Lucas Murray 752d5fa642 Extracted mouse polling out of the composite timer to allow effects to
detect mouse movement and modifier key changes even when KWin is idle.
As the track mouse effect requires polling to always be active disabling
it by default to prevent wasting CPU usage in the default install.

svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=919711
2009-02-01 15:16:52 +00:00

1688 lines
64 KiB

KWin - the KDE window manager
This file is part of the KDE project.
Copyright (C) 2008 Martin Gräßlin <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "cube.h"
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kactioncollection.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kwinconfig.h>
#include <kconfiggroup.h>
#include <kcolorscheme.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <QColor>
#include <QRect>
#include <QEvent>
#include <QKeyEvent>
#include <math.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
namespace KWin
KWIN_EFFECT( cube, CubeEffect )
KWIN_EFFECT_SUPPORTED( cube, CubeEffect::supported() )
: activated( false )
, cube_painting( false )
, keyboard_grab( false )
, schedule_close( false )
, borderActivate( ElectricNone )
, frontDesktop( 0 )
, cubeOpacity( 1.0 )
, displayDesktopName( true )
, reflection( true )
, rotating( false )
, desktopChangedWhileRotating( false )
, paintCaps( true )
, rotationDirection( Left )
, verticalRotationDirection( Upwards )
, verticalPosition( Normal )
, wallpaper( NULL )
, texturedCaps( true )
, capTexture( NULL )
, manualAngle( 0.0 )
, manualVerticalAngle( 0.0 )
, currentShape( TimeLine::EaseInOutCurve )
, start( false )
, stop( false )
, reflectionPainting( false )
, slide( false )
, oldDesktop( 0 )
, activeScreen( 0 )
, animateDesktopChange( false )
, bigCube( false )
, bottomCap( false )
, closeOnMouseRelease( false )
, zoom( 0.0 )
, zPosition( 0.0 )
, useForTabBox( false )
, tabBoxMode( false )
, capListCreated( false )
, capList( 0 )
reconfigure( ReconfigureAll );
KActionCollection* actionCollection = new KActionCollection( this );
KAction* a = static_cast< KAction* >( actionCollection->addAction( "Cube" ));
a->setText( i18n("Desktop Cube" ));
a->setGlobalShortcut( KShortcut( Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_F11 ));
connect( a, SIGNAL( triggered( bool )), this, SLOT( toggle()));
bool CubeEffect::supported()
return effects->compositingType() == OpenGLCompositing;
void CubeEffect::reconfigure( ReconfigureFlags )
loadConfig( "Cube" );
void CubeEffect::loadConfig( QString config )
KConfigGroup conf = effects->effectConfig( config );
effects->unreserveElectricBorder( borderActivate );
borderActivate = (ElectricBorder)conf.readEntry( "BorderActivate", (int)ElectricNone );
effects->reserveElectricBorder( borderActivate );
cubeOpacity = (float)conf.readEntry( "Opacity", 80 )/100.0f;
displayDesktopName = conf.readEntry( "DisplayDesktopName", true );
reflection = conf.readEntry( "Reflection", true );
rotationDuration = animationTime( conf, "RotationDuration", 500 );
backgroundColor = conf.readEntry( "BackgroundColor", QColor( Qt::black ) );
animateDesktopChange = conf.readEntry( "AnimateDesktopChange", false );
bigCube = conf.readEntry( "BigCube", false );
capColor = conf.readEntry( "CapColor", KColorScheme( QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::Window ).background().color() );
paintCaps = conf.readEntry( "Caps", true );
closeOnMouseRelease = conf.readEntry( "CloseOnMouseRelease", false );
zPosition = conf.readEntry( "ZPosition", 100.0 );
useForTabBox = conf.readEntry( "TabBox", false );
QString file = conf.readEntry( "Wallpaper", QString("") );
delete wallpaper;
wallpaper = NULL;
if( !file.isEmpty() )
QImage img = QImage( file );
if( !img.isNull() )
wallpaper = new GLTexture( img );
delete capTexture;
capTexture = NULL;
texturedCaps = conf.readEntry( "TexturedCaps", true );
if( texturedCaps )
QString capPath = conf.readEntry( "CapPath", KGlobal::dirs()->findResource( "appdata", "cubecap.png" ) );
QImage img = QImage( capPath );
if( !img.isNull() )
// change the alpha value of each pixel
for( int x=0; x<img.width(); x++ )
for( int y=0; y<img.height(); y++ )
QRgb pixel = img.pixel( x, y );
if( x == 0 || x == img.width()-1 || y == 0 || y == img.height()-1 )
img.setPixel( x, y, qRgba(,,, 255*cubeOpacity ) );
if( qAlpha(pixel) < 255 )
// Pixel is transparent - has to be blended with cap color
int red = (qAlpha(pixel)/255)*(qRed(pixel)/255) + (1 - qAlpha(pixel)/255 )*;
int green = (qAlpha(pixel)/255)*(qGreen(pixel)/255) + (1 - qAlpha(pixel)/255 )*;
int blue = (qAlpha(pixel)/255)*(qBlue(pixel)/255) + (1 - qAlpha(pixel)/255 )*;
int alpha = qAlpha(pixel) + (255 - qAlpha(pixel))*cubeOpacity;
img.setPixel( x, y, qRgba( red, green, blue, alpha ) );
img.setPixel( x, y, qRgba( qRed(pixel), qGreen(pixel), qBlue(pixel), ((float)qAlpha(pixel))*cubeOpacity ) );
capTexture = new GLTexture( img );
capTexture->setFilter( GL_LINEAR );
capTexture->setWrapMode( GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE );
timeLine.setCurveShape( TimeLine::EaseInOutCurve );
