Effects are given the interval between two consecutive frames. The main flaw of this approach is that if the Compositor transitions from the idle state to "active" state, i.e. when there is something to repaint, effects may see a very large interval between the last painted frame and the current. In order to address this issue, the Scene invalidates the timer that is used to measure time between consecutive frames before the Compositor is about to become idle. While this works perfectly fine with Xinerama-style rendering, with per screen rendering, determining whether the compositor is about to idle is rather a tedious task mostly because a single output can't be used for the test. Furthermore, since the Compositor schedules pointless repaints just to ensure that it's idle, it might take several attempts to figure out whether the scene timer must be invalidated if you use (true) per screen rendering. Ideally, all effects should use a timeline helper that is aware of the underlying render loop and its timings. However, this option is off the table because it will involve a lot of work to implement it. Alternative and much simpler option is to pass the expected presentation time to effects rather than time between consecutive frames. This means that effects are responsible for determining how much animation timelines have to be advanced. Typically, an effect would have to store the presentation timestamp provided in either prePaint{Screen,Window} and use it in the subsequent prePaint{Screen,Window} call to estimate the amount of time passed between the next and the last frames. Unfortunately, this is an API incompatible change. However, it shouldn't take a lot of work to port third-party binary effects, which don't use the AnimationEffect class, to the new API. On the bright side, we no longer need to be concerned about the Compositor getting idle. We do still try to determine whether the Compositor is about to idle, primarily, because the OpenGL render backend swaps buffers on present, but that will change with the ongoing compositing timing rework.
818 lines
27 KiB
818 lines
27 KiB
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010 Fredrik Höglund <fredrik@kde.org>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011 Philipp Knechtges <philipp-dev@knechtges.com>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Alex Nemeth <alex.nemeth329@gmail.com>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "blur.h"
#include "blurshader.h"
// KConfigSkeleton
#include "blurconfig.h"
#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QMatrix4x4>
#include <QScreen> // for QGuiApplication
#include <QTime>
#include <QWindow>
#include <cmath> // for ceil()
#include <KWaylandServer/surface_interface.h>
#include <KWaylandServer/blur_interface.h>
#include <KWaylandServer/shadow_interface.h>
#include <KWaylandServer/display.h>
#include <KSharedConfig>
#include <KConfigGroup>
namespace KWin
static const QByteArray s_blurAtomName = QByteArrayLiteral("_KDE_NET_WM_BLUR_BEHIND_REGION");
m_shader = new BlurShader(this);
// ### Hackish way to announce support.
// Should be included in _NET_SUPPORTED instead.
if (m_shader && m_shader->isValid() && m_renderTargetsValid) {
net_wm_blur_region = effects->announceSupportProperty(s_blurAtomName, this);
KWaylandServer::Display *display = effects->waylandDisplay();
if (display) {
m_blurManager = display->createBlurManager(this);
} else {
net_wm_blur_region = 0;
connect(effects, &EffectsHandler::windowAdded, this, &BlurEffect::slotWindowAdded);
connect(effects, &EffectsHandler::windowDeleted, this, &BlurEffect::slotWindowDeleted);
connect(effects, &EffectsHandler::propertyNotify, this, &BlurEffect::slotPropertyNotify);
connect(effects, &EffectsHandler::screenGeometryChanged, this, &BlurEffect::slotScreenGeometryChanged);
connect(effects, &EffectsHandler::xcbConnectionChanged, this,
[this] {
if (m_shader && m_shader->isValid() && m_renderTargetsValid) {
net_wm_blur_region = effects->announceSupportProperty(s_blurAtomName, this);
// Fetch the blur regions for all windows
foreach (EffectWindow *window, effects->stackingOrder())
void BlurEffect::slotScreenGeometryChanged()
// Fetch the blur regions for all windows
