554 lines
18 KiB
554 lines
18 KiB
* Copyright (c) 1998 Matthias Ettrich <ettrich@kde.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qcombobox.h>
#include <qwhatsthis.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qvgroupbox.h>
#include <qgrid.h>
#include <qsizepolicy.h>
#include <dcopclient.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kdialog.h>
#include <kglobalsettings.h>
#include <kseparator.h>
#include <X11/X.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mouse.h"
#include "mouse.moc"
KActionsConfig::KActionsConfig (bool _standAlone, KConfig *_config, QWidget * parent, const char *)
: KCModule(parent, "kcmkwm"), config(_config), standAlone(_standAlone)
QString strWin1, strWin2, strWin3, strAllKey, strAll1, strAll2, strAll3;
QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this, 0, KDialog::spacingHint());
QGrid *grid;
QGroupBox *box;
QLabel *label;
QString strMouseButton1, strMouseButton3;
QString txtButton1, txtButton3;
QStringList items;
bool leftHandedMouse = ( KGlobalSettings::mouseSettings().handed == KGlobalSettings::KMouseSettings::LeftHanded);
/** Titlebar doubleclick ************/
QHBoxLayout *hlayout = new QHBoxLayout(layout);
label = new QLabel(i18n("&Titlebar double-click:"), this);
QWhatsThis::add( label, i18n("Here you can customize mouse click behavior when double clicking on the"
" titlebar of a window.") );
QComboBox* combo = new QComboBox(this);
combo->insertItem(i18n("Maximize (vertical only)"));
combo->insertItem(i18n("Maximize (horizontal only)"));
combo->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed));
connect(combo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(changed()));
coTiDbl = combo;
QWhatsThis::add(combo, i18n("Behavior on <em>double</em> click into the titlebar."));
/** Titlebar and frame **************/
box = new QVGroupBox( i18n("Titlebar && Frame"), this, "Titlebar and Frame");
QWhatsThis::add( box, i18n("Here you can customize mouse click behavior when clicking on the"
" titlebar or the frame of a window.") );
grid = new QGrid(4, Qt::Vertical, box);
new QLabel(grid); // dummy
strMouseButton1 = i18n("Left button:");
txtButton1 = i18n("In this row you can customize left click behavior when clicking into"
" the titlebar or the frame.");
strMouseButton3 = i18n("Right button:");
txtButton3 = i18n("In this row you can customize right click behavior when clicking into"
" the titlebar or the frame." );
if ( leftHandedMouse )
qSwap(strMouseButton1, strMouseButton3);
qSwap(txtButton1, txtButton3);
label = new QLabel(strMouseButton1, grid);
QWhatsThis::add( label, txtButton1);
label = new QLabel(i18n("Middle button:"), grid);
QWhatsThis::add( label, i18n("In this row you can customize middle click behavior when clicking into"
" the titlebar or the frame.") );
label = new QLabel(strMouseButton3, grid);
QWhatsThis::add( label, txtButton3);
label = new QLabel(i18n("Active"), grid);
QWhatsThis::add( label, i18n("In this column you can customize mouse clicks into the titlebar"
" or the frame of an active window.") );
// Titlebar and frame, active, mouse button 1
combo = new QComboBox(grid);
combo->insertItem(i18n("Operations Menu"));
combo->insertItem(i18n("Toggle Raise & Lower"));
connect(combo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(changed()));
coTiAct1 = combo;
txtButton1 = i18n("Behavior on <em>left</em> click into the titlebar or frame of an "
"<em>active</em> window.");
txtButton3 = i18n("Behavior on <em>right</em> click into the titlebar or frame of an "
"<em>active</em> window.");
// Be nice to left handed users
if ( leftHandedMouse ) qSwap(txtButton1, txtButton3);
QWhatsThis::add(combo, txtButton1);
