Therefore zScale, zTranslate and new RotationData are added to ScreenPaintData and WindowPaintData. So it is possible to define zTranslation and rotations without using OpenGL directly. The change only affects OpenGL compositing. XRender is not changed. svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=842018
1015 lines
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1015 lines
27 KiB
KWin - the KDE window manager
This file is part of the KDE project.
Copyright (C) 2006 Lubos Lunak <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "kwineffects.h"
#include "kwinglutils.h"
#include "kwinxrenderutils.h"
#include <QtDBus/QtDBus>
#include <QVariant>
#include <QList>
#include <QtCore/QTimeLine>
#include <QtGui/QFontMetrics>
#include <QtGui/QPainter>
#include <QtGui/QPixmap>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <ksharedconfig.h>
#include <kconfiggroup.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <X11/extensions/Xrender.h>
#include <X11/extensions/Xfixes.h>
namespace KWin
void WindowPrePaintData::setTranslucent()
mask &= ~Effect::PAINT_WINDOW_OPAQUE;
clip = QRegion(); // cannot clip, will be transparent
void WindowPrePaintData::setTransformed()
WindowPaintData::WindowPaintData( EffectWindow* w )
: opacity( w->opacity())
, contents_opacity( 1.0 )
, decoration_opacity( 1.0 )
, xScale( 1 )
, yScale( 1 )
, zScale( 1 )
, xTranslate( 0 )
, yTranslate( 0 )
, zTranslate( 0 )
, saturation( 1 )
, brightness( 1 )
, shader( NULL )
, rotation( NULL )
quads = w->buildQuads();
: xScale( 1 )
, yScale( 1 )
, zScale( 1 )
, xTranslate( 0 )
, yTranslate( 0 )
, zTranslate( 0 )
, rotation( NULL )
: axis( ZAxis )
, angle( 0.0 )
, xRotationPoint( 0.0 )
, yRotationPoint( 0.0 )
, zRotationPoint( 0.0 )
// Effect
void Effect::windowUserMovedResized( EffectWindow* , bool, bool )
void Effect::windowOpacityChanged( EffectWindow*, double )
void Effect::windowAdded( EffectWindow* )
void Effect::windowClosed( EffectWindow* )
void Effect::windowDeleted( EffectWindow* )
void Effect::windowActivated( EffectWindow* )
void Effect::windowMinimized( EffectWindow* )
void Effect::windowUnminimized( EffectWindow* )
void Effect::windowInputMouseEvent( Window, QEvent* )
void Effect::grabbedKeyboardEvent( QKeyEvent* )
void Effect::propertyNotify( EffectWindow* , long )
void Effect::desktopChanged( int )
void Effect::windowDamaged( EffectWindow*, const QRect& )
void Effect::windowGeometryShapeChanged( EffectWindow*, const QRect& )
void Effect::tabBoxAdded( int )
void Effect::tabBoxClosed()
void Effect::tabBoxUpdated()
bool Effect::borderActivated( ElectricBorder )
return false;
void Effect::mouseChanged( const QPoint&, const QPoint&, Qt::MouseButtons,
Qt::MouseButtons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers, Qt::KeyboardModifiers )
void Effect::prePaintScreen( ScreenPrePaintData& data, int time )
effects->prePaintScreen( data, time );
void Effect::paintScreen( int mask, QRegion region, ScreenPaintData& data )
effects->paintScreen( mask, region, data );
void Effect::postPaintScreen()
void Effect::prePaintWindow( EffectWindow* w, WindowPrePaintData& data, int time )
effects->prePaintWindow( w, data, time );
void Effect::paintWindow( EffectWindow* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data )
effects->paintWindow( w, mask, region, data );
void Effect::postPaintWindow( EffectWindow* w )
effects->postPaintWindow( w );
void Effect::drawWindow( EffectWindow* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data )
effects->drawWindow( w, mask, region, data );
QRect Effect::transformWindowDamage( EffectWindow* w, const QRect& r )
return effects->transformWindowDamage( w, r );
void Effect::setPositionTransformations( WindowPaintData& data, QRect& region, EffectWindow* w,
const QRect& r, Qt::AspectRatioMode aspect )
QSize size = w->size();
size.scale( r.size(), aspect );
data.xScale = size.width() / double( w->width());
data.yScale = size.height() / double( w->height());
int width = int( w->width() * data.xScale );
