Luboš Luňák 30cab17748 Another final attempt at sorting out the shaded geometry problems.
This time at least the code should detect properly all attempts
to use shaded geometry when the normal one is needed.
BUG: 96602

svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/kwin/; revision=425377
2005-06-14 15:35:44 +00:00

1026 lines
32 KiB

KWin - the KDE window manager
This file is part of the KDE project.
Copyright (C) 2004 Lubos Lunak <>
You can Freely distribute this program under the GNU General Public
License. See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.
#include "rules.h"
#include <fixx11h.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <ktempfile.h>
#include <ksimpleconfig.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#ifndef KCMRULES
#include "client.h"
#include "workspace.h"
namespace KWinInternal
: temporary_state( 0 )
, wmclassmatch( UnimportantMatch )
, wmclasscomplete( UnimportantMatch )
, windowrolematch( UnimportantMatch )
, titlematch( UnimportantMatch )
, extrarolematch( UnimportantMatch )
, clientmachinematch( UnimportantMatch )
, types( NET::AllTypesMask )
, placementrule( UnusedForceRule )
, positionrule( UnusedSetRule )
, sizerule( UnusedSetRule )
, minsizerule( UnusedForceRule )
, maxsizerule( UnusedForceRule )
, opacityactiverule( UnusedForceRule )
, opacityinactiverule( UnusedForceRule )
, ignorepositionrule( UnusedForceRule )
, desktoprule( UnusedSetRule )
, typerule( UnusedForceRule )
, maximizevertrule( UnusedSetRule )
, maximizehorizrule( UnusedSetRule )
, minimizerule( UnusedSetRule )
, shaderule( UnusedSetRule )
, skiptaskbarrule( UnusedSetRule )
, skippagerrule( UnusedSetRule )
, aboverule( UnusedSetRule )
, belowrule( UnusedSetRule )
, fullscreenrule( UnusedSetRule )
, noborderrule( UnusedSetRule )
, fsplevelrule( UnusedForceRule )
, acceptfocusrule( UnusedForceRule )
, moveresizemoderule( UnusedForceRule )
, closeablerule( UnusedForceRule )
, strictgeometryrule( UnusedForceRule )
, shortcutrule( UnusedSetRule )
Rules::Rules( const QString& str, bool temporary )
: temporary_state( temporary ? 2 : 0 )
KTempFile file;
QFile* f = file.file();
if( f != NULL )
QCString s = str.utf8();
f->writeBlock(, s.length());
KSimpleConfig cfg(;
readFromCfg( cfg );
if( description.isEmpty())
description = "temporary";
#define READ_MATCH_STRING( var, func ) \
var = cfg.readEntry( #var ) func; \
var##match = (StringMatch) QMAX( FirstStringMatch, QMIN( LastStringMatch, cfg.readNumEntry( #var "match" )));
#define READ_SET_RULE( var, type, func ) \
var = func ( #var )); \
var##rule = readSetRule( cfg, #var "rule" );
#define READ_SET_RULE_DEF( var, type, func, def ) \
var = func ( #var, def )); \
var##rule = readSetRule( cfg, #var "rule" );
#define READ_SET_RULE_2( var, type, func, funcarg ) \
var = func ( #var ), funcarg ); \
var##rule = readSetRule( cfg, #var "rule" );
#define READ_FORCE_RULE( var, type, func ) \
var = func ( #var )); \
var##rule = readForceRule( cfg, #var "rule" );
#define READ_FORCE_RULE_2( var, type, func, funcarg ) \
var = func ( #var ), funcarg ); \
var##rule = readForceRule( cfg, #var "rule" );
