Vlad Zahorodnii 176ae6e692 Drop window type rule
Practically all code assumes that the window type is static and fixing
it would bring extra complexity, which may not be worth given that there
are window rules to control position, focus, layer, etc.

BUG: 466016
2024-01-17 23:05:53 +00:00

381 lines
12 KiB

KWin - the KDE window manager
This file is part of the KDE project.
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004 Lubos Lunak <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#pragma once
#include <QList>
#include <QRectF>
#include <netwm_def.h>
#include "options.h"
#include "utils/common.h"
class QDebug;
class KConfig;
namespace KWin
class Window;
class Output;
class Rules;
class RuleSettings;
class VirtualDesktop;
#ifndef KCMRULES // only for kwin core
class WindowRules
explicit WindowRules(const QList<Rules *> &rules);
void update(Window *, int selection);
bool contains(const Rules *rule) const;
void remove(Rules *rule);
PlacementPolicy checkPlacement(PlacementPolicy placement) const;
QRectF checkGeometry(QRectF rect, bool init = false) const;
QRectF checkGeometrySafe(QRectF rect, bool init = false) const;
// use 'invalidPoint' with checkPosition, unlike QSize() and QRect(), QPoint() is a valid point
QPointF checkPositionSafe(QPointF pos, bool init = false) const;
QPointF checkPosition(QPointF pos, bool init = false) const;
QSizeF checkSize(QSizeF s, bool init = false) const;
QSizeF checkMinSize(QSizeF s) const;
QSizeF checkMaxSize(QSizeF s) const;
int checkOpacityActive(int s) const;
int checkOpacityInactive(int s) const;
bool checkIgnoreGeometry(bool ignore, bool init = false) const;
QList<VirtualDesktop *> checkDesktops(QList<VirtualDesktop *> desktops, bool init = false) const;
Output *checkOutput(Output *output, bool init = false) const;
QStringList checkActivity(QStringList activity, bool init = false) const;
MaximizeMode checkMaximize(MaximizeMode mode, bool init = false) const;
bool checkMinimize(bool minimized, bool init = false) const;
ShadeMode checkShade(ShadeMode shade, bool init = false) const;
bool checkSkipTaskbar(bool skip, bool init = false) const;
bool checkSkipPager(bool skip, bool init = false) const;
bool checkSkipSwitcher(bool skip, bool init = false) const;
bool checkKeepAbove(bool above, bool init = false) const;
bool checkKeepBelow(bool below, bool init = false) const;
bool checkFullScreen(bool fs, bool init = false) const;
bool checkNoBorder(bool noborder, bool init = false) const;
QString checkDecoColor(QString schemeFile) const;
bool checkBlockCompositing(bool block) const;
int checkFSP(int fsp) const;
int checkFPP(int fpp) const;
bool checkAcceptFocus(bool focus) const;
bool checkCloseable(bool closeable) const;
bool checkAutogrouping(bool autogroup) const;
bool checkAutogroupInForeground(bool fg) const;
QString checkAutogroupById(QString id) const;
bool checkStrictGeometry(bool strict) const;
QString checkShortcut(QString s, bool init = false) const;
bool checkDisableGlobalShortcuts(bool disable) const;
QString checkDesktopFile(QString desktopFile, bool init = false) const;
Layer checkLayer(Layer layer) const;
MaximizeMode checkMaximizeVert(MaximizeMode mode, bool init) const;
MaximizeMode checkMaximizeHoriz(MaximizeMode mode, bool init) const;
QList<Rules *> rules;
class Rules
explicit Rules(const RuleSettings *);
enum Type {
Position = 1 << 0,
Size = 1 << 1,
Desktops = 1 << 2,
MaximizeVert = 1 << 3,
MaximizeHoriz = 1 << 4,
Minimize = 1 << 5,
Shade = 1 << 6,
SkipTaskbar = 1 << 7,
SkipPager = 1 << 8,
SkipSwitcher = 1 << 9,
Above = 1 << 10,
Below = 1 << 11,
Fullscreen = 1 << 12,
NoBorder = 1 << 13,
OpacityActive = 1 << 14,
OpacityInactive = 1 << 15,
Activity = 1 << 16,
Screen = 1 << 17,
DesktopFile = 1 << 18,
Layer = 1 << 19,
All = 0xffffffff
// All these values are saved to the cfg file, and are also used in kstart!
