The ShaderBinder class can be used for the case that a block of code should be executed with a given Shader being bound. This is useful for all the cases where there is a if-block for OpenGL2 execution with a Shader being pushed in the first line to the ShaderManager and popped in the last line of the block. With the helper this can be simplified to: ShaderBinder binder(myCustomShader); or ShaderBinder binder(ShaderManager::GenericShader); The ctor of ShaderBinder pushes the given Shader to the stack and once the helper goes out of scope it will be popped again from the stack. In addition the helper can take care of OpenGL 1 compositing, that is it just does nothing. So it can also be used where there is a shared OpenGL1 and OpenGL2 code path where the Shader should only be pushed in OpenGL2. This basically removes all the checks for the compositing type before pushing/popping a Shader to the stack. REVIEW: 106521
307 lines
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307 lines
12 KiB
KWin - the KDE window manager
This file is part of the KDE project.
Copyright (C) 2007 Lubos Lunak <l.lunak@kde.org>
Copyright (C) 2007 Christian Nitschkowski <christian.nitschkowski@kdemail.net>
Copyright (C) 2011 Martin Gräßlin <mgraesslin@kde.org>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "magnifier.h"
// KConfigSkeleton
#include "magnifierconfig.h"
#include <kwinconfig.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kactioncollection.h>
#include <kstandardaction.h>
#include <kwinglutils.h>
#include <kwinxrenderutils.h>
namespace KWin
KWIN_EFFECT(magnifier, MagnifierEffect)
KWIN_EFFECT_SUPPORTED(magnifier, MagnifierEffect::supported())
const int FRAME_WIDTH = 5;
: zoom(1)
, target_zoom(1)
, polling(false)
, m_texture(0)
, m_fbo(0)
, m_pixmap(0)
KActionCollection* actionCollection = new KActionCollection(this);
KAction* a;
a = static_cast< KAction* >(actionCollection->addAction(KStandardAction::ZoomIn, this, SLOT(zoomIn())));
a->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(Qt::META + Qt::Key_Equal));
a = static_cast< KAction* >(actionCollection->addAction(KStandardAction::ZoomOut, this, SLOT(zoomOut())));
a->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(Qt::META + Qt::Key_Minus));
a = static_cast< KAction* >(actionCollection->addAction(KStandardAction::ActualSize, this, SLOT(toggle())));
a->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(Qt::META + Qt::Key_0));
connect(effects, SIGNAL(mouseChanged(QPoint,QPoint,Qt::MouseButtons,Qt::MouseButtons,Qt::KeyboardModifiers,Qt::KeyboardModifiers)),
this, SLOT(slotMouseChanged(QPoint,QPoint,Qt::MouseButtons,Qt::MouseButtons,Qt::KeyboardModifiers,Qt::KeyboardModifiers)));
delete m_fbo;
delete m_texture;
delete m_pixmap;
// Save the zoom value.
KConfigGroup conf = EffectsHandler::effectConfig("Magnifier");
conf.writeEntry("InitialZoom", target_zoom);
bool MagnifierEffect::supported()
return effects->compositingType() == XRenderCompositing ||
(effects->isOpenGLCompositing() && GLRenderTarget::blitSupported());
void MagnifierEffect::reconfigure(ReconfigureFlags)
int width, height;
width = MagnifierConfig::width();
height = MagnifierConfig::height();
magnifier_size = QSize(width, height);
// Load the saved zoom value.