int height = int( w->height() * data.yScale );
int x = r.x() + ( r.width() - width ) / 2;
int y = r.y() + ( r.height() - height ) / 2;
region = QRect( x, y, width, height );
data.xTranslate = x - w->x();
data.yTranslate = y - w->y();
int Effect::displayWidth()
return KWin::displayWidth();
int Effect::displayHeight()
return KWin::displayHeight();
QPoint Effect::cursorPos()
return effects->cursorPos();
// EffectsHandler
EffectsHandler::EffectsHandler(CompositingType type)
: current_paint_screen( 0 )
, current_paint_window( 0 )
, current_draw_window( 0 )
, current_transform( 0 )
, compositing_type( type )
if( compositing_type == NoCompositing )
KWin::effects = this;
// All effects should already be unloaded by Impl dtor
assert( loaded_effects.count() == 0 );
QRect EffectsHandler::transformWindowDamage( EffectWindow* w, const QRect& r )
if( current_transform < loaded_effects.size())
QRect rr = loaded_effects[current_transform++].second->transformWindowDamage( w, r );
return rr;
return r;
Window EffectsHandler::createInputWindow( Effect* e, const QRect& r, const QCursor& cursor )
return createInputWindow( e, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), cursor );
Window EffectsHandler::createFullScreenInputWindow( Effect* e, const QCursor& cursor )
return createInputWindow( e, 0, 0, displayWidth(), displayHeight(), cursor );
CompositingType EffectsHandler::compositingType() const
return compositing_type;
bool EffectsHandler::saturationSupported() const
switch( compositing_type )
case OpenGLCompositing:
return GLTexture::saturationSupported();
case XRenderCompositing:
return false; // never
void EffectsHandler::sendReloadMessage( const QString& effectname )
QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall("org.kde.kwin", "/KWin", "org.kde.KWin", "reloadEffect");
message << QString("kwin4_effect_" + effectname);
KConfigGroup EffectsHandler::effectConfig( const QString& effectname )
KSharedConfig::Ptr kwinconfig = KSharedConfig::openConfig( "kwinrc", KConfig::NoGlobals );
return kwinconfig->group( "Effect-" + effectname );
bool EffectsHandler::paintText( const QString& text, const QPoint& center, int maxwidth,
const QColor& color, const QFont& font )
QPainter p;
// Calculate size of the text
QFontMetrics fm( font );
QString painttext = fm.elidedText( text, Qt::ElideRight, maxwidth );
QRect textrect = fm.boundingRect( painttext );
// Create temporary QPixmap where the text will be drawn onto
QPixmap textPixmap( textrect.width(), textrect.height());
textPixmap.fill( Qt::transparent );
// Draw the text
p.begin( &textPixmap );
p.setFont( font );
p.setRenderHint( QPainter::TextAntialiasing );
p.setPen( color );
p.drawText( -textrect.topLeft(), painttext );
// Area covered by text
QRect area( center.x() - textrect.width() / 2, center.y() - textrect.height() / 2,
textrect.width(), textrect.height() );
if( effects->compositingType() == OpenGLCompositing )
GLTexture textTexture( textPixmap, GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB );
glEnable( GL_BLEND );
const float verts[ 4 * 2 ] =
area.x(), area.y(),
area.x(), area.y() + area.height(),
area.x() + area.width(), area.y() + area.height(),
area.x() + area.width(), area.y()
const float texcoords[ 4 * 2 ] =
0, textPixmap.height(),
0, 0,
textPixmap.width(), 0,
textPixmap.width(), textPixmap.height()
renderGLGeometry( 4, verts, texcoords );
return true;
if( effects->compositingType() == XRenderCompositing )
XRenderPicture textPicture( textPixmap );
XRenderComposite( display(), textPixmap.depth() == 32 ? PictOpOver : PictOpSrc,
textPicture, None, effects->xrenderBufferPicture(),
0, 0, 0, 0, area.x(), area.y(), area.width(), area.height());
return true;
return false;
bool EffectsHandler::paintTextWithBackground( const QString& text, const QPoint& center, int maxwidth,
const QColor& color, const QColor& bgcolor, const QFont& font )
// Calculate size of the text
QFontMetrics fm( font );
QString painttext = fm.elidedText( text, Qt::ElideRight, maxwidth );