timeLine.setDuration( rotationDuration );
verticalTimeLine.setCurveShape( TimeLine::EaseInOutCurve );
verticalTimeLine.setDuration( rotationDuration );
effects->unreserveElectricBorder( borderActivate );
delete wallpaper;
delete capTexture;
void CubeEffect::prePaintScreen( ScreenPrePaintData& data, int time )
if( activated )
if( rotating || start || stop )
timeLine.addTime( time );
if( verticalRotating )
verticalTimeLine.addTime( time );
effects->prePaintScreen( data, time );
void CubeEffect::paintScreen( int mask, QRegion region, ScreenPaintData& data )
if( activated )
QRect rect = effects->clientArea( FullScreenArea, activeScreen, effects->currentDesktop());
if( effects->numScreens() > 1 && (slide || bigCube ) )
rect = effects->clientArea( FullArea, activeScreen, effects->currentDesktop() );
QRect fullRect = effects->clientArea( FullArea, activeScreen, effects->currentDesktop() );
// background
float clearColor[4];
glGetFloatv( GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE, clearColor );
glClearColor( backgroundColor.redF(), backgroundColor.greenF(), backgroundColor.blueF(), 1.0 );
glClearColor( clearColor[0], clearColor[1], clearColor[2], clearColor[3] );
// wallpaper
if( wallpaper && !slide )
wallpaper->render( region, rect );
glEnable( GL_BLEND );
if( effects->numScreens() > 1 && !slide && !bigCube )
// unfortunatelly we have to change the projection matrix in dual screen mode
glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
float fovy = 60.0f;
float aspect = 1.0f;
float zNear = 0.1f;
float zFar = 100.0f;
float ymax = zNear * tan( fovy * M_PI / 360.0f );
float ymin = -ymax;
float xmin = ymin * aspect;
float xmax = ymax * aspect;
float xTranslate = 0.0;
float yTranslate = 0.0;
float xminFactor = 1.0;
float xmaxFactor = 1.0;
float yminFactor = 1.0;
float ymaxFactor = 1.0;
if( rect.x() == 0 && rect.width() != fullRect.width() )
// horizontal layout: left screen
xminFactor = (float)rect.width()/(float)fullRect.width();
xmaxFactor = ((float)fullRect.width()-(float)rect.width()*0.5f)/((float)fullRect.width()*0.5f);
xTranslate = (float)fullRect.width()*0.5f-(float)rect.width()*0.5f;
if( rect.x() != 0 && rect.width() != fullRect.width() )
// horizontal layout: right screen
xminFactor = ((float)fullRect.width()-(float)rect.width()*0.5f)/((float)fullRect.width()*0.5f);
xmaxFactor = (float)rect.width()/(float)fullRect.width();
xTranslate = (float)fullRect.width()*0.5f-(float)rect.width()*0.5f;
if( rect.y() == 0 && rect.height() != fullRect.height() )
// vertical layout: top screen
yminFactor = ((float)fullRect.height()-(float)rect.height()*0.5f)/((float)fullRect.height()*0.5f);
ymaxFactor = (float)rect.height()/(float)fullRect.height();
yTranslate = (float)fullRect.height()*0.5f-(float)rect.height()*0.5f;
if( rect.y() != 0 && rect.height() != fullRect.height() )
// vertical layout: bottom screen
yminFactor = (float)rect.height()/(float)fullRect.height();
ymaxFactor = ((float)fullRect.height()-(float)rect.height()*0.5f)/((float)fullRect.height()*0.5f);
yTranslate = (float)fullRect.height()*0.5f-(float)rect.height()*0.5f;
glFrustum( xmin*xminFactor, xmax*xmaxFactor, ymin*yminFactor, ymax*ymaxFactor, zNear, zFar );
glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
glTranslatef( xTranslate, yTranslate, 0.0 );
// reflection
if( reflection && (!slide) )
// restrict painting the reflections to the current screen
PaintClipper::push( QRegion( rect ));
// we can use a huge scale factor (needed to calculate the rearground vertices)
// as we restrict with a PaintClipper painting on the current screen
float scaleFactor = 1000000 * tan( 60.0 * M_PI / 360.0f )/rect.height();
glScalef( 1.0, -1.0, 1.0 );
glTranslatef( 0.0, -rect.height()*2, 0.0 );
glEnable( GL_CLIP_PLANE0 );
reflectionPainting = true;
paintScene( mask, region, data );
reflectionPainting = false;
glDisable( GL_CLIP_PLANE0 );
if( effects->numScreens() > 1 && rect.x() != fullRect.x() && !slide && !bigCube )
// have to change the reflection area in horizontal layout and right screen
glTranslatef( -rect.x(), 0.0, 0.0 );
glTranslatef( rect.x() + rect.width()*0.5f, 0.0, 0.0 );
float vertices[] = {
-rect.width()*0.5f, rect.height(), 0.0,
rect.width()*0.5f, rect.height(), 0.0,
(float)rect.width()*scaleFactor, rect.height(), -5000,
-(float)rect.width()*scaleFactor, rect.height(), -5000 };
// foreground
float alpha = 0.7;
if( start )
alpha = 0.3 + 0.4 * timeLine.value();
if( stop )
alpha = 0.3 + 0.4 * ( 1.0 - timeLine.value() );
glColor4f( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, alpha );
glBegin( GL_POLYGON );
glVertex3f( vertices[0], vertices[1], vertices[2] );
glVertex3f( vertices[3], vertices[4], vertices[5] );
// rearground
alpha = -1.0;
glColor4f( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, alpha );
glVertex3f( vertices[6], vertices[7], vertices[8] );
glVertex3f( vertices[9], vertices[10], vertices[11] );
PaintClipper::pop( QRegion( rect ));
paintScene( mask, region, data );
if( effects->numScreens() > 1 && !slide && !bigCube )
