Vlad Zahorodnii 0622526e8f Drop "send_event" boolean trap in X11Window::restackWindow()
The synthetic ConfigureNotify event is not sent when the stack mode is
TopIf and BottomIf, i.e. the way the restackWindow() function handles
the "send_event" argument is inconsistent.

And the window manager doesn't have to send a synthetic configure event
when processing a _NET_RESTACK_WINDOW client message. It must do it only
after handling a ConfigureRequest request, which
the X11Window::configureRequestEvent() function already does.

So rather than fixing the handling of the "send_event" argument, this
change removes that boolean trap instead.
2024-08-21 17:14:02 +00:00

676 lines
20 KiB

KWin - the KDE window manager
This file is part of the KDE project.
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich <>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2003 Lubos Lunak <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#pragma once
#include "config-kwin.h"
#error Do not include on non-X11 builds
// kwin
#include "scene/decorationitem.h"
#include "utils/xcbutils.h"
#include "window.h"
// Qt
#include <QElapsedTimer>
#include <QFlags>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QWindow>
// X
#include <NETWM>
#include <xcb/sync.h>
// TODO: Cleanup the order of things in this .h file
class QTimer;
class KStartupInfoData;
class KStartupInfoId;
namespace KWin
class KillPrompt;
* @brief Defines Predicates on how to search for a Client.
* Used by Workspace::findClient.
enum class Predicate {
* @todo Remove when the X11 platform support is dropped. This decoration renderer
* will be used if compositing is off.
class X11DecorationRenderer : public DecorationRenderer
explicit X11DecorationRenderer(Decoration::DecoratedClientImpl *client);
~X11DecorationRenderer() override;
void render(const QRegion &region) override;
void update();
QTimer *m_scheduleTimer;
xcb_gcontext_t m_gc;
class KWIN_EXPORT X11Window : public Window
explicit X11Window();
~X11Window() override; ///< Use destroyWindow() or releaseWindow()
xcb_window_t frameId() const;
xcb_window_t window() const;
xcb_window_t wrapperId() const;
xcb_window_t inputId() const
return m_decoInputExtent;
int desktopId() const;
QByteArray sessionId() const;
xcb_window_t wmClientLeader() const;
QString wmCommand();
QPointF framePosToClientPos(const QPointF &point) const override;
QPointF clientPosToFramePos(const QPointF &point) const override;
QSizeF frameSizeToClientSize(const QSizeF &size) const override;
QSizeF clientSizeToFrameSize(const QSizeF &size) const override;
QRectF frameRectToBufferRect(const QRectF &rect) const;
QSizeF implicitSize() const;
void blockGeometryUpdates(bool block);
void blockGeometryUpdates();
void unblockGeometryUpdates();
bool areGeometryUpdatesBlocked() const;
xcb_visualid_t visual() const;
int depth() const;
bool hasAlpha() const;
QRegion opaqueRegion() const;
QList<QRectF> shapeRegion() const;
pid_t pid() const override;
QString windowRole() const override;
bool isTransient() const override;
bool groupTransient() const override;
QList<Window *> mainWindows() const override; // Call once before loop , is not indirect
bool hasTransient(const Window *c, bool indirect) const override;
void checkTransient(xcb_window_t w);
const Group *group() const override;
Group *group() override;
void checkGroup(Group *gr = nullptr, bool force = false);
void changeClientLeaderGroup(Group *gr);
bool supportsWindowRules() const override;
void updateWindowRules(Rules::Types selection) override;
void applyWindowRules() override;
void updateFullscreenMonitors(NETFullscreenMonitors topology);
bool hasNETSupport() const;
QSizeF minSize() const override;
QSizeF maxSize() const override;
QSizeF basicUnit() const;
bool windowEvent(xcb_generic_event_t *e);
WindowType windowType() const override;
bool track(xcb_window_t w);
bool manage(xcb_window_t w, bool isMapped);
void releaseWindow(bool on_shutdown = false);
bool hasScheduledRelease() const;
void destroyWindow() override;