Rules::Rules( KConfig& cfg )
: temporary_state( 0 )
readFromCfg( cfg );
static int limit0to4( int i ) { return QMAX( 0, QMIN( 4, i )); }
void Rules::readFromCfg( KConfig& cfg )
description = cfg.readEntry( "description" );
READ_MATCH_STRING( wmclass, .lower().latin1() );
wmclasscomplete = cfg.readBoolEntry( "wmclasscomplete" );
READ_MATCH_STRING( windowrole, .lower().latin1() );
READ_MATCH_STRING( extrarole, .lower().latin1() );
READ_MATCH_STRING( clientmachine, .lower().latin1() );
types = cfg.readUnsignedLongNumEntry( "types", NET::AllTypesMask );
READ_FORCE_RULE_2( placement,, Placement::policyFromString, false );
READ_SET_RULE_DEF( position, Point,, &invalidPoint );
READ_SET_RULE( size, Size, );
if( size.isEmpty() && sizerule != ( SetRule )Remember)
sizerule = UnusedSetRule;
READ_FORCE_RULE( minsize, Size, );
if( !minsize.isValid())
minsize = QSize( 1, 1 );
READ_FORCE_RULE( maxsize, Size, );
if( maxsize.isEmpty())
maxsize = QSize( 32767, 32767 );
READ_FORCE_RULE( opacityactive, Num, );
if( opacityactive < 0 || opacityactive > 100 )
opacityactive = 100;
READ_FORCE_RULE( opacityinactive, Num, );
if( opacityinactive < 0 || opacityinactive > 100 )
opacityinactive = 100;
READ_FORCE_RULE( ignoreposition, Bool, );
READ_SET_RULE( desktop, Num, );
type = readType( cfg, "type" );
typerule = type != NET::Unknown ? readForceRule( cfg, "typerule" ) : UnusedForceRule;
READ_SET_RULE( maximizevert, Bool, );
READ_SET_RULE( maximizehoriz, Bool, );
READ_SET_RULE( minimize, Bool, );
READ_SET_RULE( shade, Bool, );
READ_SET_RULE( skiptaskbar, Bool, );
READ_SET_RULE( skippager, Bool, );
READ_SET_RULE( above, Bool, );
READ_SET_RULE( below, Bool, );
READ_SET_RULE( fullscreen, Bool, );
READ_SET_RULE( noborder, Bool, );
READ_FORCE_RULE( fsplevel, Num, limit0to4 ); // fsp is 0-4
READ_FORCE_RULE( acceptfocus, Bool, );
READ_FORCE_RULE( moveresizemode, , Options::stringToMoveResizeMode );
READ_FORCE_RULE( closeable, Bool, );
READ_FORCE_RULE( strictgeometry, Bool, );
READ_SET_RULE( shortcut, , );
#undef READ_SET_RULE_2
#define WRITE_MATCH_STRING( var, cast, force ) \
if( !var.isEmpty() || force ) \
{ \
cfg.writeEntry( #var, cast var ); \
cfg.writeEntry( #var "match", var##match ); \
} \
else \
{ \
cfg.deleteEntry( #var ); \
cfg.deleteEntry( #var "match" ); \
#define WRITE_SET_RULE( var, func ) \
if( var##rule != UnusedSetRule ) \
{ \
cfg.writeEntry( #var, func ( var )); \
cfg.writeEntry( #var "rule", var##rule ); \
} \
else \
{ \
cfg.deleteEntry( #var ); \
cfg.deleteEntry( #var "rule" ); \
#define WRITE_FORCE_RULE( var, func ) \
if( var##rule != UnusedForceRule ) \
{ \
cfg.writeEntry( #var, func ( var )); \
cfg.writeEntry( #var "rule", var##rule ); \
} \
else \
{ \
cfg.deleteEntry( #var ); \
cfg.deleteEntry( #var "rule" ); \
#define WRITE_WITH_DEFAULT( var, default ) \
if( var != default ) \
cfg.writeEntry( #var, var ); \
else \
cfg.deleteEntry( #var );
void Rules::write( KConfig& cfg ) const
cfg.writeEntry( "description", description );
// always write wmclass
WRITE_MATCH_STRING( wmclass, (const char*), true );
cfg.writeEntry( "wmclasscomplete", wmclasscomplete );
WRITE_MATCH_STRING( windowrole, (const char*), false );
