2018-05-23 23:33:39 -05:00

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KWin - the KDE window manager
This file is part of the KDE project.
Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich <>
Copyright (C) 2003 Lubos Lunak <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
// kwin
#include "options.h"
#include "rules.h"
#include "tabgroup.h"
#include "abstract_client.h"
#include "xcbutils.h"
// Qt
#include <QElapsedTimer>
#include <QFlags>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QWindow>
// X
#include <xcb/sync.h>
// TODO: Cleanup the order of things in this .h file
class QTimer;
class KStartupInfoData;
class KStartupInfoId;
namespace KWin
* @brief Defines Predicates on how to search for a Client.
* Used by Workspace::findClient.
enum class Predicate {
class KWIN_EXPORT Client
: public AbstractClient
* By how much the window wishes to grow/shrink at least. Usually QSize(1,1).
* MAY BE DISOBEYED BY THE WM! It's only for information, do NOT rely on it at all.
* The value is evaluated each time the getter is called.
* Because of that no changed signal is provided.
Q_PROPERTY(QSize basicUnit READ basicUnit)
* A client can block compositing. That is while the Client is alive and the state is set,
* Compositing is suspended and is resumed when there are no Clients blocking compositing any
* more.
* This is actually set by a window property, unfortunately not used by the target application
* group. For convenience it's exported as a property to the scripts.
* Use with care!
Q_PROPERTY(bool blocksCompositing READ isBlockingCompositing WRITE setBlockingCompositing NOTIFY blockingCompositingChanged)
* Whether the Client uses client side window decorations.
* Only GTK+ are detected.
Q_PROPERTY(bool clientSideDecorated READ isClientSideDecorated NOTIFY clientSideDecoratedChanged)
explicit Client();
xcb_window_t wrapperId() const;
xcb_window_t inputId() const { return m_decoInputExtent; }
virtual xcb_window_t frameId() const override;
bool isTransient() const override;
bool groupTransient() const;
bool wasOriginallyGroupTransient() const;
QList<AbstractClient*> mainClients() const override; // Call once before loop , is not indirect
bool hasTransient(const AbstractClient* c, bool indirect) const override;
void checkTransient(xcb_window_t w);
AbstractClient* findModal(bool allow_itself = false) override;
const Group* group() const;
Group* group();
void checkGroup(Group* gr = NULL, bool force = false);
void changeClientLeaderGroup(Group* gr);
void updateWindowRules(Rules::Types selection) override;
void updateFullscreenMonitors(NETFullscreenMonitors topology);
bool hasNETSupport() const;
QSize minSize() const override;
QSize maxSize() const override;
QSize basicUnit() const;
virtual QSize clientSize() const;
QPoint inputPos() const { return input_offset; } // Inside of geometry()
bool windowEvent(xcb_generic_event_t *e);
NET::WindowType windowType(bool direct = false, int supported_types = 0) const;
bool manage(xcb_window_t w, bool isMapped);
void releaseWindow(bool on_shutdown = false);
void destroyClient();
virtual QStringList activities() const;
void setOnActivity(const QString &activity, bool enable);
void setOnAllActivities(bool set) override;
void setOnActivities(QStringList newActivitiesList) override;
void updateActivities(bool includeTransients);
void blockActivityUpdates(bool b = true) override;
/// Is not minimized and not hidden. I.e. normally visible on some virtual desktop.
