Martin Gräßlin b28effff23 A Scene doesn't need to use an X11 Overlay Window
Only the X based Scenes need an overlay window, so the Compositor doesn't
need to check for it in the Wayland case.

OverlayWindow is moved from OpenGLBackend to the sub classes which need
to provide it.
2014-01-08 09:22:40 +01:00

562 lines
18 KiB

KWin - the KDE window manager
This file is part of the KDE project.
Copyright (C) 2006 Lubos Lunak <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef KWIN_SCENE_H
#define KWIN_SCENE_H
#include "toplevel.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "kwineffects.h"
#include <QElapsedTimer>
namespace KWin
class AbstractThumbnailItem;
class Workspace;
class Deleted;
class EffectFrameImpl;
class EffectWindowImpl;
class OverlayWindow;
class Shadow;
class WindowPixmap;
// The base class for compositing backends.
class Scene : public QObject
explicit Scene(Workspace* ws);
virtual ~Scene() = 0;
class EffectFrame;
class Window;
// Returns true if the ctor failed to properly initialize.
virtual bool initFailed() const = 0;
virtual CompositingType compositingType() const = 0;
virtual bool hasPendingFlush() const { return false; }
// Repaints the given screen areas, windows provides the stacking order.
// The entry point for the main part of the painting pass.
// returns the time since the last vblank signal - if there's one
// ie. "what of this frame is lost to painting"
virtual qint64 paint(QRegion damage, ToplevelList windows) = 0;
// Notification function - KWin core informs about changes.
// Used to mainly discard cached data.
// a new window has been created
void windowAdded(Toplevel*);
* @brief Creates the Scene backend of an EffectFrame.
* @param frame The EffectFrame this Scene::EffectFrame belongs to.
virtual Scene::EffectFrame *createEffectFrame(EffectFrameImpl *frame) = 0;
* @brief Creates the Scene specific Shadow subclass.
* An implementing class has to create a proper instance. It is not allowed to
* return @c null.
* @param toplevel The Toplevel for which the Shadow needs to be created.
virtual Shadow *createShadow(Toplevel *toplevel) = 0;
* Method invoked when the screen geometry is changed.
* Reimplementing classes should also invoke the parent method
* as it takes care of resizing the overlay window.
* @param size The new screen geometry size
virtual void screenGeometryChanged(const QSize &size);
// Flags controlling how painting is done.
enum {
// Window (or at least part of it) will be painted opaque.
// Window (or at least part of it) will be painted translucent.
// Window will be painted with transformed geometry.
// Paint only a region of the screen (can be optimized, cannot
// be used together with TRANSFORMED flags).
// Whole screen will be painted with transformed geometry.
// At least one window will be painted with transformed geometry.
// Clear whole background as the very first step, without optimizing it
// PAINT_DECORATION_ONLY = 1 << 7 has been removed
// Window will be painted with a lanczos filter.
// types of filtering available
enum ImageFilterType { ImageFilterFast, ImageFilterGood };
// there's nothing to paint (adjust time_diff later)
virtual void idle();
virtual bool blocksForRetrace() const;
virtual bool syncsToVBlank() const;
virtual OverlayWindow* overlayWindow() = 0;
virtual bool makeOpenGLContextCurrent();
virtual void doneOpenGLContextCurrent();
* Whether the Scene uses an X11 overlay window to perform compositing.
virtual bool usesOverlayWindow() const = 0;
* @brief Allows the Compositor to delay the rendering of the next frame until the last one
* has been rendered. This is mostly interesting in case that the system compositor is not able
* to keep up with KWin's frame rate.
* @return bool @c true if the next frame should be rendered, @c false otherwise
virtual bool isLastFrameRendered() const = 0;
public Q_SLOTS:
// a window has been destroyed
void windowDeleted(KWin::Deleted*);
// shape/size of a window changed
void windowGeometryShapeChanged(KWin::Toplevel* c);
// a window has been closed
void windowClosed(KWin::Toplevel* c, KWin::Deleted* deleted);
virtual Window *createWindow(Toplevel *toplevel) = 0;
void createStackingOrder(ToplevelList toplevels);
void clearStackingOrder();
// shared implementation, starts painting the screen
void paintScreen(int *mask, const QRegion &damage, const QRegion &repaint,
QRegion *updateRegion, QRegion *validRegion);
friend class EffectsHandlerImpl;
// called after all effects had their paintScreen() called
void finalPaintScreen(int mask, QRegion region, ScreenPaintData& data);
// shared implementation of painting the screen in the generic
// (unoptimized) way
virtual void paintGenericScreen(int mask, ScreenPaintData data);
// shared implementation of painting the screen in an optimized way
virtual void paintSimpleScreen(int mask, QRegion region);
// paint the background (not the desktop background - the whole background)
virtual void paintBackground(QRegion region) = 0;
// called after all effects had their paintWindow() called
void finalPaintWindow(EffectWindowImpl* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data);
// shared implementation, starts painting the window
virtual void paintWindow(Window* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowQuadList quads);
// called after all effects had their drawWindow() called
virtual void finalDrawWindow(EffectWindowImpl* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data);
// let the scene decide whether it's better to paint more of the screen, eg. in order to allow a buffer swap
// the default is NOOP
virtual void extendPaintRegion(QRegion &region, bool opaqueFullscreen);
virtual void paintDesktop(int desktop, int mask, const QRegion &region, ScreenPaintData &data);
// compute time since the last repaint
void updateTimeDiff();
// saved data for 2nd pass of optimized screen painting
struct Phase2Data {
Phase2Data(Window* w, QRegion r, QRegion c, int m, const WindowQuadList& q)
: window(w), region(r), clip(c), mask(m), quads(q) {}
Phase2Data() {
window = 0;
mask = 0;
Window* window;
QRegion region;
QRegion clip;
int mask;
WindowQuadList quads;
// The region which actually has been painted by paintScreen() and should be
// copied from the buffer to the screen. I.e. the region returned from Scene::paintScreen().
