Hugo Pereira Da Costa 289e6f5f74 Added cache to clip away center region of shadows, in order no to overlap with the decoration painting.
Changed mask for the decoration painting. 
This is needed for proper implementation of decoration translucency.

svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=1151956
2010-07-20 01:39:15 +00:00

1836 lines
62 KiB

// oxygenclient.cpp
// -------------------
// Copyright (c) 2009 Hugo Pereira Da Costa <>
// Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Casper Boemann <>
// Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Riccardo Iaconelli <>
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
// deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
// rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
// sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include "oxygenclient.h"
#include "oxygenclient.moc"
#include "oxygenbutton.h"
#include "oxygensizegrip.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <KLocale>
#include <KColorUtils>
#include <KDebug>
#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include <QtGui/QLabel>
#include <QtGui/QPainter>
#include <QtGui/QBitmap>
#include <QtCore/QObjectList>
namespace Oxygen
QColor reduceContrast(const QColor &c0, const QColor &c1, double t)
double s = KColorUtils::contrastRatio(c0, c1);
if (s < t)
return c1;
double l = 0.0, h = 1.0;
double x = s, a;
QColor r = c1;
for (int maxiter = 16; maxiter; --maxiter)
a = 0.5 * (l + h);
r = KColorUtils::mix(c0, c1, a);
x = KColorUtils::contrastRatio(c0, r);
if (fabs(x - t) < 0.01) break;
if (x > t) h = a;
else l = a;
return r;
Client::Client(KDecorationBridge *b, Factory *f):
KCommonDecorationUnstable(b, f),
factory_( f ),
sizeGrip_( 0 ),
glowAnimation_( new Animation( 200, this ) ),
titleAnimationData_( new TitleAnimationData( this ) ),
initialized_( false ),
forceActive_( false ),
mouseButton_( Qt::NoButton ),
itemData_( this ),
sourceItem_( -1 )
// delete sizegrip if any
if( hasSizeGrip() ) deleteSizeGrip();
QString Client::visibleName() const
{ return i18n("Oxygen"); }
void Client::init()
widget()->setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground );
widget()->setAutoFillBackground( false );
widget()->setAcceptDrops( true );
// setup glow animation
glowAnimation().data()->setStartValue( glowBias() );
glowAnimation().data()->setEndValue( 1.0 );
glowAnimation().data()->setTargetObject( this );
glowAnimation().data()->setPropertyName( "glowIntensity" );
glowAnimation().data()->setEasingCurve( QEasingCurve::InOutQuad );
connect( glowAnimation().data(), SIGNAL( valueChanged( const QVariant& ) ), widget(), SLOT( update( void ) ) );
connect( glowAnimation().data(), SIGNAL( finished( void ) ), widget(), SLOT( update( void ) ) );
connect( glowAnimation().data(), SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( clearForceActive() ) );
// title animation data>initialize();
connect(, SIGNAL( pixmapsChanged() ), widget(), SLOT( update( void ) ) );
// lists
connect( itemData_.animation().data(), SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( clearTargetItem() ) );
// in case of preview, one wants to make the label used
// for the central widget transparent. This allows one to have
// the correct background (with gradient) rendered
// Remark: this is minor (and safe) a hack.
// This should be moved upstream (into kwin/lib/kdecoration)
if( isPreview() )
QList<QLabel*> children( widget()->findChildren<QLabel*>() );
foreach( QLabel* widget, children )
{ widget->setAutoFillBackground( false ); }
initialized_ = true;
// first reset is needed to store Oxygen configuration
void Client::reset( unsigned long changed )
KCommonDecorationUnstable::reset( changed );
// update window mask when compositing is changed
if( !initialized_ ) return;
if( changed & SettingCompositing )
configuration_ = factory_->configuration( *this );
// animations duration
glowAnimation().data()->setDuration( configuration_.animationsDuration() );>setDuration( configuration_.animationsDuration() );
itemData_.animation().data()->setDuration( configuration_.animationsDuration() );
itemData_.setAnimationsEnabled( useAnimations() );
// reset title transitions>reset();
// should also update animations for buttons
// also reset tab buttons
for( int index = 0; index < itemData_.count(); index++ )
ClientGroupItemData& item( itemData_[index] );
if( item.closeButton_ ) {>reset(0); }
// reset tab geometry
itemData_.setDirty( true );
// handle size grip
if( configuration_.drawSizeGrip() )
if( !hasSizeGrip() ) createSizeGrip();
} else if( hasSizeGrip() ) deleteSizeGrip();
bool Client::decorationBehaviour(DecorationBehaviour behaviour) const
switch (behaviour)
case DB_MenuClose:
return true;
case DB_WindowMask:
return false;
return KCommonDecoration::decorationBehaviour(behaviour);
KCommonDecorationButton *Client::createButton(::ButtonType type)
switch (type) {
case MenuButton:
return new Button(*this, i18n("Menu"), ButtonMenu);
case HelpButton:
return new Button(*this, i18n("Help"), ButtonHelp);
case MinButton:
return new Button(*this, i18n("Minimize"), ButtonMin);
case MaxButton:
return new Button(*this, i18n("Maximize"), ButtonMax);
case CloseButton:
return new Button(*this, i18n("Close"), ButtonClose);
case AboveButton:
return new Button(*this, i18n("Keep Above Others"), ButtonAbove);
case BelowButton:
return new Button(*this, i18n("Keep Below Others"), ButtonBelow);
case OnAllDesktopsButton:
return new Button(*this, i18n("On All Desktops"), ButtonSticky);
case ShadeButton:
return new Button(*this, i18n("Shade Button"), ButtonShade);
default: break;
return NULL;
QRegion Client::calcMask( void ) const
if( isMaximized() ) { return widget()->rect(); }
QRect frame( widget()->rect().adjusted(
layoutMetric( LM_OuterPaddingLeft ), layoutMetric( LM_OuterPaddingTop ),
-layoutMetric( LM_OuterPaddingRight ), -layoutMetric( LM_OuterPaddingBottom ) ) );
QRegion mask;
if( configuration().frameBorder() == Configuration::BorderNone && !isShade() )
if( configuration().hideTitleBar() ) mask = QRegion();
