This allows an effect to fade between old and new text/icon. As an example it's added to CoverSwitch. Currently only supported in OpenGL. XRender might be added, but I'm missing an idea for an effect to add it. Most effects using EffectFrame require OpenGL anyway. svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=1160252
1039 lines
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1039 lines
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KWin - the KDE window manager
This file is part of the KDE project.
Copyright (C) 2008 Martin Gräßlin <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "coverswitch.h"
#include <kwinconfig.h>
#include <QFont>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kcolorscheme.h>
#include <kconfiggroup.h>
#include <kwinglutils.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include "../boxswitch/boxswitch_proxy.h"
namespace KWin
KWIN_EFFECT( coverswitch, CoverSwitchEffect )
KWIN_EFFECT_SUPPORTED( coverswitch, CoverSwitchEffect::supported() )
: mActivated( 0 )
, angle( 60.0 )
, animation( false )
, start( false )
, stop( false )
, stopRequested( false )
, startRequested( false )
, zPosition( 900.0 )
, scaleFactor( 0.0 )
, direction( Left )
, selected_window( 0 )
, captionFrame( effects->effectFrame( Styled ) )
, primaryTabBox( false )
, secondaryTabBox( false )
reconfigure( ReconfigureAll );
// Caption frame
captionFont.setBold( true );
captionFont.setPointSize( captionFont.pointSize() * 2 );
captionFrame->setFont( captionFont );
captionFrame->enableCrossFade( true );
delete captionFrame;
bool CoverSwitchEffect::supported()
return effects->compositingType() == OpenGLCompositing;
void CoverSwitchEffect::reconfigure( ReconfigureFlags )
KConfigGroup conf = effects->effectConfig( "CoverSwitch" );
animationDuration = animationTime( conf, "Duration", 200 );
animateSwitch = conf.readEntry( "AnimateSwitch", true );
animateStart = conf.readEntry( "AnimateStart", true );
animateStop = conf.readEntry( "AnimateStop", true );
reflection = conf.readEntry( "Reflection", true );
windowTitle = conf.readEntry( "WindowTitle", true );
zPosition = conf.readEntry( "ZPosition", 900.0 );
thumbnails = conf.readEntry( "Thumbnails", true );
dynamicThumbnails = conf.readEntry( "DynamicThumbnails", true );
thumbnailWindows = conf.readEntry( "ThumbnailWindows", 8 );
timeLine.setCurveShape( TimeLine::EaseInOutCurve );
timeLine.setDuration( animationDuration );
primaryTabBox = conf.readEntry( "TabBox", false );
secondaryTabBox = conf.readEntry( "TabBoxAlternative", false );
QColor tmp = conf.readEntry( "MirrorFrontColor", QColor(0,0,0) );
mirrorColor[0][0] = tmp.redF();
mirrorColor[0][1] = tmp.greenF();
mirrorColor[0][2] = tmp.blueF();
mirrorColor[0][3] = 1.0;
tmp = conf.readEntry( "MirrorRearColor", QColor(0,0,0) );
mirrorColor[1][0] = tmp.redF();
mirrorColor[1][1] = tmp.greenF();
mirrorColor[1][2] = tmp.blueF();
mirrorColor[1][3] = -1.0;
void CoverSwitchEffect::prePaintScreen( ScreenPrePaintData& data, int time )
if( mActivated || stop || stopRequested )
if( animation || start || stop )
timeLine.addTime( (double)time );
if( selected_window == NULL )
effects->prePaintScreen(data, time);
void CoverSwitchEffect::paintScreen( int mask, QRegion region, ScreenPaintData& data )
effects->paintScreen( mask, region, data );
if( mActivated || stop || stopRequested )
if( effects->numScreens() > 1 )
// unfortunatelly we have to change the projection matrix in dual screen mode
QRect fullRect = effects->clientArea( FullArea, activeScreen, effects->currentDesktop() );
glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
float fovy = 60.0f;
float aspect = 1.0f;
float zNear = 0.1f;
float zFar = 100.0f;
float ymax = zNear * tan( fovy * M_PI / 360.0f );
float ymin = -ymax;
float xmin = ymin * aspect;