QStringList activities() const override;
void doSetOnActivities(const QStringList &newActivitiesList) override;
void updateActivities(bool includeTransients) override;
bool isShadeable() const override;
bool isMaximizable() const override;
MaximizeMode maximizeMode() const override;
void maximize(MaximizeMode mode) override;
bool isMinimizable() const override;
QRectF iconGeometry() const override;
bool isFullScreenable() const override;
void setFullScreen(bool set) override;
bool isFullScreen() const override;
int fullScreenMode() const
return m_fullscreenMode; // only for session saving
bool userNoBorder() const;
bool noBorder() const override;
void setNoBorder(bool set) override;
bool userCanSetNoBorder() const override;
void checkNoBorder() override;
void checkActivities() override;
int sessionStackingOrder() const;
// Auxiliary functions, depend on the windowType
bool wantsInput() const override;
bool isResizable() const override;
bool isMovable() const override;
bool isMovableAcrossScreens() const override;
bool isCloseable() const override; ///< May be closed by the user (May have a close button)
bool takeFocus() override;
void invalidateDecoration() override;
void detectShape();
void updateShape();
/// resizeWithChecks() resizes according to gravity, and checks workarea position
QRectF resizeWithChecks(const QRectF &geometry, const QSizeF &size) override;
QRectF resizeWithChecks(const QRectF &geometry, qreal w, qreal h, xcb_gravity_t gravity);
QRectF resizeWithChecks(const QRectF &geometry, const QSizeF &s, xcb_gravity_t gravity);
QSizeF constrainClientSize(const QSizeF &size, SizeMode mode = SizeModeAny) const override;
bool providesContextHelp() const override;
/// Updates visibility depending on being shaded, virtual desktop, etc.
void updateVisibility();
bool hiddenPreview() const; ///< Window is mapped in order to get a window pixmap
bool setupCompositing() override;
void finishCompositing() override;
void setBlockingCompositing(bool block);
void blockCompositing();
void unblockCompositing();
QString captionNormal() const override
return cap_normal;
QString captionSuffix() const override
return cap_suffix;
using Window::keyPressEvent;
void keyPressEvent(uint key_code, xcb_timestamp_t time); // FRAME ??
void updateMouseGrab() override;
xcb_window_t moveResizeGrabWindow() const;
QPointF gravityAdjustment(xcb_gravity_t gravity) const;
const QPointF calculateGravitation(bool invert) const;
void NETMoveResize(qreal x_root, qreal y_root, NET::Direction direction, xcb_button_t button);
void NETMoveResizeWindow(int flags, qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height);
void GTKShowWindowMenu(qreal x_root, qreal y_root);
void restackWindow(xcb_window_t above, int detail, NET::RequestSource source, xcb_timestamp_t timestamp);
void gotPing(xcb_timestamp_t timestamp);
void updateUserTime(xcb_timestamp_t time = XCB_TIME_CURRENT_TIME);
xcb_timestamp_t userTime() const override;
bool hasUserTimeSupport() const;
/// Does 'delete c;'
static void deleteClient(X11Window *c);
static bool belongToSameApplication(const X11Window *c1, const X11Window *c2, SameApplicationChecks checks = SameApplicationChecks());
static bool sameAppWindowRoleMatch(const X11Window *c1, const X11Window *c2, bool active_hack);
void killWindow() override;
void showContextHelp() override;
void checkActiveModal();
StrutRect strutRect(StrutArea area) const override;
bool hasStrut() const override;
bool isClientSideDecorated() const;
Xcb::StringProperty fetchPreferredColorScheme() const;
QString readPreferredColorScheme(Xcb::StringProperty &property) const;
QString preferredColorScheme() const override;
// sets whether the client should be faked as being on all activities (and be shown during session save)
void setSessionActivityOverride(bool needed);
bool isClient() const override;
bool isOutline() const override;
bool isUnmanaged() const override;
void cancelFocusOutTimer();
* Restores the Client after it had been hidden due to show on screen edge functionality.