WRITE_MATCH_STRING( title,, false );
WRITE_MATCH_STRING( extrarole, (const char*), false );
WRITE_MATCH_STRING( clientmachine, (const char*), false );
WRITE_WITH_DEFAULT( types, NET::AllTypesMask );
WRITE_FORCE_RULE( placement, Placement::policyToString );
WRITE_SET_RULE( position, );
WRITE_SET_RULE( size, );
WRITE_FORCE_RULE( minsize, );
WRITE_FORCE_RULE( maxsize, );
WRITE_FORCE_RULE( opacityactive, );
WRITE_FORCE_RULE( opacityinactive, );
WRITE_FORCE_RULE( ignoreposition, );
WRITE_SET_RULE( desktop, );
WRITE_SET_RULE( maximizevert, );
WRITE_SET_RULE( maximizehoriz, );
WRITE_SET_RULE( minimize, );
WRITE_SET_RULE( shade, );
WRITE_SET_RULE( skiptaskbar, );
WRITE_SET_RULE( skippager, );
WRITE_SET_RULE( above, );
WRITE_SET_RULE( below, );
WRITE_SET_RULE( fullscreen, );
WRITE_SET_RULE( noborder, );
WRITE_FORCE_RULE( fsplevel, );
WRITE_FORCE_RULE( acceptfocus, );
WRITE_FORCE_RULE( moveresizemode, Options::moveResizeModeToString );
WRITE_FORCE_RULE( closeable, );
WRITE_FORCE_RULE( strictgeometry, );
WRITE_SET_RULE( shortcut, );
// returns true if it doesn't affect anything
bool Rules::isEmpty() const
return( placementrule == UnusedForceRule
&& positionrule == UnusedSetRule
&& sizerule == UnusedSetRule
&& minsizerule == UnusedForceRule
&& maxsizerule == UnusedForceRule
&& opacityactiverule == UnusedForceRule
&& opacityinactiverule == UnusedForceRule
&& ignorepositionrule == UnusedForceRule
&& desktoprule == UnusedSetRule
&& typerule == UnusedForceRule
&& maximizevertrule == UnusedSetRule
&& maximizehorizrule == UnusedSetRule
&& minimizerule == UnusedSetRule
&& shaderule == UnusedSetRule
&& skiptaskbarrule == UnusedSetRule
&& skippagerrule == UnusedSetRule
&& aboverule == UnusedSetRule
&& belowrule == UnusedSetRule
&& fullscreenrule == UnusedSetRule
&& noborderrule == UnusedSetRule
&& fsplevelrule == UnusedForceRule
&& acceptfocusrule == UnusedForceRule
&& moveresizemoderule == UnusedForceRule
&& closeablerule == UnusedForceRule
&& strictgeometryrule == UnusedForceRule
&& shortcutrule == UnusedSetRule );
Rules::SetRule Rules::readSetRule( KConfig& cfg, const QString& key )
int v = cfg.readNumEntry( key );
if( v >= DontAffect && v <= ForceTemporarily )
return static_cast< SetRule >( v );
return UnusedSetRule;
Rules::ForceRule Rules::readForceRule( KConfig& cfg, const QString& key )
int v = cfg.readNumEntry( key );
if( v == DontAffect || v == Force || v == ForceTemporarily )
return static_cast< ForceRule >( v );
return UnusedForceRule;
NET::WindowType Rules::readType( KConfig& cfg, const QString& key )
int v = cfg.readNumEntry( key );
if( v >= NET::Normal && v <= NET::Splash )
return static_cast< NET::WindowType >( v );
return NET::Unknown;
bool Rules::matchType( NET::WindowType match_type ) const
if( types != NET::AllTypesMask )
if( match_type == NET::Unknown )
match_type = NET::Normal; // NET::Unknown->NET::Normal is only here for matching
if( !NET::typeMatchesMask( match_type, types ))
return false;
return true;
bool Rules::matchWMClass( const QCString& match_class, const QCString& match_name ) const
if( wmclassmatch != UnimportantMatch )
{ // TODO optimize?