else if( compositingActive() ) mask = (configuration().shadowMode() == Configuration::OxygenShadows ) ? QRegion():helper().decoRoundedMask( frame, 1, 1, 1, 0 );
else mask = helper().roundedMask( frame, 1, 1, 1, 0 );
} else {
if( compositingActive() ) mask = (configuration().shadowMode() == Configuration::OxygenShadows ) ? QRegion():helper().decoRoundedMask( frame );
else mask = helper().roundedMask( frame );
return mask;
int Client::layoutMetric(LayoutMetric lm, bool respectWindowState, const KCommonDecorationButton *btn) const
bool maximized( isMaximized() );
bool narrowSpacing( configuration().useNarrowButtonSpacing() );
int frameBorder( configuration().frameBorder() );
int buttonSize( configuration().hideTitleBar() ? 0 : configuration().buttonSize() );
switch (lm)
case LM_BorderLeft:
case LM_BorderRight:
case LM_BorderBottom:
int border( 0 );
if( respectWindowState && maximized )
border = 0;
} else if( lm == LM_BorderBottom && frameBorder >= Configuration::BorderNoSide ) {
// for tiny border, the convention is to have a larger bottom area in order to
// make resizing easier
border = qMax(frameBorder, 4);
} else if( frameBorder < Configuration::BorderTiny ) {
border = 0;
} else if( !compositingActive() && frameBorder == Configuration::BorderTiny ) {
border = qMax( frameBorder, 3 );
} else {
border = frameBorder;
return border;
case LM_TitleEdgeTop:
int border = 0;
if( frameBorder == Configuration::BorderNone && configuration().hideTitleBar() )
border = 0;
} else if( !( respectWindowState && maximized )) {
border = TFRAMESIZE;
return border;
case LM_TitleEdgeBottom:
return 0;
case LM_TitleEdgeLeft:
case LM_TitleEdgeRight:
int border = 0;
if( !(respectWindowState && maximized) )
{ border = 4; }
return border;
case LM_TitleBorderLeft:
case LM_TitleBorderRight:
int border = 5;
// if title outline is to be drawn, one adds the space needed to
// separate title and tab border. namely the same value
if( configuration().drawTitleOutline() ) border += border;
return border;
case LM_ButtonWidth:
case LM_ButtonHeight:
case LM_TitleHeight:
return buttonSize;
case LM_ButtonSpacing:
return narrowSpacing ? 1:3;
case LM_ButtonMarginTop:
return 0;
// outer margin for shadow/glow
case LM_OuterPaddingLeft:
case LM_OuterPaddingRight:
case LM_OuterPaddingTop:
case LM_OuterPaddingBottom:
return shadowCache().shadowSize();
return KCommonDecoration::layoutMetric(lm, respectWindowState, btn);
QRect Client::defaultTitleRect( bool active ) const
QRect titleRect( this->titleRect() );
titleRect.adjust( 0, -layoutMetric( LM_TitleEdgeTop ), 0, 0 );
if( active && configuration().drawTitleOutline() && isActive() )
QRect textRect( titleBoundingRect( options()->font( true, false), titleRect, caption() ) );
titleRect.setLeft( textRect.left() - layoutMetric( LM_TitleBorderLeft ) );
titleRect.setRight( textRect.right() + layoutMetric( LM_TitleBorderRight ) );
} else {
titleRect.setLeft( widget()->rect().left() + layoutMetric( LM_OuterPaddingLeft ) );
titleRect.setRight( widget()->rect().right() - layoutMetric( LM_OuterPaddingRight ) );
return titleRect;
QRect Client::titleBoundingRect( const QFont& font, QRect rect, const QString& caption ) const
// get title bounding rect
QRect boundingRect = QFontMetrics( font ).boundingRect( rect, configuration().titleAlignment() | Qt::AlignVCenter, caption );
// adjust to make sure bounding rect
// 1/ has same vertical alignment as original titleRect
// 2/ does not exceeds available horizontal space
boundingRect.setTop( );
boundingRect.setBottom( rect.bottom() );
// check bounding rect against input rect
if( rect.left() > boundingRect.left() ) { boundingRect.setLeft( rect.left() ); }
if( rect.right() < boundingRect.right() ) { boundingRect.setRight( rect.right() ); }
return boundingRect;
void Client::clearTargetItem( void )
if( itemData_.animationType() == AnimationLeave )
{ itemData_.setDirty( true ); }
void Client::updateItemBoundingRects( bool alsoUpdate )
// make sure items are not animated
itemData_.animate( AnimationNone );
// maximum available space
QRect titleRect( this->titleRect() );
// get tabs
int items( clientGroupItems().count() );
// make sure item data have the correct number of items
while( itemData_.count() < items ) itemData_.push_back( ClientGroupItemData() );
while( itemData_.count() > items )
if( itemData_.back().closeButton_ ) delete itemData_.back();
assert( !itemData_.isEmpty() );
// create buttons
if( itemData_.count() == 1 )
// remove button
if( itemData_.front().closeButton_ )
{ delete itemData_.front(); }
// set active rect
itemData_.front().activeRect_ = titleRect.adjusted( 0, -layoutMetric( LM_TitleEdgeTop ), 0, 0 );
} else {
int left( titleRect.left() );
int width( titleRect.width()/items );
for( int index = 0; index < itemData_.count(); index++ )
ClientGroupItemData& item(itemData_[index]);
// make sure button exists
if( !item.closeButton_ )
item.closeButton_ = ClientGroupItemData::ButtonPointer( new Button( *this, "Close this tab", ButtonItemClose ) );>show();>installEventFilter( this );
// set active rect
QRect local( QPoint( left, ), QSize( width, titleRect.height() ) );
local.adjust( 0, -layoutMetric( LM_TitleEdgeTop ), 0, 0 );
item.activeRect_ = local;
left += width;
if( itemData_.count() == 1 )
itemData_.front().reset( defaultTitleRect() );
} else {
for( int index = 0; index < itemData_.count(); index++ )
{ itemData_[index].reset( itemData_[index].activeRect_ ); }
// button activity
itemData_.updateButtonActivity( visibleClientGroupItem() );
// reset buttons location
itemData_.updateButtons( alsoUpdate );
itemData_.setDirty( false );
QColor Client::titlebarTextColor(const QPalette &palette)
if( glowIsAnimated() ) return KColorUtils::mix(
titlebarTextColor( palette, false ),
titlebarTextColor( palette, true ),
glowIntensity() );
else return titlebarTextColor( palette, isActive() );
QColor Client::titlebarTextColor(const QPalette &palette, bool active)
if( active ){
return palette.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText);
} else {