foreach (EffectWindow *window, effects->stackingOrder())
bool BlurEffect::renderTargetsValid() const
return !m_renderTargets.isEmpty() && std::find_if(m_renderTargets.cbegin(), m_renderTargets.cend(),
[](const GLRenderTarget *target) {
return !target->valid();
}) == m_renderTargets.cend();
void BlurEffect::deleteFBOs()
void BlurEffect::updateTexture()
/* Reserve memory for:
* - The original sized texture (1)
* - The downsized textures (m_downSampleIterations)
* - The helper texture (1)
m_renderTargets.reserve(m_downSampleIterations + 2);
m_renderTextures.reserve(m_downSampleIterations + 2);
GLenum textureFormat = GL_RGBA8;
// Check the color encoding of the default framebuffer
if (!GLPlatform::instance()->isGLES()) {
GLuint prevFbo = 0;
glGetIntegerv(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, reinterpret_cast<GLint *>(&prevFbo));
if (prevFbo != 0) {
glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
GLenum colorEncoding = GL_LINEAR;
glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_BACK_LEFT,
reinterpret_cast<GLint *>(&colorEncoding));
if (prevFbo != 0) {
glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, prevFbo);
if (colorEncoding == GL_SRGB) {
textureFormat = GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8;
for (int i = 0; i <= m_downSampleIterations; i++) {
m_renderTextures.append(GLTexture(textureFormat, effects->virtualScreenSize() / (1 << i)));
m_renderTargets.append(new GLRenderTarget(m_renderTextures.last()));
// This last set is used as a temporary helper texture
m_renderTextures.append(GLTexture(textureFormat, effects->virtualScreenSize()));
m_renderTargets.append(new GLRenderTarget(m_renderTextures.last()));
m_renderTargetsValid = renderTargetsValid();
// Prepare the stack for the rendering
m_renderTargetStack.reserve(m_downSampleIterations * 2);
// Upsample
for (int i = 1; i < m_downSampleIterations; i++) {
// Downsample
for (int i = m_downSampleIterations; i > 0; i--) {
// Copysample
// Generate the noise helper texture
void BlurEffect::initBlurStrengthValues()
// This function creates an array of blur strength values that are evenly distributed
// The range of the slider on the blur settings UI
int numOfBlurSteps = 15;
int remainingSteps = numOfBlurSteps;
* Explanation for these numbers:
* The texture blur amount depends on the downsampling iterations and the offset value.
* By changing the offset we can alter the blur amount without relying on further downsampling.
* But there is a minimum and maximum value of offset per downsample iteration before we
* get artifacts.
* The minOffset variable is the minimum offset value for an iteration before we
* get blocky artifacts because of the downsampling.
* The maxOffset value is the maximum offset value for an iteration before we
* get diagonal line artifacts because of the nature of the dual kawase blur algorithm.
* The expandSize value is the minimum value for an iteration before we reach the end
* of a texture in the shader and sample outside of the area that was copied into the
* texture from the screen.
// {minOffset, maxOffset, expandSize}
blurOffsets.append({1.0, 2.0, 10}); // Down sample size / 2
blurOffsets.append({2.0, 3.0, 20}); // Down sample size / 4
blurOffsets.append({2.0, 5.0, 50}); // Down sample size / 8
blurOffsets.append({3.0, 8.0, 150}); // Down sample size / 16
//blurOffsets.append({5.0, 10.0, 400}); // Down sample size / 32
//blurOffsets.append({7.0, ?.0}); // Down sample size / 64
float offsetSum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < blurOffsets.size(); i++) {
offsetSum += blurOffsets[i].maxOffset - blurOffsets[i].minOffset;
for (int i = 0; i < blurOffsets.size(); i++) {
int iterationNumber = std::ceil((blurOffsets[i].maxOffset - blurOffsets[i].minOffset) / offsetSum * numOfBlurSteps);
remainingSteps -= iterationNumber;
if (remainingSteps < 0) {
iterationNumber += remainingSteps;
float offsetDifference = blurOffsets[i].maxOffset - blurOffsets[i].minOffset;
for (int j = 1; j <= iterationNumber; j++) {
// {iteration, offset}
blurStrengthValues.append({i + 1, blurOffsets[i].minOffset + (offsetDifference / iterationNumber) * j});
void BlurEffect::reconfigure(ReconfigureFlags flags)
