We use the PMF syntax so the isValid() check is unnecessary as the compiler will notify about wrong signal at compile time. It makes writing autotests feel less boilerplaty.
318 lines
11 KiB
318 lines
11 KiB
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Vlad Zahorodnii <vlad.zahorodnii@kde.org>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "kwin_wayland_test.h"
#include "core/output.h"
#include "core/outputconfiguration.h"
#include "core/platform.h"
#include "cursor.h"
#include "wayland_server.h"
#include "window.h"
#include "workspace.h"
#include <KWayland/Client/surface.h>
namespace KWin
static const QString s_socketName = QStringLiteral("wayland_test_output_changes-0");
class OutputChangesTest : public QObject
private Q_SLOTS:
void initTestCase();
void init();
void cleanup();
void testWindowSticksToOutputAfterOutputIsDisabled();
void testWindowSticksToOutputAfterAnotherOutputIsDisabled();
void testWindowSticksToOutputAfterOutputIsMoved();
void testWindowSticksToOutputAfterOutputsAreSwappedLeftToRight();
void testWindowSticksToOutputAfterOutputsAreSwappedRightToLeft();
void testWindowRestoredAfterEnablingOutput();
void testWindowNotRestoredAfterMovingWindowAndEnablingOutput();
void OutputChangesTest::initTestCase()
qRegisterMetaType<Window *>();
QSignalSpy applicationStartedSpy(kwinApp(), &Application::started);
kwinApp()->platform()->setInitialWindowSize(QSize(1280, 1024));
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(kwinApp()->platform(), "setVirtualOutputs", Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(int, 2));
const auto outputs = workspace()->outputs();
QCOMPARE(outputs.count(), 2);
QCOMPARE(outputs[0]->geometry(), QRect(0, 0, 1280, 1024));
QCOMPARE(outputs[1]->geometry(), QRect(1280, 0, 1280, 1024));
void OutputChangesTest::init()
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(kwinApp()->platform(), "setVirtualOutputs", Qt::DirectConnection, Q_ARG(int, 2));
workspace()->setActiveOutput(QPoint(640, 512));
Cursors::self()->mouse()->setPos(QPoint(640, 512));
void OutputChangesTest::cleanup()
void OutputChangesTest::testWindowSticksToOutputAfterOutputIsDisabled()
auto outputs = kwinApp()->platform()->outputs();
// Create a window.
std::unique_ptr<KWayland::Client::Surface> surface(Test::createSurface());
std::unique_ptr<Test::XdgToplevel> shellSurface(Test::createXdgToplevelSurface(surface.get()));
auto window = Test::renderAndWaitForShown(surface.get(), QSize(100, 50), Qt::blue);
// Move the window to some predefined position so the test is more robust.
window->move(QPoint(42, 67));
QCOMPARE(window->frameGeometry(), QRect(42, 67, 100, 50));
// Disable the output where the window is on.
OutputConfiguration config;
auto changeSet = config.changeSet(outputs[0]);
changeSet->enabled = false;
// The window will be sent to the second output, which is at (1280, 0).
QCOMPARE(window->frameGeometry(), QRect(1280 + 42, 0 + 67, 100, 50));
void OutputChangesTest::testWindowSticksToOutputAfterAnotherOutputIsDisabled()
auto outputs = kwinApp()->platform()->outputs();
// Create a window.
std::unique_ptr<KWayland::Client::Surface> surface(Test::createSurface());
std::unique_ptr<Test::XdgToplevel> shellSurface(Test::createXdgToplevelSurface(surface.get()));
auto window = Test::renderAndWaitForShown(surface.get(), QSize(100, 50), Qt::blue);
// Move the window to the second output.
window->move(QPoint(1280 + 42, 67));
QCOMPARE(window->frameGeometry(), QRect(1280 + 42, 67, 100, 50));
// Disable the first output.
OutputConfiguration config;
auto changeSet = config.changeSet(outputs[0]);
changeSet->enabled = false;
auto changeSet = config.changeSet(outputs[1]);
changeSet->pos = QPoint(0, 0);
// The position of the window relative to its output should remain the same.
QCOMPARE(window->frameGeometry(), QRect(42, 67, 100, 50));
void OutputChangesTest::testWindowSticksToOutputAfterOutputIsMoved()
auto outputs = kwinApp()->platform()->outputs();
// Create a window.
std::unique_ptr<KWayland::Client::Surface> surface(Test::createSurface());
std::unique_ptr<Test::XdgToplevel> shellSurface(Test::createXdgToplevelSurface(surface.get()));
auto window = Test::renderAndWaitForShown(surface.get(), QSize(100, 50), Qt::blue);
// Move the window to some predefined position so the test is more robust.
window->move(QPoint(42, 67));
QCOMPARE(window->frameGeometry(), QRect(42, 67, 100, 50));
// Disable the first output.
OutputConfiguration config;
auto changeSet = config.changeSet(outputs[0]);
changeSet->pos = QPoint(-10, 20);
// The position of the window relative to its output should remain the same.