// Titlebar and frame, active, mouse button 2
items << i18n("Raise")
<< i18n("Lower")
<< i18n("Operations Menu")
<< i18n("Toggle Raise & Lower")
<< i18n("Nothing")
<< i18n("Shade");
combo = new QComboBox(grid);
connect(combo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(changed()));
coTiAct2 = combo;
QWhatsThis::add(combo, i18n("Behavior on <em>middle</em> click into the titlebar or frame of an <em>active</em> window."));
// Titlebar and frame, active, mouse button 3
combo = new QComboBox(grid);
connect(combo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(changed()));
coTiAct3 = combo;
QWhatsThis::add(combo, txtButton3 );
txtButton1 = i18n("Behavior on <em>left</em> click into the titlebar or frame of an "
"<em>inactive</em> window.");
txtButton3 = i18n("Behavior on <em>right</em> click into the titlebar or frame of an "
"<em>inactive</em> window.");
// Be nice to left handed users
if ( leftHandedMouse ) qSwap(txtButton1, txtButton3);
label = new QLabel(i18n("Inactive"), grid);
QWhatsThis::add( label, i18n("In this column you can customize mouse clicks into the titlebar"
" or the frame of an inactive window.") );
items << i18n("Activate & Raise")
<< i18n("Activate & Lower")
<< i18n("Activate")
<< i18n("Shade");
combo = new QComboBox(grid);
connect(combo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(changed()));
coTiInAct1 = combo;
QWhatsThis::add(combo, txtButton1);
combo = new QComboBox(grid);
connect(combo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(changed()));
coTiInAct2 = combo;
QWhatsThis::add(combo, i18n("Behavior on <em>middle</em> click into the titlebar or frame of an <em>inactive</em> window."));
combo = new QComboBox(grid);
connect(combo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(changed()));
coTiInAct3 = combo;
QWhatsThis::add(combo, txtButton3);
/** Inactive inner window ******************/
box = new QVGroupBox(i18n("Inactive Inner Window"), this, "Inactive Inner Window");
QWhatsThis::add( box, i18n("Here you can customize mouse click behavior when clicking on an inactive"
" inner window ('inner' means: not titlebar, not frame).") );
grid = new QGrid(3, Qt::Vertical, box);
strMouseButton1 = i18n("Left button:");
txtButton1 = i18n("In this row you can customize left click behavior when clicking into"
" the titlebar or the frame.");
strMouseButton3 = i18n("Right button:");
txtButton3 = i18n("In this row you can customize right click behavior when clicking into"
" the titlebar or the frame." );
if ( leftHandedMouse )
qSwap(strMouseButton1, strMouseButton3);
qSwap(txtButton1, txtButton3);
strWin1 = i18n("In this row you can customize left click behavior when clicking into"
" an inactive inner window ('inner' means: not titlebar, not frame).");
strWin3 = i18n("In this row you can customize right click behavior when clicking into"
" an inactive inner window ('inner' means: not titlebar, not frame).");
// Be nice to lefties
if ( leftHandedMouse ) qSwap(strWin1, strWin3);
label = new QLabel(strMouseButton1, grid);
QWhatsThis::add( label, strWin1 );
label = new QLabel(i18n("Middle button:"), grid);
strWin2 = i18n("In this row you can customize middle click behavior when clicking into"
" an inactive inner window ('inner' means: not titlebar, not frame).");
QWhatsThis::add( label, strWin2 );
label = new QLabel(strMouseButton3, grid);
QWhatsThis::add( label, strWin3 );
items << i18n("Activate, Raise & Pass Click")
<< i18n("Activate & Pass Click")
<< i18n("Activate")
<< i18n("Activate & Raise");
combo = new QComboBox(grid);
connect(combo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(changed()));
coWin1 = combo;
QWhatsThis::add( combo, strWin1 );