// revert change of projection matrix
glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
glDisable( GL_BLEND );
// desktop name box - inspired from coverswitch
if( displayDesktopName && (!slide) )
QColor color_frame;
QColor color_text;
color_frame = KColorScheme( QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::Window ).background().color();
color_frame.setAlphaF( 0.5 );
color_text = KColorScheme( QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::Window ).foreground().color();
if( start )
color_frame.setAlphaF( 0.5 * timeLine.value() );
color_text.setAlphaF( timeLine.value() );
if( stop )
color_frame.setAlphaF( 0.5 - 0.5 * timeLine.value() );
color_text.setAlphaF( 1.0 - timeLine.value() );
QFont text_font;
text_font.setBold( true );
text_font.setPointSize( 14 );
glPushAttrib( GL_CURRENT_BIT );
glColor4f( color_frame.redF(), color_frame.greenF(), color_frame.blueF(), color_frame.alphaF());
QRect frameRect = QRect( rect.width()*0.33f + rect.x(),
rect.height() + rect.y() - QFontMetrics( text_font ).height() * 1.2f,
QFontMetrics( text_font ).height() * 1.2f );
renderRoundBoxWithEdge( frameRect );
effects->paintText( effects->desktopName( frontDesktop ),,
text_font );
if( effects->numScreens() > 1 && !slide && !bigCube )
foreach( EffectWindow* w, windowsOnOtherScreens )
WindowPaintData wData( w );
if( start && !w->isDesktop() && !w->isDock() )
wData.opacity *= (1.0 - timeLine.value());
if( stop && !w->isDesktop() && !w->isDock() )
wData.opacity *= timeLine.value();
effects->paintWindow( w, 0, QRegion( w->x(), w->y(), w->width(), w->height() ), wData );
effects->paintScreen( mask, region, data );
void CubeEffect::paintScene( int mask, QRegion region, ScreenPaintData& data )
QRect rect = effects->clientArea( FullScreenArea, activeScreen, effects->currentDesktop());
if( effects->numScreens() > 1 && (slide || bigCube ) )
rect = effects->clientArea( FullArea, activeScreen, effects->currentDesktop() );
float xScale = 1.0;
float yScale = 1.0;
if( effects->numScreens() > 1 && !slide && !bigCube )
QRect fullRect = effects->clientArea( FullArea, activeScreen, effects->currentDesktop() );
xScale = (float)rect.width()/(float)fullRect.width();
yScale = (float)rect.height()/(float)fullRect.height();
if( start )
xScale = xScale + (1.0 - xScale) * (1.0 - timeLine.value());
yScale = yScale + (1.0 - yScale) * (1.0 - timeLine.value());
if( rect.x() > 0 )
glTranslatef( -rect.x()*(1.0 - timeLine.value()), 0.0, 0.0 );
if( rect.y() > 0 )
glTranslatef( 0.0, -rect.y()*(1.0 - timeLine.value()), 0.0 );
if( stop )
xScale = xScale + (1.0 - xScale) * timeLine.value();
yScale = yScale + (1.0 - yScale) * timeLine.value();
if( rect.x() > 0 )
glTranslatef( -rect.x()*timeLine.value(), 0.0, 0.0 );
if( rect.y() > 0 )
glTranslatef( 0.0, -rect.y()*timeLine.value(), 0.0 );
glScalef( xScale, yScale, 1.0 );
rect = fullRect;
int rightSteps = effects->numberOfDesktops()/2;
int leftSteps = rightSteps+1;
int rightSideCounter = 0;
int leftSideCounter = 0;
float internalCubeAngle = 360.0f / effects->numberOfDesktops();
cube_painting = true;
int desktopIndex = 0;
float zTranslate = zPosition + zoom;
if( start )
zTranslate *= timeLine.value();
if( stop )
zTranslate *= ( 1.0 - timeLine.value() );
if( slide )
zTranslate = 0.0;
bool topCapAfter = false;
bool topCapBefore = false;
// Rotation of the cube
float cubeAngle = (float)((float)(effects->numberOfDesktops() - 2 )/(float)effects->numberOfDesktops() * 180.0f);
float point = rect.width()/2*tan(cubeAngle*0.5f*M_PI/180.0f);
float zTexture = rect.width()/2*tan(45.0f*M_PI/180.0f);
if( verticalRotating || verticalPosition != Normal || manualVerticalAngle != 0.0 )
// change the verticalPosition if manualVerticalAngle > 90 or < -90 degrees
if( manualVerticalAngle <= -90.0 )
manualVerticalAngle += 90.0;
if( verticalPosition == Normal )
verticalPosition = Down;
if( verticalPosition == Up )
verticalPosition = Normal;
if( manualVerticalAngle >= 90.0 )
manualVerticalAngle -= 90.0;
if( verticalPosition == Normal )
verticalPosition = Up;
if( verticalPosition == Down )
verticalPosition = Normal;
float angle = 0.0;
if( verticalPosition == Up )
angle = 90.0;
if( !verticalRotating)
if( manualVerticalAngle < 0.0 )
angle += manualVerticalAngle;
manualVerticalAngle = 0.0;
else if( verticalPosition == Down )
angle = -90.0;
if( !verticalRotating)
if( manualVerticalAngle > 0.0 )
angle += manualVerticalAngle;
manualVerticalAngle = 0.0;
angle = manualVerticalAngle;
if( verticalRotating )
angle *= verticalTimeLine.value();
if( verticalPosition == Normal && verticalRotationDirection == Upwards )
angle = -90.0 + 90*verticalTimeLine.value();
if( verticalPosition == Normal && verticalRotationDirection == Downwards )
angle = 90.0 - 90*verticalTimeLine.value();
angle += manualVerticalAngle * (1.0-verticalTimeLine.value());
if( stop )
angle *= (1.0 - timeLine.value());
glTranslatef( rect.width()/2, rect.height()/2, -point-zTranslate );
glRotatef( angle, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
glTranslatef( -rect.width()/2, -rect.height()/2, point+zTranslate );