target_zoom = MagnifierConfig::initialZoom();
if (target_zoom != zoom)
void MagnifierEffect::prePaintScreen(ScreenPrePaintData& data, int time)
if (zoom != target_zoom) {
double diff = time / animationTime(500.0);
if (target_zoom > zoom)
zoom = qMin(zoom * qMax(1 + diff, 1.2), target_zoom);
else {
zoom = qMax(zoom * qMin(1 - diff, 0.8), target_zoom);
if (zoom == 1.0) {
// zoom ended - delete FBO and texture
delete m_fbo;
delete m_texture;
delete m_pixmap;
m_fbo = NULL;
m_texture = NULL;
m_pixmap = NULL;
effects->prePaintScreen(data, time);
if (zoom != 1.0)
data.paint |= magnifierArea().adjusted(-FRAME_WIDTH, -FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_WIDTH);
void MagnifierEffect::paintScreen(int mask, QRegion region, ScreenPaintData& data)
effects->paintScreen(mask, region, data); // paint normal screen
if (zoom != 1.0) {
// get the right area from the current rendered screen
const QRect area = magnifierArea();
const QPoint cursor = cursorPos();
QRect srcArea(cursor.x() - (double)area.width() / (zoom*2),
cursor.y() - (double)area.height() / (zoom*2),
(double)area.width() / zoom, (double)area.height() / zoom);
if (effects->isOpenGLCompositing()) {
// paint magnifier
m_texture->render(infiniteRegion(), area);
QVector<float> verts;
GLVertexBuffer *vbo = GLVertexBuffer::streamingBuffer();
vbo->setColor(QColor(0, 0, 0));
// top frame
verts << area.right() + FRAME_WIDTH << area.top() - FRAME_WIDTH;
verts << area.left() - FRAME_WIDTH << area.top() - FRAME_WIDTH;
verts << area.left() - FRAME_WIDTH << area.top() - 1;
verts << area.left() - FRAME_WIDTH << area.top() - 1;
verts << area.right() + FRAME_WIDTH << area.top() - 1;
verts << area.right() + FRAME_WIDTH << area.top() - FRAME_WIDTH;
// left frame
verts << area.left() - 1 << area.top() - FRAME_WIDTH;
verts << area.left() - FRAME_WIDTH << area.top() - FRAME_WIDTH;
verts << area.left() - FRAME_WIDTH << area.bottom() + FRAME_WIDTH;
verts << area.left() - FRAME_WIDTH << area.bottom() + FRAME_WIDTH;
verts << area.left() - 1 << area.bottom() + FRAME_WIDTH;
verts << area.left() - 1 << area.top() - FRAME_WIDTH;
// right frame
verts << area.right() + FRAME_WIDTH << area.top() - FRAME_WIDTH;
verts << area.right() + 1 << area.top() - FRAME_WIDTH;
verts << area.right() + 1 << area.bottom() + FRAME_WIDTH;
verts << area.right() + 1 << area.bottom() + FRAME_WIDTH;
verts << area.right() + FRAME_WIDTH << area.bottom() + FRAME_WIDTH;
verts << area.right() + FRAME_WIDTH << area.top() - FRAME_WIDTH;
// bottom frame
verts << area.right() + FRAME_WIDTH << area.bottom() + 1;
verts << area.left() - FRAME_WIDTH << area.bottom() + 1;
verts << area.left() - FRAME_WIDTH << area.bottom() + FRAME_WIDTH;
verts << area.left() - FRAME_WIDTH << area.bottom() + FRAME_WIDTH;
verts << area.right() + FRAME_WIDTH << area.bottom() + FRAME_WIDTH;
verts << area.right() + FRAME_WIDTH << area.bottom() + 1;
vbo->setData(verts.size() / 2, 2, verts.constData(), NULL);
ShaderBinder binder(ShaderManager::ColorShader);
if (effects->compositingType() == XRenderCompositing) {
if (!m_pixmap || m_pixmap->size() != srcArea.size()) {
delete m_pixmap;
m_pixmap = new QPixmap(srcArea.size());
static XTransform identity = {{
{ XDoubleToFixed(1), XDoubleToFixed(0), XDoubleToFixed(0) },
{ XDoubleToFixed(0), XDoubleToFixed(1), XDoubleToFixed(0) },
{ XDoubleToFixed(0), XDoubleToFixed(0), XDoubleToFixed(1) }
static XTransform xform = {{
{ XDoubleToFixed(1), XDoubleToFixed(0), XDoubleToFixed(0) },
