287 lines
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287 lines
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KWin - the KDE window manager
This file is part of the KDE project.
Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich <ettrich@kde.org>
Copyright (C) 2003 Lubos Lunak <l.lunak@kde.org>
Copyright (C) 2009 Martin Gräßlin <kde@martin-graesslin.com>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <QTimer>
#include <QModelIndex>
#include "utils.h"
#include "tabbox/tabboxhandler.h"
class QKeyEvent;
namespace KWin
class Workspace;
class Client;
namespace TabBox
class TabBoxConfig;
class TabBox;
class TabBoxHandlerImpl : public TabBoxHandler
TabBoxHandlerImpl(TabBox* tabBox);
virtual ~TabBoxHandlerImpl();
virtual int activeScreen() const;
virtual TabBoxClient* activeClient() const;
virtual int currentDesktop() const;
virtual QString desktopName(TabBoxClient* client) const;
virtual QString desktopName(int desktop) const;
virtual TabBoxClient* nextClientFocusChain(TabBoxClient* client) const;
virtual int nextDesktopFocusChain(int desktop) const;
virtual int numberOfDesktops() const;
virtual TabBoxClientList stackingOrder() const;
virtual void elevateClient(TabBoxClient* c, WId tabbox, bool elevate) const;
virtual void raiseClient(TabBoxClient *client) const;
virtual void restack(TabBoxClient *c, TabBoxClient *under);
virtual TabBoxClient* clientToAddToList(TabBoxClient* client, int desktop) const;
virtual TabBoxClient* desktopClient() const;
virtual void hideOutline();
virtual void showOutline(const QRect &outline);
virtual QVector< Window > outlineWindowIds() const;
virtual void activateAndClose();
bool checkDesktop(TabBoxClient* client, int desktop) const;
bool checkActivity(TabBoxClient* client) const;
bool checkApplications(TabBoxClient* client) const;
bool checkMinimized(TabBoxClient* client) const;
bool checkMultiScreen(TabBoxClient* client) const;
TabBox* m_tabBox;
class TabBoxClientImpl : public TabBoxClient
virtual ~TabBoxClientImpl();
virtual QString caption() const;
virtual QPixmap icon(const QSize& size = QSize(32, 32)) const;
virtual WId window() const;
virtual bool isMinimized() const;
virtual int x() const;
virtual int y() const;
virtual int width() const;
virtual int height() const;
virtual bool isCloseable() const;
virtual void close();
virtual bool isFirstInTabBox() const;
Client* client() const {
return m_client;
void setClient(Client* client) {
m_client = client;
Client* m_client;
class TabBox : public QObject
Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.kde.kwin")
TabBox(QObject *parent = NULL);
Client* currentClient();
ClientList currentClientList();
int currentDesktop();
QList< int > currentDesktopList();
void setCurrentClient(Client* newClient);
void setCurrentDesktop(int newDesktop);
void setMode(TabBoxMode mode);
TabBoxMode mode() const {
return m_tabBoxMode;
void reset(bool partial_reset = false);
void nextPrev(bool next = true);
void delayedShow();
void hide(bool abort = false);
Increase the reference count, preventing the default tabbox from showing.
\sa unreference(), isDisplayed()
void reference() {
Decrease the reference count. Only when the reference count is 0 will
the default tab box be shown.
void unreference() {
Returns whether the tab box is being displayed, either natively or by an
\sa reference(), unreference()
bool isDisplayed() const {
return m_displayRefcount > 0;
bool handleMouseEvent(XEvent* e);
void grabbedKeyEvent(QKeyEvent* event);
bool isGrabbed() const {
return m_tabGrab || m_desktopGrab;
void initShortcuts(KActionCollection* keys);
Client* nextClientFocusChain(Client*) const;
Client* previousClientFocusChain(Client*) const;
Client* nextClientStatic(Client*) const;
Client* previousClientStatic(Client*) const;
int nextDesktopFocusChain(int iDesktop) const;
int previousDesktopFocusChain(int iDesktop) const;
int nextDesktopStatic(int iDesktop) const;
int previousDesktopStatic(int iDesktop) const;
void keyPress(int key);
void keyRelease(const XKeyEvent& ev);
public slots:
void show();
* Only for DBus Interface to start primary KDE Walk through windows.
* @param modal Whether the TabBox should grab keyboard and mouse, that is go into modal
* mode or whether the TabBox is controlled externally (e.g. through an effect).
Q_SCRIPTABLE void open(bool modal = true);
* Opens the TabBox view embedded on a different window. This implies non-modal mode.
* The geometry of the TabBox is determined by offset, size and the alignment flags.
* If the alignment flags are set to center the view scales with the container. That is if
* the window where the TabBox is embedded onto resizes, the TabBox resizes, too.
* The alignment in combination with the offset determines to what border the TabBox is snapped.
* E.g. if horizontal alignment is right the offset is interpreted as the offset between right
* corner of TabBox view and the container view. When the container changes its geometry this
* offset is kept. So the offset on the left side would increase.
