Martin Gräßlin 7c3e4afe54 [aurorae] Fix state changes for maximize/restore button in plastik theme
A check for whether the button is the maximize/restore button was still
for the old syntax causing always the maximize button and never the
restore to show.

BUG: 354702
FIXED-IN: 5.4.3
2015-11-02 10:06:23 +01:00

161 lines
6.6 KiB

Copyright (C) 2012 Martin Gräßlin <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
import QtQuick 2.0
import org.kde.kwin.decoration 0.1
import org.kde.kwin.decorations.plastik 1.0
DecorationButton {
id: button
function colorize() {
var highlightColor = null;
if (button.pressed) {
if (button.buttonType == DecorationOptions.DecorationButtonClose) {
highlightColor = colorHelper.foreground(, ColorHelper.NegativeText);
} else {
highlightColor = options.titleBarColor;
highlightColor = colorHelper.shade(highlightColor, ColorHelper.ShadowShade);
highlightColor = colorHelper.multiplyAlpha(highlightColor, 0.3);
} else if (button.hovered) {
if (button.buttonType == DecorationOptions.DecorationButtonClose) {
highlightColor = colorHelper.foreground(, ColorHelper.NegativeText);
} else {
highlightColor = options.titleBarColor;
highlightColor = colorHelper.shade(highlightColor, ColorHelper.LightShade, Math.min(1.0, colorHelper.contrast + 0.4));
highlightColor = colorHelper.multiplyAlpha(highlightColor, 0.6);
if (highlightColor) {
button.surfaceTop = Qt.tint(button.baseSurfaceTop, highlightColor);
button.surfaceBottom = Qt.tint(button.baseSurfaceBottom, highlightColor);
highlightColor = colorHelper.multiplyAlpha(highlightColor, 0.4);
button.conturTop = Qt.tint(button.baseConturTop, highlightColor);
button.conturBottom = Qt.tint(button.baseConturBottom, highlightColor);
} else {
button.conturTop = button.baseConturTop;
button.conturBottom = button.baseConturBottom;
button.surfaceTop = button.baseSurfaceTop;
button.surfaceBottom = button.baseSurfaceBottom;
property real size
property color conturTop
property color conturBottom
property color surfaceTop
property color surfaceBottom
property color baseConturTop: colorHelper.shade(options.titleBarColor, ColorHelper.DarkShade, colorHelper.contrast - 0.4)
property color baseConturBottom: colorHelper.shade(options.titleBarColor, ColorHelper.MidShade)
property color baseSurfaceTop: colorHelper.shade(options.titleBarColor, ColorHelper.MidlightShade, colorHelper.contrast - 0.4)
property color baseSurfaceBottom: colorHelper.shade(options.titleBarColor, ColorHelper.LightShade, colorHelper.contrast - 0.4)
Behavior on conturTop {
ColorAnimation { duration: root.animateButtons ? root.animationDuration : 0 }
Behavior on conturBottom {
ColorAnimation { duration: root.animateButtons ? root.animationDuration : 0 }
Behavior on surfaceTop {
ColorAnimation { duration: root.animateButtons ? root.animationDuration : 0 }
Behavior on surfaceBottom {
ColorAnimation { duration: root.animateButtons ? root.animationDuration : 0 }
width: size
height: size
Rectangle {
radius: 2
smooth: true
anchors.fill: parent
gradient: Gradient {
GradientStop {
position: 0.0
color: button.conturTop
GradientStop {
position: 1.0
color: button.conturBottom
Rectangle {
radius: 2
smooth: true
anchors {
fill: parent
leftMargin: 1
rightMargin: 1
topMargin: 1
bottomMargin: 1
gradient: Gradient {
GradientStop {
position: 0.0
color: button.surfaceTop
GradientStop {
position: 1.0
color: button.surfaceBottom
Item {
property int imageWidth: button.width > 14 ? button.width - 2 * Math.floor(button.width/3.5) : button.width - 6
property int imageHeight: button.height > 14 ? button.height - 2 * Math.floor(button.height/3.5) : button.height - 6
property string source: "image://plastik/" + button.buttonType + "/" + + "/" + ((buttonType == DecorationOptions.DecorationButtonMaximizeRestore) ? decoration.client.maximized : button.toggled)
anchors.fill: parent
Image {
id: shadowImage
x: button.x + button.width / 2 - width / 2 + 1
y: button.y + button.height / 2 - height / 2 + 1
source: parent.source + "/true"
width: parent.imageWidth
height: parent.imageHeight
sourceSize.width: width
sourceSize.height: height
visible: !button.pressed
Image {
id: image
x: button.x + button.width / 2 - width / 2
y: button.y + button.height / 2 - height / 2 + (button.pressed ? 1 : 0)
source: parent.source
width: parent.imageWidth
height: parent.imageHeight
sourceSize.width: width
sourceSize.height: height
Component.onCompleted: {
if (buttonType == DecorationOptions.DecorationButtonQuickHelp) {
visible = Qt.binding(function() { return decoration.client.providesContextHelp});
if (buttonType == DecorationOptions.DecorationButtonApplicationMenu) {
// visible = decoration.appMenu;
visible = false;
onHoveredChanged: colorize()
onPressedChanged: colorize()
Connections {
target: decoration.client
onActiveChanged: button.colorize()
Connections {
target: options
onColorsChanged: button.colorize();