// calculate if the caps have to be painted before/after or during desktop painting
if( paintCaps )
float M[16];
float P[16];
float V[4];
glGetFloatv( GL_VIEWPORT, V );
// calculate y coordinate of the top of front desktop
float X = M[0]*0.0 + M[4]*0.0 + M[8]*(-zTranslate) + M[12]*1;
float Y = M[1]*0.0 + M[5]*0.0 + M[9]*(-zTranslate) + M[13]*1;
float Z = M[2]*0.0 + M[6]*0.0 + M[10]*(-zTranslate) + M[14]*1;
float W = M[3]*0.0 + M[7]*0.0 + M[11]*(-zTranslate) + M[15]*1;
float clipY = P[1]*X + P[5]*Y + P[9]*Z + P[13]*W;
float clipW = P[3]*X + P[7]*Y + P[11]*Z + P[15]*W;
float normY = clipY/clipW;
float yFront = (V[3]/2)*normY+(V[3]-V[1])/2;
// calculate y coordinate of the bottom of front desktop
X = M[0]*0.0 + M[4]*rect.height() + M[8]*(-zTranslate) + M[12]*1;
Y = M[1]*0.0 + M[5]*rect.height() + M[9]*(-zTranslate) + M[13]*1;
Z = M[2]*0.0 + M[6]*rect.height() + M[10]*(-zTranslate) + M[14]*1;
W = M[3]*0.0 + M[7]*rect.height() + M[11]*(-zTranslate) + M[15]*1;
clipY = P[1]*X + P[5]*Y + P[9]*Z + P[13]*W;
clipW = P[3]*X + P[7]*Y + P[11]*Z + P[15]*W;
normY = clipY/clipW;
float yFrontBottom = (V[3]/2)*normY+(V[3]-V[1])/2;
// change matrix to a rear position
glTranslatef( 0.0, 0.0, -point-zTranslate );
float desktops = (effects->numberOfDesktops()/2.0);
glRotatef( desktops*internalCubeAngle, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
glTranslatef( 0.0, 0.0, point );
// calculate y coordinate of the top of rear desktop
X = M[0]*0.0 + M[4]*0.0 + M[8]*0.0 + M[12]*1;
Y = M[1]*0.0 + M[5]*0.0 + M[9]*0.0 + M[13]*1;
Z = M[2]*0.0 + M[6]*0.0 + M[10]*0.0 + M[14]*1;
W = M[3]*0.0 + M[7]*0.0 + M[11]*0.0 + M[15]*1;
clipY = P[1]*X + P[5]*Y + P[9]*Z + P[13]*W;
clipW = P[3]*X + P[7]*Y + P[11]*Z + P[15]*W;
normY = clipY/clipW;
float yBack = (V[3]/2)*normY+(V[3]-V[1])/2;
// calculate y coordniate of the bottom of rear desktop
glTranslatef( 0.0, -rect.height(), 0.0 );
X = M[0]*0.0 + M[4]*0.0 + M[8]*0.0 + M[12]*1;
Y = M[1]*0.0 + M[5]*0.0 + M[9]*0.0 + M[13]*1;
Z = M[2]*0.0 + M[6]*0.0 + M[10]*0.0 + M[14]*1;
W = M[3]*0.0 + M[7]*0.0 + M[11]*0.0 + M[15]*1;
clipY = P[1]*X + P[5]*Y + P[9]*Z + P[13]*W;
clipW = P[3]*X + P[7]*Y + P[11]*Z + P[15]*W;
normY = clipY/clipW;
float yBackBottom = (V[3]/2)*normY+(V[3]-V[1])/2;
if( yBack >= yFront )
topCapAfter = true;
if( yBackBottom <= yFrontBottom )
topCapBefore = true;
if( rotating || (manualAngle != 0.0) )
int tempFrontDesktop = frontDesktop;
if( manualAngle > internalCubeAngle * 0.5f )
manualAngle -= internalCubeAngle;
if( tempFrontDesktop == 0 )
tempFrontDesktop = effects->numberOfDesktops();
if( manualAngle < -internalCubeAngle * 0.5f )
manualAngle += internalCubeAngle;
if( tempFrontDesktop > effects->numberOfDesktops() )
tempFrontDesktop = 1;
float rotationAngle = internalCubeAngle * timeLine.value();
if( rotationAngle > internalCubeAngle * 0.5f )
rotationAngle -= internalCubeAngle;
if( !desktopChangedWhileRotating )
desktopChangedWhileRotating = true;
if( rotationDirection == Left )
else if( rotationDirection == Right )
if( tempFrontDesktop > effects->numberOfDesktops() )
tempFrontDesktop = 1;
else if( tempFrontDesktop == 0 )
tempFrontDesktop = effects->numberOfDesktops();
// don't change front desktop during stop animation as this would break some logic
if( !stop )
frontDesktop = tempFrontDesktop;
if( rotationDirection == Left )
rotationAngle *= -1;
if( stop )
rotationAngle = manualAngle * (1.0 - timeLine.value());
rotationAngle += manualAngle * (1.0 - timeLine.value());
glTranslatef( rect.width()/2, rect.height()/2, -point-zTranslate );
glRotatef( rotationAngle, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
glTranslatef( -rect.width()/2, -rect.height()/2, point+zTranslate );
if( topCapBefore || topCapAfter )
if( (topCapAfter && !reflectionPainting) || (topCapBefore && reflectionPainting) )
// paint the bottom cap
bottomCap = true;
glTranslatef( 0.0, rect.height(), 0.0 );
paintCap( point, zTexture );
glTranslatef( 0.0, -rect.height(), 0.0 );
bottomCap = false;
if( (topCapBefore && !reflectionPainting) || (topCapAfter && reflectionPainting) )
// paint the top cap
paintCap( point, zTexture );
for( int i=0; i<effects->numberOfDesktops(); i++ )
if( !topCapAfter && !topCapBefore && i == effects->numberOfDesktops()/2 -1 && !slide )
// paint the bottom cap
bottomCap = true;
glTranslatef( 0.0, rect.height(), 0.0 );
paintCap( point, zTexture );
glTranslatef( 0.0, -rect.height(), 0.0 );
bottomCap = false;
// paint the top cap
paintCap( point, zTexture );
if( i%2 == 0 && i != effects->numberOfDesktops() -1)
// desktops on the right (including back)
desktopIndex = rightSteps - rightSideCounter;
// desktops on the left (including front)
desktopIndex = leftSteps + leftSideCounter;
// start painting the cube
painting_desktop = (desktopIndex + frontDesktop )%effects->numberOfDesktops();
if( painting_desktop == 0 )
painting_desktop = effects->numberOfDesktops();
if( slide )
// only paint required desktops during slide phase
if( painting_desktop != frontDesktop )
int leftDesktop = frontDesktop - 1;
int rightDesktop = frontDesktop + 1;