combo = new QComboBox(grid);
connect(combo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(changed()));
coWin2 = combo;
QWhatsThis::add( combo, strWin2 );
combo = new QComboBox(grid);
connect(combo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(changed()));
coWin3 = combo;
QWhatsThis::add( combo, strWin3 );
/** Inner window, titlebar and frame **************/
box = new QVGroupBox(i18n("Inner Window, Titlebar && Frame"), this, "Inner Window, Titlebar and Frame");
QWhatsThis::add( box, i18n("Here you can customize KDE's behavior when clicking somewhere into"
" a window while pressing a modifier key."));
grid = new QGrid(4, Qt::Vertical, box);
// Labels
label = new QLabel(i18n("Modifier key:"), grid);
strAllKey = i18n("Here you select whether holding the Meta key or Alt key "
"will allow you to perform the following actions.");
QWhatsThis::add( label, strAllKey );
strMouseButton1 = i18n("Modifier key + left button:");
strAll1 = i18n("In this row you can customize left click behavior when clicking into"
" the titlebar or the frame.");
strMouseButton3 = i18n("Modifier key + right button:");
strAll3 = i18n("In this row you can customize right click behavior when clicking into"
" the titlebar or the frame." );
if ( leftHandedMouse )
qSwap(strMouseButton1, strMouseButton3);
qSwap(strAll1, strAll3);
label = new QLabel(strMouseButton1, grid);
QWhatsThis::add( label, strAll1);
label = new QLabel(i18n("Modifier key + middle button:"), grid);
strAll2 = i18n("Here you can customize KDE's behavior when middle clicking into a window"
" while pressing the modifier key.");
QWhatsThis::add( label, strAll2 );
label = new QLabel(strMouseButton3, grid);
QWhatsThis::add( label, strAll3);
// Combo's
combo = new QComboBox(grid);
connect(combo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(changed()));
coAllKey = combo;
QWhatsThis::add( combo, strAllKey );
items << i18n("Move")
<< i18n("Toggle Raise & Lower")
<< i18n("Resize")
<< i18n("Raise")
<< i18n("Lower")
<< i18n("Nothing");
combo = new QComboBox(grid);
connect(combo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(changed()));
coAll1 = combo;
QWhatsThis::add( combo, strAll1 );
combo = new QComboBox(grid);
connect(combo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(changed()));
coAll2 = combo;
QWhatsThis::add( combo, strAll2 );
combo = new QComboBox(grid);
connect(combo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(changed()));
coAll3 = combo;
QWhatsThis::add( combo, strAll3 );
if (standAlone)
delete config;
// do NOT change the texts below, they are written to config file
// and are not shown in the GUI
// they have to match the order of items in GUI elements though
const char* tbl_TiDbl[] = {
"Maximize (vertical only)",
"Maximize (horizontal only)",
"" };
const char* tbl_TiAc[] = {
"Operations menu",
"Toggle raise and lower",
"" };
const char* tbl_TiInAc[] = {
"Activate and raise",
"Activate and lower",
"" };
const char* tbl_Win[] = {
"Activate, raise and pass click",
"Activate and pass click",
"Activate and raise",
"" };
const char* tbl_AllKey[] = {
"" };
const char* tbl_All[] = {
"Toggle raise and lower",
"" };
static const char* tbl_num_lookup( const char* arr[], int pos )
for( int i = 0;
arr[ i ][ 0 ] != '\0' && pos >= 0;
++i )
if( pos == 0 )
return arr[ i ];
abort(); // should never happen this way
static int tbl_txt_lookup( const char* arr[], const char* txt )
int pos = 0;
for( int i = 0;
arr[ i ][ 0 ] != '\0';
++i )
if( qstricmp( txt, arr[ i ] ) == 0 )
return pos;
return 0;
void KActionsConfig::setComboText( QComboBox* combo, const char*txt )
if( combo == coTiDbl )
combo->setCurrentItem( tbl_txt_lookup( tbl_TiDbl, txt ));
