kwin_iii. It's still #ifdef-ed out by XRANDR_SUPPORT, just like elsewhere in kdelibs/kdebase. svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=211041
527 lines
12 KiB
527 lines
12 KiB
kwin - the KDE window manager
Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich <>
#include "options.h"
#include <qframe.h>
#include <qvbox.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <netwm_def.h>
#include <X11/X.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
class NETWinInfo;
namespace KWinInternal {
class Workspace;
class Client;
class WinInfo;
class WindowWrapperPrivate;
class ClientPrivate;
class WindowWrapper : public QWidget
WindowWrapper( WId w, Client *parent=0, const char* name=0);
WId window() const;
void releaseWindow();
void invalidateWindow();
QSize sizeHint() const;
QSizePolicy sizePolicy() const;
void setActive( bool );
void show();
void hide();
void map();
void unmap();
void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * );
bool x11Event( XEvent * ); // X11 event
private slots:
void deferredResize();
void updateMouseGrab();
WId win;
Time lastMouseEventTime;
bool reparented;
WindowWrapperPrivate* d;
inline WId WindowWrapper::window() const
return win;
// NOTE: this class has to keep binary compatibility, just like other
// KWin classes accessible from the plugins
class Client : public QWidget
Client( Workspace *ws, WId w, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, WFlags f = 0);
WId window() const;
WindowWrapper* windowWrapper() const;
Workspace* workspace() const;
void releaseWindow( bool withdraw = FALSE );
void invalidateWindow();
WId transientFor() const;
bool isTransient() const;
Client* mainClient();
NET::WindowType windowType() const;
virtual bool windowEvent( XEvent * );
bool manage( bool isMapped = FALSE, bool doNotShow = FALSE, bool isInitial = TRUE );
void setMappingState( int s );
int mappingState() const;
void requestActivation();
void withdraw();
QSize adjustedSize( const QSize& ) const;
QPixmap icon() const;
QPixmap miniIcon() const;
// is the window in withdrawn state?
bool isWithdrawn(){
return state == WithdrawnState;
// is the window in iconic state?
bool isIconified(){
return state == IconicState;
// is the window in normal state?
bool isNormalState(){
return state == NormalState;
// obsolete, don't use - KDE4 - remove it
bool isNormal(){
return isNormalState();
bool isActive() const;
void setActive( bool );
int desktop() const;
void setDesktop( int );
bool isOnDesktop( int d ) const;
bool isShade() const;
virtual void setShade( bool , int = 0 );
bool isMaximized() const;
enum MaximizeMode { MaximizeRestore = 0, MaximizeVertical = 1, MaximizeHorizontal = 2, MaximizeFull = 3, MaximizeAdjust };
bool isMaximizable() const;
QRect geometryRestore() const;
MaximizeMode maximizeMode() const;
bool isMinimizable() const;
bool isSticky() const;
void setSticky( bool );
bool staysOnTop() const;
void setStaysOnTop( bool );
bool skipTaskbar() const;
void setSkipTaskbar( bool );
bool skipPager() const;
void setSkipPager( bool );
bool storeSettings() const;
void setStoreSettings( bool );
// auxiliary functions, depend on the windowType
bool wantsTabFocus() const;
bool wantsInput() const;
bool isMovable() const;
bool isDesktop() const;
bool isDock() const;
bool isTool() const; // KDE4 remove me
bool isToolbar() const;
bool isTopMenu() const;
bool isMenu() const;
bool isNormalWindow() const; // normal as in 'NET::Normal or NET::Unknown non-transient'
bool isDialog() const;
bool isResizable() const;
bool isCloseable() const; // may have a close button
void takeFocus( bool force = FALSE );
void setMask( const QRegion & );
const QRegion& getMask() const;
// transparent stuff
virtual void drawbound( const QRect& geom );
virtual void clearbound();
// fullscreen hint, for stacking
bool isFullScreen() const;
// shape extensions
bool shape() const;
void updateShape();
void setGeometry( int x, int y, int w, int h );
void setGeometry( const QRect &r )
{ setGeometry( r.left(),, r.width(), r.height() ); }
void move( int x, int y );
void move( const QPoint & p )
{ move( p.x(), p.y() ); }
bool providesContextHelp() const;
bool performMouseCommand( Options::MouseCommand, QPoint globalPos );
QCString windowRole();
QCString sessionId();
QCString resourceName();
QCString resourceClass();
QCString wmCommand();
QCString wmClientMachine();
Window wmClientLeader();
QRect adjustedClientArea( const QRect& area ) const;
Colormap colormap() const;
void cloneMode(Client *);
void show();
void hide();
void maximizeRaw( bool vertically, bool horizontally );
QString caption() const;
void setCaption( const QString &);
void keyPressEvent( uint key_code );
void updateUserTime();
const QPoint gravitate( bool invert ) const;
void NETMoveResize( int x_root, int y_root, NET::Direction direction );
void checkWorkspacePosition();
public slots:
void iconify();
void closeWindow();
void killWindow();
void maximize( MaximizeMode m );
void maximize();
void toggleSticky();
void toggleShade();
void contextHelp();
void autoRaise();
void shadeHover();
void paintEvent( QPaintEvent * );
void mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * );
void mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * );
void mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent * );
