
519 lines
18 KiB

KWin - the KDE window manager
This file is part of the KDE project.
Copyright (C) 2006 Lubos Lunak <>
Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Martin Gräßlin <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "kwineffects.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "scene.h"
#include "xcbutils.h"
#include <QHash>
#include <Plasma/FrameSvg>
#include <KService>
namespace Plasma {
class Theme;
class QDBusPendingCallWatcher;
class QDBusServiceWatcher;
class KService;
class OrgFreedesktopScreenSaverInterface;
namespace KWin
class AbstractThumbnailItem;
class DesktopThumbnailItem;
class WindowThumbnailItem;
class Client;
class Compositor;
class Deleted;
class EffectLoader;
class Unmanaged;
class ScreenLockerWatcher;
class EffectsHandlerImpl : public EffectsHandler
Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.kde.kwin.Effects")
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList activeEffects READ activeEffects)
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList loadedEffects READ loadedEffects)
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList listOfEffects READ listOfEffects)
EffectsHandlerImpl(Compositor *compositor, Scene *scene);
virtual ~EffectsHandlerImpl();
void prePaintScreen(ScreenPrePaintData& data, int time) override;
void paintScreen(int mask, QRegion region, ScreenPaintData& data) override;
* Special hook to perform a paintScreen but just with the windows on @p desktop.
void paintDesktop(int desktop, int mask, QRegion region, ScreenPaintData& data);
void postPaintScreen() override;
void prePaintWindow(EffectWindow* w, WindowPrePaintData& data, int time) override;
void paintWindow(EffectWindow* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data) override;
void postPaintWindow(EffectWindow* w) override;
void paintEffectFrame(EffectFrame* frame, QRegion region, double opacity, double frameOpacity) override;
Effect *provides(Effect::Feature ef);
void drawWindow(EffectWindow* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data) override;
void buildQuads(EffectWindow* w, WindowQuadList& quadList) override;
void activateWindow(EffectWindow* c) override;
EffectWindow* activeWindow() const override;
void moveWindow(EffectWindow* w, const QPoint& pos, bool snap = false, double snapAdjust = 1.0) override;
void windowToDesktop(EffectWindow* w, int desktop) override;
void windowToScreen(EffectWindow* w, int screen) override;
void setShowingDesktop(bool showing) override;
QString currentActivity() const override;
int currentDesktop() const override;
int numberOfDesktops() const override;
void setCurrentDesktop(int desktop) override;
void setNumberOfDesktops(int desktops) override;
QSize desktopGridSize() const override;
int desktopGridWidth() const override;
int desktopGridHeight() const override;
int workspaceWidth() const override;
int workspaceHeight() const override;
int desktopAtCoords(QPoint coords) const override;
QPoint desktopGridCoords(int id) const override;
QPoint desktopCoords(int id) const override;
int desktopAbove(int desktop = 0, bool wrap = true) const override;
int desktopToRight(int desktop = 0, bool wrap = true) const override;
int desktopBelow(int desktop = 0, bool wrap = true) const override;
int desktopToLeft(int desktop = 0, bool wrap = true) const override;
QString desktopName(int desktop) const override;
bool optionRollOverDesktops() const override;
QPoint cursorPos() const override;
bool grabKeyboard(Effect* effect) override;
void ungrabKeyboard() override;
// not performing XGrabPointer
void startMouseInterception(Effect *effect, Qt::CursorShape shape) override;
void stopMouseInterception(Effect *effect) override;
void registerGlobalShortcut(const QKeySequence &shortcut, QAction *action) override;
