BorderNoSides is what is known from Oxygen as "No Side Borders". The name should indicate that there is only a border at the bottom. BorderNone is a mode with no borders at all. The new enums are added to KDecoration and the KCM so that all decos can make use of it. Aurorae is adjusted to support the new sizes for QML themes (it breaks the old svg based themes) and Plastik makes use of it, by rendering a one-pixel border around the window, which illustrates that it's still up to the decoration to decide how to make use of the setting. REVIEW: 108164
433 lines
15 KiB
433 lines
15 KiB
Copyright (C) 2012 Martin Gräßlin <mgraesslin@kde.org>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import QtQuick 1.1
import org.kde.kwin.decoration 0.1
import org.kde.kwin.decorations.plastik 1.0
Decoration {
function enableExtendedBorders() {
root.extendedBorderTop = 0;
root.extendedBorderRight = 3;
root.extendedBorderBottom = 3;
root.extendedBorderLeft = 3;
function disableExtendedBorders() {
root.extendedBorderTop = 0;
root.extendedBorderRight = 0;
root.extendedBorderBottom = 0;
root.extendedBorderLeft = 0;
function setBorderSize(value) {
root.borderLeft = value;
root.borderRight = value;
root.borderBottom = value;
function readConfig() {
switch (decoration.readConfig("BorderSize", DecorationOptions.BorderNormal)) {
case DecorationOptions.BorderTiny:
case DecorationOptions.BorderLarge:
case DecorationOptions.BorderVeryLarge:
case DecorationOptions.BorderHuge:
case DecorationOptions.BorderVeryHuge:
case DecorationOptions.BorderOversized:
case DecorationOptions.BorderNoSides:
root.borderLeft = 1;
root.borderRight = 1;
root.borderBottom = 4;
case DecorationOptions.BorderNone:
case DecorationOptions.BorderNormal: // fall through to default
var titleAlignLeft = decoration.readConfig("titleAlignLeft", true);
var titleAlignCenter = decoration.readConfig("titleAlignCenter", false);
var titleAlignRight = decoration.readConfig("titleAlignRight", false);
if (titleAlignRight) {
root.titleAlignment = Text.AlignRight;
} else if (titleAlignCenter) {
root.titleAlignment = Text.AlignHCenter;
} else {
if (!titleAlignLeft) {
console.log("Error reading title alignment: all alignment options are false");
root.titleAlignment = Text.AlignLeft;
root.animateButtons = decoration.readConfig("animateButtons", true);
root.titleShadow = decoration.readConfig("titleShadow", true);
root.animationDuration = 150;
ColorHelper {
id: colorHelper
DecorationOptions {
id: options
deco: decoration
property alias buttonSize: titleRow.captionHeight
property alias titleAlignment: caption.horizontalAlignment
property color titleBarColor: options.titleBarColor
// set by readConfig after Component completed, ensures that buttons do not flicker
property int animationDuration: 0
property bool animateButtons: true
property bool titleShadow: true
Behavior on titleBarColor {
ColorAnimation {
duration: root.animationDuration
id: root
borderLeft: 4
borderRight: 4
borderTop: top.normalHeight
borderBottom: 4
borderLeftMaximized: 0
borderRightMaximized: 0
borderBottomMaximized: 0
borderTopMaximized: top.maximizedHeight
paddingLeft: 0
paddingRight: 0
paddingBottom: 0
paddingTop: 0
alpha: false
Rectangle {
color: root.titleBarColor
anchors {
fill: parent
border {
width: decoration.maximized ? 0 : 2
color: colorHelper.shade(root.titleBarColor, ColorHelper.DarkShade)
Rectangle {
id: borderLeft
anchors {
left: parent.left
top: parent.top
bottom: parent.bottom
leftMargin: 1
bottomMargin: 1
topMargin: 1
visible: !decoration.maximized
width: root.borderLeft
color: root.titleBarColor
Rectangle {
width: 1
anchors {
left: parent.left
top: parent.top
bottom: parent.bottom
color: colorHelper.shade(root.titleBarColor, ColorHelper.LightShade, colorHelper.contrast - (decoration.active ? 0.4 : 0.8))
Rectangle {
id: borderRight
anchors {
right: parent.right
top: parent.top
bottom: parent.bottom
rightMargin: 1
bottomMargin: 1
topMargin: 1
visible: !decoration.maximzied
width: root.borderRight -1
color: root.titleBarColor
Rectangle {
width: 1
anchors {
bottom: parent.bottom
top: parent.top
x: parent.x + parent.width - 1
color: colorHelper.shade(root.titleBarColor, ColorHelper.DarkShade, colorHelper.contrast - (decoration.active ? 0.4 : 0.8))
Rectangle {
id: borderBottom
anchors {
left: parent.right
right: parent.left
bottom: parent.bottom
leftMargin: 1
rightMargin: 1
height: root.borderBottom
visible: !decoration.maximzied
color: root.titleBarColor
Rectangle {
height: 1
anchors {
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
y: parent.y + parent.height - 1
color: colorHelper.shade(root.titleBarColor, ColorHelper.DarkShade, colorHelper.contrast - (decoration.active ? 0.4 : 0.8))
Rectangle {
id: top
property int topMargin: 1