void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * );
virtual void windowWrapperShowEvent( QShowEvent* ){}
virtual void windowWrapperHideEvent( QHideEvent* ){}
void enterEvent( QEvent * );
void leaveEvent( QEvent * );
bool x11Event( XEvent * ); // X11 event
virtual void activateLayout();
bool eventFilter( QObject *, QEvent * );
virtual void init();
virtual void captionChange( const QString& name );
virtual void iconChange();
virtual void activeChange( bool );
virtual void maximizeChange( bool );
virtual void stickyChange( bool );
virtual void shadeChange( bool );
enum MousePosition {
Nowhere, TopLeft , BottomRight, BottomLeft, TopRight, Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Center
virtual MousePosition mousePosition( const QPoint& ) const;
virtual void setMouseCursor( MousePosition m );
virtual void animateIconifyOrDeiconify( bool iconify );
virtual QPixmap animationPixmap( int w );
// handlers for X11 events
bool mapRequest( XMapRequestEvent& e );
bool unmapNotify( XUnmapEvent& e );
bool configureRequest( XConfigureRequestEvent& e );
bool propertyNotify( XPropertyEvent& e );
bool clientMessage( XClientMessageEvent& e );
NETWinInfo * netWinInfo();
QSize sizeForWindowSize( const QSize&, bool ignore_height = FALSE ) const;
void getWmNormalHints();
void fetchName();
void getTransient();
static bool resourceMatch( Client* c1, Client* c2 );
unsigned long userTime();
void startMoveResize();
void stopMoveResize();
WId win;
WindowWrapper* wwrap;
Workspace* wspace;
int desk;
bool buttonDown;
bool moveResizeMode;
bool isMove() const {
return moveResizeMode && mode == Center;
bool isResize() const {
return moveResizeMode && !isMove();
MousePosition mode;
QPoint moveOffset;
QPoint invertedMoveOffset;
QSize clientSize;
XSizeHints xSizeHint;
void sendSyntheticConfigureNotify();
int state;
QRect original_geometry;
QRect geom; //### TODO
WId transient_for;
uint transient_for_defined;
uint shaded :1;
uint hover_unshade :1;
uint active :1;
uint is_sticky_ :1; // KDE4 remove, equal to desk == NET::OnAllDesktops
uint stays_on_top : 1;
uint is_shape :1;
uint may_move :1;
uint is_fullscreen :1;
uint skip_taskbar :1;
uint Pdeletewindow :1; // does the window understand the DeleteWindow protocol?
uint Ptakefocus :1;// does the window understand the TakeFocus protocol?
uint Pcontexthelp : 1; // does the window understand the ContextHelp protocol?
uint input :1; // does the window want input in its wm_hints
uint store_settings : 1;
uint skip_pager : 1;
uint may_resize : 1;
uint may_maximize : 1;
uint may_minimize : 1;
uint may_close : 1;
uint is_fully_inside_workarea : 1;
void getWMHints();
void getWindowProtocols();
QPixmap icon_pix;
QPixmap miniicon_pix;
QRect geom_restore;
MaximizeMode max_mode;
QRegion mask;
WinInfo* info;
QTimer* autoRaiseTimer;
QTimer* shadeHoverTimer;
Colormap cmap;
QCString resource_name;
QCString resource_class;
void verifyTransientFor();
friend class WindowWrapper;
QString cap;
WId wmClientLeaderWin;
void getWmClientLeader();
static QCString staticWindowRole(WId);
static QCString staticSessionId(WId);
static QCString staticWmCommand(WId);
static QCString staticWmClientMachine(WId);
static Window staticWmClientLeader(WId);
ClientPrivate* d;
inline WId Client::window() const
return win;
inline WindowWrapper* Client::windowWrapper() const
return wwrap;
inline Workspace* Client::workspace() const
return wspace;
inline WId Client::transientFor() const
return transient_for;
inline bool Client::isTransient() const
return transient_for != 0 || transient_for_defined;
inline int Client::mappingState() const
return state;
inline bool Client::isActive() const
return active;
Returns the virtual desktop within the workspace() the client window
is located in, 0 if it isn't located on any special desktop (not mapped yet),
or NET::OnAllDesktops (sticky). Do not use desktop() directly, use
isOnDesktop() instead.
inline int Client::desktop() const
return desk;
inline bool Client::isSticky() const
return desk == NET::OnAllDesktops; // equal to is_sticky_
Returns whether the client is on visible or iconified on the virtual
desktop \a d. This is always TRUE for sticky clients.
inline bool Client::isOnDesktop( int d ) const
return desk == d || /*desk == 0 ||*/ isSticky();
inline QPixmap Client::icon() const
return icon_pix;
inline QPixmap Client::miniIcon() const
return miniicon_pix;
Is the client maximized?
inline bool Client::isMaximized() const
return max_mode != MaximizeRestore;
inline QRect Client::geometryRestore() const
return geom_restore;
inline Client::MaximizeMode Client::maximizeMode() const
return max_mode;
inline bool Client::staysOnTop() const
return stays_on_top;
inline bool Client::skipTaskbar() const
return skip_taskbar;
inline bool Client::skipPager() const
return skip_pager;
inline bool Client::storeSettings() const
return store_settings;
inline void Client::setStoreSettings( bool b )
store_settings = b;
inline bool Client::shape() const
return is_shape;
inline bool Client::isFullScreen() const
return is_fullscreen;
inline const QRegion& Client::getMask() const
return mask;
inline Colormap Client::colormap() const
return cmap;
class NoBorderClient : public Client
NoBorderClient( Workspace *ws, WId w, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0 );
void setShade( bool , int ){}