void registerPointerShortcut(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton pointerButtons, QAction *action) override;
void registerAxisShortcut(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, PointerAxisDirection axis, QAction *action) override;
void* getProxy(QString name) override;
void startMousePolling() override;
void stopMousePolling() override;
EffectWindow* findWindow(WId id) const override;
EffectWindowList stackingOrder() const override;
void setElevatedWindow(KWin::EffectWindow* w, bool set) override;
void setTabBoxWindow(EffectWindow*) override;
void setTabBoxDesktop(int) override;
EffectWindowList currentTabBoxWindowList() const override;
void refTabBox() override;
void unrefTabBox() override;
void closeTabBox() override;
QList< int > currentTabBoxDesktopList() const override;
int currentTabBoxDesktop() const override;
EffectWindow* currentTabBoxWindow() const override;
void setActiveFullScreenEffect(Effect* e) override;
Effect* activeFullScreenEffect() const override;
void addRepaintFull() override;
void addRepaint(const QRect& r) override;
void addRepaint(const QRegion& r) override;
void addRepaint(int x, int y, int w, int h) override;
int activeScreen() const override;
int numScreens() const override;
int screenNumber(const QPoint& pos) const override;
QRect clientArea(clientAreaOption, int screen, int desktop) const override;
QRect clientArea(clientAreaOption, const EffectWindow* c) const override;
QRect clientArea(clientAreaOption, const QPoint& p, int desktop) const override;
QSize virtualScreenSize() const override;
QRect virtualScreenGeometry() const override;
double animationTimeFactor() const override;
WindowQuadType newWindowQuadType() override;
void defineCursor(Qt::CursorShape shape) override;
bool checkInputWindowEvent(xcb_button_press_event_t *e);
bool checkInputWindowEvent(xcb_motion_notify_event_t *e);
bool checkInputWindowEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
void checkInputWindowStacking();
void reserveElectricBorder(ElectricBorder border, Effect *effect) override;
void unreserveElectricBorder(ElectricBorder border, Effect *effect) override;
unsigned long xrenderBufferPicture() override;
QPainter* scenePainter() override;
void reconfigure() override;
void registerPropertyType(long atom, bool reg) override;
QByteArray readRootProperty(long atom, long type, int format) const override;
void deleteRootProperty(long atom) const override;
xcb_atom_t announceSupportProperty(const QByteArray& propertyName, Effect* effect) override;
void removeSupportProperty(const QByteArray& propertyName, Effect* effect) override;
bool hasDecorationShadows() const override;
bool decorationsHaveAlpha() const override;
bool decorationSupportsBlurBehind() const override;
EffectFrame* effectFrame(EffectFrameStyle style, bool staticSize, const QPoint& position, Qt::Alignment alignment) const override;
QVariant kwinOption(KWinOption kwopt) override;
bool isScreenLocked() const override;
bool makeOpenGLContextCurrent() override;
void doneOpenGLContextCurrent() override;
xcb_connection_t *xcbConnection() const override;
xcb_window_t x11RootWindow() const override;
// internal (used by kwin core or compositing code)
void startPaint();
void grabbedKeyboardEvent(QKeyEvent* e);
bool hasKeyboardGrab() const;
void desktopResized(const QSize &size);
void reloadEffect(Effect *effect) override;
QStringList loadedEffects() const;
QStringList listOfEffects() const;
QList<EffectWindow*> elevatedWindows() const;
QStringList activeEffects() const;
* @returns Whether we are currently in a desktop rendering process triggered by paintDesktop hook
bool isDesktopRendering() const {
return m_desktopRendering;
* @returns the desktop currently being rendered in the paintDesktop hook.