* @param wid The window Id the TabBox should be embedded onto
* @param offset The offset to one of the size borders
* @param size The size of the TabBox. To use the same size as the container, set alignment to center
* @param horizontalAlignment Either Qt::AlignLeft, Qt::AlignHCenter or Qt::AlignRight
* @param verticalAlignment Either Qt::AlignTop, Qt::AlignVCenter or Qt::AlignBottom
Q_SCRIPTABLE void openEmbedded(qulonglong wid, QPoint offset, QSize size, int horizontalAlignment, int verticalAlignment);
Q_SCRIPTABLE void close(bool abort = false);
Q_SCRIPTABLE void accept();
Q_SCRIPTABLE void reject();
void slotWalkThroughDesktops();
void slotWalkBackThroughDesktops();
void slotWalkThroughDesktopList();
void slotWalkBackThroughDesktopList();
void slotWalkThroughWindows();
void slotWalkBackThroughWindows();
void slotWalkThroughWindowsAlternative();
void slotWalkBackThroughWindowsAlternative();
void slotWalkThroughDesktopsKeyChanged(const QKeySequence& seq);
void slotWalkBackThroughDesktopsKeyChanged(const QKeySequence& seq);
void slotWalkThroughDesktopListKeyChanged(const QKeySequence& seq);
void slotWalkBackThroughDesktopListKeyChanged(const QKeySequence& seq);
void slotWalkThroughWindowsKeyChanged(const QKeySequence& seq);
void slotWalkBackThroughWindowsKeyChanged(const QKeySequence& seq);
void slotMoveToTabLeftKeyChanged(const QKeySequence& seq);
void slotMoveToTabRightKeyChanged(const QKeySequence& seq);
void slotWalkThroughWindowsAlternativeKeyChanged(const QKeySequence& seq);
void slotWalkBackThroughWindowsAlternativeKeyChanged(const QKeySequence& seq);
void handlerReady();
void tabBoxAdded(int);
Q_SCRIPTABLE void tabBoxClosed();
Q_SCRIPTABLE void itemSelected();
void tabBoxUpdated();
void tabBoxKeyEvent(QKeyEvent*);
void setCurrentIndex(QModelIndex index, bool notifyEffects = true);
void loadConfig(const KConfigGroup& config, TabBoxConfig& tabBoxConfig);
bool startKDEWalkThroughWindows(TabBoxMode mode); // TabBoxWindowsMode | TabBoxWindowsAlternativeMode
bool startWalkThroughDesktops(TabBoxMode mode); // TabBoxDesktopMode | TabBoxDesktopListMode
bool startWalkThroughDesktops();
bool startWalkThroughDesktopList();
void navigatingThroughWindows(bool forward, const KShortcut& shortcut, TabBoxMode mode); // TabBoxWindowsMode | TabBoxWindowsAlternativeMode
void KDEWalkThroughWindows(bool forward);
void CDEWalkThroughWindows(bool forward);
void walkThroughDesktops(bool forward);
void KDEOneStepThroughWindows(bool forward, TabBoxMode mode); // TabBoxWindowsMode | TabBoxWindowsAlternativeMode
void oneStepThroughDesktops(bool forward, TabBoxMode mode); // TabBoxDesktopMode | TabBoxDesktopListMode
void oneStepThroughDesktops(bool forward);
void oneStepThroughDesktopList(bool forward);
bool establishTabBoxGrab();
void removeTabBoxGrab();
void modalActionsSwitch(bool enabled);
private Q_SLOTS:
void reconfigure();
TabBoxMode m_tabBoxMode;
TabBoxHandlerImpl* m_tabBox;
bool m_delayShow;
int m_delayShowTime;
QTimer m_delayedShowTimer;
int m_displayRefcount;
TabBoxConfig m_defaultConfig;
TabBoxConfig m_alternativeConfig;
TabBoxConfig m_desktopConfig;
TabBoxConfig m_desktopListConfig;
// false if an effect has referenced the tabbox
// true if tabbox is active (independent on showTabbox setting)
bool m_isShown;
bool m_desktopGrab;
bool m_tabGrab;
// true if tabbox is in modal mode which does not require holding a modifier
bool m_noModifierGrab;
KShortcut m_cutWalkThroughDesktops, m_cutWalkThroughDesktopsReverse;
KShortcut m_cutWalkThroughDesktopList, m_cutWalkThroughDesktopListReverse;
KShortcut m_cutWalkThroughWindows, m_cutWalkThroughWindowsReverse;
KShortcut m_cutWalkThroughGroupWindows, m_cutWalkThroughGroupWindowsReverse;
KShortcut m_cutWalkThroughWindowsAlternative, m_cutWalkThroughWindowsAlternativeReverse;
bool m_forcedGlobalMouseGrab;
bool m_ready; // indicates whether the config is completely loaded
} // namespace TabBox
} // namespace