bool isShown(bool shaded_is_shown) const override;
bool isHiddenInternal() const override; // For compositing
ShadeMode shadeMode() const override; // Prefer isShade()
void setShade(ShadeMode mode) override;
bool isShadeable() const override;
bool isMaximizable() const override;
QRect geometryRestore() const override;
MaximizeMode maximizeMode() const override;
bool isMinimizable() const override;
QRect iconGeometry() const override;
void setFullScreen(bool set, bool user = true) override;
bool isFullScreen() const override;
bool userCanSetFullScreen() const override;
QRect geometryFSRestore() const {
return geom_fs_restore; // Only for session saving
int fullScreenMode() const {
return fullscreen_mode; // only for session saving
bool noBorder() const override;
void setNoBorder(bool set) override;
bool userCanSetNoBorder() const override;
void checkNoBorder() override;
int sessionStackingOrder() const;
// Auxiliary functions, depend on the windowType
bool wantsInput() const override;
bool isResizable() const override;
bool isMovable() const override;
bool isMovableAcrossScreens() const override;
bool isCloseable() const override; ///< May be closed by the user (May have a close button)
void takeFocus() override;
void updateDecoration(bool check_workspace_pos, bool force = false) override;
void updateShape();
using AbstractClient::setGeometry;
void setGeometry(int x, int y, int w, int h, ForceGeometry_t force = NormalGeometrySet) override;
/// plainResize() simply resizes
void plainResize(int w, int h, ForceGeometry_t force = NormalGeometrySet);
void plainResize(const QSize& s, ForceGeometry_t force = NormalGeometrySet);
/// resizeWithChecks() resizes according to gravity, and checks workarea position
using AbstractClient::resizeWithChecks;
void resizeWithChecks(int w, int h, ForceGeometry_t force = NormalGeometrySet) override;
void resizeWithChecks(int w, int h, xcb_gravity_t gravity, ForceGeometry_t force = NormalGeometrySet);
void resizeWithChecks(const QSize& s, xcb_gravity_t gravity, ForceGeometry_t force = NormalGeometrySet);
QSize sizeForClientSize(const QSize&, Sizemode mode = SizemodeAny, bool noframe = false) const override;
bool providesContextHelp() const override;
Options::WindowOperation mouseButtonToWindowOperation(Qt::MouseButtons button);
bool performMouseCommand(Options::MouseCommand, const QPoint& globalPos) override;
QRect adjustedClientArea(const QRect& desktop, const QRect& area) const;
xcb_colormap_t colormap() const;
/// Updates visibility depending on being shaded, virtual desktop, etc.
void updateVisibility();
/// Hides a client - Basically like minimize, but without effects, it's simply hidden
void hideClient(bool hide) override;
bool hiddenPreview() const; ///< Window is mapped in order to get a window pixmap
virtual bool setupCompositing();
void finishCompositing(ReleaseReason releaseReason = ReleaseReason::Release) override;
void setBlockingCompositing(bool block);
inline bool isBlockingCompositing() { return blocks_compositing; }
QString captionNormal() const override {
return cap_normal;
QString captionSuffix() const override {
return cap_suffix;
using AbstractClient::keyPressEvent;
void keyPressEvent(uint key_code, xcb_timestamp_t time); // FRAME ??
void updateMouseGrab() override;
xcb_window_t moveResizeGrabWindow() const;
const QPoint calculateGravitation(bool invert, int gravity = 0) const; // FRAME public?
void NETMoveResize(int x_root, int y_root, NET::Direction direction);
void NETMoveResizeWindow(int flags, int x, int y, int width, int height);
void restackWindow(xcb_window_t above, int detail, NET::RequestSource source, xcb_timestamp_t timestamp,
bool send_event = false);
void gotPing(xcb_timestamp_t timestamp);
void updateUserTime(xcb_timestamp_t time = XCB_TIME_CURRENT_TIME);
xcb_timestamp_t userTime() const override;
bool hasUserTimeSupport() const;
/// Does 'delete c;'
static void deleteClient(Client* c);
static bool belongToSameApplication(const Client* c1, const Client* c2, SameApplicationChecks checks = SameApplicationChecks());
static bool sameAppWindowRoleMatch(const Client* c1, const Client* c2, bool active_hack);
void killWindow() override;
void toggleShade();
void showContextHelp() override;
void cancelShadeHoverTimer();
void checkActiveModal();
StrutRect strutRect(StrutArea area) const;
StrutRects strutRects() const;
bool hasStrut() const override;
* If shown is true the client is mapped and raised, if false
* the client is unmapped and hidden, this function is called
* when the tabbing group of the client switches its visible
* client.
void setClientShown(bool shown) override;
* Whether or not the window has a strut that expands through the invisible area of
* an xinerama setup where the monitors are not the same resolution.
bool hasOffscreenXineramaStrut() const;
// Decorations <-> Effects
QRect decorationRect() const;
QRect transparentRect() const;
bool isClientSideDecorated() const;
bool wantsShadowToBeRendered() const override;
void layoutDecorationRects(QRect &left, QRect &top, QRect &right, QRect &bottom) const override;
Xcb::Property fetchFirstInTabBox() const;
void readFirstInTabBox(Xcb::Property &property);
void updateFirstInTabBox();
Xcb::StringProperty fetchColorScheme() const;
void readColorScheme(Xcb::StringProperty &property);
void updateColorScheme() override;
//sets whether the client should be faked as being on all activities (and be shown during session save)
void setSessionActivityOverride(bool needed);
virtual bool isClient() const;
template <typename T>
void print(T &stream) const;
void cancelFocusOutTimer();
* Restores the Client after it had been hidden due to show on screen edge functionality.
