Buttons are exported as a global "options" in the factory. Additionally the theme's buttons are also exported. The thme decided based on the custom button positions property which one to use. In the kcm the button options are also exported.
156 lines
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156 lines
5.3 KiB
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2012 Martin Gräßlin <mgraesslin@kde.org>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef AURORAE_H
#define AURORAE_H
#include "themeconfig.h"
#include <kdecoration.h>
#include <kdecorationfactory.h>
class QDeclarativeComponent;
class QDeclarativeEngine;
class QDeclarativeItem;
class QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent;
class QGraphicsScene;
class QGraphicsView;
namespace Aurorae
class AuroraeTheme;
class AuroraeClient;
class AuroraeFactory : public QObject, public KDecorationFactoryUnstable
Q_PROPERTY(QString leftButtons READ leftButtons NOTIFY buttonsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString rightButtons READ rightButtons NOTIFY buttonsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool customButtonPositions READ customButtonPositions NOTIFY buttonsChanged)
static AuroraeFactory* instance();
bool reset(unsigned long changed);
KDecoration *createDecoration(KDecorationBridge*);
bool supports(Ability ability) const;
virtual QList< BorderSize > borderSizes() const;
AuroraeTheme *theme() const {
return m_theme;
QDeclarativeItem *createQmlDecoration(AuroraeClient *client);
QString leftButtons();
QString rightButtons();
bool customButtonPositions();
void init();
void buttonsChanged();
static AuroraeFactory *s_instance;
AuroraeTheme *m_theme;
QDeclarativeEngine *m_engine;
QDeclarativeComponent *m_component;
class AuroraeClient : public KDecorationUnstable
Q_PROPERTY(bool active READ isActive NOTIFY activeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString caption READ caption NOTIFY captionChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int desktop READ desktop WRITE setDesktop NOTIFY desktopChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QRect geometry READ geometry)
Q_PROPERTY(int height READ height)
Q_PROPERTY(QIcon icon READ icon NOTIFY iconChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool closeable READ isCloseable CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(bool maximizeable READ isMaximizable CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(bool minimizeable READ isMinimizable CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(bool modal READ isModal)
Q_PROPERTY(bool moveable READ isMovable CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(bool onAllDesktops READ isOnAllDesktops NOTIFY desktopChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool preview READ isPreview CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(bool resizeable READ isResizable CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(bool setShade READ isSetShade NOTIFY shadeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool shade READ isShade WRITE setShade NOTIFY shadeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool shadeable READ isShadeable)
Q_PROPERTY(bool keepAbove READ keepAbove WRITE setKeepAbove NOTIFY keepAboveChangedWrapper)
Q_PROPERTY(bool keepBelow READ keepBelow WRITE setKeepBelow NOTIFY keepBelowChangedWrapper)
Q_PROPERTY(bool maximized READ isMaximized NOTIFY maximizeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool providesContextHelp READ providesContextHelp)
Q_PROPERTY(QRect transparentRect READ transparentRect)
Q_PROPERTY(int width READ width)
Q_PROPERTY(qulonglong windowId READ windowId CONSTANT)
// TODO: window tabs - they suck for dynamic features
AuroraeClient(KDecorationBridge* bridge, KDecorationFactory* factory);
virtual ~AuroraeClient();
virtual void activeChange();
virtual void borders(int& left, int& right, int& top, int& bottom) const;
virtual void captionChange();
virtual void desktopChange();
virtual void iconChange();
virtual void init();
virtual void maximizeChange();
virtual QSize minimumSize() const;
virtual Position mousePosition(const QPoint& p) const;
virtual void resize(const QSize& s);
virtual void shadeChange();
// optional overrides
virtual void padding(int &left, int &right, int &top, int &bottom) const;
virtual void reset(long unsigned int changed);
bool isMaximized() const;
void activeChanged();
void captionChanged();
void desktopChanged();
void iconChanged();
void maximizeChanged();
void shadeChanged();
void keepAboveChangedWrapper();
void keepBelowChangedWrapper();
public slots:
void menuClicked();
void toggleShade();
void toggleKeepAbove();
void toggleKeepBelow();
void titlePressed(int button, int buttons);
void titleReleased(int button, int buttons);
void titleMouseMoved(int button, int buttons);
void titlePressed(Qt::MouseButton button, Qt::MouseButtons buttons);
void titleReleased(Qt::MouseButton button, Qt::MouseButtons buttons);
void titleMouseMoved(Qt::MouseButton button, Qt::MouseButtons buttons);
private slots:
void themeChanged();
QGraphicsView *m_view;
QGraphicsScene *m_scene;
QDeclarativeItem *m_item;