if( leftDesktop == 0 )
leftDesktop = effects->numberOfDesktops();
if( rightDesktop > effects->numberOfDesktops() )
rightDesktop = 1;
if( !desktopChangedWhileRotating && rotationDirection == Left && painting_desktop != rightDesktop )
if( desktopChangedWhileRotating && rotationDirection == Left && painting_desktop != leftDesktop )
if( !desktopChangedWhileRotating && rotationDirection == Right && painting_desktop != leftDesktop )
if( desktopChangedWhileRotating && rotationDirection == Right && painting_desktop != rightDesktop )
ScreenPaintData newData = data;
RotationData rot = RotationData();
rot.axis = RotationData::YAxis;
rot.angle = internalCubeAngle * desktopIndex;
rot.xRotationPoint = rect.width()/2;
rot.zRotationPoint = -point;
newData.rotation = &rot;
newData.zTranslate = -zTranslate;
effects->paintScreen( mask, region, newData );
if( topCapBefore || topCapAfter )
if( (topCapAfter && !reflectionPainting) || (topCapBefore && reflectionPainting) )
// paint the top cap
paintCap( point, zTexture );
if( (topCapBefore && !reflectionPainting) || (topCapAfter && reflectionPainting) )
// paint the bottom cap
bottomCap = true;
glTranslatef( 0.0, rect.height(), 0.0 );
paintCap( point, zTexture );
glTranslatef( 0.0, -rect.height(), 0.0 );
bottomCap = false;
cube_painting = false;
painting_desktop = effects->currentDesktop();
void CubeEffect::paintCap( float z, float zTexture )
QRect rect = effects->clientArea( FullArea, activeScreen, effects->currentDesktop());
if( ( !paintCaps ) || effects->numberOfDesktops() <= 2 )
float opacity = cubeOpacity;
if( start )
opacity = 1.0 - (1.0 - opacity)*timeLine.value();
if( stop )
opacity = 1.0 - (1.0 - opacity)*( 1.0 - timeLine.value() );
glColor4f( capColor.redF(), capColor.greenF(), capColor.blueF(), opacity );
float angle = 360.0f/effects->numberOfDesktops();
float zTranslate = zPosition + zoom;
if( start )
zTranslate *= timeLine.value();
if( stop )
zTranslate *= ( 1.0 - timeLine.value() );
glTranslatef( rect.width()/2, 0.0, -z-zTranslate );
glRotatef( (1-frontDesktop)*angle, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
if( !capListCreated )
capListCreated = true;
glNewList( capList, GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE );
bool texture = false;
if( texturedCaps && effects->numberOfDesktops() > 3 && capTexture )
texture = true;
paintCapStep( z, zTexture, true );
paintCapStep( z, zTexture, false );
glCallList( capList );
void CubeEffect::paintCapStep( float z, float zTexture, bool texture )
QRect rect = effects->clientArea( FullArea, activeScreen, effects->currentDesktop());
float angle = 360.0f/effects->numberOfDesktops();
if( texture )
for( int i=0; i<effects->numberOfDesktops(); i++ )
int triangleRows = effects->numberOfDesktops()*5;
float zTriangleDistance = z/(float)triangleRows;
float widthTriangle = tan( angle*0.5 * M_PI/180.0 ) * zTriangleDistance;
float currentWidth = 0.0;
glBegin( GL_TRIANGLES );
float cosValue = cos( i*angle * M_PI/180.0 );
float sinValue = sin( i*angle * M_PI/180.0 );
for( int j=0; j<triangleRows; j++ )
float previousWidth = currentWidth;
currentWidth = tan( angle*0.5 * M_PI/180.0 ) * zTriangleDistance * (j+1);
int evenTriangles = 0;
int oddTriangles = 0;
for( int k=0; k<floor(currentWidth/widthTriangle*2-1+0.5f); k++ )
float x1 = -previousWidth;
float x2 = -currentWidth;
float x3 = 0.0;
float z1 = 0.0;
float z2 = 0.0;
float z3 = 0.0;
if( k%2 == 0 )
x1 += evenTriangles*widthTriangle*2;
x2 += evenTriangles*widthTriangle*2;
x3 = x2+widthTriangle*2;
z1 = j*zTriangleDistance;
z2 = (j+1)*zTriangleDistance;
z3 = (j+1)*zTriangleDistance;
float xRot = cosValue * x1 - sinValue * z1;
float zRot = sinValue * x1 + cosValue * z1;
x1 = xRot;
z1 = zRot;
xRot = cosValue * x2 - sinValue * z2;
zRot = sinValue * x2 + cosValue * z2;
x2 = xRot;
z2 = zRot;
xRot = cosValue * x3 - sinValue * z3;
zRot = sinValue * x3 + cosValue * z3;
x3 = xRot;
z3 = zRot;
x1 += oddTriangles*widthTriangle*2;
x2 += (oddTriangles+1)*widthTriangle*2;
x3 = x1+widthTriangle*2;
z1 = j*zTriangleDistance;
z2 = (j+1)*zTriangleDistance;
z3 = j*zTriangleDistance;
float xRot = cosValue * x1 - sinValue * z1;
float zRot = sinValue * x1 + cosValue * z1;
x1 = xRot;
z1 = zRot;
xRot = cosValue * x2 - sinValue * z2;
zRot = sinValue * x2 + cosValue * z2;
x2 = xRot;
z2 = zRot;
xRot = cosValue * x3 - sinValue * z3;
zRot = sinValue * x3 + cosValue * z3;
x3 = xRot;
z3 = zRot;
float texX1 = 0.0;
float texX2 = 0.0;
float texX3 = 0.0;
float texY1 = 0.0;
float texY2 = 0.0;
float texY3 = 0.0;
if( texture )
texX1 = x1/(rect.width())+0.5;
texY1 = 0.5 - z1/zTexture * 0.5;
texX2 = x2/(rect.width())+0.5;
texY2 = 0.5 - z2/zTexture * 0.5;
texX3 = x3/(rect.width())+0.5;
texY3 = 0.5 - z3/zTexture * 0.5;
glTexCoord2f( texX1, texY1 );
glVertex3f( x1, 0.0, z1 );
if( texture )
glTexCoord2f( texX2, texY2 );
glVertex3f( x2, 0.0, z2 );
if( texture )
glTexCoord2f( texX3, texY3 );
glVertex3f( x3, 0.0, z3 );
if( texture )
void CubeEffect::postPaintScreen()
if( activated )
if( start )
if( timeLine.value() == 1.0 )
start = false;
// more rotations?