QCString cwmclass = wmclasscomplete
? match_name + ' ' + match_class : match_class;
if( wmclassmatch == RegExpMatch && QRegExp( wmclass ).search( cwmclass ) == -1 )
return false;
if( wmclassmatch == ExactMatch && wmclass != cwmclass )
return false;
if( wmclassmatch == SubstringMatch && !cwmclass.contains( wmclass ))
return false;
return true;
bool Rules::matchRole( const QCString& match_role ) const
if( windowrolematch != UnimportantMatch )
if( windowrolematch == RegExpMatch && QRegExp( windowrole ).search( match_role ) == -1 )
return false;
if( windowrolematch == ExactMatch && windowrole != match_role )
return false;
if( windowrolematch == SubstringMatch && !match_role.contains( windowrole ))
return false;
return true;
bool Rules::matchTitle( const QString& match_title ) const
if( titlematch != UnimportantMatch )
if( titlematch == RegExpMatch && QRegExp( title ).search( match_title ) == -1 )
return false;
if( titlematch == ExactMatch && title != match_title )
return false;
if( titlematch == SubstringMatch && !match_title.contains( title ))
return false;
return true;
bool Rules::matchClientMachine( const QCString& match_machine ) const
if( clientmachinematch != UnimportantMatch )
// if it's localhost, check also "localhost" before checking hostname
if( match_machine != "localhost" && isLocalMachine( match_machine )
&& matchClientMachine( "localhost" ))
return true;
if( clientmachinematch == RegExpMatch
&& QRegExp( clientmachine ).search( match_machine ) == -1 )
return false;
if( clientmachinematch == ExactMatch
&& clientmachine != match_machine )
return false;
if( clientmachinematch == SubstringMatch
&& !match_machine.contains( clientmachine ))
return false;
return true;
#ifndef KCMRULES
bool Rules::match( const Client* c ) const
if( !matchType( c->windowType( true )))
return false;
if( !matchWMClass( c->resourceClass(), c->resourceName()))
return false;
if( !matchRole( c->windowRole()))
return false;
if( !matchTitle( c->caption( false )))
return false;
// TODO extrarole
if( !matchClientMachine( c->wmClientMachine( false )))
return false;
return true;
bool Rules::update( Client* c )
// TODO check this setting is for this client ?
bool updated = false;
if( positionrule == ( SetRule )Remember)
if( !c->isFullScreen())
QPoint new_pos = position;
// don't use the position in the direction which is maximized
if(( c->maximizeMode() & MaximizeHorizontal ) == 0 )
new_pos.setX( c->pos().x());
if(( c->maximizeMode() & MaximizeVertical ) == 0 )
new_pos.setY( c->pos().y());
updated = updated || position != new_pos;
position = new_pos;
if( sizerule == ( SetRule )Remember)
if( !c->isFullScreen())
QSize new_size = size;
// don't use the position in the direction which is maximized
if(( c->maximizeMode() & MaximizeHorizontal ) == 0 )
new_size.setWidth( c->size().width());
if(( c->maximizeMode() & MaximizeVertical ) == 0 )
new_size.setHeight( c->size().height());
updated = updated || size != new_size;
size = new_size;
if( desktoprule == ( SetRule )Remember)
updated = updated || desktop != c->desktop();
desktop = c->desktop();
if( maximizevertrule == ( SetRule )Remember)
updated = updated || maximizevert != bool( c->maximizeMode() & MaximizeVertical );
maximizevert = c->maximizeMode() & MaximizeVertical;
if( maximizehorizrule == ( SetRule )Remember)
updated = updated || maximizehoriz != bool( c->maximizeMode() & MaximizeHorizontal );
maximizehoriz = c->maximizeMode() & MaximizeHorizontal;
if( minimizerule == ( SetRule )Remember)