// Since prePaintWindow() can extend areas to paint, these changes would have to propagate
// up all the way from paintSimpleScreen() up to paintScreen(), so save them here rather
// than propagate them up in arguments.
QRegion painted_region;
// Additional damage that needs to be repaired to bring a reused back buffer up to date
QRegion repaint_region;
// The dirty region before it was unioned with repaint_region
QRegion damaged_region;
// time since last repaint
int time_diff;
QElapsedTimer last_time;
Workspace* wspace;
void paintWindowThumbnails(Scene::Window *w, QRegion region, qreal opacity, qreal brightness, qreal saturation);
void paintDesktopThumbnails(Scene::Window *w);
QHash< Toplevel*, Window* > m_windows;
// windows in their stacking order
QVector< Window* > stacking_order;
// The base class for windows representations in composite backends
class Scene::Window
Window(Toplevel* c);
virtual ~Window();
// perform the actual painting of the window
virtual void performPaint(int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData data) = 0;
// do any cleanup needed when the window's composite pixmap is discarded
void pixmapDiscarded();
int x() const;
int y() const;
int width() const;
int height() const;
QRect geometry() const;
QPoint pos() const;
QSize size() const;
QRect rect() const;
// access to the internal window class
// TODO eventually get rid of this
Toplevel* window();
// should the window be painted
bool isPaintingEnabled() const;
void resetPaintingEnabled();
// Flags explaining why painting should be disabled
enum {
// Window will not be painted
// Window will not be painted because it is deleted
// Window will not be painted because of which desktop it's on
// Window will not be painted because it is minimized
// Window will not be painted because it is not the active window in a client group
// Window will not be painted because it's not on the current activity
void enablePainting(int reason);
void disablePainting(int reason);
// is the window visible at all
bool isVisible() const;
// is the window fully opaque
bool isOpaque() const;
// shape of the window
const QRegion &shape() const;
QRegion clientShape() const;
void discardShape();
void updateToplevel(Toplevel* c);
// creates initial quad list for the window
virtual WindowQuadList buildQuads(bool force = false) const;
void suspendUnredirect(bool suspend);
void updateShadow(Shadow* shadow);
const Shadow* shadow() const;
Shadow* shadow();
void referencePreviousPixmap();
void unreferencePreviousPixmap();
WindowQuadList makeQuads(WindowQuadType type, const QRegion& reg) const;
WindowQuadList makeDecorationQuads(const QRect *rects, const QRegion &region) const;
* @brief Returns the WindowPixmap for this Window.
* If the WindowPixmap does not yet exist, this method will invoke @link createWindowPixmap.
* If the WindowPixmap is not valid it tries to create it, in case this succeeds the WindowPixmap is
* returned. In case it fails, the previous (and still valid) WindowPixmap is returned.
* Note: this method can return @c NULL as there might neither be a valid previous nor current WindowPixmap
* around.
* The WindowPixmap gets casted to the type passed in as a template parameter. That way this class does not
* need to know the actual WindowPixmap subclass used by the concrete Scene implementations.
* @return The WindowPixmap casted to T* or @c NULL if there is no valid window pixmap.
template<typename T> T *windowPixmap();
template<typename T> T *previousWindowPixmap();
* @brief Factory method to create a WindowPixmap.
* The inheriting classes need to implement this method to create a new instance of their WindowPixmap subclass.
* Note: do not use @link WindowPixmap::create on the created instance. The Scene will take care of that.
virtual WindowPixmap *createWindowPixmap() = 0;
Toplevel* toplevel;
ImageFilterType filter;
Shadow *m_shadow;
QScopedPointer<WindowPixmap> m_currentPixmap;
QScopedPointer<WindowPixmap> m_previousPixmap;
int m_referencePixmapCounter;
int disable_painting;
mutable QRegion shape_region;
mutable bool shape_valid;
mutable WindowQuadList* cached_quad_list;
* @brief Wrapper for a pixmap of the @link Scene::Window.