// todo: reimplement cache
QColor ab = palette.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Window);
QColor af = palette.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText);
QColor nb = palette.color(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Window);
QColor nf = palette.color(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::WindowText);
return reduceContrast(nb, nf, qMax(qreal(2.5), KColorUtils::contrastRatio(ab, KColorUtils::mix(ab, af, 0.4))));
void Client::renderWindowBackground( QPainter* painter, const QRect& rect, const QWidget* widget, const QPalette& palette ) const
if( configuration().blendColor() == Configuration::NoBlending )
painter->fillRect( rect, palette.color( widget->window()->backgroundRole() ) );
} else {
int offset = layoutMetric( LM_OuterPaddingTop );
int height = 64 - Configuration::ButtonDefault;
if( !configuration().hideTitleBar() ) height += configuration().buttonSize();
const QWidget* window( isPreview() ? this->widget() : widget->window() );
helper().renderWindowBackground(painter, rect, widget, window, palette, offset, height );
void Client::renderWindowBorder( QPainter* painter, const QRect& clipRect, const QWidget* widget, const QPalette& palette ) const
// check if outline is needed
if( clientGroupItems().count() < 2 && !itemData_.isAnimated() && !( isActive() && configuration().drawTitleOutline() ) ) return;
// get coordinates relative to the client area
// this is annoying. One could use mapTo if this was taking const QWidget* and not
// const QWidget* as argument.
const QWidget* window = (isPreview()) ? this->widget() : widget->window();
const QWidget* w = widget;
QPoint position( 0, 0 );
while ( w != window && !w->isWindow() && w != w->parentWidget() )
position += w->geometry().topLeft();
w = w->parentWidget();
// save painter
if( clipRect.isValid() )
QRect r = (isPreview()) ? this->widget()->rect():window->rect();
qreal shadowSize( shadowCache().shadowSize() );
r.adjust( shadowSize, shadowSize, -shadowSize, -shadowSize );
r.adjust(0,0, 1, 1);
// base color
QColor color( palette.window().color() );
// title height
int titleHeight( layoutMetric( LM_TitleEdgeTop ) + layoutMetric( LM_TitleEdgeBottom ) + layoutMetric( LM_TitleHeight ) );
// make titlebar background darker for tabbed, non-outline window
if( ( clientGroupItems().count() >= 2 || itemData_.isAnimated() ) && !(configuration().drawTitleOutline() && isActive() ) )
QPoint topLeft( r.topLeft()-position );
QRect rect( topLeft, QSize( r.width(), titleHeight ) );
QLinearGradient lg( rect.topLeft(), rect.bottomLeft() );
lg.setColorAt( 0, helper().alphaColor( Qt::black, 0.05 ) );
lg.setColorAt( 1, helper().alphaColor( Qt::black, 0.10 ) );
painter->setBrush( lg );
painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen );
painter->drawRect( rect );
// horizontal line
int shadowSize = 7;
int height = shadowSize-3;
QPoint topLeft( r.topLeft()+QPoint(0,titleHeight-height)-position );
QRect rect( topLeft, QSize( r.width(), height ) );
// adjustements to cope with shadow size and outline border.
rect.adjust( -shadowSize, 0, shadowSize-1, 0 );
if( configuration().frameBorder() > Configuration::BorderTiny && configuration().drawTitleOutline() && isActive() && !isMaximized() )
{ rect.adjust( HFRAMESIZE-1, 0, -HFRAMESIZE+1, 0 ); }
helper().slab( color, 0, shadowSize )->render( rect, painter, TileSet::Top );
if( configuration().drawTitleOutline() && isActive() )
// save mask and frame to where
// grey window background is to be rendered
QRegion mask;
QRect frame;
// bottom line
int leftOffset = qMin( layoutMetric( LM_BorderLeft ), int(HFRAMESIZE) );
int rightOffset = qMin( layoutMetric( LM_BorderRight ), int(HFRAMESIZE) );
if( configuration().frameBorder() > Configuration::BorderNone )
int height = qMax( 0, layoutMetric( LM_BorderBottom ) - HFRAMESIZE );
int width = r.width() - leftOffset - rightOffset - 1;
QRect rect( r.bottomLeft()-position + QPoint( leftOffset, -layoutMetric( LM_BorderBottom ) ), QSize( width, height ) );
if( height > 0 ) { mask += rect; frame |= rect; }
QColor shadow( helper().calcDarkColor( color ) );
painter->setPen( shadow );
painter->drawLine( rect.bottomLeft()+QPoint(0,1), rect.bottomRight()+QPoint(0,1) );
// left and right
int topOffset = titleHeight;
int bottomOffset = qMin( layoutMetric( LM_BorderBottom ), int(HFRAMESIZE) );
int height = r.height() - topOffset - bottomOffset - 1;
if( configuration().frameBorder() >= Configuration::BorderTiny )
QColor shadow( helper().calcLightColor( color ) );
painter->setPen( shadow );
// left
int width = qMax( 0, layoutMetric( LM_BorderLeft ) - HFRAMESIZE );
QRect rect( r.topLeft()-position + QPoint( layoutMetric( LM_BorderLeft ) - width, topOffset ), QSize( width, height ) );
if( width > 0 ) { mask += rect; frame |= rect; }
painter->drawLine( rect.topLeft()-QPoint(1,0), rect.bottomLeft()-QPoint(1, 0) );
// right
width = qMax( 0, layoutMetric( LM_BorderRight ) - HFRAMESIZE );
rect = QRect(r.topRight()-position + QPoint( -layoutMetric( LM_BorderRight ), topOffset ), QSize( width, height ));
if( width > 0 ) { mask += rect; frame |= rect; }
painter->drawLine( rect.topRight()+QPoint(1,0), rect.bottomRight()+QPoint(1, 0) );
// in preview mode also adds center square
if( isPreview() )
QRect rect( r.topLeft()-position + QPoint( layoutMetric( LM_BorderLeft ), topOffset ), QSize(r.width()-layoutMetric( LM_BorderLeft )-layoutMetric( LM_BorderRight ),height) );
mask += rect; frame |= rect;
// paint
if( !mask.isEmpty() )
painter->setClipRegion( mask, Qt::IntersectClip);
renderWindowBackground(painter, frame, widget, palette );
// restore painter
if( clipRect.isValid() )
{ painter->restore(); }
void Client::renderSeparator( QPainter* painter, const QRect& clipRect, const QWidget* widget, const QColor& color ) const
const QWidget* window = (isPreview()) ? this->widget() : widget->window();
// get coordinates relative to the client area
// this is annoying. One could use mapTo if this was taking const QWidget* and not
// const QWidget* as argument.
