Summary: The dialog invoked through user actions menu takes the internal uuid as command line argument which allows to query the required information from KWin instead of using X11. This allows to enable the system for Wayland windows. In order to replace the usage of ClientMachine in the rules dialog the dbus interface is extended by a value whether the window is on the localhost. This is exposed through a virtual method on toplevel which is overridden in ShellClient and there always returning true. Test Plan: Run a nested Wayland and opened the dialog on a wayland window Reviewers: #kwin Subscribers: kwin Tags: #kwin Differential Revision:
570 lines
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570 lines
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KWin - the KDE window manager
This file is part of the KDE project.
Copyright (C) 2006 Lubos Lunak <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "toplevel.h"
#include "activities.h"
#include "atoms.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "client_machine.h"
#include "effects.h"
#include "screens.h"
#include "shadow.h"
#include "xcbutils.h"
#include <KWayland/Server/surface_interface.h>
#include <QDebug>
namespace KWin
: m_visual(XCB_NONE)
, bit_depth(24)
, info(NULL)
, ready_for_painting(true)
, m_isDamaged(false)
, m_internalId(QUuid::createUuid())
, m_client()
, damage_handle(None)
, is_shape(false)
, effect_window(NULL)
, m_clientMachine(new ClientMachine(this))
, wmClientLeaderWin(0)
, m_damageReplyPending(false)
, m_screen(0)
, m_skipCloseAnimation(false)
connect(this, SIGNAL(damaged(KWin::Toplevel*,QRect)), SIGNAL(needsRepaint()));
connect(screens(), SIGNAL(changed()), SLOT(checkScreen()));
connect(screens(), SIGNAL(countChanged(int,int)), SLOT(checkScreen()));
assert(damage_handle == None);
delete info;
QDebug& operator<<(QDebug& stream, const Toplevel* cl)
if (cl == NULL)
return stream << "\'NULL\'";
return stream;
QDebug& operator<<(QDebug& stream, const ToplevelList& list)
stream << "LIST:(";
bool first = true;
for (ToplevelList::ConstIterator it = list.begin();
it != list.end();
++it) {
if (!first)
stream << ":";
first = false;
stream << *it;
stream << ")";
return stream;
QRect Toplevel::decorationRect() const
return rect();
void Toplevel::detectShape(Window id)
const bool wasShape = is_shape;
is_shape = Xcb::Extensions::self()->hasShape(id);
if (wasShape != is_shape) {
emit shapedChanged();
// used only by Deleted::copy()
void Toplevel::copyToDeleted(Toplevel* c)
m_internalId = c->internalId();
geom = c->geom;
m_visual = c->m_visual;
bit_depth = c->bit_depth;
info = c->info;
m_client.reset(c->m_client, false);
ready_for_painting = c->ready_for_painting;
damage_handle = None;
damage_region = c->damage_region;
repaints_region = c->repaints_region;
is_shape = c->is_shape;
effect_window = c->effect_window;
if (effect_window != NULL)
resource_name = c->resourceName();
resource_class = c->resourceClass();
m_clientMachine = c->m_clientMachine;
wmClientLeaderWin = c->wmClientLeader();
opaque_region = c->opaqueRegion();
m_screen = c->m_screen;
m_skipCloseAnimation = c->m_skipCloseAnimation;
m_internalFBO = c->m_internalFBO;
// before being deleted, remove references to everything that's now
// owner by Deleted
void Toplevel::disownDataPassedToDeleted()
info = NULL;
QRect Toplevel::visibleRect() const
QRect r = decorationRect();
if (hasShadow() && !shadow()->shadowRegion().isEmpty()) {
r |= shadow()->shadowRegion().boundingRect();
return r.translated(geometry().topLeft());
Xcb::Property Toplevel::fetchWmClientLeader() const
return Xcb::Property(false, window(), atoms->wm_client_leader, XCB_ATOM_WINDOW, 0, 10000);
void Toplevel::readWmClientLeader(Xcb::Property &prop)
wmClientLeaderWin = prop.value<xcb_window_t>(window());
void Toplevel::getWmClientLeader()
auto prop = fetchWmClientLeader();
Returns sessionId for this client,
taken either from its window or from the leader window.