if( !rotations.empty() )
rotationDirection = rotations.dequeue();
rotating = true;
// change the curve shape if current shape is not easeInOut
if( currentShape != TimeLine::EaseInOutCurve )
// more rotations follow -> linear curve
if( !rotations.empty() )
currentShape = TimeLine::LinearCurve;
// last rotation step -> easeOut curve
currentShape = TimeLine::EaseOutCurve;
timeLine.setCurveShape( currentShape );
// if there is at least one more rotation, we can change to easeIn
if( !rotations.empty() )
currentShape = TimeLine::EaseInCurve;
timeLine.setCurveShape( currentShape );
return; // schedule_close could have been called, start has to finish first
if( stop )
if( timeLine.value() == 1.0 )
effects->setCurrentDesktop( frontDesktop );
stop = false;
activated = false;
// set the new desktop
if( keyboard_grab )
keyboard_grab = false;
effects->destroyInputWindow( input );
effects->setActiveFullScreenEffect( 0 );
// delete the GL lists
glDeleteLists( capList, 1 );
if( rotating || verticalRotating )
if( rotating && timeLine.value() == 1.0 )
rotating = false;
desktopChangedWhileRotating = false;
manualAngle = 0.0;
// more rotations?
if( !rotations.empty() )
rotationDirection = rotations.dequeue();
rotating = true;
// change the curve shape if current shape is not easeInOut
if( currentShape != TimeLine::EaseInOutCurve )
// more rotations follow -> linear curve
if( !rotations.empty() )
currentShape = TimeLine::LinearCurve;
// last rotation step -> easeOut curve
currentShape = TimeLine::EaseOutCurve;
timeLine.setCurveShape( currentShape );
// if there is at least one more rotation, we can change to easeIn
if( !rotations.empty() )
currentShape = TimeLine::EaseInCurve;
timeLine.setCurveShape( currentShape );
// reset curve shape if there are no more rotations
if( currentShape != TimeLine::EaseInOutCurve )
currentShape = TimeLine::EaseInOutCurve;
timeLine.setCurveShape( currentShape );
if( verticalRotating && verticalTimeLine.value() == 1.0 )
verticalRotating = false;
manualVerticalAngle = 0.0;
// more rotations?
if( !verticalRotations.empty() )
verticalRotationDirection = verticalRotations.dequeue();
verticalRotating = true;
if( verticalRotationDirection == Upwards )
if( verticalPosition == Normal )
verticalPosition = Up;
if( verticalPosition == Down )
verticalPosition = Normal;
if( verticalRotationDirection == Downwards )
if( verticalPosition == Normal )
verticalPosition = Down;
if( verticalPosition == Up )
verticalPosition = Normal;
return; // rotation has to end before cube is closed
if( schedule_close )
schedule_close = false;
if( !slide )
stop = true;
activated = false;
slide = false;
timeLine.setDuration( rotationDuration );
effects->setActiveFullScreenEffect( 0 );
void CubeEffect::prePaintWindow( EffectWindow* w, WindowPrePaintData& data, int time )
if( activated )
if( cube_painting )
if( ( w->isDesktop() || w->isDock() ) && w->screen() != activeScreen && w->isOnDesktop( effects->currentDesktop() ) )
windowsOnOtherScreens.append( w );
if( (start || stop) && w->screen() != activeScreen && w->isOnDesktop( effects->currentDesktop() )
&& !w->isDesktop() && !w->isDock() )
windowsOnOtherScreens.append( w );
if( w->isOnDesktop( painting_desktop ))
QRect rect = effects->clientArea( FullArea, activeScreen, painting_desktop );
if( w->x() < rect.x() )
data.quads = data.quads.splitAtX( -w->x() );
if( w->x() + w->width() > rect.x() + rect.width() )
data.quads = data.quads.splitAtX( rect.width() - w->x() );
if( w->y() < rect.y() )
data.quads = data.quads.splitAtY( -w->y() );
if( w->y() + w->height() > rect.y() + rect.height() )
data.quads = data.quads.splitAtY( rect.height() - w->y() );
w->enablePainting( EffectWindow::PAINT_DISABLED_BY_DESKTOP );
// check for windows belonging to the previous desktop
int prev_desktop = painting_desktop -1;
if( prev_desktop == 0 )
prev_desktop = effects->numberOfDesktops();
if( w->isOnDesktop( prev_desktop ) )
QRect rect = effects->clientArea( FullArea, activeScreen, prev_desktop);
if( w->x()+w->width() > rect.x() + rect.width() )
w->enablePainting( EffectWindow::PAINT_DISABLED_BY_DESKTOP );
data.quads = data.quads.splitAtX( rect.width() - w->x() );
if( w->y() < rect.y() )
data.quads = data.quads.splitAtY( -w->y() );
if( w->y() + w->height() > rect.y() + rect.height() )
data.quads = data.quads.splitAtY( rect.height() - w->y() );
effects->prePaintWindow( w, data, time );
// check for windows belonging to the next desktop
int next_desktop = painting_desktop +1;
if( next_desktop > effects->numberOfDesktops() )
next_desktop = 1;
if( w->isOnDesktop( next_desktop ) )
QRect rect = effects->clientArea( FullArea, activeScreen, next_desktop);
if( w->x() < rect.x() )
w->enablePainting( EffectWindow::PAINT_DISABLED_BY_DESKTOP );
data.quads = data.quads.splitAtX( -w->x() );
if( w->y() < rect.y() )
data.quads = data.quads.splitAtY( -w->y() );
if( w->y() + w->height() > rect.y() + rect.height() )
data.quads = data.quads.splitAtY( rect.height() - w->y() );
effects->prePaintWindow( w, data, time );
w->disablePainting( EffectWindow::PAINT_DISABLED_BY_DESKTOP );
effects->prePaintWindow( w, data, time );
void CubeEffect::paintWindow( EffectWindow* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data )
if( activated && cube_painting )
//kDebug(1212) << w->caption();
float opacity = cubeOpacity;
if( slide )
opacity = 1.0f;
if( start )
opacity = 1.0 - (1.0 - opacity)*timeLine.value();
if( reflectionPainting )
opacity = 0.5 + ( cubeOpacity - 0.5 )*timeLine.value();
// fade in windows belonging to different desktops
if( painting_desktop == effects->currentDesktop() && (!w->isOnDesktop( painting_desktop )) )
opacity = timeLine.value() * cubeOpacity;
if( stop )
opacity = 1.0 - (1.0 - opacity)*( 1.0 - timeLine.value() );