property real normalHeight: titleRow.normalHeight + topMargin + 1
property real maximizedHeight: titleRow.maximizedHeight
height: decoration.maximized ? maximizedHeight : normalHeight
anchors {
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
top: parent.top
topMargin: decoration.maximized ? 0 : top.topMargin
leftMargin: decoration.maximized ? 0 : 2
rightMargin: decoration.maximized ? 0 : 2
gradient: Gradient {
id: topGradient
GradientStop {
position: 0.0
color: colorHelper.shade(root.titleBarColor, ColorHelper.MidlightShade, colorHelper.contrast - 0.4)
GradientStop {
id: middleGradientStop
position: 4.0/(decoration.maximized ? top.maximizedHeight : top.normalHeight)
color: colorHelper.shade(root.titleBarColor, ColorHelper.MidShade, colorHelper.contrast - 0.4)
GradientStop {
position: 1.0
color: root.titleBarColor
Rectangle {
height: 1
anchors {
top: top.top
left: top.left
right: top.right
visible: !decoration.maximized
color: colorHelper.shade(root.titleBarColor, ColorHelper.LightShade, colorHelper.contrast - (decoration.active ? 0.4 : 0.8))
MouseArea {
acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton | Qt.MiddleButton
anchors.fill: parent
onDoubleClicked: decoration.titlebarDblClickOperation()
onPressed: {
if (mouse.button == Qt.LeftButton) {
mouse.accepted = false;
} else {
decoration.titlePressed(mouse.button, mouse.buttons);
onReleased: decoration.titleReleased(mouse.button, mouse.buttons)
Item {
id: titleRow
property real captionHeight: caption.implicitHeight + 4
property int topMargin: 4
property int bottomMargin: 2
property real normalHeight: captionHeight + bottomMargin + topMargin
property real maximizedHeight: captionHeight + bottomMargin
anchors {
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
top: parent.top
topMargin: decoration.maximized ? 0 : titleRow.topMargin
leftMargin: decoration.maximized ? 0 : 6
rightMargin: decoration.maximized ? 0 : 6
bottomMargin: titleRow.bottomMargin
ButtonGroup {
id: leftButtonGroup
spacing: 1
explicitSpacer: root.buttonSize
menuButton: menuButtonComponent
appMenuButton: appMenuButtonComponent
minimizeButton: minimizeButtonComponent
maximizeButton: maximizeButtonComponent
keepBelowButton: keepBelowButtonComponent
keepAboveButton: keepAboveButtonComponent
helpButton: helpButtonComponent
shadeButton: shadeButtonComponent
allDesktopsButton: stickyButtonComponent
closeButton: closeButtonComponent
buttons: options.titleButtonsLeft
anchors {
top: parent.top
left: parent.left
Text {
id: caption
anchors {
top: parent.top
left: leftButtonGroup.right
right: rightButtonGroup.left
rightMargin: 5
leftMargin: 5
color: options.fontColor
Behavior on color {
ColorAnimation { duration: root.animationDuration }
text: decoration.caption
font: options.titleFont
style: root.titleShadow ? Text.Raised : Text.Normal
styleColor: colorHelper.shade(color, ColorHelper.ShadowShade)
elide: Text.ElideMiddle
ButtonGroup {
id: rightButtonGroup
spacing: 1
explicitSpacer: root.buttonSize
menuButton: menuButtonComponent
appMenuButton: appMenuButtonComponent
minimizeButton: minimizeButtonComponent
maximizeButton: maximizeButtonComponent
keepBelowButton: keepBelowButtonComponent
keepAboveButton: keepAboveButtonComponent
helpButton: helpButtonComponent
shadeButton: shadeButtonComponent
allDesktopsButton: stickyButtonComponent
closeButton: closeButtonComponent
buttons: options.titleButtonsRight
anchors {
top: parent.top
right: parent.right
Rectangle {
id: innerBorder
anchors {
fill: parent
leftMargin: root.borderLeft - 1
rightMargin: root.borderRight
topMargin: root.borderTop - 1
bottomMargin: root.borderBottom
border {
width: 1
color: colorHelper.shade(root.titleBarColor, ColorHelper.MidShade)
color: root.titleBarColor
Component {
id: maximizeButtonComponent
PlastikButton {
buttonType: "A"
size: root.buttonSize
Component {
id: keepBelowButtonComponent
PlastikButton {
buttonType: "B"
size: root.buttonSize
Component {
id: keepAboveButtonComponent
PlastikButton {
buttonType: "F"
size: root.buttonSize
Component {
id: helpButtonComponent
PlastikButton {
buttonType: "H"
size: root.buttonSize
Component {
id: minimizeButtonComponent
PlastikButton {
buttonType: "I"
size: root.buttonSize
Component {
id: shadeButtonComponent
PlastikButton {
buttonType: "L"
size: root.buttonSize
Component {
id: stickyButtonComponent
PlastikButton {
buttonType: "S"
size: root.buttonSize
Component {
id: closeButtonComponent
PlastikButton {
buttonType: "X"
size: root.buttonSize
Component {
id: menuButtonComponent
MenuButton {
width: root.buttonSize
height: root.buttonSize
Component {
id: appMenuButtonComponent
PlastikButton {
buttonType: "N"
size: root.buttonSize
Component.onCompleted: readConfig()
Connections {
target: decoration
onConfigChanged: readConfig()