int blurStrength = BlurConfig::blurStrength() - 1;
m_downSampleIterations = blurStrengthValues[blurStrength].iteration;
m_offset = blurStrengthValues[blurStrength].offset;
m_expandSize = blurOffsets[m_downSampleIterations - 1].expandSize;
m_noiseStrength = BlurConfig::noiseStrength();
m_scalingFactor = qMax(1.0, QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->logicalDotsPerInch() / 96.0);
if (!m_shader || !m_shader->isValid()) {
effects->removeSupportProperty(s_blurAtomName, this);
delete m_blurManager;
m_blurManager = nullptr;
// Update all windows for the blur to take effect
void BlurEffect::updateBlurRegion(EffectWindow *w) const
QRegion region;
QByteArray value;
if (net_wm_blur_region != XCB_ATOM_NONE) {
value = w->readProperty(net_wm_blur_region, XCB_ATOM_CARDINAL, 32);
if (value.size() > 0 && !(value.size() % (4 * sizeof(uint32_t)))) {
const uint32_t *cardinals = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(value.constData());
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < value.size() / sizeof(uint32_t);) {
int x = cardinals[i++];
int y = cardinals[i++];
int w = cardinals[i++];
int h = cardinals[i++];
region += QRect(x, y, w, h);
KWaylandServer::SurfaceInterface *surf = w->surface();
if (surf && surf->blur()) {
region = surf->blur()->region();
if (auto internal = w->internalWindow()) {
const auto property = internal->property("kwin_blur");
if (property.isValid()) {
region = property.value<QRegion>();
//!value.isNull() full window in X11 case, surf->blur()
//valid, full window in wayland case
if (region.isEmpty() && (!value.isNull() || (surf && surf->blur()))) {
// Set the data to a dummy value.
// This is needed to be able to distinguish between the value not
// being set, and being set to an empty region.
w->setData(WindowBlurBehindRole, 1);
} else
w->setData(WindowBlurBehindRole, region);
void BlurEffect::slotWindowAdded(EffectWindow *w)
KWaylandServer::SurfaceInterface *surf = w->surface();
if (surf) {
windowBlurChangedConnections[w] = connect(surf, &KWaylandServer::SurfaceInterface::blurChanged, this, [this, w] () {
if (w) {
if (auto internal = w->internalWindow()) {
void BlurEffect::slotWindowDeleted(EffectWindow *w)
auto it = windowBlurChangedConnections.find(w);
if (it == windowBlurChangedConnections.end()) {
void BlurEffect::slotPropertyNotify(EffectWindow *w, long atom)
if (w && atom == net_wm_blur_region && net_wm_blur_region != XCB_ATOM_NONE) {
bool BlurEffect::eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event)
auto internal = qobject_cast<QWindow*>(watched);
if (internal && event->type() == QEvent::DynamicPropertyChange) {
QDynamicPropertyChangeEvent *pe = static_cast<QDynamicPropertyChangeEvent*>(event);
if (pe->propertyName() == "kwin_blur") {
if (auto w = effects->findWindow(internal)) {
return false;
bool BlurEffect::enabledByDefault()
GLPlatform *gl = GLPlatform::instance();
if (gl->isIntel() && gl->chipClass() < SandyBridge)
return false;
if (gl->isSoftwareEmulation()) {
return false;
return true;
bool BlurEffect::supported()
bool supported = effects->isOpenGLCompositing() && GLRenderTarget::supported() && GLRenderTarget::blitSupported();
if (supported) {
int maxTexSize;
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &maxTexSize);
const QSize screenSize = effects->virtualScreenSize();
if (screenSize.width() > maxTexSize || screenSize.height() > maxTexSize)
supported = false;
return supported;
QRect BlurEffect::expand(const QRect &rect) const
return rect.adjusted(-m_expandSize, -m_expandSize, m_expandSize, m_expandSize);
QRegion BlurEffect::expand(const QRegion ®ion) const
QRegion expanded;
for (const QRect &rect : region) {
expanded += expand(rect);
return expanded;
QRegion BlurEffect::blurRegion(const EffectWindow *w) const
QRegion region;
const QVariant value = w->data(WindowBlurBehindRole);
if (value.isValid()) {
const QRegion appRegion = qvariant_cast<QRegion>(value);
if (!appRegion.isEmpty()) {
if (w->decorationHasAlpha() && effects->decorationSupportsBlurBehind()) {
region = w->shape() & w->rect();
region -= w->decorationInnerRect();
region |= appRegion.translated(w->contentsRect().topLeft()) &
} else {
// An empty region means that the blur effect should be enabled
// for the whole window.