updated = updated || minimize != c->isMinimized();
minimize = c->isMinimized();
if( shaderule == ( SetRule )Remember)
updated = updated || ( shade != ( c->shadeMode() != ShadeNone ));
shade = c->shadeMode() != ShadeNone;
if( skiptaskbarrule == ( SetRule )Remember)
updated = updated || skiptaskbar != c->skipTaskbar();
skiptaskbar = c->skipTaskbar();
if( skippagerrule == ( SetRule )Remember)
updated = updated || skippager != c->skipPager();
skippager = c->skipPager();
if( aboverule == ( SetRule )Remember)
updated = updated || above != c->keepAbove();
above = c->keepAbove();
if( belowrule == ( SetRule )Remember)
updated = updated || below != c->keepBelow();
below = c->keepBelow();
if( fullscreenrule == ( SetRule )Remember)
updated = updated || fullscreen != c->isFullScreen();
fullscreen = c->isFullScreen();
if( noborderrule == ( SetRule )Remember)
updated = updated || noborder != c->isUserNoBorder();
noborder = c->isUserNoBorder();
if (opacityactiverule == ( ForceRule )Force)
updated = updated || (uint) (opacityactive/100.0*0xffffffff) != c->ruleOpacityActive();
opacityactive = (uint)(((double)c->ruleOpacityActive())/0xffffffff*100);
if (opacityinactiverule == ( ForceRule )Force)
updated = updated || (uint) (opacityinactive/100.0*0xffffffff) != c->ruleOpacityInactive();
opacityinactive = (uint)(((double)c->ruleOpacityInactive())/0xffffffff*100);
return updated;
#define APPLY_RULE( var, name, type ) \
bool Rules::apply##name( type& arg, bool init ) const \
{ \
if( checkSetRule( var##rule, init )) \
arg = this->var; \
return checkSetStop( var##rule ); \
#define APPLY_FORCE_RULE( var, name, type ) \
bool Rules::apply##name( type& arg ) const \
{ \
if( checkForceRule( var##rule )) \
arg = this->var; \
return checkForceStop( var##rule ); \
APPLY_FORCE_RULE( placement, Placement, Placement::Policy )
bool Rules::applyGeometry( QRect& rect, bool init ) const
QPoint p = rect.topLeft();
QSize s = rect.size();
bool ret = false; // no short-circuiting
if( applyPosition( p, init ))
rect.moveTopLeft( p );
ret = true;
if( applySize( s, init ))
rect.setSize( s );
ret = true;
return ret;
bool Rules::applyPosition( QPoint& pos, bool init ) const
if( this->position != invalidPoint && checkSetRule( positionrule, init ))
pos = this->position;
return checkSetStop( positionrule );
bool Rules::applySize( QSize& s, bool init ) const
if( this->size.isValid() && checkSetRule( sizerule, init ))
s = this->size;
return checkSetStop( sizerule );
APPLY_FORCE_RULE( minsize, MinSize, QSize )
APPLY_FORCE_RULE( maxsize, MaxSize, QSize )
APPLY_FORCE_RULE( opacityactive, OpacityActive, int )
APPLY_FORCE_RULE( opacityinactive, OpacityInactive, int )
APPLY_FORCE_RULE( ignoreposition, IgnorePosition, bool )
APPLY_RULE( desktop, Desktop, int )
APPLY_FORCE_RULE( type, Type, NET::WindowType )
bool Rules::applyMaximizeHoriz( MaximizeMode& mode, bool init ) const
if( checkSetRule( maximizehorizrule, init ))
mode = static_cast< MaximizeMode >(( maximizehoriz ? MaximizeHorizontal : 0 ) | ( mode & MaximizeVertical ));
return checkSetStop( maximizehorizrule );
bool Rules::applyMaximizeVert( MaximizeMode& mode, bool init ) const
if( checkSetRule( maximizevertrule, init ))
mode = static_cast< MaximizeMode >(( maximizevert ? MaximizeVertical : 0 ) | ( mode & MaximizeHorizontal ));
return checkSetStop( maximizevertrule );
APPLY_RULE( minimize, Minimize, bool )
bool Rules::applyShade( ShadeMode& sh, bool init ) const
if( checkSetRule( shaderule, init ))
if( !this->shade )
sh = ShadeNone;
if( this->shade && sh == ShadeNone )