QPoint position( 0, 0 );
const QWidget* w = widget;
while ( w != window && !w->isWindow() && w != w->parentWidget() ) {
position += w->geometry().topLeft();
w = w->parentWidget();
// setup painter
if (clipRect.isValid())
QRect r = (isPreview()) ? this->widget()->rect():window->rect();
qreal shadowSize( shadowCache().shadowSize() );
r.adjust( shadowSize, shadowSize, -shadowSize, -shadowSize );
// dimensions
const int titleHeight = layoutMetric(LM_TitleHeight);
const int titleTop = layoutMetric(LM_TitleEdgeTop) +;
QColor local( color );
if( glowIsAnimated() ) local = helper().alphaColor( color, glowIntensity() );
helper().drawSeparator( painter, QRect(, titleTop+titleHeight-1.5, r.width(), 2).translated( -position ), local, Qt::Horizontal);
if (clipRect.isValid()) { painter->restore(); }
void Client::renderTitleOutline( QPainter* painter, const QRect& rect, const QPalette& palette ) const
// center (for active windows only)
int offset = 1;
int voffset = 1;
QRect adjustedRect( rect.adjusted( offset, voffset, -offset, 1 ) );
// prepare painter mask
QRegion mask( adjustedRect.adjusted( 1, 0, -1, 0 ) );
mask += adjustedRect.adjusted( 0, 1, 0, 0 );
painter->setClipRegion( mask, Qt::IntersectClip );
// draw window background
renderWindowBackground(painter, adjustedRect, widget(), palette );
// shadow
int shadowSize = 7;
int offset = -3;
int voffset = 5-shadowSize;
QRect adjustedRect( rect.adjusted(offset, voffset, -offset, shadowSize) );
helper().slab( palette.color( widget()->backgroundRole() ), 0, shadowSize )->render( adjustedRect, painter, TileSet::Tiles(TileSet::Top|TileSet::Left|TileSet::Right) );
void Client::renderTitleText( QPainter* painter, const QRect& rect, const QColor& color, const QColor& contrast ) const
if( !>isValid() )
// contrast pixmap>reset(
renderTitleText( rect, caption(), color ),
renderTitleText( rect, caption(), contrast ) );
if(>isDirty() )
// clear dirty flags>setDirty( false );
// finish current animation if running
if(>isAnimated() )
{>finishAnimation(); }
if( !>isLocked() )
// set pixmaps>setPixmaps(
renderTitleText( rect, caption(), color ),
renderTitleText( rect, caption(), contrast ) );>startAnimation();
renderTitleText( painter, rect, color, contrast );
} else if( !caption().isEmpty() ) {
renderTitleText( painter, rect, caption(), color, contrast );
// lock animations (this must be done whether or not
// animation was actually started, in order to extend locking
// every time title get changed too rapidly>lockAnimations();
} else if(>isAnimated() ) {
if( isMaximized() ) painter->translate( 0, 2 );
if( !>contrastPixmap().isNull() )
painter->translate( 0, 1 );
painter->drawPixmap( rect.topLeft(),>contrastPixmap() );
painter->translate( 0, -1 );
painter->drawPixmap( rect.topLeft(),>pixmap() );
if( isMaximized() ) painter->translate( 0, -2 );
} else if( !caption().isEmpty() ) {
renderTitleText( painter, rect, caption(), color, contrast );
void Client::renderTitleText( QPainter* painter, const QRect& rect, const QString& caption, const QColor& color, const QColor& contrast, bool elide ) const
Qt::Alignment alignment( configuration().titleAlignment() | Qt::AlignVCenter );
QString local( elide ? QFontMetrics( painter->font() ).elidedText( caption, Qt::ElideRight, rect.width() ):caption );
// translate title down in case of maximized window
if( isMaximized() ) painter->translate( 0, 2 );
if( contrast.isValid() )
painter->setPen( contrast );
painter->translate( 0, 1 );
painter->drawText( rect, alignment, local );
painter->translate( 0, -1 );
painter->setPen( color );
painter->drawText( rect, alignment, local );
// translate back
if( isMaximized() ) painter->translate( 0, -2 );
QPixmap Client::renderTitleText( const QRect& rect, const QString& caption, const QColor& color, bool elide ) const
QPixmap out( rect.size() );
out.fill( Qt::transparent );
if( caption.isEmpty() || !color.isValid() ) return out;
QPainter painter( &out );
painter.setFont( options()->font(isActive(), false) );
Qt::Alignment alignment( configuration().titleAlignment() | Qt::AlignVCenter );
QString local( elide ? QFontMetrics( painter.font() ).elidedText( caption, Qt::ElideRight, rect.width() ):caption );
painter.setPen( color );
painter.drawText( out.rect(), alignment, local );
return out;
void Client::renderItem( QPainter* painter, int index, const QPalette& palette )
const ClientGroupItemData& item( itemData_[index] );
// see if tag is active
int itemCount( itemData_.count() );
if( !item.boundingRect_.isValid() ) return;
// create rect in which text is to be drawn
QRect textRect( item.boundingRect_.adjusted( 0, layoutMetric( LM_TitleEdgeTop )-1, 0, -1 ) );
// add extra space needed for title outline
if( itemCount > 1 || itemData_.isAnimated() )
{ textRect.adjust( layoutMetric( LM_TitleBorderLeft ), 0, -layoutMetric(LM_TitleBorderRight), 0 ); }
// add extra space for the button
if( itemCount > 1 && item.closeButton_ &&>isVisible() )
{ textRect.adjust( 0, 0, - configuration().buttonSize() - layoutMetric(LM_TitleEdgeRight), 0 ); }
// check if current item is active
bool active( index == visibleClientGroupItem() );
// get current item caption and update text rect
const QList< ClientGroupItem >& items( clientGroupItems() );
QString caption( itemCount == 1 ? this->caption() : items[index].title() );