region = w->shape() & w->rect();
} else if (w->decorationHasAlpha() && effects->decorationSupportsBlurBehind()) {
// If the client hasn't specified a blur region, we'll only enable
// the effect behind the decoration.
region = w->shape() & w->rect();
region -= w->decorationInnerRect();
return region;
void BlurEffect::uploadRegion(QVector2D *&map, const QRegion ®ion, const int downSampleIterations)
for (int i = 0; i <= downSampleIterations; i++) {
const int divisionRatio = (1 << i);
for (const QRect &r : region) {
const QVector2D topLeft( r.x() / divisionRatio, r.y() / divisionRatio);
const QVector2D topRight( (r.x() + r.width()) / divisionRatio, r.y() / divisionRatio);
const QVector2D bottomLeft( r.x() / divisionRatio, (r.y() + r.height()) / divisionRatio);
const QVector2D bottomRight((r.x() + r.width()) / divisionRatio, (r.y() + r.height()) / divisionRatio);
// First triangle
*(map++) = topRight;
*(map++) = topLeft;
*(map++) = bottomLeft;
// Second triangle
*(map++) = bottomLeft;
*(map++) = bottomRight;
*(map++) = topRight;
void BlurEffect::uploadGeometry(GLVertexBuffer *vbo, const QRegion &blurRegion, const QRegion &windowRegion)
const int vertexCount = ((blurRegion.rectCount() * (m_downSampleIterations + 1)) + windowRegion.rectCount()) * 6;
if (!vertexCount)
QVector2D *map = (QVector2D *) vbo->map(vertexCount * sizeof(QVector2D));
uploadRegion(map, blurRegion, m_downSampleIterations);
uploadRegion(map, windowRegion, 0);
const GLVertexAttrib layout[] = {
{ VA_Position, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0 },
{ VA_TexCoord, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0 }
vbo->setAttribLayout(layout, 2, sizeof(QVector2D));
void BlurEffect::prePaintScreen(ScreenPrePaintData &data, std::chrono::milliseconds presentTime)
m_paintedArea = QRegion();
m_currentBlur = QRegion();
effects->prePaintScreen(data, presentTime);
void BlurEffect::prePaintWindow(EffectWindow* w, WindowPrePaintData& data, std::chrono::milliseconds presentTime)
// this effect relies on prePaintWindow being called in the bottom to top order
effects->prePaintWindow(w, data, presentTime);
if (!w->isPaintingEnabled()) {
if (!m_shader || !m_shader->isValid()) {
// to blur an area partially we have to shrink the opaque area of a window
QRegion newClip;
const QRegion oldClip = data.clip;
for (const QRect &rect : data.clip) {
newClip |= rect.adjusted(m_expandSize, m_expandSize, -m_expandSize, -m_expandSize);
data.clip = newClip;
// we don't have to blur a region we don't see
m_currentBlur -= newClip;
// if we have to paint a non-opaque part of this window that intersects with the
// currently blurred region we have to redraw the whole region
if ((data.paint - oldClip).intersects(m_currentBlur)) {
data.paint |= m_currentBlur;
// in case this window has regions to be blurred
const QRect screen = effects->virtualScreenGeometry();
const QRegion blurArea = blurRegion(w).translated(w->pos()) & screen;
const QRegion expandedBlur = (w->isDock() ? blurArea : expand(blurArea)) & screen;
// if this window or a window underneath the blurred area is painted again we have to
// blur everything
if (m_paintedArea.intersects(expandedBlur) || data.paint.intersects(blurArea)) {
data.paint |= expandedBlur;
// we have to check again whether we do not damage a blurred area
// of a window
if (expandedBlur.intersects(m_currentBlur)) {
data.paint |= m_currentBlur;
m_currentBlur |= expandedBlur;
m_paintedArea -= data.clip;
m_paintedArea |= data.paint;
bool BlurEffect::shouldBlur(const EffectWindow *w, int mask, const WindowPaintData &data) const
if (!m_renderTargetsValid || !m_shader || !m_shader->isValid())
return false;
if (effects->activeFullScreenEffect() && !w->data(WindowForceBlurRole).toBool())
return false;
if (w->isDesktop())
return false;
bool scaled = !qFuzzyCompare(data.xScale(), 1.0) && !qFuzzyCompare(data.yScale(), 1.0);
bool translated = data.xTranslation() || data.yTranslation();