sh = ShadeNormal;
return checkSetStop( shaderule );
APPLY_RULE( skiptaskbar, SkipTaskbar, bool )
APPLY_RULE( skippager, SkipPager, bool )
APPLY_RULE( above, KeepAbove, bool )
APPLY_RULE( below, KeepBelow, bool )
APPLY_RULE( fullscreen, FullScreen, bool )
APPLY_RULE( noborder, NoBorder, bool )
APPLY_FORCE_RULE( fsplevel, FSP, int )
APPLY_FORCE_RULE( acceptfocus, AcceptFocus, bool )
APPLY_FORCE_RULE( moveresizemode, MoveResizeMode, Options::MoveResizeMode )
APPLY_FORCE_RULE( closeable, Closeable, bool )
APPLY_FORCE_RULE( strictgeometry, StrictGeometry, bool )
APPLY_RULE( shortcut, Shortcut, QString )
bool Rules::isTemporary() const
return temporary_state > 0;
bool Rules::discardTemporary( bool force )
if( temporary_state == 0 ) // not temporary
return false;
if( force || --temporary_state == 0 ) // too old
delete this;
return true;
return false;
#define DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE( var ) \
do { \
if( var##rule == ( SetRule ) ApplyNow || ( withdrawn && var##rule == ( SetRule ) ForceTemporarily )) \
var##rule = UnusedSetRule; \
} while( false )
#define DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE( var ) \
do { \
if( withdrawn && var##rule == ( ForceRule ) ForceTemporarily ) \
var##rule = UnusedForceRule; \
} while( false )
void Rules::discardUsed( bool withdrawn )
DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE( opacityactive );
DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE( opacityinactive );
DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE( ignoreposition );
DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE( maximizevert );
DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE( maximizehoriz );
DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE( skiptaskbar );
DISCARD_USED_SET_RULE( fullscreen );
DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE( moveresizemode );
DISCARD_USED_FORCE_RULE( strictgeometry );
#ifndef NDEBUG
kdbgstream& operator<<( kdbgstream& stream, const Rules* r )
return stream << "[" << r->description << ":" << r->wmclass << "]" ;
#ifndef KCMRULES
void WindowRules::discardTemporary()
QValueVector< Rules* >::Iterator it2 = rules.begin();
for( QValueVector< Rules* >::Iterator it = rules.begin();
it != rules.end();
if( (*it)->discardTemporary( true ))
*it2++ = *it++;
rules.erase( it2, rules.end());
void WindowRules::update( Client* c )
bool updated = false;
for( QValueVector< Rules* >::ConstIterator it = rules.begin();
it != rules.end();
++it )
if( (*it)->update( c )) // no short-circuiting here
updated = true;
if( updated )
#define CHECK_RULE( rule, type ) \
type WindowRules::check##rule( type arg, bool init ) const \
{ \
if( rules.count() == 0 ) \
return arg; \
type ret = arg; \
for( QValueVector< Rules* >::ConstIterator it = rules.begin(); \
it != rules.end(); \
++it ) \
{ \
if( (*it)->apply##rule( ret, init )) \
break; \
} \
return ret; \
#define CHECK_FORCE_RULE( rule, type ) \
type WindowRules::check##rule( type arg ) const \
{ \
if( rules.count() == 0 ) \
return arg; \
type ret = arg; \
for( QValueVector< Rules* >::ConstIterator it = rules.begin(); \
it != rules.end(); \
++it ) \
{ \
if( (*it)->apply##rule( ret )) \
break; \
} \
return ret; \
CHECK_FORCE_RULE( Placement, Placement::Policy )
QRect WindowRules::checkGeometry( QRect rect, bool init ) const
return QRect( checkPosition( rect.topLeft(), init ), checkSize( rect.size(), init ));
CHECK_RULE( Position, QPoint )
CHECK_RULE( Size, QSize )
CHECK_FORCE_RULE( OpacityActive, int )