int currentRenderedDesktop() const {
return m_currentRenderedDesktop;
public Q_SLOTS:
void slotCurrentTabAboutToChange(EffectWindow* from, EffectWindow* to);
void slotTabAdded(EffectWindow* from, EffectWindow* to);
void slotTabRemoved(EffectWindow* c, EffectWindow* newActiveWindow);
// slots for D-Bus interface
Q_SCRIPTABLE void reconfigureEffect(const QString& name);
Q_SCRIPTABLE bool loadEffect(const QString& name);
Q_SCRIPTABLE void toggleEffect(const QString& name);
Q_SCRIPTABLE void unloadEffect(const QString& name);
Q_SCRIPTABLE bool isEffectLoaded(const QString& name) const;
Q_SCRIPTABLE bool isEffectSupported(const QString& name);
Q_SCRIPTABLE QList<bool> areEffectsSupported(const QStringList &names);
Q_SCRIPTABLE QString supportInformation(const QString& name) const;
Q_SCRIPTABLE QString debug(const QString& name, const QString& parameter = QString()) const;
protected Q_SLOTS:
void slotClientShown(KWin::Toplevel*);
void slotShellClientShown(KWin::Toplevel*);
void slotUnmanagedShown(KWin::Toplevel*);
void slotWindowClosed(KWin::Toplevel *c);
void slotClientMaximized(KWin::AbstractClient *c, MaximizeMode maxMode);
void slotOpacityChanged(KWin::Toplevel *t, qreal oldOpacity);
void slotClientModalityChanged();
void slotGeometryShapeChanged(KWin::Toplevel *t, const QRect &old);
void slotPaddingChanged(KWin::Toplevel *t, const QRect &old);
void slotWindowDamaged(KWin::Toplevel *t, const QRect& r);
void slotPropertyNotify(KWin::Toplevel *t, long atom);
void connectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal) override;
void disconnectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal) override;
void effectsChanged();
void setupClientConnections(KWin::Client *c);
void setupUnmanagedConnections(KWin::Unmanaged *u);
Effect* keyboard_grab_effect;
Effect* fullscreen_effect;
QList<EffectWindow*> elevated_windows;
QMultiMap< int, EffectPair > effect_order;
QHash< long, int > registered_atoms;
int next_window_quad_type;
typedef QVector< Effect*> EffectsList;
typedef EffectsList::const_iterator EffectsIterator;
EffectsList m_activeEffects;
EffectsIterator m_currentDrawWindowIterator;
EffectsIterator m_currentPaintWindowIterator;
EffectsIterator m_currentPaintEffectFrameIterator;
EffectsIterator m_currentPaintScreenIterator;
EffectsIterator m_currentBuildQuadsIterator;
typedef QHash< QByteArray, QList< Effect*> > PropertyEffectMap;
PropertyEffectMap m_propertiesForEffects;
QHash<QByteArray, qulonglong> m_managedProperties;
Compositor *m_compositor;
Scene *m_scene;
ScreenLockerWatcher *m_screenLockerWatcher;
bool m_desktopRendering;
int m_currentRenderedDesktop;
Xcb::Window m_mouseInterceptionWindow;
QList<Effect*> m_grabbedMouseEffects;
EffectLoader *m_effectLoader;
int m_trackingCursorChanges;
class EffectWindowImpl : public EffectWindow
explicit EffectWindowImpl(Toplevel *toplevel);
virtual ~EffectWindowImpl();
void enablePainting(int reason) override;
void disablePainting(int reason) override;
bool isPaintingEnabled() override;
void refWindow() override;
void unrefWindow() override;
const EffectWindowGroup* group() const override;
QRegion shape() const override;
QRect decorationInnerRect() const override;
QByteArray readProperty(long atom, long type, int format) const override;
void deleteProperty(long atom) const override;
EffectWindow* findModal() override;
EffectWindowList mainWindows() const override;
WindowQuadList buildQuads(bool force = false) const override;
void referencePreviousWindowPixmap() override;
void unreferencePreviousWindowPixmap() override;
const Toplevel* window() const;
Toplevel* window();
void setWindow(Toplevel* w); // internal
void setSceneWindow(Scene::Window* w); // internal
const Scene::Window* sceneWindow() const; // internal
Scene::Window* sceneWindow(); // internal
void elevate(bool elevate);
void setData(int role, const QVariant &data);
QVariant data(int role) const;
void registerThumbnail(AbstractThumbnailItem *item);
QHash<WindowThumbnailItem*, QWeakPointer<EffectWindowImpl> > const &thumbnails() const {
return m_thumbnails;
QList<DesktopThumbnailItem*> const &desktopThumbnails() const {
return m_desktopThumbnails;
private Q_SLOTS:
void thumbnailDestroyed(QObject *object);
void thumbnailTargetChanged();
void desktopThumbnailDestroyed(QObject *object);
void insertThumbnail(WindowThumbnailItem *item);
Toplevel* toplevel;
Scene::Window* sw; // This one is used only during paint pass.