if( reflectionPainting )
opacity = 0.5 + ( cubeOpacity - 0.5 )*( 1.0 - timeLine.value() );
// fade out windows belonging to different desktops
if( painting_desktop == effects->currentDesktop() && (!w->isOnDesktop( painting_desktop )) )
opacity = cubeOpacity * (1.0 - timeLine.value());
bool slideOpacity = false;
// fade in windows from different desktops in first slide step
if( slide && painting_desktop == oldDesktop && (!w->isOnDesktop( painting_desktop )) )
opacity = timeLine.value();
slideOpacity = true;
// fade out windows from different desktops in last slide step
if( slide && rotations.empty() && painting_desktop == effects->currentDesktop() && (!w->isOnDesktop( painting_desktop )) )
opacity = 1.0 - timeLine.value();
slideOpacity = true;
// check for windows belonging to the previous desktop
int prev_desktop = painting_desktop -1;
if( prev_desktop == 0 )
prev_desktop = effects->numberOfDesktops();
int next_desktop = painting_desktop +1;
if( next_desktop > effects->numberOfDesktops() )
next_desktop = 1;
if( w->isOnDesktop( prev_desktop ) && ( mask & PAINT_WINDOW_TRANSFORMED ) )
QRect rect = effects->clientArea( FullArea, activeScreen, prev_desktop);
data.xTranslate = -rect.width();
WindowQuadList new_quads;
foreach( const WindowQuad &quad, data.quads )
if( quad.right() > rect.width() - w->x() )
new_quads.append( quad );
data.quads = new_quads;
if( w->isOnDesktop( next_desktop ) && ( mask & PAINT_WINDOW_TRANSFORMED ) )
QRect rect = effects->clientArea( FullArea, activeScreen, next_desktop);
data.xTranslate = rect.width();
WindowQuadList new_quads;
foreach( const WindowQuad &quad, data.quads )
if( w->x() + quad.right() <= rect.x() )
new_quads.append( quad );
data.quads = new_quads;
QRect rect = effects->clientArea( FullArea, activeScreen, painting_desktop );
if( start || stop )
// we have to change opacity values for fade in/out of windows which are shown on front-desktop
if( prev_desktop == effects->currentDesktop() && w->x() < rect.x() )
if( start )
opacity = timeLine.value() * cubeOpacity;
if( stop )
opacity = cubeOpacity * (1.0 - timeLine.value());
if( next_desktop == effects->currentDesktop() && w->x() + w->width() > rect.x() + rect.width() )
if( start )
opacity = timeLine.value() * cubeOpacity;
if( stop )
opacity = cubeOpacity * (1.0 - timeLine.value());
if( !slide || (slide && !w->isDesktop()) || slideOpacity )
// HACK set opacity to 0.99 in case of fully opaque to ensure that windows are painted in correct sequence
// bug #173214
if( opacity > 0.99f )
opacity = 0.99f;
data.opacity *= opacity;
if( w->isOnDesktop(painting_desktop) && w->x() < rect.x() )
WindowQuadList new_quads;
foreach( const WindowQuad &quad, data.quads )
if( quad.right() > -w->x() )
new_quads.append( quad );
data.quads = new_quads;
if( w->isOnDesktop(painting_desktop) && w->x() + w->width() > rect.x() + rect.width() )
WindowQuadList new_quads;
foreach( const WindowQuad &quad, data.quads )
if( quad.right() <= rect.width() - w->x() )
new_quads.append( quad );
data.quads = new_quads;
if( w->y() < rect.y() )
WindowQuadList new_quads;
foreach( const WindowQuad &quad, data.quads )
if( quad.bottom() > -w->y() )
new_quads.append( quad );
data.quads = new_quads;
if( w->y() + w->height() > rect.y() + rect.height() )
WindowQuadList new_quads;
foreach( const WindowQuad &quad, data.quads )
if( quad.bottom() <= rect.height() - w->y() )
new_quads.append( quad );
data.quads = new_quads;
effects->paintWindow( w, mask, region, data );
bool CubeEffect::borderActivated( ElectricBorder border )
if( effects->activeFullScreenEffect() && effects->activeFullScreenEffect() != this )
return false;
if( border == borderActivate && !activated )
kDebug(1212) << "border activated";
return true;
return false;
void CubeEffect::toggle()
if( effects->activeFullScreenEffect() && effects->activeFullScreenEffect() != this ||
effects->numberOfDesktops() < 2 )
if( !activated )
setActive( true );
setActive( false );
void CubeEffect::grabbedKeyboardEvent( QKeyEvent* e )
if( stop )
// taken from desktopgrid.cpp
if( e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress )
int desktop = -1;
// switch by F<number> or just <number>
if( e->key() >= Qt::Key_F1 && e->key() <= Qt::Key_F35 )
desktop = e->key() - Qt::Key_F1 + 1;
else if( e->key() >= Qt::Key_0 && e->key() <= Qt::Key_9 )
desktop = e->key() == Qt::Key_0 ? 10 : e->key() - Qt::Key_0;
if( desktop != -1 )
if( desktop <= effects->numberOfDesktops())
// we have to rotate to chosen desktop
// and end effect when rotation finished
rotateToDesktop( desktop );
setActive( false );
switch( e->key())
{ // wrap only on autorepeat
case Qt::Key_Left:
// rotate to previous desktop
kDebug(1212) << "left";
if( !rotating && !start )
rotating = true;
rotationDirection = Left;
if( rotations.count() < effects->numberOfDesktops() )
rotations.enqueue( Left );
case Qt::Key_Right:
// rotate to next desktop
kDebug(1212) << "right";
if( !rotating && !start )
rotating = true;
rotationDirection = Right;
if( rotations.count() < effects->numberOfDesktops() )
rotations.enqueue( Right );
case Qt::Key_Up:
kDebug(1212) << "up";
if( verticalPosition != Up )
if( !verticalRotating )
verticalRotating = true;
verticalRotationDirection = Upwards;
if( verticalPosition == Normal )
verticalPosition = Up;
if( verticalPosition == Down )
verticalPosition = Normal;
verticalRotations.enqueue( Upwards );
else if( manualVerticalAngle < 0.0 && !verticalRotating )
// rotate to up position from the manual position
verticalRotating = true;
verticalRotationDirection = Upwards;
verticalPosition = Up;
manualVerticalAngle += 90.0;
case Qt::Key_Down:
kDebug(1212) << "down";
if( verticalPosition != Down )
if( !verticalRotating )