// always make sure that titleRect never conflicts with window buttons
QRect titleRect( this->titleRect() );
if( titleRect.left() > textRect.left() ) { textRect.setLeft( titleRect.left() ); }
if( titleRect.right() < textRect.right() ) { textRect.setRight( titleRect.right() ); }
// title outline
if( itemCount == 1 )
// no title outline if the window caption is empty
if( !caption.trimmed().isEmpty() )
if( itemData_.isAnimated() ) {
textRect = titleBoundingRect( painter->font(), textRect, caption );
renderTitleOutline( painter, item.boundingRect_, palette );
} else if( (isActive()||glowIsAnimated()) && configuration().drawTitleOutline() ) {
// adjust textRect
textRect = titleBoundingRect( painter->font(), textRect, caption );
// adjusts boundingRect accordingly
QRect boundingRect( item.boundingRect_ );
boundingRect.setLeft( textRect.left() - layoutMetric( LM_TitleBorderLeft ) );
boundingRect.setRight( textRect.right() + layoutMetric( LM_TitleBorderRight ) );
// render bounding rect around it with extra margins
renderTitleOutline( painter, boundingRect, palette );
} else if( active ) {
// in multiple tabs render title outline in all cases
renderTitleOutline( painter, item.boundingRect_, palette );
// render text
if( active || itemCount == 1 )
// for active tab, current caption is "merged" with old caption, if any
painter, textRect,
titlebarTextColor( palette ),
titlebarContrastColor( palette ) );
} else {
QColor background( backgroundPalette( widget(), palette ).color( widget()->window()->backgroundRole() ) );
// add extra shade (as used in renderWindowBorder
if( !( isActive() && configuration().drawTitleOutline() ) )
{ background = KColorUtils::mix( background, Qt::black, 0.10 ); }
// otherwise current caption is rendered directly
painter, textRect, caption,
titlebarTextColor( backgroundPalette( widget(), palette ), false ),
titlebarContrastColor( background ) );
// render separators between inactive tabs
if( !( active || itemCount == 1 ) && item.closeButton_ &&>isVisible() )
// separators
// draw Left separator
QColor color( backgroundPalette( widget(), palette ).window().color() );
bool isFirstItem( index == 0 || (index == 1 && !itemData_[0].boundingRect_.isValid() ) );
if( !active && ( ( isFirstItem && buttonsLeftWidth() > 0 ) || itemData_.isTarget( index ) ) )
QRect local( item.boundingRect_.topLeft()+QPoint(0,2), QSize( 2, item.boundingRect_.height()-3 ) );
helper().drawSeparator( painter, local, color, Qt::Vertical);
// draw right separator
( index == itemCount-1 && buttonsRightWidth() > 0 ) ||
( index+1 < itemCount && ( itemData_.isTarget( index+1 ) ||
!( index+1 == visibleClientGroupItem() && itemData_[index+1].boundingRect_.isValid() ) ) ) )
QRect local( item.boundingRect_.topRight()+QPoint(0,2), QSize( 2, item.boundingRect_.height()-3 ) );
helper().drawSeparator( painter, local, color, Qt::Vertical);
void Client::renderTargetRect( QPainter* p, const QPalette& palette )
if( itemData_.targetRect().isNull() || itemData_.isAnimationRunning() ) return;
QColor color = palette.color(QPalette::Highlight);
p->setPen(KColorUtils::mix(color, palette.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText)));
p->setBrush( helper().alphaColor( color, 0.5 ) );
p->drawRect( itemData_.targetRect().adjusted( 4, 2, -4, -2 ) );
void Client::renderFloatFrame( QPainter* painter, const QRect& frame, const QPalette& palette ) const
// shadow and resize handles
if( !isMaximized() )
if( configuration().frameBorder() >= Configuration::BorderTiny )
painter, frame, backgroundColor( widget(), palette ),
!compositingActive(), isActive() && configuration().useOxygenShadows(),
} else {
// for small borders, use a frame that matches the titlebar only
QRect local( frame.topLeft(), QSize( frame.width(), layoutMetric(LM_TitleHeight) + layoutMetric(LM_TitleEdgeTop) ) );
painter, local, backgroundColor( widget(), palette ),
false, isActive() && configuration().useOxygenShadows(),
} else if( isShade() ) {
// for shaded maximized windows adjust frame and draw the bottom part of it
painter, frame.adjusted( -4, 0, 4, 0 ), backgroundColor( widget(), palette ),
!( compositingActive() || configuration().frameBorder() == Configuration::BorderNone ), isActive(),
void Client::renderDots( QPainter* painter, const QRect& frame, const QColor& color ) const
if( configuration().frameBorder() >= Configuration::BorderTiny )
// dimensions
int x,y,w,h;
frame.getRect(&x, &y, &w, &h);
if( isResizable() && !isShade() && !isMaximized() )
// Draw right side 3-dots resize handles
//qreal cenY = h / 2 + y + 0.5;
//qreal posX = w + x - 2.5;
qreal cenY = h / 2 + y ;
qreal posX = w + x - 3;
helper().renderDot( painter, QPointF(posX, cenY - 3), color);
helper().renderDot( painter, QPointF(posX, cenY), color);
helper().renderDot( painter, QPointF(posX, cenY + 3), color);
// Draw bottom-right cornet 3-dots resize handles
if( isResizable() && !isShade() && !configuration().drawSizeGrip() )
painter->translate(x + w-9, y + h-9);
helper().renderDot( painter, QPointF(2, 6), color);
helper().renderDot( painter, QPointF(5, 5), color);
helper().renderDot( painter, QPointF(6, 2), color);
void Client::activeChange( void )
itemData_.setDirty( true );
// reset animation
if( animateActiveChange() )
glowAnimation().data()->setDirection( isActive() ? Animation::Forward : Animation::Backward );
