Vlad Zahorodnii 93e0265e4e Move source code to src/ directory
Once in a while, we receive complaints from other fellow KDE developers
about the file organization of kwin. This change addresses some of those
complaints by moving all of source code in a separate directory, src/,
thus making the project structure more traditional. Things such as tests
are kept in their own toplevel directories.

This change may wreak havoc on merge requests that add new files to kwin,
but if a patch modifies an already existing file, git should be smart
enough to figure out that the file has been relocated.

We may potentially split the src/ directory further to make navigating
the source code easier, but hopefully this is good enough already.
2021-02-10 15:31:43 +00:00

60 lines
2.8 KiB
Desktop File
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[Desktop Entry]
Comment=KWin Desktop Switcher Layout
Comment[az]=KWin İş Masası dəyişdiricisi
Comment[bs]=Izgled KWin prebacivača radnih površina
Comment[ca]=Disposició del commutador d'escriptoris del KWin
Comment[ca@valencia]=Disposició del commutador d'escriptoris de KWin
Comment[cs]=Rozvržení přepínače ploch KWin
Comment[da]=Layout til KWins skrivebordsskifter
Comment[el]=Διάταξη εναλλαγής παραθύρων Kwin
Comment[en_GB]=KWin Desktop Switcher Layout
Comment[es]=Esquema del cambiador de escritorios de KWin
Comment[et]=KWini töölauavahetaja paigutus
Comment[eu]=KWin leiho-aldatzailearen diseinua
Comment[fi]=KWinin työpöydänvalitsimen asettelu
Comment[fr]=Une disposition du sélecteur de bureaux KWin
Comment[gl]=Disposición do selector de escritorios de KWin
Comment[he]=פריסת מחליף שולחנות עבודה של KWin
Comment[hu]=KWin asztalváltó elrendezés
Comment[ia]=Disposition de commutator de scriptorio de KWin
Comment[id]=Tataletak Pengalih Desktop KWin
Comment[it]=Disposizione scambiatore desktop KWin
Comment[ja]=KWin デスクトップスイッチャーレイアウト
Comment[kk]=KWin үстел ауыстырғышының қалыпы
Comment[ko]=KWin 바탕 화면 전환기 레이아웃
Comment[lt]=KWin darbalaukių perjungiklio išdėstymas
Comment[nb]=Utforming av KWin skrivebordsbytter
Comment[nds]=Utsehn vun de KWin-Schriefdischwesseln
Comment[nl]=KWin indeling van bureaubladwisselaar
Comment[nn]=Utforming for KWin-skrivebordsbytar
Comment[pa]=KWin ਡੈਸਕਟਾਪ ਸਵਿੱਚਰ ਲੇਆਉਟ
Comment[pl]=Układ przełączania pulpitów KWin
Comment[pt]=Disposição da Mudança de Ecrãs do KWin
Comment[pt_BR]=Layout do seletor de área de trabalho do KWin
Comment[ro]=Aranjament pentru comutator de birouri KWin
Comment[ru]=Переключатель рабочих столов для KWin
Comment[sk]=Rozloženie prepínača okien KWin
Comment[sl]=Razpored preklapljanja med namizji
Comment[sr]=Распоред К‑виновог мењача површи
Comment[sr@ijekavian]=Распоред К‑виновог мењача површи
Comment[sr@ijekavianlatin]=Raspored KWinovog menjača površi
Comment[sr@latin]=Raspored KWinovog menjača površi
Comment[tr]=KWin Pencere Değiştirme Düzeni
Comment[uk]=Компонування засобу перемикання стільниць KWin
Comment[x-test]=xxKWin Desktop Switcher Layoutxx
Comment[zh_CN]=KWin 桌面切换器布局
Comment[zh_TW]=KWin 桌面切換器佈局