float xmax = ymax * aspect;
float xTranslate = 0.0;
float yTranslate = 0.0;
float xminFactor = 1.0;
float xmaxFactor = 1.0;
float yminFactor = 1.0;
float ymaxFactor = 1.0;
if( area.x() == 0 && area.width() != fullRect.width() )
// horizontal layout: left screen
xminFactor = (float)area.width()/(float)fullRect.width();
xmaxFactor = ((float)fullRect.width()-(float)area.width()*0.5f)/((float)fullRect.width()*0.5f);
xTranslate = (float)fullRect.width()*0.5f-(float)area.width()*0.5f;
if( area.x() != 0 && area.width() != fullRect.width() )
// horizontal layout: right screen
xminFactor = ((float)fullRect.width()-(float)area.width()*0.5f)/((float)fullRect.width()*0.5f);
xmaxFactor = (float)area.width()/(float)fullRect.width();
xTranslate = (float)fullRect.width()*0.5f-(float)area.width()*0.5f;
if( area.y() == 0 && area.height() != fullRect.height() )
// vertical layout: top screen
yminFactor = ((float)fullRect.height()-(float)area.height()*0.5f)/((float)fullRect.height()*0.5f);
ymaxFactor = (float)area.height()/(float)fullRect.height();
yTranslate = (float)fullRect.height()*0.5f-(float)area.height()*0.5f;
if( area.y() != 0 && area.height() != fullRect.height() )
// vertical layout: bottom screen
yminFactor = (float)area.height()/(float)fullRect.height();
ymaxFactor = ((float)fullRect.height()-(float)area.height()*0.5f)/((float)fullRect.height()*0.5f);
yTranslate = (float)fullRect.height()*0.5f-(float)area.height()*0.5f;
glFrustum( xmin*xminFactor, xmax*xmaxFactor, ymin*yminFactor, ymax*ymaxFactor, zNear, zFar );
glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
glTranslatef( xTranslate, yTranslate, 0.0 );
QList< EffectWindow* > tempList = currentWindowList;
int index = tempList.indexOf( selected_window );
if( animation || start || stop )
if( !start && !stop )
if( direction == Right )
if( index < 0 )
index = tempList.count() + index;
if( index >= tempList.count() )
index = index % tempList.count();
foreach( Direction direction, scheduled_directions )
if( direction == Right )
if( index < 0 )
index = tempList.count() + index;
if( index >= tempList.count() )
index = index % tempList.count();
int leftIndex = index -1;
if( leftIndex < 0 )
leftIndex = tempList.count() -1;
int rightIndex = index +1;
if( rightIndex == tempList.count() )
rightIndex = 0;
EffectWindow* frontWindow = tempList[ index ];
bool evenWindows = ( tempList.count() % 2 == 0 ) ? true : false;
int leftWindowCount = 0;
if( evenWindows )
leftWindowCount = tempList.count()/2 - 1;
leftWindowCount = ( tempList.count() - 1 )/2;
for( int i=0; i < leftWindowCount; i++ )
int tempIndex = ( leftIndex - i );
if( tempIndex < 0 )
tempIndex = tempList.count() + tempIndex;
leftWindows.prepend( tempList[ tempIndex ] );
int rightWindowCount = 0;
if( evenWindows )
rightWindowCount = tempList.count()/2;
rightWindowCount = ( tempList.count() - 1 )/2;
for( int i=0; i < rightWindowCount; i++ )
int tempIndex = ( rightIndex + i ) % tempList.count();
rightWindows.prepend( tempList[ tempIndex ] );
if( reflection )
// restrict painting the reflections to the current screen
QRegion clip = QRegion( area );
PaintClipper::push( clip );
// no reflections during start and stop animation
if( !start && !stop )
paintScene( frontWindow, leftWindows, rightWindows, true );
PaintClipper::pop( clip );
glEnable( GL_BLEND );
glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT, GL_FILL );
QRect fullRect = effects->clientArea( FullArea, activeScreen, effects->currentDesktop() );
// we can use a huge scale factor (needed to calculate the rearground vertices)
// as we restrict with a PaintClipper painting on the current screen
float reflectionScaleFactor = 100000 * tan( 60.0 * M_PI / 360.0f )/area.width();
if( effects->numScreens() > 1 && area.x() != fullRect.x() )
// have to change the reflection area in horizontal layout and right screen
