366 lines
8.8 KiB
366 lines
8.8 KiB
kwin - the KDE window manager
Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich <ettrich@kde.org>
#include "tabbox.h"
#include "workspace.h"
#include "client.h"
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qdrawutil.h>
#include <qstyle.h>
#undef Bool // f**king X11
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qdesktopwidget.h>
#include <qcursor.h>
#include <kstringhandler.h>
#include <kglobalsettings.h>
// specify externals before namespace
extern QPixmap* kwin_get_menu_pix_hack();
using namespace KWinInternal;
TabBox::TabBox( Workspace *ws, const char *name )
: QWidget( 0, name, WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NoBorder )
no_tasks = i18n("*** No Tasks ***");
m = DesktopMode; // init variables
wspace = ws;
connect(&delayedShowTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(show()));
Sets the current mode to \a mode, either DesktopListMode or WindowsMode
\sa mode()
void TabBox::setMode( Mode mode )
m = mode;
Resets the tab box to display the active client in WindowsMode, or the
current desktop in DesktopListMode
void TabBox::reset()
QFont f = font();
f.setBold( TRUE );
f.setPointSize( 14 );
setFont( f );
wmax = 0;
if ( mode() == WindowsMode ) {
client = workspace()->activeClient();
Client* c = workspace()->nextClient( client );
Client* stop = c;
QFontMetrics fm( fontMetrics() );
int cw = fm.width(no_tasks)+20;
while ( c ) {
if ( (options_traverse_all ||c->isOnDesktop(workspace()->currentDesktop()))
&& (!c->isIconified() || c->mainClient() == c ) ) {
if ( client == c )
clients.prepend( c );
clients += c;
cw = fm.width( c->caption() ) + 40;
if ( cw > wmax )
wmax = cw;
c = workspace()->nextClient( c );
if ( c == stop )
wmax = QMAX( wmax, int(clients.count())*20 );
else { // DesktopListMode
desk = workspace()->currentDesktop();
QRect r = KGlobalSettings::desktopGeometry(QCursor::pos());
int w = QMIN( QMAX( wmax + 20, r.width()/3 ), r.width() );
setGeometry( (r.width()-w)/2 + r.x(),
r.height()/2-fontMetrics().height()*2-10 + r.y(),
w, fontMetrics().height()*4 + 20 );
wmax = QMIN( wmax, width() - 12 );
Shows the next or previous item, depending on \a next
void TabBox::nextPrev( bool next)
if ( mode() == WindowsMode ) {
Client* firstClient = 0;
do {
if ( next )
client = workspace()->nextClient(client);
client = workspace()->previousClient(client);
if (!firstClient) {
// When we see our first client for the second time,
// it's time to stop.
firstClient = client;
else if (client == firstClient) {
// No candidates found.
client = 0;
} while (client &&
(( !options_traverse_all &&
!client->isOnDesktop(workspace()->currentDesktop()) ) ||
( client->isIconified() && client->mainClient() != client ))
if (!options_traverse_all && client
&& !client->isOnDesktop(workspace()->currentDesktop()))
client = 0;
else if( mode() == DesktopMode ) {
if ( next )
desk = workspace()->nextDesktop( desk );
desk = workspace()->previousDesktop( desk );
else { // DesktopListMode
if ( next ) {
if ( desk > workspace()->numberOfDesktops() )
desk = 1;
} else {
if ( desk < 1 )
desk = workspace()->numberOfDesktops();
Returns the currently displayed client ( only works in WindowsMode ).
Returns 0 if no client is displayed.
Client* TabBox::currentClient()
if ( mode() != WindowsMode )
return 0;
if (!workspace()->hasClient( client ))
return 0;
return client;
Returns the currently displayed virtual desktop ( only works in
DesktopListMode )
Returns -1 if no desktop is displayed.
int TabBox::currentDesktop()
if ( mode() == DesktopListMode || mode() == DesktopMode )
return desk;
return -1;
Reimplemented to raise the tab box as well
void TabBox::showEvent( QShowEvent* )
hide the icon box if necessary
void TabBox::hideEvent( QHideEvent* )
Paints the tab box
void TabBox::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* )
QPainter p( this );
style().drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_Panel, &p, QRect( 0, 0, width(), height() ),
colorGroup(), QStyle::Style_Default );
style().drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_Panel, &p, QRect( 4, 4, width()-8, height()-8 ),
colorGroup(), QStyle::Style_Sunken );
Paints the contents of the tab box. Used in paintEvent() and
whenever the contents changes.