* In addition the property gets deleted so that the Client knows that it is visible again.
void showOnScreenEdge() override;
Xcb::StringProperty fetchApplicationMenuServiceName() const;
void readApplicationMenuServiceName(Xcb::StringProperty &property);
void checkApplicationMenuServiceName();
Xcb::StringProperty fetchApplicationMenuObjectPath() const;
void readApplicationMenuObjectPath(Xcb::StringProperty &property);
void checkApplicationMenuObjectPath();
struct SyncRequest
xcb_sync_counter_t counter;
xcb_sync_int64_t value;
xcb_sync_alarm_t alarm;
xcb_timestamp_t lastTimestamp;
QTimer *timeout, *failsafeTimeout;
bool isPending;
bool interactiveResize;
const SyncRequest &syncRequest() const
return m_syncRequest;
bool wantsSyncCounter() const;
void handleSync();
void handleSyncTimeout();
bool allowWindowActivation(xcb_timestamp_t time = -1U, bool focus_in = false);
static void cleanupX11();
quint64 surfaceSerial() const;
quint32 pendingSurfaceId() const;
public Q_SLOTS:
void closeWindow() override;
void updateCaption() override;
// Handlers for X11 events
bool mapRequestEvent(xcb_map_request_event_t *e);
void unmapNotifyEvent(xcb_unmap_notify_event_t *e);
void destroyNotifyEvent(xcb_destroy_notify_event_t *e);
void configureNotifyEvent(xcb_configure_notify_event_t *e);
void configureRequestEvent(xcb_configure_request_event_t *e);
void propertyNotifyEvent(xcb_property_notify_event_t *e);
void clientMessageEvent(xcb_client_message_event_t *e);
void enterNotifyEvent(xcb_enter_notify_event_t *e);
void leaveNotifyEvent(xcb_leave_notify_event_t *e);
void focusInEvent(xcb_focus_in_event_t *e);
void focusOutEvent(xcb_focus_out_event_t *e);
void damageNotifyEvent();
bool buttonPressEvent(xcb_window_t w, int button, int state, int x, int y, int x_root, int y_root, xcb_timestamp_t time = XCB_CURRENT_TIME);
bool buttonReleaseEvent(xcb_window_t w, int button, int state, int x, int y, int x_root, int y_root);
bool motionNotifyEvent(xcb_window_t w, int state, int x, int y, int x_root, int y_root);
bool belongsToSameApplication(const Window *other, SameApplicationChecks checks) const override;
void doSetActive() override;
void doSetKeepAbove() override;
void doSetKeepBelow() override;
void doSetShade(ShadeMode previousShadeMode) override;
void doSetDesktop() override;
void doMinimize() override;
void doSetSkipPager() override;
void doSetSkipTaskbar() override;
void doSetSkipSwitcher() override;
void doSetDemandsAttention() override;
void doSetHidden() override;
void doSetHiddenByShowDesktop() override;
void doSetModal() override;
bool belongsToDesktop() const override;
bool doStartInteractiveMoveResize() override;
bool isWaitingForInteractiveResizeSync() const override;
void doInteractiveResizeSync(const QRectF &rect) override;
QSizeF resizeIncrements() const override;
bool acceptsFocus() const override;
void doSetQuickTileMode() override;
void moveResizeInternal(const QRectF &rect, MoveResizeMode mode) override;
std::unique_ptr<WindowItem> createItem(Item *parentItem) override;
void shapeChanged();
void exportMappingState(int s); // ICCCM, 4.1.4, NETWM 2.5.1
bool isManaged() const; ///< Returns false if this client is not yet managed
void updateAllowedActions(bool force = false);
QRect fullscreenMonitorsArea(NETFullscreenMonitors topology) const;
void getResourceClass();
void getWmNormalHints();
void getWmClientMachine();
void getMotifHints();
void getIcons();
void getWmOpaqueRegion();
void discardShapeRegion();
void fetchName();
void fetchIconicName();
QString readName() const;
void setCaption(const QString &s, bool force = false);