glTranslatef( -area.x(), 0.0, 0.0 );
glTranslatef( area.x() + area.width()*0.5f, 0.0, 0.0 );
float vertices[] = {
-area.width()*0.5f, area.height(), 0.0,
area.width()*0.5f, area.height(), 0.0,
(float)area.width()*reflectionScaleFactor, area.height(), -5000,
-(float)area.width()*reflectionScaleFactor, area.height(), -5000 };
// foreground
if( start )
mirrorColor[0][3] = timeLine.value();
else if( stop )
mirrorColor[0][3] = 1.0 - timeLine.value();
glColor4fv( mirrorColor[0] );
mirrorColor[0][3] = 1.0;
int y = 0;
// have to adjust the y values to fit OpenGL
// in OpenGL y==0 is at bottom, in Qt at top
if( effects->numScreens() > 1 )
QRect fullArea = effects->clientArea( FullArea, 0, 1 );
if( fullArea.height() != area.height() )
if( area.y() == 0 )
y = fullArea.height() - area.height();
y = fullArea.height() - area.y() - area.height();
// use scissor to restrict painting of the reflection plane to current screen
glScissor( area.x(), y, area.width(), area.height() );
glEnable( GL_SCISSOR_TEST );
glBegin( GL_POLYGON );
glVertex3f( vertices[0], vertices[1], vertices[2] );
glVertex3f( vertices[3], vertices[4], vertices[5] );
// rearground
glColor4fv( mirrorColor[1] );
glVertex3f( vertices[6], vertices[7], vertices[8] );
glVertex3f( vertices[9], vertices[10], vertices[11] );
glDisable( GL_SCISSOR_TEST );
glDisable( GL_BLEND );
paintScene( frontWindow, leftWindows, rightWindows );
if( effects->numScreens() > 1 )
// revert change of projection matrix
glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
// Render the caption frame
if (windowTitle)
double opacity = 1.0;
if( start )
opacity = timeLine.value();
else if( stop )
opacity = 1.0 - timeLine.value();
if( animation )
captionFrame->setCrossFadeProgress( timeLine.value() );
captionFrame->render( region, opacity );
if( ( thumbnails && (!dynamicThumbnails ||
(dynamicThumbnails && currentWindowList.size() >= thumbnailWindows)) )
&& !( start || stop ) )
BoxSwitchEffectProxy *proxy =
static_cast<BoxSwitchEffectProxy*>( effects->getProxy( "boxswitch" ) );
if( proxy )
proxy->paintWindowsBox( region );
void CoverSwitchEffect::postPaintScreen()
if( ( mActivated && ( animation || start ) ) || stop || stopRequested )
if( timeLine.value() == 1.0 )
if( stop )
stop = false;
effects->setActiveFullScreenEffect( 0 );
foreach( EffectWindow* window, referrencedWindows )
if( startRequested )
startRequested = false;
mActivated = true;
currentWindowList = effects->currentTabBoxWindowList();
if( animateStart )
start = true;
else if( !scheduled_directions.isEmpty() )
direction = scheduled_directions.dequeue();
if( start )
animation = true;
start = false;
animation = false;
start = false;
if( stopRequested )
stopRequested = false;
stop = true;
void CoverSwitchEffect::paintScene( EffectWindow* frontWindow, const EffectWindowList& leftWindows,
const EffectWindowList& rightWindows, bool reflectedWindows )
// one window in the front. Other windows left and right rotated
// for odd number of windows: left: (n-1)/2; front: 1; right: (n-1)/2
// for even number of windows: left: n/2; front: 1; right: n/2 -1
// forward (alt+tab)
// all left windows are moved to next position
// top most left window is rotated and moved to front window position
// front window is rotated and moved to next right window position
// right windows are moved to next position
// last right window becomes totally transparent in half the time
// appears transparent on left side and becomes totally opaque again
// backward (alt+shift+tab) same as forward but opposite direction
int width = area.width();
int leftWindowCount = leftWindows.count();
int rightWindowCount = rightWindows.count();
RotationData rot;
rot.axis = RotationData::YAxis;
// Problem during animation: a window which is painted after another window