QHash<int, QVariant> dataMap;
QHash<WindowThumbnailItem*, QWeakPointer<EffectWindowImpl> > m_thumbnails;
QList<DesktopThumbnailItem*> m_desktopThumbnails;
class EffectWindowGroupImpl
: public EffectWindowGroup
explicit EffectWindowGroupImpl(Group* g);
EffectWindowList members() const override;
Group* group;
class EffectFrameImpl
: public QObject, public EffectFrame
explicit EffectFrameImpl(EffectFrameStyle style, bool staticSize = true, QPoint position = QPoint(-1, -1),
Qt::Alignment alignment = Qt::AlignCenter);
virtual ~EffectFrameImpl();
void free() override;
void render(QRegion region = infiniteRegion(), double opacity = 1.0, double frameOpacity = 1.0) override;
Qt::Alignment alignment() const override;
void setAlignment(Qt::Alignment alignment) override;
const QFont& font() const override;
void setFont(const QFont& font) override;
const QRect& geometry() const override;
void setGeometry(const QRect& geometry, bool force = false) override;
const QIcon& icon() const override;
void setIcon(const QIcon& icon) override;
const QSize& iconSize() const override;
void setIconSize(const QSize& size) override;
void setPosition(const QPoint& point) override;
const QString& text() const override;
void setText(const QString& text) override;
EffectFrameStyle style() const override {
return m_style;
Plasma::FrameSvg& frame() {
return m_frame;
bool isStatic() const {
return m_static;
void finalRender(QRegion region, double opacity, double frameOpacity) const;
void setShader(GLShader* shader) override {
m_shader = shader;
GLShader* shader() const override {
return m_shader;
void setSelection(const QRect& selection) override;
const QRect& selection() const {
return m_selectionGeometry;
Plasma::FrameSvg& selectionFrame() {
return m_selection;
* The foreground text color as specified by the default Plasma theme.
QColor styledTextColor();
private Q_SLOTS:
void plasmaThemeChanged();
Q_DISABLE_COPY(EffectFrameImpl) // As we need to use Qt slots we cannot copy this class
void align(QRect &geometry); // positions geometry around m_point respecting m_alignment
void autoResize(); // Auto-resize if not a static size
EffectFrameStyle m_style;
Plasma::FrameSvg m_frame; // TODO: share between all EffectFrames
Plasma::FrameSvg m_selection;
// Position
bool m_static;
QPoint m_point;
Qt::Alignment m_alignment;
QRect m_geometry;
// Contents
QString m_text;
QFont m_font;
QIcon m_icon;
QSize m_iconSize;
QRect m_selectionGeometry;
Scene::EffectFrame* m_sceneFrame;
GLShader* m_shader;
Plasma::Theme *m_theme;
class ScreenLockerWatcher : public QObject
explicit ScreenLockerWatcher(QObject *parent = 0);
virtual ~ScreenLockerWatcher();
bool isLocked() const {
return m_locked;
void locked(bool locked);
private Q_SLOTS:
void setLocked(bool activated);
void activeQueried(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher);
void serviceOwnerChanged(const QString &serviceName, const QString &oldOwner, const QString &newOwner);
void serviceRegisteredQueried();
void serviceOwnerQueried();
OrgFreedesktopScreenSaverInterface *m_interface;
QDBusServiceWatcher *m_serviceWatcher;
bool m_locked;
QList<EffectWindow*> EffectsHandlerImpl::elevatedWindows() const
if (isScreenLocked())
return QList<EffectWindow*>();
return elevated_windows;
xcb_window_t EffectsHandlerImpl::x11RootWindow() const
return rootWindow();
xcb_connection_t *EffectsHandlerImpl::xcbConnection() const
return connection();
EffectWindowGroupImpl::EffectWindowGroupImpl(Group* g)
: group(g)
EffectWindow* effectWindow(Toplevel* w);
EffectWindow* effectWindow(Scene::Window* w);
const Scene::Window* EffectWindowImpl::sceneWindow() const
return sw;
Scene::Window* EffectWindowImpl::sceneWindow()
return sw;
const Toplevel* EffectWindowImpl::window() const
return toplevel;
Toplevel* EffectWindowImpl::window()
return toplevel;
} // namespace