bool hasTransientInternal(const X11Window *c, bool indirect, QList<const X11Window *> &set) const;
void setShortcutInternal() override;
Xcb::Property fetchWmClientLeader() const;
void readWmClientLeader(Xcb::Property &p);
void getWmClientLeader();
Xcb::Property fetchSkipCloseAnimation() const;
void readSkipCloseAnimation(Xcb::Property &prop);
void getSkipCloseAnimation();
void configureRequest(int value_mask, qreal rx, qreal ry, qreal rw, qreal rh, int gravity, bool from_tool);
NETExtendedStrut strut() const;
int checkShadeGeometry(int w, int h);
void getSyncCounter();
void sendSyncRequest();
void leaveInteractiveMoveResize() override;
void performInteractiveResize();
void establishCommandWindowGrab(uint8_t button);
void establishCommandAllGrab(uint8_t button);
void pingWindow();
void killProcess(bool ask, xcb_timestamp_t timestamp = XCB_TIME_CURRENT_TIME);
void updateUrgency();
static void sendClientMessage(xcb_window_t w, xcb_atom_t a, xcb_atom_t protocol,
uint32_t data1 = 0, uint32_t data2 = 0, uint32_t data3 = 0);
void embedClient(xcb_window_t w, xcb_visualid_t visualid, xcb_colormap_t colormap, const QRect &nativeGeometry, uint8_t depth);
void detectNoBorder();
void updateFrameExtents();
void setClientFrameExtents(const NETStrut &strut);
void internalShow();
void internalHide();
void internalKeep();
void map();
void unmap();
void updateHiddenPreview();
void updateInputShape();
void configure(const QRect &nativeFrame, const QRect &nativeWrapper, const QRect &nativeClient);
void discardWindowPixmap();
void updateWindowPixmap();
xcb_timestamp_t readUserTimeMapTimestamp(const KStartupInfoId *asn_id, const KStartupInfoData *asn_data,
bool session) const;
xcb_timestamp_t readUserCreationTime() const;
void startupIdChanged();
void updateInputWindow();
Xcb::Property fetchShowOnScreenEdge() const;
void readShowOnScreenEdge(Xcb::Property &property);
* Reads the property and creates/destroys the screen edge if required
* and shows/hides the client.
void updateShowOnScreenEdge();
void maybeCreateX11DecorationRenderer();
void maybeDestroyX11DecorationRenderer();
void updateDecoration(bool check_workspace_pos, bool force = false);
void createDecoration();
void destroyDecoration();
QWindow *findInternalWindow() const;
void checkOutput();
void associate();
void handleXwaylandScaleChanged();
Xcb::Window m_client;
Xcb::Window m_wrapper;
Xcb::Window m_frame;
qreal m_bufferScale = 1;
xcb_window_t m_wmClientLeader = XCB_WINDOW_NONE;
int m_activityUpdatesBlocked;
bool m_blockedActivityUpdatesRequireTransients;
Xcb::Window m_moveResizeGrabWindow;
bool move_resize_has_keyboard_grab;
bool m_managed;
Xcb::GeometryHints m_geometryHints;
void sendSyntheticConfigureNotify();
enum MappingState {
Withdrawn, ///< Not handled, as per ICCCM WithdrawnState
Mapped, ///< The frame is mapped
Unmapped, ///< The frame is not mapped
Kept ///< The frame should be unmapped, but is kept (For compositing)
MappingState mapping_state;
Xcb::TransientFor fetchTransient() const;
void readTransientProperty(Xcb::TransientFor &transientFor);
void readTransient();
xcb_window_t verifyTransientFor(xcb_window_t transient_for, bool set);
void addTransient(Window *cl) override;
void removeFromMainClients();
void cleanGrouping();
void checkGroupTransients();
void setTransient(xcb_window_t new_transient_for_id);
NETWinInfo *info = nullptr;
xcb_window_t m_transientForId;
xcb_window_t m_originalTransientForId;
X11Window *shade_below;
Xcb::MotifHints m_motif;
uint noborder : 1;
uint app_noborder : 1; ///< App requested no border via window type, shape extension, etc.