// appears in front of the other
// so during animation the painting order has to be rearreanged
// paint sequence no animation: left, right, front
// paint sequence forward animation: right, front, left
if( !animation )
paintWindows( leftWindows, true, reflectedWindows );
paintWindows( rightWindows, false, reflectedWindows );
paintFrontWindow( frontWindow, width, leftWindowCount, rightWindowCount, reflectedWindows );
if( direction == Right )
if( timeLine.value() < 0.5 )
// paint in normal way
paintWindows( leftWindows, true, reflectedWindows );
paintWindows( rightWindows, false, reflectedWindows );
paintFrontWindow( frontWindow, width, leftWindowCount, rightWindowCount, reflectedWindows );
paintWindows( rightWindows, false, reflectedWindows );
paintFrontWindow( frontWindow, width, leftWindowCount, rightWindowCount, reflectedWindows );
paintWindows( leftWindows, true, reflectedWindows, 0 ) );
paintWindows( leftWindows, true, reflectedWindows );
if( timeLine.value() < 0.5 )
paintWindows( rightWindows, false, reflectedWindows );
paintFrontWindow( frontWindow, width, leftWindowCount, rightWindowCount, reflectedWindows );
EffectWindow* leftWindow;
if( leftWindowCount > 0)
leftWindow = 0 );
paintFrontWindow( frontWindow, width, leftWindowCount, rightWindowCount, reflectedWindows );
leftWindow = frontWindow;
paintWindows( rightWindows, false, reflectedWindows, leftWindow );
void CoverSwitchEffect::paintWindow( EffectWindow* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data )
if( mActivated || stop || stopRequested )
if( !( mask & PAINT_WINDOW_TRANSFORMED ) && !w->isDesktop() )
if( ( start || stop ) && w->isDock() )
data.opacity = 1.0 - timeLine.value();
if( stop )
data.opacity = timeLine.value();
if ( ( start || stop ) && (!w->isOnCurrentDesktop() || w->isMinimized() ) )
if (stop) // Fade out windows not on the current desktop
data.opacity = (1.0 - timeLine.value());
else // Fade in Windows from other desktops when animation is started
data.opacity = timeLine.value();
effects->paintWindow( w, mask, region, data );
void CoverSwitchEffect::tabBoxAdded( int mode )
if( effects->activeFullScreenEffect() && effects->activeFullScreenEffect() != this )
if( !mActivated )
// only for windows mode
if( (( mode == TabBoxWindowsMode && primaryTabBox ) ||
( mode == TabBoxWindowsAlternativeMode && secondaryTabBox ))
&& effects->currentTabBoxWindowList().count() > 0 )
input = effects->createFullScreenInputWindow( this, Qt::ArrowCursor );
activeScreen = effects->activeScreen();
BoxSwitchEffectProxy *proxy =
static_cast<BoxSwitchEffectProxy*>( effects->getProxy( "boxswitch" ) );
if( proxy )
proxy->activate( mode, true, false, 0.05f );
if( !stop && !stopRequested )
effects->setActiveFullScreenEffect( this );
selected_window = effects->currentTabBoxWindow();
currentWindowList = effects->currentTabBoxWindowList();
direction = Left;
mActivated = true;
if( animateStart )
start = true;
// Calculation of correct area
area = effects->clientArea( FullScreenArea, activeScreen, effects->currentDesktop());
scaleFactor = (zPosition+1100) * 2.0 * tan( 60.0 * M_PI / 360.0f )/displayWidth();
if( displayWidth()-area.width() != 0 )
// one of the screens is smaller than the other (horizontal)
if( area.width() < displayWidth() - area.width() )
scaleFactor *= (float)area.width()/(float)(displayWidth()-area.width());
else if( area.width() != displayWidth() - area.width() )
// vertical layout with different width
// but we don't want to catch screens with same width and different height
if( displayHeight() != area.height() )
scaleFactor *= (float)area.width()/(float)(displayWidth());
// Setup caption frame geometry
if (windowTitle)
QRect frameRect = QRect( area.width() * 0.25f + area.x(),
area.height() * 0.9f + area.y(),
area.width() * 0.5f,