CHECK_FORCE_RULE( OpacityInactive, int )
CHECK_FORCE_RULE( IgnorePosition, bool )
CHECK_RULE( Desktop, int )
CHECK_FORCE_RULE( Type, NET::WindowType )
CHECK_RULE( MaximizeVert, KDecorationDefines::MaximizeMode )
CHECK_RULE( MaximizeHoriz, KDecorationDefines::MaximizeMode )
KDecorationDefines::MaximizeMode WindowRules::checkMaximize( MaximizeMode mode, bool init ) const
bool vert = checkMaximizeVert( mode, init ) & MaximizeVertical;
bool horiz = checkMaximizeHoriz( mode, init ) & MaximizeHorizontal;
return static_cast< MaximizeMode >(( vert ? MaximizeVertical : 0 ) | ( horiz ? MaximizeHorizontal : 0 ));
CHECK_RULE( Minimize, bool )
CHECK_RULE( Shade, ShadeMode )
CHECK_RULE( SkipTaskbar, bool )
CHECK_RULE( SkipPager, bool )
CHECK_RULE( KeepAbove, bool )
CHECK_RULE( KeepBelow, bool )
CHECK_RULE( FullScreen, bool )
CHECK_RULE( NoBorder, bool )
CHECK_FORCE_RULE( AcceptFocus, bool )
CHECK_FORCE_RULE( MoveResizeMode, Options::MoveResizeMode )
CHECK_FORCE_RULE( Closeable, bool )
CHECK_FORCE_RULE( StrictGeometry, bool )
CHECK_RULE( Shortcut, QString )
// Client
void Client::setupWindowRules( bool ignore_temporary )
client_rules = workspace()->findWindowRules( this, ignore_temporary );
// check only after getting the rules, because there may be a rule forcing window type
if( isTopMenu()) // TODO cannot have restrictions
client_rules = WindowRules();
// Applies Force, ForceTemporarily and ApplyNow rules
// Used e.g. after the rules have been modified using the kcm.
void Client::applyWindowRules()
// apply force rules
// Placement - does need explicit update, just like some others below
// Geometry : setGeometry() doesn't check rules
QRect orig_geom = QRect( pos(), sizeForClientSize( clientSize())); // handle shading
QRect geom = client_rules.checkGeometry( orig_geom );
if( geom != orig_geom )
setGeometry( geom );
// MinSize, MaxSize handled by Geometry
// IgnorePosition
setDesktop( desktop());
// Type
maximize( maximizeMode());
// Minimize : functions don't check, and there are two functions
if( client_rules.checkMinimize( isMinimized()))
setShade( shadeMode());
setSkipTaskbar( skipTaskbar(), true );
setSkipPager( skipPager());
setKeepAbove( keepAbove());
setKeepBelow( keepBelow());
setFullScreen( isFullScreen(), true );
setUserNoBorder( isUserNoBorder());
// FSP
// AcceptFocus :
if( workspace()->mostRecentlyActivatedClient() == this
&& !client_rules.checkAcceptFocus( true ))
workspace()->activateNextClient( this );
// MoveResizeMode
// Closeable
QSize s = adjustedSize();
if( s != size())
resizeWithChecks( s );
setShortcut( rules()->checkShortcut( shortcut().toString()));
void Client::updateWindowRules()
if( !isManaged()) // not fully setup yet
client_rules.update( this );
void Client::finishWindowRules()
client_rules = WindowRules();
void Client::checkAndSetInitialRuledOpacity()
//apply kwin-rules for window-translucency upon hitting apply or starting to manage client
int tmp;
//active translucency
tmp = -1;
tmp = rules()->checkOpacityActive(tmp);
if( tmp != -1 ) //rule did apply and returns valid value
rule_opacity_active = (uint)((tmp/100.0)*0xffffffff);
rule_opacity_active = 0;
//inactive translucency
tmp = -1;
tmp = rules()->checkOpacityInactive(tmp);
if( tmp != -1 ) //rule did apply and returns valid value
rule_opacity_inactive = (uint)((tmp/100.0)*0xffffffff);
rule_opacity_inactive = 0;
if( isDock() )
//workaround for docks, as they don't have active/inactive settings and don't aut, therefore we take only the active one...