verticalRotating = true;
verticalRotationDirection = Downwards;
if( verticalPosition == Normal )
verticalPosition = Down;
if( verticalPosition == Up )
verticalPosition = Normal;
verticalRotations.enqueue( Downwards );
else if( manualVerticalAngle > 0.0 && !verticalRotating )
// rotate to down position from the manual position
verticalRotating = true;
verticalRotationDirection = Downwards;
verticalPosition = Down;
manualVerticalAngle -= 90.0;
case Qt::Key_Escape:
rotateToDesktop( effects->currentDesktop() );
setActive( false );
case Qt::Key_Enter:
case Qt::Key_Return:
case Qt::Key_Space:
setActive( false );
case Qt::Key_Plus:
zoom -= 10.0;
zoom = qMax( -zPosition, zoom );
case Qt::Key_Minus:
zoom += 10.0f;
void CubeEffect::rotateToDesktop( int desktop )
int tempFrontDesktop = frontDesktop;
if( !rotations.empty() )
// all scheduled rotations will be removed as a speed up
if( rotating && !desktopChangedWhileRotating )
// front desktop will change during the actual rotation - this has to be considered
if( rotationDirection == Left )
else if( rotationDirection == Right )
if( tempFrontDesktop > effects->numberOfDesktops() )
tempFrontDesktop = 1;
else if( tempFrontDesktop == 0 )
tempFrontDesktop = effects->numberOfDesktops();
// find the fastest rotation path from tempFrontDesktop to desktop
int rightRotations = tempFrontDesktop - desktop;
if( rightRotations < 0 )
rightRotations += effects->numberOfDesktops();
int leftRotations = desktop - tempFrontDesktop;
if( leftRotations < 0 )
leftRotations += effects->numberOfDesktops();
if( leftRotations <= rightRotations )
for( int i=0; i<leftRotations; i++ )
rotations.enqueue( Left );
for( int i=0; i<rightRotations; i++ )
rotations.enqueue( Right );
if( !start && !rotating && !rotations.empty() )
rotating = true;
rotationDirection = rotations.dequeue();
// change timeline curve if more rotations are following
if( !rotations.empty() )
currentShape = TimeLine::EaseInCurve;
timeLine.setCurveShape( currentShape );
// change timeline duration in slide mode
if( slide )
timeLine.setDuration( rotationDuration / (rotations.count()+1) );
void CubeEffect::setActive( bool active )
if( active )
activated = true;
activeScreen = effects->activeScreen();
if( !slide )
keyboard_grab = effects->grabKeyboard( this );
input = effects->createInputWindow( this, 0, 0, displayWidth(), displayHeight(),
Qt::OpenHandCursor );
frontDesktop = effects->currentDesktop();
zoom = 0.0;
start = true;
effects->setActiveFullScreenEffect( this );
kDebug(1212) << "Cube is activated";
verticalPosition = Normal;
verticalRotating = false;
manualAngle = 0.0;
manualVerticalAngle = 0.0;
if( reflection && !slide )
// clip parts above the reflection area
double eqn[4] = {0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0};
QRect rect = effects->clientArea( FullScreenArea, activeScreen, effects->currentDesktop());
if( effects->numScreens() > 1 && bigCube )
rect = effects->clientArea( FullArea, activeScreen, effects->currentDesktop() );
glTranslatef( 0.0, rect.height(), 0.0 );
glClipPlane( GL_CLIP_PLANE0, eqn );
// create the needed GL lists
capList = glGenLists(1);
capListCreated = false;
schedule_close = true;
// we have to add a repaint, to start the deactivating
void CubeEffect::mouseChanged( const QPoint& pos, const QPoint& oldpos, Qt::MouseButtons buttons,
Qt::MouseButtons oldbuttons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::KeyboardModifiers oldmodifiers )
if( !activated )
if( tabBoxMode )
if( stop || slide )
QRect rect = effects->clientArea( FullScreenArea, activeScreen, effects->currentDesktop());
if( effects->numScreens() > 1 && (slide || bigCube ) )
rect = effects->clientArea( FullArea, activeScreen, effects->currentDesktop() );
if( buttons.testFlag( Qt::LeftButton ) )
bool repaint = false;
// vertical movement only if there is not a rotation
if( !verticalRotating )
// display height corresponds to 180*
int deltaY = pos.y() - oldpos.y();
float deltaVerticalDegrees = (float)deltaY/rect.height()*180.0f;
manualVerticalAngle -= deltaVerticalDegrees;
if( deltaVerticalDegrees != 0.0 )
repaint = true;
// horizontal movement only if there is not a rotation
if( !rotating )
// display width corresponds to sum of angles of the polyhedron
int deltaX = oldpos.x() - pos.x();
float deltaDegrees = (float)deltaX/rect.width() * 360.0f;
manualAngle -= deltaDegrees;
if( deltaDegrees != 0.0 )
repaint = true;
if( repaint )
if( !oldbuttons.testFlag( Qt::LeftButton ) && buttons.testFlag( Qt::LeftButton ) )
XDefineCursor( display(), input, QCursor( Qt::ClosedHandCursor).handle() );
if( oldbuttons.testFlag( Qt::LeftButton) && !buttons.testFlag( Qt::LeftButton ) )
XDefineCursor( display(), input, QCursor( Qt::OpenHandCursor).handle() );
if( closeOnMouseRelease )
setActive( false );
if( oldbuttons.testFlag( Qt::RightButton) && !buttons.testFlag( Qt::RightButton ) )
// end effect on right mouse button
setActive( false );
void CubeEffect::desktopChanged( int old )
if( effects->activeFullScreenEffect() && effects->activeFullScreenEffect() != this )
if( activated )
if( !animateDesktopChange )
slide = true;
oldDesktop = old;
setActive( true );
frontDesktop = old;
rotateToDesktop( effects->currentDesktop() );
setActive( false );
void CubeEffect::tabBoxAdded( int mode )
if( activated )
if( effects->activeFullScreenEffect() && effects->activeFullScreenEffect() != this )
if( useForTabBox && mode != TabBoxWindowsMode )
tabBoxMode = true;
setActive( true );
rotateToDesktop( effects->currentTabBoxDesktop() );
void CubeEffect::tabBoxUpdated()
if( activated )
rotateToDesktop( effects->currentTabBoxDesktop() );
void CubeEffect::tabBoxClosed()
if( activated )
tabBoxMode = false;
setActive( false );
} // namespace