QFontMetrics( captionFont ).height() );
captionFrame->setGeometry( frameRect );
captionFrame->setIconSize( QSize( frameRect.height(), frameRect.height() ));
// And initial contents
captionFrame->setText( selected_window->caption() );
captionFrame->setIcon( selected_window->icon() );
startRequested = true;
void CoverSwitchEffect::tabBoxClosed()
if( mActivated )
if( animateStop )
if( !animation && !start )
stop = true;
else if( start && scheduled_directions.isEmpty() )
start = false;
stop = true;
timeLine.setProgress( 1.0 - timeLine.value() );
stopRequested = true;
effects->setActiveFullScreenEffect( 0 );
mActivated = false;
effects->destroyInputWindow( input );
void CoverSwitchEffect::tabBoxUpdated()
if( mActivated )
if( animateSwitch && currentWindowList.count() > 1)
// determine the switch direction
if( selected_window != effects->currentTabBoxWindow() )
if( selected_window != NULL )
int old_index = currentWindowList.indexOf( selected_window );
int new_index = effects->currentTabBoxWindowList().indexOf( effects->currentTabBoxWindow() );
Direction new_direction;
int distance = new_index - old_index;
if( distance > 0 )
new_direction = Left;
if( distance < 0 )
new_direction = Right;
if( effects->currentTabBoxWindowList().count() == 2 )
new_direction = Left;
distance = 1;
if( distance != 0 )
distance = abs( distance );
int tempDistance = effects->currentTabBoxWindowList().count() - distance;
if( tempDistance < abs( distance ) )
distance = tempDistance;
if( new_direction == Left )
new_direction = Right;
new_direction = Left;
if( !animation && !start )
animation = true;
direction = new_direction;
for( int i=0; i<distance; i++ )
if( !scheduled_directions.isEmpty() && scheduled_directions.last() != new_direction )
scheduled_directions.enqueue( new_direction );
if( scheduled_directions.count() == effects->currentTabBoxWindowList().count() )
selected_window = effects->currentTabBoxWindow();
currentWindowList = effects->currentTabBoxWindowList();
captionFrame->setText( selected_window->caption() );
captionFrame->setIcon( selected_window->icon() );
void CoverSwitchEffect::paintWindowCover( EffectWindow* w, bool reflectedWindow, WindowPaintData& data )
QRect windowRect = w->geometry();
data.yTranslate = area.height() - windowRect.y() - windowRect.height();
data.zTranslate = -zPosition;
if( start )
if( w->isMinimized() )
data.opacity *= timeLine.value();
data.xTranslate *= timeLine.value();
data.yTranslate *= timeLine.value();
if( effects->numScreens() > 1)
QRect clientRect = effects->clientArea( FullScreenArea, w->screen(), effects->currentDesktop() );
QRect fullRect = effects->clientArea( FullArea, activeScreen, effects->currentDesktop() );
if( w->screen() == activeScreen )
if( clientRect.width() != fullRect.width() && clientRect.x() != fullRect.x() )
data.xTranslate -= clientRect.x()*(1.0f-timeLine.value());
if( clientRect.height() != fullRect.height() && clientRect.y() != fullRect.y() )
data.yTranslate -= clientRect.y()*(1.0f-timeLine.value());
if( clientRect.width() != fullRect.width() && clientRect.x() < area.x())
data.xTranslate -= clientRect.width()*(1.0f-timeLine.value());
if( clientRect.height() != fullRect.height() && clientRect.y() < area.y() )
data.yTranslate -= clientRect.height()*(1.0f-timeLine.value());
data.zTranslate *= timeLine.value();
if( data.rotation )
data.rotation->angle *= timeLine.value();
if( stop )
if( w->isMinimized() && w != effects->activeWindow() )
data.opacity *= (1.0 - timeLine.value());
data.xTranslate *= (1.0 - timeLine.value());
data.yTranslate *= (1.0 - timeLine.value());
if( effects->numScreens() > 1)
QRect clientRect = effects->clientArea( FullScreenArea, w->screen(), effects->currentDesktop() );
QRect rect = effects->clientArea( FullScreenArea, activeScreen, effects->currentDesktop() );