if(!glowIsAnimated()) { glowAnimation().data()->start(); }
// update size grip so that it gets the right color
// also make sure it is remaped to from z stack,
// unless hidden
if( hasSizeGrip() && !(isShade() || isMaximized() ))
void Client::maximizeChange( void )
if( hasSizeGrip() ) sizeGrip().setVisible( !( isShade() || isMaximized() ) );
void Client::shadeChange( void )
if( hasSizeGrip() ) sizeGrip().setVisible( !( isShade() || isMaximized() ) );
void Client::captionChange( void )
itemData_.setDirty( true );
if( animateTitleChange() )
{>setDirty( true ); }
QPalette Client::backgroundPalette( const QWidget* widget, QPalette palette ) const
if( configuration().drawTitleOutline() )
if( glowIsAnimated() && !isForcedActive() )
QColor inactiveColor( backgroundColor( widget, palette, false ) );
QColor activeColor( backgroundColor( widget, palette, true ) );
QColor mixed( KColorUtils::mix( inactiveColor, activeColor, glowIntensity() ) );
palette.setColor( widget->window()->backgroundRole(), mixed );
palette.setColor( QPalette::Button, mixed );
} else if( isActive() || isForcedActive() ) {
QColor color = options()->color( KDecorationDefines::ColorTitleBar, true );
palette.setColor( widget->window()->backgroundRole(), color );
palette.setColor( QPalette::Button, color );
return palette;
QColor Client::backgroundColor( const QWidget* widget, QPalette palette, bool active ) const
return ( configuration().drawTitleOutline() && active ) ?
options()->color( KDecorationDefines::ColorTitleBar, true ):
palette.color( widget->window()->backgroundRole() );
QString Client::defaultButtonsLeft() const
{ return KCommonDecoration::defaultButtonsLeft(); }
QString Client::defaultButtonsRight() const
{ return "HIAX"; }
void Client::updateWindowShape()
if(isMaximized()) clearMask();
else setMask( calcMask() );
bool Client::eventFilter( QObject* object, QEvent* event )
// all dedicated event filtering is here to handle multiple tabs.
// if tabs are disabled, do nothing
if( !configuration().tabsEnabled() )
{ return KCommonDecorationUnstable::eventFilter( object, event ); }
bool state = false;
switch( event->type() )
case QEvent::Show:
if( widget() == object )
{ itemData_.setDirty( true ); }
case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
if( widget() == object )
{ state = mousePressEvent( static_cast< QMouseEvent* >( event ) ); }
case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
if( widget() == object ) state = mouseReleaseEvent( static_cast< QMouseEvent* >( event ) );
else if( Button *btn = qobject_cast< Button* >( object ) )
QMouseEvent* mouseEvent( static_cast< QMouseEvent* >( event ) );
if( mouseEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton && btn->rect().contains( mouseEvent->pos() ) )
{ state = closeItem( btn ); }
case QEvent::MouseMove:
state = mouseMoveEvent( static_cast< QMouseEvent* >( event ) );
case QEvent::DragEnter:
if( widget() == object )
{ state = dragEnterEvent( static_cast< QDragEnterEvent* >( event ) ); }
case QEvent::DragMove:
if( widget() == object )
{ state = dragMoveEvent( static_cast< QDragMoveEvent* >( event ) ); }
case QEvent::DragLeave:
if( widget() == object )
{ state = dragLeaveEvent( static_cast< QDragLeaveEvent* >( event ) ); }
case QEvent::Drop:
if( widget() == object )
{ state = dropEvent( static_cast< QDropEvent* >( event ) ); }
default: break;
return state || KCommonDecorationUnstable::eventFilter( object, event );
void Client::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* event )
itemData_.setDirty( true );
KCommonDecorationUnstable::resizeEvent( event );
void Client::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* event )
// factory
if(!( initialized_ && factory_->initialized() ) ) return;
// palette
QPalette palette = widget()->palette();
palette.setCurrentColorGroup( (isActive() ) ? QPalette::Active : QPalette::Inactive );
// painter
QPainter painter(widget());
painter.setClipRegion( event->region() );
// define frame
QRect frame = widget()->rect();
// base color
QColor color = palette.window().color();
// draw shadows
if( compositingActive() )
TileSet *tileSet( 0 );
QColor background( backgroundPalette( widget(), palette ).window().color() );
ShadowCache::Key key( this->key() );
if( configuration().useOxygenShadows() && glowIsAnimated() && !isForcedActive() )
tileSet = shadowCache().tileSet( background, key, glowIntensity() );
} else tileSet = shadowCache().tileSet( background, key );
if( !isMaximized() ) tileSet->render( frame.adjusted( 4, 4, -4, -4), &painter, TileSet::Ring);
else if( isShade() ) tileSet->render( frame.adjusted( 0, 4, 0, -4), &painter, TileSet::Bottom);
// adjust frame
qreal shadowSize( shadowCache().shadowSize() );
frame.adjust( shadowSize, shadowSize, -shadowSize, -shadowSize );
// adjust mask
if( compositingActive() || isPreview() )
if( isMaximized() ) {
painter.setClipRect( frame, Qt::IntersectClip );
} else {
// multipliers
int left = 1;
int right = 1;
int top = 1;
int bottom = 1;
// disable bottom corners when border frame is too small and window is not shaded
if( configuration().frameBorder() == Configuration::BorderNone && !isShade() ) bottom = 0;
QRegion mask( helper().roundedMask( frame, left, right, top, bottom ) );
// in no-border configuration, an extra pixel is added to the mask
// in order to get the corners color right in case of title highlighting.