else if( combo == coTiAct1 || combo == coTiAct2 || combo == coTiAct3 )
combo->setCurrentItem( tbl_txt_lookup( tbl_TiAc, txt ));
else if( combo == coTiInAct1 || combo == coTiInAct2 || combo == coTiInAct3 )
combo->setCurrentItem( tbl_txt_lookup( tbl_TiInAc, txt ));
else if( combo == coWin1 || combo == coWin2 || combo == coWin3 )
combo->setCurrentItem( tbl_txt_lookup( tbl_Win, txt ));
else if( combo == coAllKey )
combo->setCurrentItem( tbl_txt_lookup( tbl_AllKey, txt ));
else if( combo == coAll1 || combo == coAll2 || combo == coAll3 )
combo->setCurrentItem( tbl_txt_lookup( tbl_All, txt ));
const char* KActionsConfig::functionTiDbl( int i )
return tbl_num_lookup( tbl_TiDbl, i );
const char* KActionsConfig::functionTiAc( int i )
return tbl_num_lookup( tbl_TiAc, i );
const char* KActionsConfig::functionTiInAc( int i )
return tbl_num_lookup( tbl_TiInAc, i );
const char* KActionsConfig::functionWin( int i )
return tbl_num_lookup( tbl_Win, i );
const char* KActionsConfig::functionAllKey( int i )
return tbl_num_lookup( tbl_AllKey, i );
const char* KActionsConfig::functionAll( int i )
return tbl_num_lookup( tbl_All, i );
void KActionsConfig::load()
setComboText(coTiDbl, config->readEntry("TitlebarDoubleClickCommand","Shade").ascii());
config->setGroup( "MouseBindings");
setComboText(coTiAct3,config->readEntry("CommandActiveTitlebar3","Operations menu").ascii());
setComboText(coTiInAct1,config->readEntry("CommandInactiveTitlebar1","Activate and raise").ascii());
setComboText(coTiInAct2,config->readEntry("CommandInactiveTitlebar2","Activate and lower").ascii());
setComboText(coWin1,config->readEntry("CommandWindow1","Activate, raise and pass click").ascii());
setComboText(coWin2,config->readEntry("CommandWindow2","Activate and pass click").ascii());
setComboText(coWin3,config->readEntry("CommandWindow3","Activate and pass click").ascii());
setComboText(coAll2,config->readEntry("CommandAll2","Toggle raise and lower").ascii());
void KActionsConfig::save()
config->writeEntry("TitlebarDoubleClickCommand", functionTiDbl( coTiDbl->currentItem() ) );
config->writeEntry("CommandActiveTitlebar1", functionTiAc(coTiAct1->currentItem()));
config->writeEntry("CommandActiveTitlebar2", functionTiAc(coTiAct2->currentItem()));
config->writeEntry("CommandActiveTitlebar3", functionTiAc(coTiAct3->currentItem()));
config->writeEntry("CommandInactiveTitlebar1", functionTiInAc(coTiInAct1->currentItem()));
config->writeEntry("CommandInactiveTitlebar2", functionTiInAc(coTiInAct2->currentItem()));
config->writeEntry("CommandInactiveTitlebar3", functionTiInAc(coTiInAct3->currentItem()));
config->writeEntry("CommandWindow1", functionWin(coWin1->currentItem()));
config->writeEntry("CommandWindow2", functionWin(coWin2->currentItem()));
config->writeEntry("CommandWindow3", functionWin(coWin3->currentItem()));
config->writeEntry("CommandAllKey", functionAllKey(coAllKey->currentItem()));
config->writeEntry("CommandAll1", functionAll(coAll1->currentItem()));
config->writeEntry("CommandAll2", functionAll(coAll2->currentItem()));
config->writeEntry("CommandAll3", functionAll(coAll3->currentItem()));
if (standAlone)
if ( !kapp->dcopClient()->isAttached() )
kapp->dcopClient()->send("kwin*", "", "reconfigure()", "");
void KActionsConfig::defaults()
setComboText(coTiDbl, "Shade");
setComboText(coTiAct3,"Operations menu");
setComboText(coTiInAct1,"Activate and raise");
setComboText(coTiInAct2,"Activate and lower");
setComboText(coWin1,"Activate, raise and pass click");
setComboText(coWin2,"Activate and pass click");
setComboText(coWin3,"Activate and pass click");
setComboText (coAll1,"Move");
setComboText(coAll2,"Toggle raise and lower");