Occasionally, I see complaints about the file organization of kwin, which is fair enough. This change makes the source code more relocatable by removing relative paths from includes. CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR was added to the interface include directories of kwin library. This means that as long as you link against kwin target, the real location of the source code of the library doesn't matter. With autotests, things are not as convenient as with kwin target. Some tests use cpp files from kwin core. If we move all source code in a src/ directory, they will need to be adjusted, but mostly only in build scripts.
180 lines
5.9 KiB
180 lines
5.9 KiB
KWin - the KDE window manager
This file is part of the KDE project.
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Martin Gräßlin <mgraesslin@kde.org>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "mock_libinput.h"
#include "libinput/device.h"
#include "input_event.h"
#include <QtTest>
using namespace KWin;
using namespace KWin::LibInput;
class InputEventsTest : public QObject
private Q_SLOTS:
void testInitMouseEvent_data();
void testInitMouseEvent();
void testInitKeyEvent_data();
void testInitKeyEvent();
void testInitWheelEvent_data();
void testInitWheelEvent();
void testInitSwitchEvent_data();
void testInitSwitchEvent();
void InputEventsTest::testInitMouseEvent_data()
QTest::newRow("Press") << QEvent::MouseButtonPress;
QTest::newRow("Release") << QEvent::MouseButtonRelease;
QTest::newRow("Move") << QEvent::MouseMove;
void InputEventsTest::testInitMouseEvent()
// this test verifies that a MouseEvent is constructed correctly
// first create the test LibInput::Device
libinput_device device;
Device d(&device);
QFETCH(QEvent::Type, type);
// now create our own event
MouseEvent event(type, QPointF(100, 200), Qt::LeftButton, Qt::LeftButton | Qt::RightButton,
Qt::ShiftModifier | Qt::ControlModifier, 300, QSizeF(1, 2), QSizeF(3, 4), quint64(-1), &d);
// and verify the contract of QMouseEvent
QCOMPARE(event.type(), type);
QCOMPARE(event.globalPos(), QPoint(100, 200));
QCOMPARE(event.screenPos(), QPointF(100, 200));
QCOMPARE(event.localPos(), QPointF(100, 200));
QCOMPARE(event.button(), Qt::LeftButton);
QCOMPARE(event.buttons(), Qt::LeftButton | Qt::RightButton);
QCOMPARE(event.modifiers(), Qt::ShiftModifier | Qt::ControlModifier);
QCOMPARE(event.timestamp(), 300ul);
// and our custom argument
QCOMPARE(event.device(), &d);
QCOMPARE(event.delta(), QSizeF(1, 2));
QCOMPARE(event.deltaUnaccelerated(), QSizeF(3, 4));
QCOMPARE(event.timestampMicroseconds(), quint64(-1));
void InputEventsTest::testInitKeyEvent_data()
QTest::newRow("Press") << QEvent::KeyPress << false;
QTest::newRow("Repeat") << QEvent::KeyPress << true;
QTest::newRow("Release") << QEvent::KeyRelease << false;
void InputEventsTest::testInitKeyEvent()
// this test verifies that a KeyEvent is constructed correctly
// first create the test LibInput::Device
libinput_device device;
Device d(&device);
// setup event
QFETCH(QEvent::Type, type);
QFETCH(bool, autorepeat);
KeyEvent event(type, Qt::Key_Space, Qt::ShiftModifier | Qt::ControlModifier, 200, 300,
QStringLiteral(" "), autorepeat, 400, &d);
// and verify the contract of QKeyEvent
QCOMPARE(event.type(), type);
QCOMPARE(event.isAutoRepeat(), autorepeat);
QCOMPARE(event.key(), int(Qt::Key_Space));
QCOMPARE(event.nativeScanCode(), 200u);
QCOMPARE(event.nativeVirtualKey(), 300u);
QCOMPARE(event.text(), QStringLiteral(" "));
QCOMPARE(event.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(event.nativeModifiers(), 0u);
QCOMPARE(event.modifiers(), Qt::ShiftModifier | Qt::ControlModifier);
QCOMPARE(event.timestamp(), 400ul);
// and our custom argument
QCOMPARE(event.device(), &d);
void InputEventsTest::testInitWheelEvent_data()
QTest::newRow("horiz") << Qt::Horizontal << 3.3 << 1 << QPoint(3, 0);
QTest::newRow("vert") << Qt::Vertical << 2.4 << 2 << QPoint(0, 2);
void InputEventsTest::testInitWheelEvent()
// this test verifies that a WheelEvent is constructed correctly
// first create the test LibInput::Device
libinput_device device;
Device d(&device);
// setup event
QFETCH(Qt::Orientation, orientation);
QFETCH(qreal, delta);
QFETCH(qint32, discreteDelta);
WheelEvent event(QPointF(100, 200), delta, discreteDelta, orientation, Qt::LeftButton | Qt::RightButton,
Qt::ShiftModifier | Qt::ControlModifier, InputRedirection::PointerAxisSourceWheel, 300, &d);
// compare QWheelEvent contract
QCOMPARE(event.type(), QEvent::Wheel);
QCOMPARE(event.posF(), QPointF(100, 200));
QCOMPARE(event.globalPosF(), QPointF(100, 200));
QCOMPARE(event.buttons(), Qt::LeftButton | Qt::RightButton);
QCOMPARE(event.modifiers(), Qt::ShiftModifier | Qt::ControlModifier);
QCOMPARE(event.timestamp(), 300ul);
QTEST(event.angleDelta(), "expectedAngleDelta");
QTEST(event.orientation(), "orientation");
QTEST(event.delta(), "delta");
QTEST(event.discreteDelta(), "discreteDelta");
QCOMPARE(event.axisSource(), InputRedirection::PointerAxisSourceWheel);
// and our custom argument
QCOMPARE(event.device(), &d);
void InputEventsTest::testInitSwitchEvent_data()
QTest::newRow("on") << SwitchEvent::State::On << 23u << quint64{23456790};
QTest::newRow("off") << SwitchEvent::State::Off << 456892u << quint64{45689235987};
void InputEventsTest::testInitSwitchEvent()
// this test verifies that a SwitchEvent is constructed correctly
libinput_device device;
Device d(&device);
QFETCH(SwitchEvent::State, state);
QFETCH(quint32, timestamp);
QFETCH(quint64, micro);
SwitchEvent event(state, timestamp, micro, &d);
QCOMPARE(event.state(), state);
QCOMPARE(event.timestamp(), ulong(timestamp));
QCOMPARE(event.timestampMicroseconds(), micro);
QCOMPARE(event.device(), &d);
#include "input_event_test.moc"