uint ignore_focus_stealing : 1; ///< Don't apply focus stealing prevention to this client
bool blocks_compositing;
bool is_shape = false;
enum FullScreenMode {
} m_fullscreenMode;
MaximizeMode max_mode;
QString cap_normal, cap_iconic, cap_suffix;
Group *in_group;
QTimer *ping_timer;
std::unique_ptr<KillPrompt> m_killPrompt;
xcb_timestamp_t m_pingTimestamp;
xcb_timestamp_t m_userTime;
NET::Actions allowed_actions;
bool shade_geometry_change;
SyncRequest m_syncRequest;
static bool check_active_modal; ///< \see X11Window::checkActiveModal()
int sm_stacking_order;
xcb_visualid_t m_visual = XCB_NONE;
int bit_depth = 24;
QRegion opaque_region;
mutable QList<QRectF> m_shapeRegion;
mutable bool m_shapeRegionIsValid = false;
friend struct ResetupRulesProcedure;
friend bool performTransiencyCheck();
Xcb::StringProperty fetchActivities() const;
void readActivities(Xcb::StringProperty &property);
bool activitiesDefined; // whether the x property was actually set
bool sessionActivityOverride;
Xcb::Window m_decoInputExtent;
QPoint input_offset; // in device pixels, valid only on X11
QTimer *m_focusOutTimer;
QTimer m_releaseTimer;
QMetaObject::Connection m_edgeGeometryTrackingConnection;
QMarginsF m_clientFrameExtents;
int m_blockGeometryUpdates = 0; // > 0 = New geometry is remembered, but not actually set
std::unique_ptr<X11DecorationRenderer> m_decorationRenderer;
bool m_unmanaged = false;
bool m_outline = false;
quint32 m_pendingSurfaceId = 0;
quint64 m_surfaceSerial = 0;
* Helper for X11Window::blockGeometryUpdates() being called in pairs (true/false)
class X11GeometryUpdatesBlocker
explicit X11GeometryUpdatesBlocker(X11Window *c)
: cl(c)
X11Window *cl;
inline xcb_visualid_t X11Window::visual() const
return m_visual;
inline int X11Window::depth() const
return bit_depth;
inline bool X11Window::hasAlpha() const
return depth() == 32;
inline QRegion X11Window::opaqueRegion() const
return opaque_region;
inline bool X11Window::isClientSideDecorated() const
return !m_clientFrameExtents.isNull();
inline bool X11Window::groupTransient() const
return m_transientForId == kwinApp()->x11RootWindow();
inline bool X11Window::isTransient() const
return m_transientForId != XCB_WINDOW_NONE;
inline const Group *X11Window::group() const
return in_group;
inline Group *X11Window::group()
return in_group;
inline MaximizeMode X11Window::maximizeMode() const
return max_mode;
inline bool X11Window::isFullScreen() const
return m_fullscreenMode != FullScreenNone;
inline bool X11Window::hasNETSupport() const
return info->hasNETSupport();
inline int X11Window::sessionStackingOrder() const
return sm_stacking_order;
inline bool X11Window::isManaged() const
return m_managed;
inline QRectF X11Window::resizeWithChecks(const QRectF &geometry, const QSizeF &s)
return resizeWithChecks(geometry, s.width(), s.height(), XCB_GRAVITY_BIT_FORGET);
inline QRectF X11Window::resizeWithChecks(const QRectF &geometry, const QSizeF &s, xcb_gravity_t gravity)
return resizeWithChecks(geometry, s.width(), s.height(), gravity);
inline bool X11Window::hasUserTimeSupport() const
return info->userTime() != -1U;
inline xcb_window_t X11Window::moveResizeGrabWindow() const
return m_moveResizeGrabWindow;
inline bool X11Window::hiddenPreview() const
return mapping_state == Kept;
inline quint64 X11Window::surfaceSerial() const
return m_surfaceSerial;
inline quint32 X11Window::pendingSurfaceId() const
return m_pendingSurfaceId;
inline bool X11Window::areGeometryUpdatesBlocked() const
return m_blockGeometryUpdates != 0;
inline void X11Window::blockGeometryUpdates()
inline void X11Window::unblockGeometryUpdates()
} // namespace
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QList<KWin::X11Window *>)