enum {
Unused = 0,
DontAffect, // use the default value
Force, // force the given value
Apply, // apply only after initial mapping
Remember, // like apply, and remember the value when the window is withdrawn
ApplyNow, // apply immediatelly, then forget the setting
ForceTemporarily // apply and force until the window is withdrawn
enum StringMatch {
UnimportantMatch = FirstStringMatch,
LastStringMatch = RegExpMatch
enum SetRule {
UnusedSetRule = Unused,
SetRuleDummy = 256 // so that it's at least short int
enum ForceRule {
UnusedForceRule = Unused,
ForceRuleDummy = 256 // so that it's at least short int
void write(RuleSettings *) const;
bool isEmpty() const;
#ifndef KCMRULES
bool discardUsed(bool withdrawn);
bool match(const Window *c) const;
bool update(Window *, int selection);
bool applyPlacement(PlacementPolicy &placement) const;
bool applyGeometry(QRectF &rect, bool init) const;
// use 'invalidPoint' with applyPosition, unlike QSize() and QRect(), QPoint() is a valid point
bool applyPosition(QPointF &pos, bool init) const;
bool applySize(QSizeF &s, bool init) const;
bool applyMinSize(QSizeF &s) const;
bool applyMaxSize(QSizeF &s) const;
bool applyOpacityActive(int &s) const;
bool applyOpacityInactive(int &s) const;
bool applyIgnoreGeometry(bool &ignore, bool init) const;
bool applyDesktops(QList<VirtualDesktop *> &desktops, bool init) const;
bool applyScreen(int &desktop, bool init) const;
bool applyActivity(QStringList &activity, bool init) const;
bool applyMaximizeVert(MaximizeMode &mode, bool init) const;
bool applyMaximizeHoriz(MaximizeMode &mode, bool init) const;
bool applyMinimize(bool &minimized, bool init) const;
bool applyShade(ShadeMode &shade, bool init) const;
bool applySkipTaskbar(bool &skip, bool init) const;
bool applySkipPager(bool &skip, bool init) const;
bool applySkipSwitcher(bool &skip, bool init) const;
bool applyKeepAbove(bool &above, bool init) const;
bool applyKeepBelow(bool &below, bool init) const;
bool applyFullScreen(bool &fs, bool init) const;
bool applyNoBorder(bool &noborder, bool init) const;
bool applyDecoColor(QString &schemeFile) const;
bool applyBlockCompositing(bool &block) const;
bool applyFSP(int &fsp) const;
bool applyFPP(int &fpp) const;
bool applyAcceptFocus(bool &focus) const;
bool applyCloseable(bool &closeable) const;
bool applyAutogrouping(bool &autogroup) const;
bool applyAutogroupInForeground(bool &fg) const;
bool applyAutogroupById(QString &id) const;
bool applyStrictGeometry(bool &strict) const;
bool applyShortcut(QString &shortcut, bool init) const;
bool applyDisableGlobalShortcuts(bool &disable) const;
bool applyDesktopFile(QString &desktopFile, bool init) const;
bool applyLayer(enum Layer &layer) const;
bool matchType(NET::WindowType match_type) const;
bool matchWMClass(const QString &match_class, const QString &match_name) const;
bool matchRole(const QString &match_role) const;
bool matchTitle(const QString &match_title) const;
bool matchClientMachine(const QString &match_machine, bool local) const;
void readFromSettings(const RuleSettings *settings);
static ForceRule convertForceRule(int v);
static QString getDecoColor(const QString &themeName);
#ifndef KCMRULES
static bool checkSetRule(SetRule rule, bool init);
static bool checkForceRule(ForceRule rule);
static bool checkSetStop(SetRule rule);
static bool checkForceStop(ForceRule rule);
