CCMAIL: ben@meyerhome.net svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=473125
186 lines
11 KiB
186 lines
11 KiB
#ifndef NOSLOTS
# define DEF2( name, descr, key, fnSlot ) \
keys->insert( name, i18n(descr), QString::null, key, this, SLOT(fnSlot) )
# define DEF( name, key, fnSlot ) \
keys->insert( name, i18n(name), QString::null, key, this, SLOT(fnSlot) )
# define DEF2( name, descr, key, fnSlot ) \
keys->insert( name, i18n(descr), QString::null, key )
# define DEF( name, key, fnSlot ) \
keys->insert( name, i18n(name), QString::null, key )
#define WIN Qt::META
#define ALT Qt::ALT
#define SHIFT Qt::SHIFT
#define CTRL Qt::CTRL
// some shortcuts have Tarzan-speech like names, they need extra normal human descriptions with DEF2()
// the others can use DEF()
keys->insert( "Program:kwin", i18n("System") );
keys->insert( "Group:Navigation", i18n("Navigation") );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Walk Through Windows"), ALT+Qt::Key_Tab, slotWalkThroughWindows() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Walk Through Windows (Reverse)"), ALT+SHIFT+Qt::Key_Tab, slotWalkBackThroughWindows() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Walk Through Desktops"), WIN+Qt::Key_Tab, slotWalkThroughDesktops() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Walk Through Desktops (Reverse)"), WIN+SHIFT+Qt::Key_Tab, slotWalkBackThroughDesktops() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Walk Through Desktop List"), 0, slotWalkThroughDesktopList() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Walk Through Desktop List (Reverse)"), 0, slotWalkBackThroughDesktopList() );
keys->insert( "Group:Windows", i18n("Windows") );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window Operations Menu"), ALT+Qt::Key_Menu, slotWindowOperations() );
DEF2( "Window Close", I18N_NOOP("Close Window"),
"Alt+Escape;Alt+F4", slotWindowClose() );
DEF2( "Window Maximize", I18N_NOOP("Maximize Window"),
WIN+Qt::Key_Plus, slotWindowMaximize() );
DEF2( "Window Maximize Vertical", I18N_NOOP("Maximize Window Vertically"),
WIN+Qt::Key_Bar, slotWindowMaximizeVertical() );
DEF2( "Window Maximize Horizontal", I18N_NOOP("Maximize Window Horizontally"),
WIN+Qt::Key_Equal, slotWindowMaximizeHorizontal() );
DEF2( "Window Minimize", I18N_NOOP("Minimize Window"),
WIN+Qt::Key_Minus, slotWindowMinimize() );
DEF2( "Window Shade", I18N_NOOP("Shade Window"),
WIN+Qt::Key_Underscore, slotWindowShade() );
DEF2( "Window Move", I18N_NOOP("Move Window"),
0, slotWindowMove() );
DEF2( "Window Resize", I18N_NOOP("Resize Window"),
0, slotWindowResize() );
DEF2( "Window Raise", I18N_NOOP("Raise Window"),
0, slotWindowRaise() );
DEF2( "Window Lower", I18N_NOOP("Lower Window"),
0, slotWindowLower() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Toggle Window Raise/Lower"), 0, slotWindowRaiseOrLower() );
DEF2( "Window Fullscreen", I18N_NOOP("Make Window Fullscreen"),
0, slotWindowFullScreen() );
DEF2( "Window No Border", I18N_NOOP("Hide Window Border"),
0, slotWindowNoBorder() );
DEF2( "Window Above Other Windows", I18N_NOOP("Keep Window Above Others"),
0, slotWindowAbove() );
DEF2( "Window Below Other Windows", I18N_NOOP("Keep Window Below Others"),
0, slotWindowBelow() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Activate Window Demanding Attention"),
CTRL+ALT+Qt::Key_A, slotActivateAttentionWindow());
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Setup Window Shortcut"),
0, slotSetupWindowShortcut());
DEF2( "Window Pack Right", I18N_NOOP("Pack Window to the Right"),
0, slotWindowPackRight() );
DEF2( "Window Pack Left", I18N_NOOP("Pack Window to the Left"),
0, slotWindowPackLeft() );
DEF2( "Window Pack Up", I18N_NOOP("Pack Window Up"),
0, slotWindowPackUp() );
DEF2( "Window Pack Down", I18N_NOOP("Pack Window Down"),
0, slotWindowPackDown() );
DEF2( "Window Grow Horizontal", I18N_NOOP("Pack Grow Window Horizontally"),
0, slotWindowGrowHorizontal() );
DEF2( "Window Grow Vertical", I18N_NOOP("Pack Grow Window Vertically"),
0, slotWindowGrowVertical() );
DEF2( "Window Shrink Horizontal", I18N_NOOP("Pack Shrink Window Horizontally"),
0, slotWindowShrinkHorizontal() );
DEF2( "Window Shrink Vertical", I18N_NOOP("Pack Shrink Window Vertically"),
0, slotWindowShrinkVertical() );
keys->insert( "Group:Window Desktop", i18n("Window & Desktop") );
DEF2( "Window On All Desktops", I18N_NOOP("Keep Window on All Desktops"),
0, slotWindowOnAllDesktops() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Desktop 1"), WIN+ALT+Qt::Key_F1, slotWindowToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Desktop 2"), WIN+ALT+Qt::Key_F2, slotWindowToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Desktop 3"), WIN+ALT+Qt::Key_F3, slotWindowToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Desktop 4"), WIN+ALT+Qt::Key_F4, slotWindowToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Desktop 5"), WIN+ALT+Qt::Key_F5, slotWindowToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Desktop 6"), WIN+ALT+Qt::Key_F6, slotWindowToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Desktop 7"), WIN+ALT+Qt::Key_F7, slotWindowToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Desktop 8"), WIN+ALT+Qt::Key_F8, slotWindowToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Desktop 9"), WIN+ALT+Qt::Key_F9, slotWindowToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Desktop 10"), WIN+ALT+Qt::Key_F10, slotWindowToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Desktop 11"), 0, slotWindowToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Desktop 12"), 0, slotWindowToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Desktop 13"), 0, slotWindowToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Desktop 14"), 0, slotWindowToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Desktop 15"), 0, slotWindowToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Desktop 16"), 0, slotWindowToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Desktop 17"), 0, slotWindowToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Desktop 18"), 0, slotWindowToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Desktop 19"), 0, slotWindowToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Desktop 20"), 0, slotWindowToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Next Desktop"), 0, slotWindowToNextDesktop() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Previous Desktop"), 0, slotWindowToPreviousDesktop() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window One Desktop to the Right"), 0, slotWindowToDesktopRight() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window One Desktop to the Left"), 0, slotWindowToDesktopLeft() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window One Desktop Up"), 0, slotWindowToDesktopUp() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window One Desktop Down"), 0, slotWindowToDesktopDown() );
