This commit merges the two signals clientClosed() and unmanagedClosed() to windowClosed() which is now provided by Toplevel. The approriate slots in effects.h and effects.cpp were merges as well, since they did the same. The direct method calls of the method windowClosed() in SceneOpenGL and SceneXRender were removed and are now connected to the appropriate signal in windowAdded().
485 lines
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485 lines
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KWin - the KDE window manager
This file is part of the KDE project.
Copyright (C) 2006 Lubos Lunak <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <config-X11.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <QObject>
#include <kdecoration.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include "kactivityconsumer.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "workspace.h"
#include <X11/extensions/Xdamage.h>
class NETWinInfo2;
namespace KWin
class Workspace;
class EffectWindowImpl;
class Shadow;
class Toplevel
: public QObject, public KDecorationDefines
Toplevel(Workspace *ws);
Window frameId() const;
Window window() const;
Workspace* workspace() const;
QRect geometry() const;
QSize size() const;
QPoint pos() const;
QRect rect() const;
int x() const;
int y() const;
int width() const;
int height() const;
bool isOnScreen(int screen) const; // true if it's at least partially there
int screen() const; // the screen where the center is
virtual QPoint clientPos() const = 0; // inside of geometry()
virtual QSize clientSize() const = 0;
virtual QRect visibleRect() const; // the area the window occupies on the screen
virtual QRect decorationRect() const; // rect including the decoration shadows
virtual QRect transparentRect() const = 0;
virtual QRegion decorationPendingRegion() const; // decoration region that needs to be repainted
// prefer isXXX() instead
// 0 for supported types means default for managed/unmanaged types
NET::WindowType windowType(bool direct = false, int supported_types = 0) const;
bool hasNETSupport() const;
bool isDesktop() const;
bool isDock() const;
bool isToolbar() const;
bool isMenu() const;
bool isNormalWindow() const; // normal as in 'NET::Normal or NET::Unknown non-transient'
bool isDialog() const;
bool isSplash() const;
bool isUtility() const;
bool isDropdownMenu() const;
bool isPopupMenu() const; // a context popup, not dropdown, not torn-off
bool isTooltip() const;
bool isNotification() const;
bool isComboBox() const;
bool isDNDIcon() const;
virtual int desktop() const = 0;
virtual QStringList activities() const = 0;
bool isOnDesktop(int d) const;
bool isOnActivity(const QString &activity) const;
bool isOnCurrentDesktop() const;
bool isOnCurrentActivity() const;
bool isOnAllDesktops() const;
bool isOnAllActivities() const;
QByteArray windowRole() const;
QByteArray sessionId();
QByteArray resourceName() const;
QByteArray resourceClass() const;
QByteArray wmCommand();
QByteArray wmClientMachine(bool use_localhost) const;
Window wmClientLeader() const;
pid_t pid() const;
static bool resourceMatch(const Toplevel* c1, const Toplevel* c2);
Pixmap windowPixmap(bool allow_create = true); // may return None (e.g. at a bad moment while resizing)
bool readyForPainting() const; // true if the window has been already painted its contents
Visual* visual() const;
bool shape() const;
void setOpacity(double opacity);
double opacity() const;
int depth() const;
bool hasAlpha() const;
virtual void setupCompositing();
virtual void finishCompositing();
bool updateUnredirectedState();
bool unredirected() const;
void suspendUnredirect(bool suspend);
void addRepaint(const QRect& r);
void addRepaint(int x, int y, int w, int h);
virtual void addRepaintFull();
// these call workspace->addRepaint(), but first transform the damage if needed
void addWorkspaceRepaint(const QRect& r);
void addWorkspaceRepaint(int x, int y, int w, int h);
QRegion repaints() const;
void resetRepaints(const QRect& r);
QRegion damage() const;
void resetDamage(const QRect& r);
EffectWindowImpl* effectWindow();
const EffectWindowImpl* effectWindow() const;
* @returns Whether the Toplevel has a Shadow or not
* @see shadow
bool hasShadow() const;
* Returns the pointer to the Toplevel's Shadow. A Shadow
* is only available if Compositing is enabled and the corresponding X window
* has the Shadow property set.
* If a shadow is available @link hasShadow returns @c true.
* @returns The Shadow belonging to this Toplevel, may be @c NULL.
* @see hasShadow
const Shadow *shadow() const;
Shadow *shadow();
* Updates the Shadow associated with this Toplevel from X11 Property.
* Call this method when the Property changes or Compositing is started.