QCOMPARE(window->frameGeometry(), QRect(-10 + 42, 20 + 67, 100, 50));
void OutputChangesTest::testWindowSticksToOutputAfterOutputsAreSwappedLeftToRight()
// This test verifies that a window placed on the left monitor sticks
// to that monitor even after the monitors are swapped horizontally.
const auto outputs = kwinApp()->platform()->outputs();
// Create a window.
std::unique_ptr<KWayland::Client::Surface> surface(Test::createSurface());
std::unique_ptr<Test::XdgToplevel> shellSurface(Test::createXdgToplevelSurface(surface.get()));
auto window = Test::renderAndWaitForShown(surface.get(), QSize(100, 50), Qt::blue);
// Move the window to the left output.
window->move(QPointF(0, 0));
QCOMPARE(window->output(), outputs[0]);
QCOMPARE(window->frameGeometry(), QRectF(0, 0, 100, 50));
// Swap outputs.
OutputConfiguration config;
auto changeSet1 = config.changeSet(outputs[0]);
changeSet1->pos = QPoint(1280, 0);
auto changeSet2 = config.changeSet(outputs[1]);
changeSet2->pos = QPoint(0, 0);
// The window should be still on its original output.
QCOMPARE(window->output(), outputs[0]);
QCOMPARE(window->frameGeometry(), QRectF(1280, 0, 100, 50));
void OutputChangesTest::testWindowSticksToOutputAfterOutputsAreSwappedRightToLeft()
// This test verifies that a window placed on the right monitor sticks
// to that monitor even after the monitors are swapped horizontally.
const auto outputs = kwinApp()->platform()->outputs();
// Create a window.
std::unique_ptr<KWayland::Client::Surface> surface(Test::createSurface());
std::unique_ptr<Test::XdgToplevel> shellSurface(Test::createXdgToplevelSurface(surface.get()));
auto window = Test::renderAndWaitForShown(surface.get(), QSize(100, 50), Qt::blue);
// Move the window to the right output.
window->move(QPointF(1280, 0));
QCOMPARE(window->output(), outputs[1]);
QCOMPARE(window->frameGeometry(), QRectF(1280, 0, 100, 50));
// Swap outputs.
OutputConfiguration config;
auto changeSet1 = config.changeSet(outputs[0]);
changeSet1->pos = QPoint(1280, 0);
auto changeSet2 = config.changeSet(outputs[1]);
changeSet2->pos = QPoint(0, 0);
// The window should be still on its original output.
QCOMPARE(window->output(), outputs[1]);
QCOMPARE(window->frameGeometry(), QRectF(0, 0, 100, 50));
void OutputChangesTest::testWindowRestoredAfterEnablingOutput()
// This test verifies that a window will be moved back to its original output when it's hotplugged.
const auto outputs = kwinApp()->platform()->outputs();
// Create a window.
std::unique_ptr<KWayland::Client::Surface> surface(Test::createSurface());
std::unique_ptr<Test::XdgToplevel> shellSurface(Test::createXdgToplevelSurface(surface.get()));
auto window = Test::renderAndWaitForShown(surface.get(), QSize(100, 50), Qt::blue);
// Move the window to the right output.
window->move(QPointF(1280 + 50, 100));
QCOMPARE(window->output(), outputs[1]);
QCOMPARE(window->frameGeometry(), QRectF(1280 + 50, 100, 100, 50));
// Disable the right output.
OutputConfiguration config1;
auto changeSet = config1.changeSet(outputs[1]);
changeSet->enabled = false;
// The window will be moved to the left monitor.
QCOMPARE(window->output(), outputs[0]);
QCOMPARE(window->frameGeometry(), QRectF(50, 100, 100, 50));
// Enable the right monitor.
OutputConfiguration config2;
auto changeSet = config2.changeSet(outputs[1]);
changeSet->enabled = true;
// The window will be moved back to the right monitor.
QCOMPARE(window->output(), outputs[1]);
QCOMPARE(window->frameGeometry(), QRectF(1280 + 50, 100, 100, 50));
void OutputChangesTest::testWindowNotRestoredAfterMovingWindowAndEnablingOutput()
// This test verifies that a window won't be moved to its original output when it's
// hotplugged because the window was moved manually by the user.
const auto outputs = kwinApp()->platform()->outputs();
// Create a window.
std::unique_ptr<KWayland::Client::Surface> surface(Test::createSurface());
std::unique_ptr<Test::XdgToplevel> shellSurface(Test::createXdgToplevelSurface(surface.get()));
auto window = Test::renderAndWaitForShown(surface.get(), QSize(100, 50), Qt::blue);
// Move the window to the right output.
window->move(QPointF(1280 + 50, 100));
QCOMPARE(window->output(), outputs[1]);
QCOMPARE(window->frameGeometry(), QRectF(1280 + 50, 100, 100, 50));
// Disable the right output.
OutputConfiguration config1;
auto changeSet = config1.changeSet(outputs[1]);
changeSet->enabled = false;
// The window will be moved to the left monitor.
QCOMPARE(window->output(), outputs[0]);
QCOMPARE(window->frameGeometry(), QRectF(50, 100, 100, 50));
// Pretend that the user moved the window.
QCOMPARE(window->frameGeometry(), QRectF(58, 100, 100, 50));
// Enable the right monitor.
OutputConfiguration config2;
auto changeSet = config2.changeSet(outputs[1]);
changeSet->enabled = true;
// The window is still on the left monitor because user manually moved it.
QCOMPARE(window->output(), outputs[0]);
QCOMPARE(window->frameGeometry(), QRectF(58, 100, 100, 50));
} // namespace KWin
#include "outputchanges_test.moc"