uint tmp = rule_opacity_active ? rule_opacity_active : options->dockOpacity;
setOpacity(tmp < 0xFFFFFFFF && (rule_opacity_active || options->translucentDocks), tmp);
// Workspace
WindowRules Workspace::findWindowRules( const Client* c, bool ignore_temporary )
QValueVector< Rules* > ret;
for( QValueList< Rules* >::Iterator it = rules.begin();
it != rules.end();
if( ignore_temporary && (*it)->isTemporary())
if( (*it)->match( c ))
Rules* rule = *it;
kdDebug( 1212 ) << "Rule found:" << rule << ":" << c << endl;
if( rule->isTemporary())
it = rules.remove( it );
ret.append( rule );
return WindowRules( ret );
void Workspace::editWindowRules( Client* c )
KApplication::kdeinitExec( "kwin_rules_dialog", QStringList() << "--wid" << QString::number( c->window()));
void Workspace::loadWindowRules()
while( !rules.isEmpty())
delete rules.front();
KConfig cfg( "kwinrulesrc", true );
cfg.setGroup( "General" );
int count = cfg.readNumEntry( "count" );
for( int i = 1;
i <= count;
++i )
cfg.setGroup( QString::number( i ));
Rules* rule = new Rules( cfg );
rules.append( rule );
void Workspace::writeWindowRules()
KConfig cfg( "kwinrulesrc" );
cfg.setGroup( "General" );
cfg.writeEntry( "count", rules.count());
int i = 1;
for( QValueList< Rules* >::ConstIterator it = rules.begin();
it != rules.end();
++it )
if( (*it)->isTemporary())
cfg.setGroup( QString::number( i ));
(*it)->write( cfg );
void Workspace::gotTemporaryRulesMessage( const QString& message )
bool was_temporary = false;
for( QValueList< Rules* >::ConstIterator it = rules.begin();
it != rules.end();
++it )
if( (*it)->isTemporary())
was_temporary = true;
Rules* rule = new Rules( message, true );
rules.prepend( rule ); // highest priority first
if( !was_temporary )
QTimer::singleShot( 60000, this, SLOT( cleanupTemporaryRules()));
void Workspace::cleanupTemporaryRules()
bool has_temporary = false;
for( QValueList< Rules* >::Iterator it = rules.begin();
it != rules.end();
if( (*it)->discardTemporary( false ))
it = rules.remove( it );
if( (*it)->isTemporary())
has_temporary = true;
if( has_temporary )
QTimer::singleShot( 60000, this, SLOT( cleanupTemporaryRules()));
void Workspace::discardUsedWindowRules( Client* c, bool withdrawn )
for( QValueList< Rules* >::Iterator it = rules.begin();
it != rules.end();
if( c->rules()->contains( *it ))
(*it)->discardUsed( withdrawn );
if( (*it)->isEmpty())
c->removeRule( *it );
Rules* r = *it;
it = rules.remove( it );
delete r;
void Workspace::rulesUpdated()
rulesUpdatedTimer.start( 1000, true );
} // namespace