* In addition the property gets deleted so that the Client knows that it is visible again.
void showOnScreenEdge() override;
Xcb::StringProperty fetchApplicationMenuServiceName() const;
void readApplicationMenuServiceName(Xcb::StringProperty &property);
void checkApplicationMenuServiceName();
Xcb::StringProperty fetchApplicationMenuObjectPath() const;
void readApplicationMenuObjectPath(Xcb::StringProperty &property);
void checkApplicationMenuObjectPath();
struct SyncRequest {
xcb_sync_counter_t counter;
xcb_sync_int64_t value;
xcb_sync_alarm_t alarm;
xcb_timestamp_t lastTimestamp;
QTimer *timeout, *failsafeTimeout;
bool isPending;
const SyncRequest &getSyncRequest() const {
return syncRequest;
void handleSync();
static void cleanupX11();
public Q_SLOTS:
void closeWindow() override;
void updateCaption() override;
private Q_SLOTS:
void shadeHover();
void shadeUnhover();
// Use Workspace::createClient()
virtual ~Client(); ///< Use destroyClient() or releaseWindow()
// Handlers for X11 events
bool mapRequestEvent(xcb_map_request_event_t *e);
void unmapNotifyEvent(xcb_unmap_notify_event_t *e);
void destroyNotifyEvent(xcb_destroy_notify_event_t *e);
void configureRequestEvent(xcb_configure_request_event_t *e);
virtual void propertyNotifyEvent(xcb_property_notify_event_t *e) override;
void clientMessageEvent(xcb_client_message_event_t *e) override;
void enterNotifyEvent(xcb_enter_notify_event_t *e);
void leaveNotifyEvent(xcb_leave_notify_event_t *e);
void focusInEvent(xcb_focus_in_event_t *e);
void focusOutEvent(xcb_focus_out_event_t *e);
virtual void damageNotifyEvent();
bool buttonPressEvent(xcb_window_t w, int button, int state, int x, int y, int x_root, int y_root, xcb_timestamp_t time = XCB_CURRENT_TIME);
bool buttonReleaseEvent(xcb_window_t w, int button, int state, int x, int y, int x_root, int y_root);
bool motionNotifyEvent(xcb_window_t w, int state, int x, int y, int x_root, int y_root);
Client* findAutogroupCandidate() const;
virtual void debug(QDebug& stream) const;
void addDamage(const QRegion &damage) override;
bool belongsToSameApplication(const AbstractClient *other, SameApplicationChecks checks) const override;
void doSetActive() override;
void doSetKeepAbove() override;
void doSetKeepBelow() override;
void doSetDesktop(int desktop, int was_desk) override;
void doMinimize() override;
void doSetSkipPager() override;
void doSetSkipTaskbar() override;
void doSetSkipSwitcher() override;
bool belongsToDesktop() const override;
void setGeometryRestore(const QRect &geo) override;
void updateTabGroupStates(TabGroup::States states) override;
void doMove(int x, int y) override;
bool doStartMoveResize() override;
void doPerformMoveResize() override;
bool isWaitingForMoveResizeSync() const override;
void doResizeSync() override;
QSize resizeIncrements() const override;
bool acceptsFocus() const override;
//Signals for the scripting interface
//Signals make an excellent way for communication
//in between objects as compared to simple function
void clientManaging(KWin::Client*);
void clientFullScreenSet(KWin::Client*, bool, bool);
* Emitted whenever the Client want to show it menu
void showRequest();
* Emitted whenever the Client's menu is closed
void menuHidden();
* Emitted whenever the Client's menu is available
void appMenuAvailable();
* Emitted whenever the Client's menu is unavailable
void appMenuUnavailable();
* Emitted whenever the Client's block compositing state changes.