* This class encapsulates the functionality to get the pixmap for a window. When initialized the pixmap is not yet
* mapped to the window and @link isValid will return @c false. The pixmap mapping to the window can be established
* through @link create. If it succeeds @link isValid will return @c true, otherwise it will keep in the non valid
* state and it can be tried to create the pixmap mapping again (e.g. in the next frame).
* This class is not intended to be updated when the pixmap is no longer valid due to e.g. resizing the window.
* Instead a new instance of this class should be instantiated. The idea behind this is that a valid pixmap does not
* get destroyed, but can continue to be used. To indicate that a newer pixmap should in generally be around, one can
* use @link markAsDiscarded.
* This class is intended to be inherited for the needs of the compositor backends which need further mapping from
* the native pixmap to the respective rendering format.
class WindowPixmap
virtual ~WindowPixmap();
* @brief Tries to create the mapping between the Window and the pixmap.
* In case this method succeeds in creating the pixmap for the window, @link isValid will return @c true otherwise
* @c false.
* Inheriting classes should re-implement this method in case they need to add further functionality for mapping the
* native pixmap to the rendering format.
virtual void create();
* @return @c true if the pixmap has been created and is valid, @c false otherwise
bool isValid() const;
* @return The native X11 pixmap handle
xcb_pixmap_t pixmap() const;
* @brief Whether this WindowPixmap is considered as discarded. This means the window has changed in a way that a new
* WindowPixmap should have been created already.
* @return @c true if this WindowPixmap is considered as discarded, @c false otherwise.
* @see markAsDiscarded
bool isDiscarded() const;
* @brief Marks this WindowPixmap as discarded. From now on @link isDiscarded will return @c true. This method should
* only be used by the Window when it changes in a way that a new pixmap is required.
* @see isDiscarded
void markAsDiscarded();
* The size of the pixmap.
const QSize &size() const;
* The geometry of the Client's content inside the pixmap. In case of a decorated Client the
* pixmap also contains the decoration which is not rendered into this pixmap, though. This
* contentsRect tells where inside the complete pixmap the real content is.
const QRect &contentsRect() const;
explicit WindowPixmap(Scene::Window *window);
* @brief Returns the Toplevel this WindowPixmap belongs to.
* Note: the Toplevel can change over the lifetime of the WindowPixmap in case the Toplevel is copied to Deleted.
Toplevel *toplevel();
* @return The Window this WindowPixmap belongs to
Scene::Window *window();
Scene::Window *m_window;
xcb_pixmap_t m_pixmap;
QSize m_pixmapSize;
bool m_discarded;
QRect m_contentsRect;
class Scene::EffectFrame
EffectFrame(EffectFrameImpl* frame);
virtual ~EffectFrame();
virtual void render(QRegion region, double opacity, double frameOpacity) = 0;
virtual void free() = 0;
virtual void freeIconFrame() = 0;
virtual void freeTextFrame() = 0;
virtual void freeSelection() = 0;
virtual void crossFadeIcon() = 0;
virtual void crossFadeText() = 0;
EffectFrameImpl* m_effectFrame;
int Scene::Window::x() const
return toplevel->x();
int Scene::Window::y() const
return toplevel->y();
int Scene::Window::width() const
return toplevel->width();
int Scene::Window::height() const
return toplevel->height();
QRect Scene::Window::geometry() const
return toplevel->geometry();
QSize Scene::Window::size() const
return toplevel->size();
QPoint Scene::Window::pos() const
return toplevel->pos();
QRect Scene::Window::rect() const
return toplevel->rect();
Toplevel* Scene::Window::window()
return toplevel;
void Scene::Window::updateToplevel(Toplevel* c)
toplevel = c;
void Scene::Window::suspendUnredirect(bool suspend)
void Scene::Window::updateShadow(Shadow* shadow)
m_shadow = shadow;
const Shadow* Scene::Window::shadow() const
return m_shadow;
Shadow* Scene::Window::shadow()
return m_shadow;
bool WindowPixmap::isValid() const
return m_pixmap != XCB_PIXMAP_NONE;
template <typename T>
T* Scene::Window::windowPixmap()
if (m_currentPixmap.isNull()) {
if (m_currentPixmap->isValid()) {
return static_cast<T*>(;
if (m_currentPixmap->isValid()) {
return static_cast<T*>(;
} else {
return static_cast<T*>(;
template <typename T>
T* Scene::Window::previousWindowPixmap()
return static_cast<T*>(;
Toplevel* WindowPixmap::toplevel()
return m_window->window();
xcb_pixmap_t WindowPixmap::pixmap() const
return m_pixmap;
bool WindowPixmap::isDiscarded() const
return m_discarded;
void WindowPixmap::markAsDiscarded()
m_discarded = true;
const QRect &WindowPixmap::contentsRect() const
return m_contentsRect;
const QSize &WindowPixmap::size() const
return m_pixmapSize;
} // namespace