void TabBox::paintContents()
QPixmap* menu_pix = kwin_get_menu_pix_hack();
QPainter p( this );
QRect r( 6, 6, width()-12, height()-32 );
p.fillRect( r, colorGroup().brush( QColorGroup::Background ) );
if ( mode () == WindowsMode ) {
if ( currentClient() ) {
int textw, maxlen = client->caption().length();
int icon = client->icon().isNull() ? 0 : 42;
QString s;
do {
s = QString();
if (!client->isOnDesktop(workspace()->currentDesktop())){
s.append(": ");
if (client->isIconified())
s += QString("(")+KStringHandler::csqueeze(client->caption(), maxlen)+")";
s += KStringHandler::csqueeze(client->caption(), maxlen);
textw = fontMetrics().width( s );
} while (textw > r.width() - icon);
r.setLeft( r.left() + (r.width() - textw)/2);
if ( icon ) {
int py = r.center().y() - 16;
r.setLeft( r.left() + 20 );
p.drawPixmap( r.left()-42, py, client->icon() );
p.drawText( r, AlignVCenter, s );
else {
r.setBottom( r.bottom() + 20 );
p.drawText( r, AlignCenter, no_tasks);
int x = (width() - clients.count() * 20 )/2;
int y = height() - 26;
for ( ClientList::ConstIterator it = clients.begin(); it != clients.end(); ++it) {
if ( workspace()->hasClient( *it ) ) { // safety
if ( !(*it)->miniIcon().isNull() )
p.drawPixmap( x, y, (*it)->miniIcon() );
else if ( menu_pix )
p.drawPixmap( x, y, *menu_pix );
p.setPen( (*it)==currentClient()?
colorGroup().highlight():colorGroup().background() );
p.drawRect( x-2, y-2, 20, 20 );
p.setPen( colorGroup().foreground() );
x += 20;
} else { // DesktopMode || DesktopListMode
p.drawText( r, AlignCenter, workspace()->desktopName(desk) );
int x = (width() - workspace()->numberOfDesktops() * 20 )/2;
int y = height() - 26;
QFont f( font() );
f.setPointSize( 12 );
f.setBold( FALSE );
p.setFont(f );
// In DesktopMode, start at the current desktop
// In DesktopListMode, start at desktop #1
int iDesktop = (mode() == DesktopMode) ? workspace()->currentDesktop() : 1;
for ( int i = 1; i <= workspace()->numberOfDesktops(); i++ ) {
p.setPen( iDesktop == desk?
colorGroup().highlight():colorGroup().background() );
p.drawRect( x-2, y-2, 20, 20 );
qDrawWinPanel( &p, QRect( x, y, 16, 16), colorGroup(), FALSE,
&colorGroup().brush(QColorGroup::Base ) );
p.setPen( colorGroup().text() );
p.drawText( x, y, 16, 16, AlignCenter, QString::number(iDesktop) );
x += 20;
if( mode() == DesktopMode )
iDesktop = workspace()->nextDesktop( iDesktop );
void TabBox::hide()
XEvent otherEvent;
while (XCheckTypedEvent (qt_xdisplay(), EnterNotify, &otherEvent ) )
void TabBox::reconfigure()
KConfig * c(KGlobal::config());
options_traverse_all = c->readNumEntry("TraverseAll", false );
Rikkus: please document! (Matthias)
Ok, here's the docs :)
You call delayedShow() instead of show() directly.
If the 'ShowDelay' setting is false, show() is simply called.
Otherwise, we start a timer for the delay given in the settings and only
do a show() when it times out.
This means that you can alt-tab between windows and you don't see the
tab box immediately. Not only does this make alt-tabbing faster, it gives
less 'flicker' to the eyes. You don't need to see the tab box if you're
just quickly switching between 2 or 3 windows. It seems to work quite
void TabBox::delayedShow()
KConfig * c(KGlobal::config());
bool delay = c->readNumEntry("ShowDelay", true);
if (!delay) {
int delayTime = c->readNumEntry("DelayTime", 90);
delayedShowTimer.start(delayTime, true);
#include "tabbox.moc"