enum Layer layer;
ForceRule layerrule;
QString description;
QString wmclass;
StringMatch wmclassmatch;
bool wmclasscomplete;
QString windowrole;
StringMatch windowrolematch;
QString title;
StringMatch titlematch;
QString clientmachine;
StringMatch clientmachinematch;
NET::WindowTypes types; // types for matching
PlacementPolicy placement;
ForceRule placementrule;
QPoint position;
SetRule positionrule;
QSize size;
SetRule sizerule;
QSize minsize;
ForceRule minsizerule;
QSize maxsize;
ForceRule maxsizerule;
int opacityactive;
ForceRule opacityactiverule;
int opacityinactive;
ForceRule opacityinactiverule;
bool ignoregeometry;
SetRule ignoregeometryrule;
QStringList desktops;
SetRule desktopsrule;
int screen;
SetRule screenrule;
QStringList activity;
SetRule activityrule;
bool maximizevert;
SetRule maximizevertrule;
bool maximizehoriz;
SetRule maximizehorizrule;
bool minimize;
SetRule minimizerule;
bool shade;
SetRule shaderule;
bool skiptaskbar;
SetRule skiptaskbarrule;
bool skippager;
SetRule skippagerrule;
bool skipswitcher;
SetRule skipswitcherrule;
bool above;
SetRule aboverule;
bool below;
SetRule belowrule;
bool fullscreen;
SetRule fullscreenrule;
bool noborder;
SetRule noborderrule;
QString decocolor;
ForceRule decocolorrule;
bool blockcompositing;
ForceRule blockcompositingrule;
int fsplevel;
int fpplevel;
ForceRule fsplevelrule;
ForceRule fpplevelrule;
bool acceptfocus;
ForceRule acceptfocusrule;
bool closeable;
ForceRule closeablerule;
bool autogroup;
ForceRule autogrouprule;
bool autogroupfg;
ForceRule autogroupfgrule;
QString autogroupid;
ForceRule autogroupidrule;
bool strictgeometry;
ForceRule strictgeometryrule;
QString shortcut;
SetRule shortcutrule;
bool disableglobalshortcuts;
ForceRule disableglobalshortcutsrule;
QString desktopfile;
SetRule desktopfilerule;
friend QDebug &operator<<(QDebug &stream, const Rules *);
#ifndef KCMRULES
class KWIN_EXPORT RuleBook : public QObject
explicit RuleBook();
~RuleBook() override;
WindowRules find(const Window *window) const;
void discardUsed(Window *c, bool withdraw);
void setUpdatesDisabled(bool disable);
bool areUpdatesDisabled() const;
void load();
void edit(Window *c, bool whole_app);
void requestDiskStorage();
void setConfig(const KSharedConfig::Ptr &config)
m_config = config;
private Q_SLOTS:
void save();
void deleteAll();
QTimer *m_updateTimer;
bool m_updatesDisabled;
QList<Rules *> m_rules;
KSharedConfig::Ptr m_config;
inline bool RuleBook::areUpdatesDisabled() const
return m_updatesDisabled;
inline bool Rules::checkSetRule(SetRule rule, bool init)
if (rule > (SetRule)DontAffect) { // Unused or DontAffect
if (rule == (SetRule)Force || rule == (SetRule)ApplyNow
|| rule == (SetRule)ForceTemporarily || init) {
return true;
return false;
inline bool Rules::checkForceRule(ForceRule rule)
return rule == (ForceRule)Force || rule == (ForceRule)ForceTemporarily;
inline bool Rules::checkSetStop(SetRule rule)
return rule != UnusedSetRule;
inline bool Rules::checkForceStop(ForceRule rule)
return rule != UnusedForceRule;
inline WindowRules::WindowRules(const QList<Rules *> &r)
: rules(r)
inline WindowRules::WindowRules()
inline bool WindowRules::contains(const Rules *rule) const
return rules.contains(rule);
inline void WindowRules::remove(Rules *rule)
QDebug &operator<<(QDebug &stream, const Rules *);
} // namespace