if ((scaled || (translated || (mask & PAINT_WINDOW_TRANSFORMED))) && !w->data(WindowForceBlurRole).toBool())
return false;
bool blurBehindDecos = effects->decorationsHaveAlpha() &&
if (!w->hasAlpha() && w->opacity() >= 1.0 && !(blurBehindDecos && w->hasDecoration()))
return false;
return true;
void BlurEffect::drawWindow(EffectWindow *w, int mask, const QRegion ®ion, WindowPaintData &data)
const QRect screen = GLRenderTarget::virtualScreenGeometry();
if (shouldBlur(w, mask, data)) {
QRegion shape = region & blurRegion(w).translated(w->pos()) & screen;
// let's do the evil parts - someone wants to blur behind a transformed window
const bool translated = data.xTranslation() || data.yTranslation();
const bool scaled = data.xScale() != 1 || data.yScale() != 1;
if (scaled) {
QPoint pt = shape.boundingRect().topLeft();
QRegion scaledShape;
for (QRect r : shape) {
r.moveTo(pt.x() + (r.x() - pt.x()) * data.xScale() + data.xTranslation(),
pt.y() + (r.y() - pt.y()) * data.yScale() + data.yTranslation());
r.setWidth(r.width() * data.xScale());
r.setHeight(r.height() * data.yScale());
scaledShape |= r;
shape = scaledShape & region;
//Only translated, not scaled
} else if (translated) {
shape = shape.translated(data.xTranslation(), data.yTranslation());
shape = shape & region;
EffectWindow* modal = w->transientFor();
const bool transientForIsDock = (modal ? modal->isDock() : false);
if (!shape.isEmpty()) {
doBlur(shape, screen, data.opacity(), data.screenProjectionMatrix(), w->isDock() || transientForIsDock, w->geometry());
// Draw the window over the blurred area
effects->drawWindow(w, mask, region, data);
void BlurEffect::paintEffectFrame(EffectFrame *frame, const QRegion ®ion, double opacity, double frameOpacity)
const QRect screen = effects->virtualScreenGeometry();
bool valid = m_renderTargetsValid && m_shader && m_shader->isValid();
QRegion shape = frame->geometry().adjusted(-borderSize, -borderSize, borderSize, borderSize) & screen;
if (valid && !shape.isEmpty() && region.intersects(shape.boundingRect()) && frame->style() != EffectFrameNone) {
doBlur(shape, screen, opacity * frameOpacity, frame->screenProjectionMatrix(), false, frame->geometry());
effects->paintEffectFrame(frame, region, opacity, frameOpacity);
void BlurEffect::generateNoiseTexture()
if (m_noiseStrength == 0) {
// Init randomness based on time
QImage noiseImage(QSize(256, 256), QImage::Format_Grayscale8);
for (int y = 0; y < noiseImage.height(); y++) {
uint8_t *noiseImageLine = (uint8_t *) noiseImage.scanLine(y);
for (int x = 0; x < noiseImage.width(); x++) {
noiseImageLine[x] = qrand() % m_noiseStrength + (128 - m_noiseStrength / 2);
// The noise texture looks distorted when not scaled with integer
noiseImage = noiseImage.scaled(noiseImage.size() * m_scalingFactor);
m_noiseTexture = GLTexture(noiseImage);
void BlurEffect::doBlur(const QRegion& shape, const QRect& screen, const float opacity, const QMatrix4x4 &screenProjection, bool isDock, QRect windowRect)
// Blur would not render correctly on a secondary monitor because of wrong coordinates
// BUG: 393723
const int xTranslate = -screen.x();
const int yTranslate = effects->virtualScreenSize().height() - screen.height() - screen.y();
const QRegion expandedBlurRegion = expand(shape) & expand(screen);
const bool useSRGB = m_renderTextures.first().internalFormat() == GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8;
// Upload geometry for the down and upsample iterations
GLVertexBuffer *vbo = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer();
uploadGeometry(vbo, expandedBlurRegion.translated(xTranslate, yTranslate), shape);
const QRect sourceRect = expandedBlurRegion.boundingRect() & screen;
const QRect destRect = sourceRect.translated(xTranslate, yTranslate);
int blurRectCount = expandedBlurRegion.rectCount() * 6;
* If the window is a dock or panel we avoid the "extended blur" effect.