{ XDoubleToFixed(0), XDoubleToFixed(1), XDoubleToFixed(0) },
{ XDoubleToFixed(0), XDoubleToFixed(0), XDoubleToFixed(1) }
XRenderComposite( display(), PictOpSrc, effects->xrenderBufferPicture(), 0, m_pixmap->x11PictureHandle(),
srcArea.x(), srcArea.y(), 0, 0, 0, 0, srcArea.width(), srcArea.height() );
xform.matrix[0][0] = XDoubleToFixed(1.0/zoom);
xform.matrix[1][1] = XDoubleToFixed(1.0/zoom);
XRenderSetPictureTransform(display(), m_pixmap->x11PictureHandle(), &xform);
XRenderSetPictureFilter(display(), m_pixmap->x11PictureHandle(), const_cast<char*>("good"), NULL, 0);
XRenderComposite( display(), PictOpSrc, m_pixmap->x11PictureHandle(), 0, effects->xrenderBufferPicture(),
0, 0, 0, 0, area.x(), area.y(), area.width(), area.height() );
XRenderSetPictureFilter(display(), m_pixmap->x11PictureHandle(), const_cast<char*>("fast"), NULL, 0);
XRenderSetPictureTransform(display(), m_pixmap->x11PictureHandle(), &identity);
const XRectangle rects[4] = { { area.x()+FRAME_WIDTH, area.y(), area.width()-FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_WIDTH},
{ area.right()-FRAME_WIDTH, area.y()+FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_WIDTH, area.height()-FRAME_WIDTH},
{ area.x(), area.bottom()-FRAME_WIDTH, area.width()-FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_WIDTH},
{ area.x(), area.y(), FRAME_WIDTH, area.height()-FRAME_WIDTH} };
XRenderColor c = preMultiply(QColor(0,0,0,255));
XRenderFillRectangles(display(), PictOpSrc, effects->xrenderBufferPicture(), &c, rects, 4);
void MagnifierEffect::postPaintScreen()
if (zoom != target_zoom) {
QRect framedarea = magnifierArea().adjusted(-FRAME_WIDTH, -FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_WIDTH);
QRect MagnifierEffect::magnifierArea(QPoint pos) const
return QRect(pos.x() - magnifier_size.width() / 2, pos.y() - magnifier_size.height() / 2,
magnifier_size.width(), magnifier_size.height());
void MagnifierEffect::zoomIn()
target_zoom *= 1.2;
if (!polling) {
polling = true;
if (!m_texture) {
m_texture = new GLTexture(magnifier_size);
m_fbo = new GLRenderTarget(*m_texture);
effects->addRepaint(magnifierArea().adjusted(-FRAME_WIDTH, -FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_WIDTH));
void MagnifierEffect::zoomOut()
target_zoom /= 1.2;
if (target_zoom < 1) {
target_zoom = 1;
if (polling) {
polling = false;
if (zoom == target_zoom) {
delete m_fbo;
delete m_texture;
delete m_pixmap;
m_fbo = NULL;
m_texture = NULL;
m_pixmap = NULL;
effects->addRepaint(magnifierArea().adjusted(-FRAME_WIDTH, -FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_WIDTH));
void MagnifierEffect::toggle()
if (zoom == 1.0) {
if (target_zoom == 1.0) {
target_zoom = 2;
if (!polling) {
polling = true;
if (!m_texture) {
m_texture = new GLTexture(magnifier_size);
m_fbo = new GLRenderTarget(*m_texture);
} else {
target_zoom = 1;
if (polling) {
polling = false;
effects->addRepaint(magnifierArea().adjusted(-FRAME_WIDTH, -FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_WIDTH));
void MagnifierEffect::slotMouseChanged(const QPoint& pos, const QPoint& old,
Qt::MouseButtons, Qt::MouseButtons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers, Qt::KeyboardModifiers)
if (pos != old && zoom != 1)
// need full repaint as we might lose some change events on fast mouse movements
// see Bug 187658
bool MagnifierEffect::isActive() const
return zoom != 1.0 || zoom != target_zoom;
} // namespace
#include "magnifier.moc"