if( configuration().frameBorder() == Configuration::BorderNone )
int x, y, w, h;
frame.getRect(&x, &y, &w, &h);
mask += QRegion(x+0*left, y+4*top, w-0*(left+right), h-4*(top+bottom));
painter.setClipRegion( mask, Qt::IntersectClip );
// make sure ItemData and clientGroupItems are synchronized
this needs to be done before calling RenderWindowBorder
since some painting in there depend on the clientGroups state
if( itemData_.isDirty() || itemData_.count() != clientGroupItems().count() )
{ updateItemBoundingRects( false ); }
// window background
renderWindowBackground( &painter, frame, widget(), backgroundPalette( widget(), palette ) );
renderWindowBorder( &painter, frame, widget(), palette );
// clipping
if( compositingActive() )
frame.adjust(-1,-1, 1, 1);
// adjust frame if there are shadows
// float frame
renderFloatFrame( &painter, frame, palette );
// resize handles
renderDots( &painter, frame, backgroundColor( widget(), palette ) );
if( !configuration().hideTitleBar() )
// title bounding rect
painter.setFont( options()->font(isActive(), false) );
// draw ClientGroupItems
int itemCount( itemData_.count() );
for( int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++ ) renderItem( &painter, i, palette );
// draw target rect
renderTargetRect( &painter, widget()->palette() );
// separator
if( itemCount == 1 && !itemData_.isAnimated() && drawSeparator() )
{ renderSeparator(&painter, frame, widget(), color ); }
bool Client::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* event )
QPoint point = event->pos();
if( itemClicked( point ) < 0 ) return false;
dragPoint_ = point;
mouseButton_ = event->button();
bool accepted( false );
if( buttonToWindowOperation( mouseButton_ ) == ClientGroupDragOp )
accepted = true;
} else if( buttonToWindowOperation( mouseButton_ ) == OperationsOp ) {
QPoint point = event->pos();
int itemClicked( this->itemClicked( point ) );
displayClientMenu( itemClicked, widget()->mapToGlobal( event->pos() ) );
mouseButton_ = Qt::NoButton;
accepted = true; // displayClientMenu can possibly destroy the deco...
return accepted;
bool Client::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* event )
bool accepted( false );
if( mouseButton_ == event->button() &&
buttonToWindowOperation( mouseButton_ ) != OperationsOp )
QPoint point = event->pos();
int visibleItem = visibleClientGroupItem();
int itemClicked( this->itemClicked( point ) );
if( itemClicked >= 0 && visibleItem != itemClicked )
setVisibleClientGroupItem( itemClicked );
setForceActive( true );
accepted = true;
mouseButton_ = Qt::NoButton;
return accepted;
bool Client::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* event )
// check button and distance to drag point
if( configuration().hideTitleBar() || mouseButton_ == Qt::NoButton || ( event->pos() - dragPoint_ ).manhattanLength() <= QApplication::startDragDistance() )
{ return false; }
bool accepted( false );
if( buttonToWindowOperation( mouseButton_ ) == ClientGroupDragOp )
QPoint point = event->pos();
int itemClicked( this->itemClicked( point ) );
if( itemClicked < 0 ) return false;>reset();
QDrag *drag = new QDrag( widget() );
QMimeData *groupData = new QMimeData();
groupData->setData( clientGroupItemDragMimeType(), QString().setNum( itemId( itemClicked )).toAscii() );
drag->setMimeData( groupData );
sourceItem_ = this->itemClicked( dragPoint_ );
// get tab geometry
QRect geometry;
geometry = itemData_[itemClicked].boundingRect_;
// remove space used for buttons
if( itemData_.count() > 1 )
geometry.adjust( 0, 0, - configuration().buttonSize() - layoutMetric(LM_TitleEdgeRight), 0 );
} else if( !( isActive() && configuration().drawTitleOutline() ) ) {
buttonsLeftWidth() + layoutMetric( LM_TitleEdgeLeft ) , 0,
-( buttonsRightWidth() + layoutMetric( LM_TitleEdgeRight )), 0 );
drag->setPixmap( itemDragPixmap( itemClicked, geometry ) );
// note: the pixmap is moved just above the pointer on purpose
// because overlapping pixmap and pointer slows down the pixmap a lot.