QRect fullRect = effects->clientArea( FullArea, activeScreen, effects->currentDesktop() );
if( w->screen() == activeScreen )
if( clientRect.width() != fullRect.width() && clientRect.x() != fullRect.x() )
data.xTranslate -= clientRect.x()*timeLine.value();
if( clientRect.height() != fullRect.height() && clientRect.y() != fullRect.y() )
data.yTranslate -= clientRect.y()*timeLine.value();
if( clientRect.width() != fullRect.width() && clientRect.x() < rect.x())
data.xTranslate -= clientRect.width()*timeLine.value();
if( clientRect.height() != fullRect.height() && clientRect.y() < area.y() )
data.yTranslate -= clientRect.height()*timeLine.value();
data.zTranslate *= (1.0 - timeLine.value());
if( data.rotation )
data.rotation->angle *= (1.0 - timeLine.value());
QRect thumbnail = infiniteRegion();
if( reflectedWindow )
glScalef( 1.0, -1.0, 1.0 );
data.yTranslate = - area.height() - windowRect.y() - windowRect.height();
effects->paintWindow( w,
infiniteRegion(), data );
effects->paintWindow( w,
infiniteRegion(), data );
void CoverSwitchEffect::paintFrontWindow( EffectWindow* frontWindow, int width, int leftWindows, int rightWindows, bool reflectedWindow )
if( frontWindow == NULL )
float distance = 0.0;
bool specialHandlingForward = false;
WindowPaintData data( frontWindow );
data.xTranslate = area.width()*0.5 - frontWindow->geometry().x() - frontWindow->geometry().width()*0.5;
if( leftWindows == 0 )
leftWindows = 1;
if( !start && !stop )
specialHandlingForward = true;
if( rightWindows == 0 )
rightWindows = 1;
if( animation )
if( direction == Right )
// move to right
distance = -frontWindow->geometry().width()*0.5f + area.width()*0.5f +
data.xTranslate += distance * timeLine.value();
RotationData rot;
rot.axis = RotationData::YAxis;
rot.angle = -angle*timeLine.value();
rot.xRotationPoint = frontWindow->geometry().width();
data.rotation = &rot;
// move to left
distance = frontWindow->geometry().width()*0.5f - area.width()*0.5f +
float factor = 1.0;
if( specialHandlingForward )
factor = 2.0;
data.xTranslate += distance * timeLine.value() * factor;
RotationData rot;
rot.axis = RotationData::YAxis;
rot.angle = angle*timeLine.value();
data.rotation = &rot;
if( specialHandlingForward )
data.opacity *= (1.0 - timeLine.value() * 2.0);
paintWindowCover( frontWindow, reflectedWindow, data );
paintWindowCover( frontWindow, reflectedWindow, data );
void CoverSwitchEffect::paintWindows( const EffectWindowList& windows, bool left, bool reflectedWindows, EffectWindow* additionalWindow )
int width = area.width();
int windowCount = windows.count();
EffectWindow* window;
int rotateFactor = 1;
if( !left )
rotateFactor = -1;
float xTranslate = -((float)(width)*0.5f-((float)displayWidth()*0.5*scaleFactor));
if( !left )
xTranslate = ((float)displayWidth()*0.5*scaleFactor)-(float)width*0.5f;
// handling for additional window from other side
// has to appear on this side after half of the time
if( animation && timeLine.value() >= 0.5 && additionalWindow != NULL )
RotationData rot;
rot.axis = RotationData::YAxis;
rot.angle = angle;
rot.angle = angle*rotateFactor;
WindowPaintData data( additionalWindow );
if( left )
data.xTranslate += -xTranslate - additionalWindow->geometry().x();
data.xTranslate += xTranslate + area.width() -
additionalWindow->geometry().x() - additionalWindow->geometry().width();
rot.xRotationPoint = additionalWindow->geometry().width();
data.rotation = &rot;
data.opacity *= ( timeLine.value() - 0.5 ) * 2.0;
paintWindowCover( additionalWindow, reflectedWindows, data );
RotationData rot;
rot.axis = RotationData::YAxis;
// normal behaviour
for( int i=0; i < windows.count(); i++)
window = i );
if( window == NULL || window->isDeleted() )
WindowPaintData data( window );
rot.angle = angle;
if( left )
