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169 lines
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169 lines
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KWin - the KDE window manager
This file is part of the KDE project.
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013, 2016, 2017 Martin Gräßlin <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#ifndef KWIN_XKB_H
#define KWIN_XKB_H
#include "input.h"
#include <xkbcommon/xkbcommon.h>
#include <kwin_export.h>
#include <KConfigGroup>
#include <QLoggingCategory>
struct xkb_context;
struct xkb_keymap;
struct xkb_state;
struct xkb_compose_table;
struct xkb_compose_state;
typedef uint32_t xkb_mod_index_t;
typedef uint32_t xkb_led_index_t;
typedef uint32_t xkb_keysym_t;
typedef uint32_t xkb_layout_index_t;
namespace KWaylandServer
class SeatInterface;
namespace KWin
class KWIN_EXPORT Xkb : public QObject
Xkb(QObject *parent = nullptr);
~Xkb() override;
void setConfig(const KSharedConfigPtr &config);
void setNumLockConfig(const KSharedConfigPtr &config);
void reconfigure();
void installKeymap(int fd, uint32_t size);
void updateModifiers(uint32_t modsDepressed, uint32_t modsLatched, uint32_t modsLocked, uint32_t group);
void updateKey(uint32_t key, InputRedirection::KeyboardKeyState state);
xkb_keysym_t toKeysym(uint32_t key);
xkb_keysym_t currentKeysym() const
return m_keysym;
QString toString(xkb_keysym_t keysym);
Qt::Key toQtKey(xkb_keysym_t keysym,
uint32_t scanCode = 0,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::KeyboardModifiers(),
bool superAsMeta = false) const;
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers() const;
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiersRelevantForGlobalShortcuts(uint32_t scanCode = 0) const;
bool shouldKeyRepeat(quint32 key) const;
void switchToNextLayout();
void switchToPreviousLayout();
bool switchToLayout(xkb_layout_index_t layout);
LEDs leds() const
return m_leds;
xkb_keymap *keymap() const
return m_keymap;
xkb_state *state() const
return m_state;
quint32 currentLayout() const
return m_currentLayout;
const auto &modifierState() const
return m_modifierState;
QString layoutName(xkb_layout_index_t index) const;
QString layoutName() const;
QString layoutShortName(int index) const;
quint32 numberOfLayouts() const;
* Forwards the current modifier state to the Wayland seat
void forwardModifiers();
void setSeat(KWaylandServer::SeatInterface *seat);
QByteArray keymapContents() const;
void ledsChanged(const LEDs &leds);
void modifierStateChanged();
void applyEnvironmentRules(xkb_rule_names &);
xkb_keymap *loadKeymapFromConfig();
xkb_keymap *loadDefaultKeymap();
void updateKeymap(xkb_keymap *keymap);
void createKeymapFile();
void updateModifiers();
void updateConsumedModifiers(uint32_t key);
xkb_context *m_context;
xkb_keymap *m_keymap;
QStringList m_layoutList;
xkb_state *m_state;
xkb_mod_index_t m_shiftModifier;
xkb_mod_index_t m_capsModifier;
xkb_mod_index_t m_controlModifier;
xkb_mod_index_t m_altModifier;
xkb_mod_index_t m_metaModifier;
xkb_mod_index_t m_numModifier;
xkb_led_index_t m_numLock;
xkb_led_index_t m_capsLock;
xkb_led_index_t m_scrollLock;
Qt::KeyboardModifiers m_modifiers;
Qt::KeyboardModifiers m_consumedModifiers;
xkb_keysym_t m_keysym;
quint32 m_currentLayout = 0;
xkb_compose_table *table = nullptr;
xkb_compose_state *state = nullptr;
} m_compose;
LEDs m_leds;
KConfigGroup m_configGroup;
KSharedConfigPtr m_numLockConfig;
xkb_mod_index_t depressed = 0;
xkb_mod_index_t latched = 0;
xkb_mod_index_t locked = 0;
} m_modifierState;
enum class Ownership {
Ownership m_ownership = Ownership::Server;
QPointer<KWaylandServer::SeatInterface> m_seat;
inline Qt::KeyboardModifiers Xkb::modifiers() const
return m_modifiers;