QByteArray Toplevel::sessionId() const
QByteArray result = Xcb::StringProperty(window(), atoms->sm_client_id);
if (result.isEmpty() && wmClientLeaderWin && wmClientLeaderWin != window())
result = Xcb::StringProperty(wmClientLeaderWin, atoms->sm_client_id);
return result;
Returns command property for this client,
taken either from its window or from the leader window.
QByteArray Toplevel::wmCommand()
QByteArray result = Xcb::StringProperty(window(), XCB_ATOM_WM_COMMAND);
if (result.isEmpty() && wmClientLeaderWin && wmClientLeaderWin != window())
result = Xcb::StringProperty(wmClientLeaderWin, XCB_ATOM_WM_COMMAND);
result.replace(0, ' ');
return result;
void Toplevel::getWmClientMachine()
m_clientMachine->resolve(window(), wmClientLeader());
Returns client machine for this client,
taken either from its window or from the leader window.
QByteArray Toplevel::wmClientMachine(bool use_localhost) const
if (!m_clientMachine) {
// this should never happen
return QByteArray();
if (use_localhost && m_clientMachine->isLocal()) {
// special name for the local machine (localhost)
return ClientMachine::localhost();
return m_clientMachine->hostName();
Returns client leader window for this client.
Returns the client window itself if no leader window is defined.
Window Toplevel::wmClientLeader() const
if (wmClientLeaderWin)
return wmClientLeaderWin;
return window();
void Toplevel::getResourceClass()
setResourceClass(QByteArray(info->windowClassName()).toLower(), QByteArray(info->windowClassClass()).toLower());
void Toplevel::setResourceClass(const QByteArray &name, const QByteArray &className)
resource_name = name;
resource_class = className;
emit windowClassChanged();
double Toplevel::opacity() const
if (info->opacity() == 0xffffffff)
return 1.0;
return info->opacity() * 1.0 / 0xffffffff;
void Toplevel::setOpacity(double new_opacity)
double old_opacity = opacity();
new_opacity = qBound(0.0, new_opacity, 1.0);
if (old_opacity == new_opacity)
info->setOpacity(static_cast< unsigned long >(new_opacity * 0xffffffff));
if (compositing()) {
emit opacityChanged(this, old_opacity);
void Toplevel::setReadyForPainting()
if (!ready_for_painting) {
ready_for_painting = true;
if (compositing()) {
emit windowShown(this);
if (Client *cl = dynamic_cast<Client*>(this)) {
if (cl->tabGroup() && cl->tabGroup()->current() == cl)
cl->tabGroup()->setCurrent(cl, true);
void Toplevel::deleteEffectWindow()
delete effect_window;
effect_window = NULL;
void Toplevel::checkScreen()
if (screens()->count() == 1) {
if (m_screen != 0) {
m_screen = 0;
emit screenChanged();
} else {
const int s = screens()->number(geometry().center());
if (s != m_screen) {
m_screen = s;
emit screenChanged();
qreal newScale = screens()->scale(m_screen);
if (newScale != m_screenScale) {
m_screenScale = newScale;
emit screenScaleChanged();
void Toplevel::setupCheckScreenConnection()
connect(this, SIGNAL(geometryShapeChanged(KWin::Toplevel*,QRect)), SLOT(checkScreen()));
connect(this, SIGNAL(geometryChanged()), SLOT(checkScreen()));
void Toplevel::removeCheckScreenConnection()
disconnect(this, SIGNAL(geometryShapeChanged(KWin::Toplevel*,QRect)), this, SLOT(checkScreen()));
disconnect(this, SIGNAL(geometryChanged()), this, SLOT(checkScreen()));
int Toplevel::screen() const
return m_screen;
qreal Toplevel::screenScale() const
return m_screenScale;
bool Toplevel::isOnScreen(int screen) const
return screens()->geometry(screen).intersects(geometry());
bool Toplevel::isOnActiveScreen() const
return isOnScreen(screens()->current());
void Toplevel::getShadow()
QRect dirtyRect; // old & new shadow region
const QRect oldVisibleRect = visibleRect();
if (hasShadow()) {
dirtyRect = shadow()->shadowRegion().boundingRect();
if (!effectWindow()->sceneWindow()->shadow()->updateShadow()) {