data.xTranslate += -xTranslate + xTranslate*i/windowCount - window->geometry().x();
data.xTranslate += xTranslate + width - xTranslate*i/windowCount - window->geometry().x() - window->geometry().width();
if( animation )
if( direction == Right )
if( ( i == windowCount - 1 ) && left )
// right most window on left side -> move to front
// have to move one window distance plus half the difference between the window and the desktop size
data.xTranslate += (xTranslate/windowCount + (width - window->geometry().width())*0.5f)*timeLine.value();
rot.angle = ( angle - angle * timeLine.value() );
// right most window does not have to be moved
else if( !left && ( i == 0 ) ); // do nothing
// all other windows - move to next position
data.xTranslate += xTranslate/windowCount * timeLine.value();
if( ( i == windowCount - 1 ) && !left )
// left most window on right side -> move to front
data.xTranslate -= (xTranslate/windowCount + (width - window->geometry().width())*0.5f)*timeLine.value();
rot.angle = ( angle - angle * timeLine.value() );
// left most window does not have to be moved
else if( i==0 && left); // do nothing
// all other windows - move to next position
data.xTranslate -= xTranslate/windowCount * timeLine.value();
if( left )
rot.xRotationPoint = 0.0;
rot.xRotationPoint = window->geometry().width();
rot.angle *= rotateFactor;
data.rotation = &rot;
// make window most to edge transparent if animation
if( animation && i == 0 && ( ( direction == Left && left ) || ( direction == Right && !left ) ) )
// only for the first half of the animation
if( timeLine.value() < 0.5 )
data.opacity *= (1.0 - timeLine.value() * 2.0);
paintWindowCover( window, reflectedWindows, data );
paintWindowCover( window, reflectedWindows, data );
void CoverSwitchEffect::windowInputMouseEvent( Window w, QEvent* e )
assert( w == input );
Q_UNUSED( w );
if( e->type() != QEvent::MouseButtonPress )
// we don't want click events during animations
if( animation )
QPoint pos = static_cast< QMouseEvent* >( e )->pos();
// determine if a window has been clicked
// not interested in events above a fullscreen window (ignoring panel size)
if( pos.y() < (area.height()*scaleFactor - area.height())*0.5f*(1.0f/scaleFactor) )
// if there is no selected window (that is no window at all) we cannot click it
if( !selected_window )
if( pos.x() < (area.width()*scaleFactor - selected_window->width())*0.5f*(1.0f/scaleFactor) )
float availableSize = (area.width()*scaleFactor - area.width())*0.5f*(1.0f/scaleFactor);
for( int i=0;i<leftWindows.count();i++ )
int windowPos = availableSize/leftWindows.count()*i;
if( pos.x() < windowPos )
if( i+1 < leftWindows.count() )
if( pos.x() > availableSize/leftWindows.count()*(i+1) )
effects->setTabBoxWindow( leftWindows[i] );
if( pos.x() > area.width() - (area.width()*scaleFactor - selected_window->width())*0.5f*(1.0f/scaleFactor) )
float availableSize = (area.width()*scaleFactor - area.width())*0.5f*(1.0f/scaleFactor);
for( int i=0;i<rightWindows.count();i++ )
int windowPos = area.width() - availableSize/rightWindows.count()*i;
if( pos.x() > windowPos )
if( i+1 < rightWindows.count() )
if( pos.x() < area.width() - availableSize/rightWindows.count()*(i+1) )
effects->setTabBoxWindow( rightWindows[i] );
void CoverSwitchEffect::abort()
// it's possible that abort is called after tabbox has been closed
// in this case the cleanup is already done (see bug 207554)
if( mActivated )
effects->destroyInputWindow( input );
effects->setActiveFullScreenEffect( 0 );
mActivated = false;
stop = false;
stopRequested = false;
void CoverSwitchEffect::windowClosed( EffectWindow* c )
// if the list is not empty, the effect is active
if( !currentWindowList.isEmpty() )
referrencedWindows.append( c );
currentWindowList.removeAll( c );
leftWindows.removeAll( c );
rightWindows.removeAll( c );
} // namespace