There are no advantages for the effects KCM to have all the effect config modules in one plugin. By having a plugin per effect we can use the KPluginTrader to easily find the configuration plugin for a given effect and load it. To make this possible the following changes are done: * config_builtins.cpp is deleted * add_subdirectory is used for all effects which have a config module * toplevel CMakeLists.txt contains the sources again for the effects which have a config module, but effects which don't have a config module are still included and thus the macro is still used * plugin created for the config module, name pattern is: kwin_effectname_config * plugin installed to ${PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR}/kwin/effects/configs * desktop file adjusted to new plugin name and keyword removed * desktop file converted to json as meta data and no longer installed * Uses K_PLUGIN_FACTORY_WITH_JSON * Macros for config are dropped from kwineffects.h REVIEW: 116854
51 lines
1.9 KiB
Desktop File
51 lines
1.9 KiB
Desktop File
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Mouse Click Animation
Name[bs]=Animacija klika mišem
Name[ca]=Animació de clic de ratolí
Name[ca@valencia]=Animació de clic de ratolí
Name[cs]=Animace kliknutí myši
Name[da]=Animation af museklik
Name[de]=Animation für Mausklicks
Name[el]=Εφέ κίνησης με κλικ του ποντικιού
Name[es]=Animación del clic de ratón
Name[et]=Hiireklõpsu animeerimine
Name[eu]=Sagu-klikaren animazioa
Name[fi]=Hiiren napsautuksen animointi
Name[fr]=Animation du clic de la souris
Name[gl]=Animación ao premer o rato
Name[he]=הנפשה של לחיצה עם העכבר
Name[hu]=Egérkattintás animáció
Name[ia]=Animation de click de mus
Name[is]=Hreyfingar við músarsmell
Name[it]=Animazione del clic del mouse
Name[kk]=Тышқанды түрту анимациясы
Name[ko]=마우스 클릭 애니메이션
Name[lt]=Spragtelėjimo pele animacija
Name[mr]=माऊस क्लिक ऍनीमेशन
Name[nb]=Animer ved museklikk
Name[nl]=Animatie van muisklik
Name[pa]=ਮਾਊਸ ਕਲਿੱਕ ਐਨੀਮੇਸ਼ਨ
Name[pl]=Animacja kliknięcia myszy
Name[pt]=Animação do Botão do Rato
Name[pt_BR]=Animação de clique do mouse
Name[ro]=Animație la clic de maus
Name[ru]=Анимация щелчка мыши
Name[sk]=Animácia kliknutia myšou
Name[sl]=Animacija klika z miško
Name[sr]=Анимација на клик мишем
Name[sr@ijekavian]=Анимација на клик мишем
Name[sr@ijekavianlatin]=Animacija na klik mišem
Name[sr@latin]=Animacija na klik mišem
Name[sv]=Animering av musklick
Name[tr]=Fare Tıklama Animasyonu
Name[uk]=Анімація за клацанням миші
Name[x-test]=xxMouse Click Animationxx