyTargets( Atom property, Window requestor );
virtual void getAtoms();
Atom make_selection_atom( int screen );
static Atom xa_version;
// Class which saves original value of the variable, assigns the new value
// to it, and in the destructor restores the value.
// Used in Client::isMaximizable() and so on.
// It also casts away contness and generally this looks like a hack.
template< typename T >
class TemporaryAssign
TemporaryAssign( const T& var, const T& value )
: variable( var ), orig( var )
const_cast< T& >( variable ) = value;
const_cast< T& >( variable ) = orig;
const T& variable;
T orig;
QByteArray getStringProperty(WId w, Atom prop, char separator=0);
void updateXTime();
void grabXServer();
void ungrabXServer();
bool grabbedXServer();
bool grabXKeyboard( Window w = rootWindow());
void ungrabXKeyboard();
class Scene;
extern Scene* scene;
inline bool compositing() { return scene != NULL; }
// the docs say it's UrgencyHint, but it's often #defined as XUrgencyHint
#ifndef UrgencyHint
#define UrgencyHint XUrgencyHint
// for STL-like algo's
#define KWIN_CHECK_PREDICATE( name, cls, check ) \
struct name \
{ \
inline bool operator()( const cls* cl ) { return check; } \
#define KWIN_COMPARE_PREDICATE( name, cls, type, check ) \
struct name \
{ \
typedef type type_helper; /* in order to work also with type being 'const Client*' etc. */ \
inline name( const type_helper& compare_value ) : value( compare_value ) {} \
inline bool operator()( const cls* cl ) { return check; } \
const type_helper& value; \
#define KWIN_PROCEDURE( name, cls, action ) \
struct name \
{ \
inline void operator()( cls* cl ) { action; } \
KWIN_CHECK_PREDICATE( TruePredicate, Client, cl == cl /*true, avoid warning about 'cl' */ );
template< typename T >
Client* findClientInList( const ClientList& list, T predicate )
for ( ClientList::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it)
if ( predicate( const_cast< const Client* >( *it)))
return *it;
return NULL;
template< typename T >
Unmanaged* findUnmanagedInList( const UnmanagedList& list, T predicate )
for ( UnmanagedList::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it)
if ( predicate( const_cast< const Unmanaged* >( *it)))
return *it;
return NULL;
int timestampCompare( Time time1, Time time2 ) // like strcmp()
return NET::timestampCompare( time1, time2 );
Time timestampDiff( Time time1, Time time2 ) // returns time2 - time1
return NET::timestampDiff( time1, time2 );
bool isLocalMachine( const QByteArray& host );
QPoint cursorPos();
// converting between X11 mouse/keyboard state mask and Qt button/keyboard states
int qtToX11Button( Qt::MouseButton button );
Qt::MouseButton x11ToQtMouseButton( int button );
int qtToX11State( Qt::MouseButtons buttons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers );
Qt::MouseButtons x11ToQtMouseButtons( int state );
Qt::KeyboardModifiers x11ToQtKeyboardModifiers( int state );
void checkNonExistentClients();
#ifndef KCMRULES
// Qt dialogs emit no signal when closed :(
// KShortcutDialog is gone, and K(Shortcut/KeySequence)Widget should replace it and be
// good enough to not need any further hacks here. If they aren't, CONTACT ME before
// you add hacks again. --ahartmetz
#if 0
class ShortcutDialog
: public KShortcutDialog
ShortcutDialog( const KShortcut& cut );
virtual void accept();
void dialogDone( bool ok );
virtual void done( int r ) { KShortcutDialog::done( r ); emit dialogDone( r == Accepted ); }
#endif //0
#endif //KCMRULES
} // namespace