emit shadowChanged();
} else {
if (hasShadow())
dirtyRect |= shadow()->shadowRegion().boundingRect();
if (oldVisibleRect != visibleRect())
emit paddingChanged(this, oldVisibleRect);
if (dirtyRect.isValid()) {
bool Toplevel::hasShadow() const
if (effectWindow() && effectWindow()->sceneWindow()) {
return effectWindow()->sceneWindow()->shadow() != NULL;
return false;
Shadow *Toplevel::shadow()
if (effectWindow() && effectWindow()->sceneWindow()) {
return effectWindow()->sceneWindow()->shadow();
} else {
return NULL;
const Shadow *Toplevel::shadow() const
if (effectWindow() && effectWindow()->sceneWindow()) {
return effectWindow()->sceneWindow()->shadow();
} else {
return NULL;
bool Toplevel::wantsShadowToBeRendered() const
return true;
void Toplevel::getWmOpaqueRegion()
const auto rects = info->opaqueRegion();
QRegion new_opaque_region;
for (const auto &r : rects) {
new_opaque_region += QRect(r.pos.x, r.pos.y, r.size.width, r.size.height);
opaque_region = new_opaque_region;
bool Toplevel::isClient() const
return false;
bool Toplevel::isDeleted() const
return false;
bool Toplevel::isOnCurrentActivity() const
if (!Activities::self()) {
return true;
return isOnActivity(Activities::self()->current());
return true;
void Toplevel::elevate(bool elevate)
if (!effectWindow()) {
pid_t Toplevel::pid() const
return info->pid();
xcb_window_t Toplevel::frameId() const
return m_client;
Xcb::Property Toplevel::fetchSkipCloseAnimation() const
return Xcb::Property(false, window(), atoms->kde_skip_close_animation, XCB_ATOM_CARDINAL, 0, 1);
void Toplevel::readSkipCloseAnimation(Xcb::Property &property)
void Toplevel::getSkipCloseAnimation()
Xcb::Property property = fetchSkipCloseAnimation();
bool Toplevel::skipsCloseAnimation() const
return m_skipCloseAnimation;
void Toplevel::setSkipCloseAnimation(bool set)
if (set == m_skipCloseAnimation) {
m_skipCloseAnimation = set;
emit skipCloseAnimationChanged();
void Toplevel::setSurface(KWayland::Server::SurfaceInterface *surface)
if (m_surface == surface) {
using namespace KWayland::Server;
if (m_surface) {
disconnect(m_surface, &SurfaceInterface::damaged, this, &Toplevel::addDamage);
disconnect(m_surface, &SurfaceInterface::sizeChanged, this, &Toplevel::discardWindowPixmap);
m_surface = surface;
connect(m_surface, &SurfaceInterface::damaged, this, &Toplevel::addDamage);
connect(m_surface, &SurfaceInterface::sizeChanged, this, &Toplevel::discardWindowPixmap);
connect(m_surface, &SurfaceInterface::subSurfaceTreeChanged, this,
[this] {
// TODO improve to only update actual visual area
if (ready_for_painting) {
m_isDamaged = true;
connect(m_surface, &SurfaceInterface::destroyed, this,
[this] {
m_surface = nullptr;
emit surfaceChanged();
void Toplevel::addDamage(const QRegion &damage)
m_isDamaged = true;
damage_region += damage;
for (const QRect &r : damage.rects()) {
emit damaged(this, r);
QByteArray Toplevel::windowRole() const
return QByteArray(info->windowRole());
void Toplevel::setDepth(int depth)
if (bit_depth == depth) {
const bool oldAlpha = hasAlpha();
bit_depth = depth;
if (oldAlpha != hasAlpha()) {
emit hasAlphaChanged();
QRegion Toplevel::inputShape() const
if (m_surface) {
return m_surface->input();
} else {
// TODO: maybe also for X11?
return QRegion();
void Toplevel::setInternalFramebufferObject(const QSharedPointer<QOpenGLFramebufferObject> &fbo)
if (m_internalFBO != fbo) {
m_internalFBO = fbo;
QMatrix4x4 Toplevel::inputTransformation() const
QMatrix4x4 m;
m.translate(-x(), -y());
return m;
quint32 Toplevel::windowId() const
return window();
QRect Toplevel::inputGeometry() const
return geometry();
bool Toplevel::isLocalhost() const
if (!m_clientMachine) {
return true;
return m_clientMachine->isLocal();
} // namespace