void blockingCompositingChanged(KWin::Client *client);
void clientSideDecoratedChanged();
void exportMappingState(int s); // ICCCM, 4.1.4, NETWM 2.5.1
bool isManaged() const; ///< Returns false if this client is not yet managed
void updateAllowedActions(bool force = false);
QRect fullscreenMonitorsArea(NETFullscreenMonitors topology) const;
void changeMaximize(bool horizontal, bool vertical, bool adjust) override;
int checkFullScreenHack(const QRect& geom) const; // 0 - None, 1 - One xinerama screen, 2 - Full area
void updateFullScreenHack(const QRect& geom);
void getWmNormalHints();
void getMotifHints();
void getIcons();
void fetchName();
void fetchIconicName();
QString readName() const;
void setCaption(const QString& s, bool force = false);
bool hasTransientInternal(const Client* c, bool indirect, ConstClientList& set) const;
void setShortcutInternal() override;
void configureRequest(int value_mask, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, int gravity, bool from_tool);
NETExtendedStrut strut() const;
int checkShadeGeometry(int w, int h);
void getSyncCounter();
void sendSyncRequest();
void leaveMoveResize() override;
void positionGeometryTip() override;
void grabButton(int mod);
void ungrabButton(int mod);
void resizeDecoration();
void createDecoration(const QRect &oldgeom);
void pingWindow();
void killProcess(bool ask, xcb_timestamp_t timestamp = XCB_TIME_CURRENT_TIME);
void updateUrgency();
static void sendClientMessage(xcb_window_t w, xcb_atom_t a, xcb_atom_t protocol,
uint32_t data1 = 0, uint32_t data2 = 0, uint32_t data3 = 0,
xcb_timestamp_t timestamp = xTime());
void embedClient(xcb_window_t w, xcb_visualid_t visualid, xcb_colormap_t colormap, uint8_t depth);
void detectNoBorder();
Xcb::Property fetchGtkFrameExtents() const;
void readGtkFrameExtents(Xcb::Property &prop);
void detectGtkFrameExtents();
void destroyDecoration() override;
void updateFrameExtents();
void internalShow();
void internalHide();
void internalKeep();
void map();
void unmap();
void updateHiddenPreview();
void updateInputShape();
xcb_timestamp_t readUserTimeMapTimestamp(const KStartupInfoId* asn_id, const KStartupInfoData* asn_data,
bool session) const;
xcb_timestamp_t readUserCreationTime() const;
void startupIdChanged();
void updateInputWindow();
Xcb::Property fetchShowOnScreenEdge() const;
void readShowOnScreenEdge(Xcb::Property &property);
* Reads the property and creates/destroys the screen edge if required
* and shows/hides the client.
void updateShowOnScreenEdge();
Xcb::Window m_client;
Xcb::Window m_wrapper;
Xcb::Window m_frame;
QStringList activityList;
int m_activityUpdatesBlocked;
bool m_blockedActivityUpdatesRequireTransients;
Xcb::Window m_moveResizeGrabWindow;
bool move_resize_has_keyboard_grab;
bool m_managed;
Xcb::GeometryHints m_geometryHints;
void sendSyntheticConfigureNotify();
enum MappingState {
Withdrawn, ///< Not handled, as per ICCCM WithdrawnState
Mapped, ///< The frame is mapped
Unmapped, ///< The frame is not mapped
Kept ///< The frame should be unmapped, but is kept (For compositing)
MappingState mapping_state;
Xcb::TransientFor fetchTransient() const;
void readTransientProperty(Xcb::TransientFor &transientFor);
void readTransient();
xcb_window_t verifyTransientFor(xcb_window_t transient_for, bool set);
void addTransient(AbstractClient* cl) override;
void removeTransient(AbstractClient* cl) override;
void removeFromMainClients();
void cleanGrouping();
void checkGroupTransients();
void setTransient(xcb_window_t new_transient_for_id);
xcb_window_t m_transientForId;
xcb_window_t m_originalTransientForId;
ShadeMode shade_mode;
Client *shade_below;
uint deleting : 1; ///< True when doing cleanup and destroying the client
Xcb::MotifHints m_motif;
uint hidden : 1; ///< Forcibly hidden by calling hide()
uint noborder : 1;
uint app_noborder : 1; ///< App requested no border via window type, shape extension, etc.