QPoint hotSpot( QPoint( event->pos().x() - geometry.left(), -1 ) );
// make sure the horizontal hotspot position is not too far away (more than 1px)
// from the pixmap
if( hotSpot.x() < -1 ) hotSpot.setX(-1);
if( hotSpot.x() > geometry.width() ) hotSpot.setX( geometry.width() );
drag->setHotSpot( hotSpot );
dragStartTimer_.start( 50, this );
drag->exec( Qt::MoveAction );
// detach tab from window
if( drag->target() == 0 && itemData_.count() > 1 )
itemData_.setDirty( true );
removeFromClientGroup( sourceItem_,
layoutMetric( LM_OuterPaddingLeft ),
layoutMetric( LM_OuterPaddingTop ),
-layoutMetric( LM_OuterPaddingRight ),
-layoutMetric( LM_OuterPaddingBottom )
).translated( QCursor::pos() - event->pos() +
QPoint( layoutMetric( LM_OuterPaddingLeft ), layoutMetric( LM_OuterPaddingTop )))
// reset button
mouseButton_ = Qt::NoButton;
accepted = true;
return accepted;
bool Client::dragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent* event )
// check if drag enter is allowed
if( !event->mimeData()->hasFormat( clientGroupItemDragMimeType() ) || configuration().hideTitleBar() ) return false;
if( event->source() != widget() )
QPoint position( event->pos() );
itemData_.animate( AnimationEnter, itemClicked( position, true ) );
} else if( itemData_.count() > 1 ) {
QPoint position( event->pos() );
int itemClicked( this->itemClicked( position, false ) );
itemData_.animate( AnimationEnter|AnimationSameTarget, itemClicked );
return true;
bool Client::dragLeaveEvent( QDragLeaveEvent* )
if( itemData_.animationType() & AnimationSameTarget )
if( dragStartTimer_.isActive() ) dragStartTimer_.stop();
itemData_.animate( AnimationLeave|AnimationSameTarget, sourceItem_ );
} else if( itemData_.isAnimated() ) {
itemData_.animate( AnimationLeave );
return true;
bool Client::dragMoveEvent( QDragMoveEvent* event )
// check format
if( !event->mimeData()->hasFormat( clientGroupItemDragMimeType() ) ) return false;
if( event->source() != widget() )
QPoint position( event->pos() );
itemData_.animate( AnimationMove, itemClicked( position, true ) );
} else if( itemData_.count() > 1 ) {
if( dragStartTimer_.isActive() ) dragStartTimer_.stop();
QPoint position( event->pos() );
int itemClicked( this->itemClicked( position, false ) );
itemData_.animate( AnimationMove|AnimationSameTarget, itemClicked );
return false;
bool Client::dropEvent( QDropEvent* event )
QPoint point = event->pos();
itemData_.animate( AnimationNone );
const QMimeData *groupData = event->mimeData();
if( !groupData->hasFormat( clientGroupItemDragMimeType() ) ) return false;
if( widget() == event->source() )
int from = this->itemClicked( dragPoint_ );
int itemClicked( this->itemClicked( point, false ) );
if( itemClicked > from )
if( itemClicked >= clientGroupItems().count() )
{ itemClicked = -1; }
itemData_.setDirty( true );
moveItemInClientGroup( from, itemClicked );
} else {
setForceActive( true );
int itemClicked( this->itemClicked( point, true ) );
long source = QString( groupData->data( clientGroupItemDragMimeType() ) ).toLong();
itemData_.setDirty( true );
moveItemToClientGroup( source, itemClicked );
return true;
void Client::timerEvent( QTimerEvent* event )
if( event->timerId() != dragStartTimer_.timerId() )
{ return KCommonDecorationUnstable::timerEvent( event ); }
// do nothing if there is only one tab
if( itemData_.count() > 1 )
itemData_.animate( AnimationMove|AnimationSameTarget, sourceItem_ );
itemData_.animate( AnimationLeave|AnimationSameTarget, sourceItem_ );
bool Client::closeItem( const Button* button )
for( int i=0; i < itemData_.count(); i++ )
if( button == itemData_[i] )
itemData_.setDirty( true );
closeClientGroupItem( i );
return true;
return false;
QPixmap Client::itemDragPixmap( int index, const QRect& geometry )
bool itemValid( index >= 0 && index < clientGroupItems().count() );
QPixmap pixmap( geometry.size() );
QPainter painter( &pixmap );
painter.translate( -geometry.topLeft() );
// render window background
renderWindowBackground( &painter, geometry, widget(), widget()->palette() );
// darken background if item is inactive
bool itemActive = !( itemValid && index != visibleClientGroupItem() );
if( !itemActive )
QLinearGradient lg( geometry.topLeft(), geometry.bottomLeft() );
lg.setColorAt( 0, helper().alphaColor( Qt::black, 0.05 ) );
lg.setColorAt( 1, helper().alphaColor( Qt::black, 0.10 ) );
painter.setBrush( lg );
painter.setPen( Qt::NoPen );
painter.drawRect( geometry );
// render title text
painter.setFont( options()->font(isActive(), false) );
QRect textRect( geometry.adjusted( 0, layoutMetric( LM_TitleEdgeTop )-1, 0, -1 ) );
if( itemValid )
{ textRect.adjust( layoutMetric( LM_TitleBorderLeft ), 0, -layoutMetric(LM_TitleBorderRight), 0 ); }
QString caption( itemValid ? clientGroupItems()[index].title() : this->caption() );
&painter, textRect, caption,
titlebarTextColor( widget()->palette(), isActive() && itemActive ),
titlebarContrastColor( widget()->palette() ) );
// floating frame
&painter, geometry, widget()->palette().window().color(),
true, false,
// create pixmap mask
QBitmap bitmap( geometry.size() );
QPainter painter( &bitmap );
QPainterPath path;
path.addRegion( helper().roundedMask( geometry.translated( -geometry.topLeft() ) ) );
painter.fillPath( path, Qt::color1 );
pixmap.setMask( bitmap );
return pixmap;
void Client::createSizeGrip( void )
assert( !hasSizeGrip() );
if( ( isResizable() && windowId() != 0 ) || isPreview() )
sizeGrip_ = new SizeGrip( this );
sizeGrip().setVisible( !( isMaximized() || isShade() ) );
void Client::deleteSizeGrip( void )
assert( hasSizeGrip() );
sizeGrip_ = 0;