keys->insert( "Group:Desktop Switching", i18n("Desktop Switching") );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Desktop 1"), WIN+Qt::Key_F1, slotSwitchToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Desktop 2"), WIN+Qt::Key_F2, slotSwitchToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Desktop 3"), WIN+Qt::Key_F3, slotSwitchToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Desktop 4"), WIN+Qt::Key_F4, slotSwitchToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Desktop 5"), WIN+Qt::Key_F5, slotSwitchToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Desktop 6"), WIN+Qt::Key_F6, slotSwitchToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Desktop 7"), WIN+Qt::Key_F7, slotSwitchToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Desktop 8"), WIN+Qt::Key_F8, slotSwitchToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Desktop 9"), WIN+Qt::Key_F9, slotSwitchToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Desktop 10"), WIN+Qt::Key_F10, slotSwitchToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Desktop 11"), CTRL+Qt::Key_F11, slotSwitchToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Desktop 12"), CTRL+Qt::Key_F12, slotSwitchToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Desktop 13"), CTRL+SHIFT+Qt::Key_F1, slotSwitchToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Desktop 14"), CTRL+SHIFT+Qt::Key_F2, slotSwitchToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Desktop 15"), CTRL+SHIFT+Qt::Key_F3, slotSwitchToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Desktop 16"), CTRL+SHIFT+Qt::Key_F4, slotSwitchToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Desktop 17"), CTRL+SHIFT+Qt::Key_F5, slotSwitchToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Desktop 18"), CTRL+SHIFT+Qt::Key_F6, slotSwitchToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Desktop 19"), CTRL+SHIFT+Qt::Key_F7, slotSwitchToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Desktop 20"), CTRL+SHIFT+Qt::Key_F8, slotSwitchToDesktop(int) );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Next Desktop"), 0, slotSwitchDesktopNext() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Previous Desktop"), 0, slotSwitchDesktopPrevious() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch One Desktop to the Right"), 0, slotSwitchDesktopRight() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch One Desktop to the Left"), 0, slotSwitchDesktopLeft() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch One Desktop Up"), 0, slotSwitchDesktopUp() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch One Desktop Down"), 0, slotSwitchDesktopDown() );
keys->insert( "Group:Miscellaneous", i18n("Miscellaneous") );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Mouse Emulation"), ALT+Qt::Key_F12, slotMouseEmulation() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Kill Window"), WIN+CTRL+Qt::Key_Delete, slotKillWindow() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window Screenshot"), ALT+Qt::Key_Print, slotGrabWindow() );
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Desktop Screenshot"), WIN+Qt::Key_Print, slotGrabDesktop() );
#ifdef IN_KWIN
KGlobalAccel* keys = disable_shortcuts_keys;
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Block Global Shortcuts"), 0, slotDisableGlobalShortcuts());
#ifdef IN_KWIN
/*This belongs in taskbar rather than here, so it'll have to wait until after 2.2 is done.
-- ellis
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Window 1", WIN+Qt::Key_1"));
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Window 2", WIN+Qt::Key_2"));
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Window 3", WIN+Qt::Key_3"));
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Window 4", WIN+Qt::Key_4"));
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Window 5", WIN+Qt::Key_5"));
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Window 6", WIN+Qt::Key_6"));
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Window 7", WIN+Qt::Key_7"));
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Window 8", WIN+Qt::Key_8"));
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Switch to Window 9", WIN+Qt::Key_9"));
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window & Taskbar"Group:Window Desktop", 0);
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Taskbar Position 1", WIN+Qt::Key_Alt+1"));
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Taskbar Position 2", WIN+Qt::Key_Alt+2"));
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Taskbar Position 3", WIN+Qt::Key_Alt+3"));
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Taskbar Position 4", WIN+Qt::Key_Alt+4"));
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Taskbar Position 5", WIN+Qt::Key_Alt+5"));
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Taskbar Position 6", WIN+Qt::Key_Alt+6"));
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Taskbar Position 7", WIN+Qt::Key_Alt+7"));
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Taskbar Position 8", WIN+Qt::Key_Alt+8"));
DEF( I18N_NOOP("Window to Taskbar Position 9", WIN+Qt::Key_Alt+9"));
#undef DEF
#undef DEF2
#undef WIN
#undef ALT
#undef SHIFT
#undef CTRL