void getShadow();
void opacityChanged(KWin::Toplevel* toplevel, qreal oldOpacity);
void damaged(KWin::Toplevel* toplevel, const QRect& damage);
void propertyNotify(KWin::Toplevel* toplevel, long a);
void geometryChanged();
void geometryShapeChanged(KWin::Toplevel* toplevel, const QRect& old);
void windowClosed(KWin::Toplevel* toplevel, KWin::Deleted* deleted);
virtual ~Toplevel();
void setWindowHandles(Window client, Window frame);
void detectShape(Window id);
virtual void propertyNotifyEvent(XPropertyEvent* e);
virtual void damageNotifyEvent(XDamageNotifyEvent* e);
Pixmap createWindowPixmap();
void discardWindowPixmap();
void addDamage(const QRect& r);
void addDamage(int x, int y, int w, int h);
void addDamageFull();
void getWmClientLeader();
void getWmClientMachine();
void getResourceClass();
void getWindowRole();
virtual void debug(QDebug& stream) const = 0;
void copyToDeleted(Toplevel* c);
void disownDataPassedToDeleted();
friend QDebug& operator<<(QDebug& stream, const Toplevel*);
void deleteEffectWindow();
virtual bool shouldUnredirect() const = 0;
QRect geom;
Visual* vis;
int bit_depth;
NETWinInfo2* info;
bool ready_for_painting;
QRegion repaints_region; // updating, repaint just requires repaint of that area
static QByteArray staticWindowRole(WId);
static QByteArray staticSessionId(WId);
static QByteArray staticWmCommand(WId);
static QByteArray staticWmClientMachine(WId);
static Window staticWmClientLeader(WId);
// when adding new data members, check also copyToDeleted()
Window client;
Window frame;
Workspace* wspace;
Pixmap window_pix;
Damage damage_handle;
QRegion damage_region; // damage is really damaged window (XDamage) and texture needs
bool is_shape;
EffectWindowImpl* effect_window;
QByteArray resource_name;
QByteArray resource_class;
QByteArray client_machine;
WId wmClientLeaderWin;
QByteArray window_role;
bool unredirect;
bool unredirectSuspend; // when unredirected, but pixmap is needed temporarily
// when adding new data members, check also copyToDeleted()
inline Window Toplevel::window() const
return client;
inline Window Toplevel::frameId() const
return frame;
inline void Toplevel::setWindowHandles(Window w, Window f)
assert(client == None && w != None);
client = w;
assert(frame == None && f != None);
frame = f;
inline Workspace* Toplevel::workspace() const
return wspace;
inline QRect Toplevel::geometry() const
return geom;
inline QSize Toplevel::size() const
return geom.size();
inline QPoint Toplevel::pos() const
return geom.topLeft();
inline int Toplevel::x() const
return geom.x();
inline int Toplevel::y() const
return geom.y();
inline int Toplevel::width() const
return geom.width();
inline int Toplevel::height() const
return geom.height();
inline QRect Toplevel::rect() const
return QRect(0, 0, width(), height());
inline QRect Toplevel::decorationRect() const
return rect();
inline QRegion Toplevel::decorationPendingRegion() const
return QRegion();
inline bool Toplevel::readyForPainting() const
return ready_for_painting;
inline Visual* Toplevel::visual() const
return vis;
inline bool Toplevel::isDesktop() const
return windowType() == NET::Desktop;
inline bool Toplevel::isDock() const
return windowType() == NET::Dock;
inline bool Toplevel::isMenu() const
return windowType() == NET::Menu;
inline bool Toplevel::isToolbar() const
return windowType() == NET::Toolbar;
inline bool Toplevel::isSplash() const
return windowType() == NET::Splash;
inline bool Toplevel::isUtility() const
return windowType() == NET::Utility;
inline bool Toplevel::isDialog() const
return windowType() == NET::Dialog;
inline bool Toplevel::isNormalWindow() const
return windowType() == NET::Normal;
inline bool Toplevel::isDropdownMenu() const
return windowType() == NET::DropdownMenu;
inline bool Toplevel::isPopupMenu() const
return windowType() == NET::PopupMenu;
inline bool Toplevel::isTooltip() const
return windowType() == NET::Tooltip;
inline bool Toplevel::isNotification() const
return windowType() == NET::Notification;
inline bool Toplevel::isComboBox() const
return windowType() == NET::ComboBox;
inline bool Toplevel::isDNDIcon() const
return windowType() == NET::DNDIcon;
inline Pixmap Toplevel::windowPixmap(bool allow_create)
if (window_pix == None && allow_create)
window_pix = createWindowPixmap();
return window_pix;
inline QRegion Toplevel::damage() const
return damage_region;
inline QRegion Toplevel::repaints() const
return repaints_region;
inline bool Toplevel::shape() const
return is_shape;
inline int Toplevel::depth() const
return bit_depth;
inline bool Toplevel::hasAlpha() const
return depth() == 32;
EffectWindowImpl* Toplevel::effectWindow()
return effect_window;
const EffectWindowImpl* Toplevel::effectWindow() const
return effect_window;
inline bool Toplevel::isOnAllDesktops() const
return desktop() == NET::OnAllDesktops;
inline bool Toplevel::isOnAllActivities() const
return activities().isEmpty();
inline bool Toplevel::isOnDesktop(int d) const
return desktop() == d || /*desk == 0 ||*/ isOnAllDesktops();
inline bool Toplevel::isOnActivity(const QString &activity) const
return activities().isEmpty() || activities().contains(activity);
inline bool Toplevel::isOnCurrentDesktop() const
return isOnDesktop(workspace()->currentDesktop());
inline bool Toplevel::isOnCurrentActivity() const
return isOnActivity(Workspace::self()->currentActivity());
inline QByteArray Toplevel::resourceName() const
return resource_name; // it is always lowercase
inline QByteArray Toplevel::resourceClass() const
return resource_class; // it is always lowercase
inline QByteArray Toplevel::windowRole() const
return window_role;
inline pid_t Toplevel::pid() const
return info->pid();
inline bool Toplevel::unredirected() const
return unredirect;
QDebug& operator<<(QDebug& stream, const Toplevel*);
QDebug& operator<<(QDebug& stream, const ToplevelList&);
QDebug& operator<<(QDebug& stream, const ConstToplevelList&);
KWIN_COMPARE_PREDICATE(WindowMatchPredicate, Toplevel, Window, cl->window() == value);
KWIN_COMPARE_PREDICATE(FrameIdMatchPredicate, Toplevel, Window, cl->frameId() == value);
} // namespace