uint ignore_focus_stealing : 1; ///< Don't apply focus stealing prevention to this client
bool blocks_compositing;
// DON'T reorder - Saved to config files !!!
enum FullScreenMode {
FullScreenHack ///< Non-NETWM fullscreen (noborder and size of desktop)
FullScreenMode fullscreen_mode;
MaximizeMode max_mode;
QRect geom_restore;
QRect geom_fs_restore;
QTimer* shadeHoverTimer;
xcb_colormap_t m_colormap;
QString cap_normal, cap_iconic, cap_suffix;
Group* in_group;
QTimer* ping_timer;
qint64 m_killHelperPID;
xcb_timestamp_t m_pingTimestamp;
xcb_timestamp_t m_userTime;
NET::Actions allowed_actions;
QSize client_size;
bool shade_geometry_change;
SyncRequest syncRequest;
static bool check_active_modal; ///< \see Client::checkActiveModal()
int sm_stacking_order;
friend struct ResetupRulesProcedure;
friend bool performTransiencyCheck();
Xcb::StringProperty fetchActivities() const;
void readActivities(Xcb::StringProperty &property);
void checkActivities();
bool activitiesDefined; //whether the x property was actually set
bool sessionActivityOverride;
bool needsXWindowMove;
Xcb::Window m_decoInputExtent;
QPoint input_offset;
QTimer *m_focusOutTimer;
QList<QMetaObject::Connection> m_connections;
bool m_clientSideDecorated;
QMetaObject::Connection m_edgeRemoveConnection;
QMetaObject::Connection m_edgeGeometryTrackingConnection;
inline xcb_window_t Client::wrapperId() const
return m_wrapper;
inline bool Client::isClientSideDecorated() const
return m_clientSideDecorated;
inline bool Client::groupTransient() const
return m_transientForId == rootWindow();
// Needed because verifyTransientFor() may set transient_for_id to root window,
// if the original value has a problem (window doesn't exist, etc.)
inline bool Client::wasOriginallyGroupTransient() const
return m_originalTransientForId == rootWindow();
inline bool Client::isTransient() const
return m_transientForId != XCB_WINDOW_NONE;
inline const Group* Client::group() const
return in_group;
inline Group* Client::group()
return in_group;
inline bool Client::isShown(bool shaded_is_shown) const
return !isMinimized() && (!isShade() || shaded_is_shown) && !hidden &&
(!tabGroup() || tabGroup()->current() == this);
inline bool Client::isHiddenInternal() const
return hidden;
inline ShadeMode Client::shadeMode() const
return shade_mode;
inline QRect Client::geometryRestore() const
return geom_restore;
inline void Client::setGeometryRestore(const QRect &geo)
geom_restore = geo;
inline MaximizeMode Client::maximizeMode() const
return max_mode;
inline bool Client::isFullScreen() const
return fullscreen_mode != FullScreenNone;
inline bool Client::hasNETSupport() const
return info->hasNETSupport();
inline xcb_colormap_t Client::colormap() const
return m_colormap;
inline int Client::sessionStackingOrder() const
return sm_stacking_order;
inline bool Client::isManaged() const
return m_managed;
inline QSize Client::clientSize() const
return client_size;
inline void Client::plainResize(const QSize& s, ForceGeometry_t force)
plainResize(s.width(), s.height(), force);
inline void Client::resizeWithChecks(int w, int h, AbstractClient::ForceGeometry_t force)
resizeWithChecks(w, h, XCB_GRAVITY_BIT_FORGET, force);
inline void Client::resizeWithChecks(const QSize& s, xcb_gravity_t gravity, ForceGeometry_t force)
resizeWithChecks(s.width(), s.height(), gravity, force);
inline bool Client::hasUserTimeSupport() const
return info->userTime() != -1U;
inline xcb_window_t Client::moveResizeGrabWindow() const
return m_moveResizeGrabWindow;
inline bool Client::hiddenPreview() const
return mapping_state == Kept;
template <typename T>
inline void Client::print(T &stream) const
stream << "\'ID:" << window() << ";WMCLASS:" << resourceClass() << ":"
<< resourceName() << ";Caption:" << caption() << "\'";
} // namespace