* Extended blur is when windows that are not under the blurred area affect
* the final blur result.
* We want to avoid this on panels, because it looks really weird and ugly
* when maximized windows or windows near the panel affect the dock blur.
if (isDock) {
m_renderTargets.last()->blitFromFramebuffer(sourceRect, destRect);
if (useSRGB) {
copyScreenSampleTexture(vbo, blurRectCount, shape.translated(xTranslate, yTranslate), screenProjection);
} else {
m_renderTargets.first()->blitFromFramebuffer(sourceRect, destRect);
if (useSRGB) {
// Remove the m_renderTargets[0] from the top of the stack that we will not use
downSampleTexture(vbo, blurRectCount);
upSampleTexture(vbo, blurRectCount);
// Modulate the blurred texture with the window opacity if the window isn't opaque
if (opacity < 1.0) {
#if 1 // bow shape, always above y = x
float o = 1.0f-opacity;
o = 1.0f - o*o;
#else // sigmoid shape, above y = x for x > 0.5, below y = x for x < 0.5
float o = 2.0f*opacity - 1.0f;
o = 0.5f + o / (1.0f + qAbs(o));
glBlendColor(0, 0, 0, o);
upscaleRenderToScreen(vbo, blurRectCount * (m_downSampleIterations + 1), shape.rectCount() * 6, screenProjection, windowRect.topLeft());
if (useSRGB) {
if (opacity < 1.0) {
void BlurEffect::upscaleRenderToScreen(GLVertexBuffer *vbo, int vboStart, int blurRectCount, QMatrix4x4 screenProjection, QPoint windowPosition)
if (m_noiseStrength > 0) {
m_shader->setTargetTextureSize(m_renderTextures[0].size() * GLRenderTarget::virtualScreenScale());
m_shader->setNoiseTextureSize(m_noiseTexture.size() * GLRenderTarget::virtualScreenScale());
m_shader->setTexturePosition(windowPosition * GLRenderTarget::virtualScreenScale());
} else {
m_shader->setTargetTextureSize(m_renderTextures[0].size() * GLRenderTarget::virtualScreenScale());
//Render to the screen
vbo->draw(GL_TRIANGLES, vboStart, blurRectCount);
void BlurEffect::downSampleTexture(GLVertexBuffer *vbo, int blurRectCount)
QMatrix4x4 modelViewProjectionMatrix;
for (int i = 1; i <= m_downSampleIterations; i++) {
modelViewProjectionMatrix.ortho(0, m_renderTextures[i].width(), m_renderTextures[i].height(), 0 , 0, 65535);
//Copy the image from this texture
m_renderTextures[i - 1].bind();
vbo->draw(GL_TRIANGLES, blurRectCount * i, blurRectCount);
void BlurEffect::upSampleTexture(GLVertexBuffer *vbo, int blurRectCount)
QMatrix4x4 modelViewProjectionMatrix;
for (int i = m_downSampleIterations - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
modelViewProjectionMatrix.ortho(0, m_renderTextures[i].width(), m_renderTextures[i].height(), 0 , 0, 65535);
//Copy the image from this texture
m_renderTextures[i + 1].bind();
vbo->draw(GL_TRIANGLES, blurRectCount * i, blurRectCount);
void BlurEffect::copyScreenSampleTexture(GLVertexBuffer *vbo, int blurRectCount, QRegion blurShape, QMatrix4x4 screenProjection)
* This '1' sized adjustment is necessary do avoid windows affecting the blur that are
* right next to this window.
m_shader->setBlurRect(blurShape.boundingRect().adjusted(1, 1, -1, -1), effects->virtualScreenSize());
vbo->draw(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, blurRectCount);
bool BlurEffect::isActive() const
return !effects->isScreenLocked();
} // namespace KWin