QRect textrect = fm.boundingRect( painttext );
// Area covered by text
QRect area( center.x() - textrect.width() / 2, center.y() - textrect.height() / 2,
textrect.width(), textrect.height() );
if( effects->compositingType() == OpenGLCompositing )
glColor4f( bgcolor.redF(), bgcolor.greenF(), bgcolor.blueF(), bgcolor.alphaF() );
renderRoundBox( area.adjusted( -8, -3, 8, 3 ), 5 );
return paintText( text, center, maxwidth, color, font );
if( effects->compositingType() == XRenderCompositing )
xRenderRoundBox( effects->xrenderBufferPicture(), area.adjusted( -8, -3, 8, 3 ), 5, bgcolor );
return paintText( text, center, maxwidth, color, font );
return false;
EffectsHandler* effects = 0;
// EffectWindow
bool EffectWindow::isOnCurrentDesktop() const
return isOnDesktop( effects->currentDesktop());
bool EffectWindow::isOnDesktop( int d ) const
return desktop() == d || isOnAllDesktops();
bool EffectWindow::hasDecoration() const
return contentsRect() != QRect( 0, 0, width(), height());
// EffectWindowGroup
// GlobalShortcutsEditor
GlobalShortcutsEditor::GlobalShortcutsEditor( QWidget *parent ) :
KShortcutsEditor( parent, GlobalAction )
WindowQuad WindowQuad::makeSubQuad( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2 ) const
assert( x1 < x2 && y1 < y2 && x1 >= left() && x2 <= right() && y1 >= top() && y2 <= bottom());
#ifndef NDEBUG
if( isTransformed())
kFatal( 1212 ) << "Splitting quads is allowed only in pre-paint calls!" ;
WindowQuad ret( *this );
// vertices are clockwise starting from topleft
ret.verts[ 0 ].px = x1;
ret.verts[ 3 ].px = x1;
ret.verts[ 1 ].px = x2;
ret.verts[ 2 ].px = x2;
ret.verts[ 0 ].py = y1;
ret.verts[ 1 ].py = y1;
ret.verts[ 2 ].py = y2;
ret.verts[ 3 ].py = y2;
// original x/y are supposed to be the same, no transforming is done here
ret.verts[ 0 ].ox = x1;
ret.verts[ 3 ].ox = x1;
ret.verts[ 1 ].ox = x2;
ret.verts[ 2 ].ox = x2;
ret.verts[ 0 ].oy = y1;
ret.verts[ 1 ].oy = y1;
ret.verts[ 2 ].oy = y2;
ret.verts[ 3 ].oy = y2;
double my_tleft = verts[ 0 ].tx;
double my_tright = verts[ 2 ].tx;
double my_ttop = verts[ 0 ].ty;
double my_tbottom = verts[ 2 ].ty;
double tleft = ( x1 - left()) / ( right() - left()) * ( my_tright - my_tleft ) + my_tleft;
double tright = ( x2 - left()) / ( right() - left()) * ( my_tright - my_tleft ) + my_tleft;
double ttop = ( y1 - top()) / ( bottom() - top()) * ( my_tbottom - my_ttop ) + my_ttop;
double tbottom = ( y2 - top()) / ( bottom() - top()) * ( my_tbottom - my_ttop ) + my_ttop;
ret.verts[ 0 ].tx = tleft;
ret.verts[ 3 ].tx = tleft;
ret.verts[ 1 ].tx = tright;
ret.verts[ 2 ].tx = tright;
ret.verts[ 0 ].ty = ttop;
ret.verts[ 1 ].ty = ttop;
ret.verts[ 2 ].ty = tbottom;
ret.verts[ 3 ].ty = tbottom;
return ret;
bool WindowQuad::smoothNeeded() const
// smoothing is needed if the width or height of the quad does not match the original size
double width = verts[ 1 ].ox - verts[ 0 ].ox;
double height = verts[ 2 ].oy - verts[ 1 ].oy;
return( verts[ 1 ].px - verts[ 0 ].px != width || verts[ 2 ].px - verts[ 3 ].px != width
|| verts[ 2 ].py - verts[ 1 ].py != height || verts[ 3 ].py - verts[ 0 ].py != height );
WindowQuadList WindowQuadList::splitAtX( double x ) const
WindowQuadList ret;
foreach( WindowQuad quad, *this )
#ifndef NDEBUG
if( quad.isTransformed())
kFatal( 1212 ) << "Splitting quads is allowed only in pre-paint calls!" ;
bool wholeleft = true;
bool wholeright = true;
for( int i = 0;
i < 4;
++i )
if( quad[ i ].x() < x )
wholeright = false;
if( quad[ i ].x() > x )
wholeleft = false;
if( wholeleft || wholeright ) // is whole in one split part
ret.append( quad );
ret.append( quad.makeSubQuad( quad.left(),, x, quad.bottom()));
ret.append( quad.makeSubQuad( x,, quad.right(), quad.bottom()));
return ret;
WindowQuadList WindowQuadList::splitAtY( double y ) const
WindowQuadList ret;
foreach( WindowQuad quad, *this )
#ifndef NDEBUG
if( quad.isTransformed())
kFatal( 1212 ) << "Splitting quads is allowed only in pre-paint calls!" ;
bool wholetop = true;
bool wholebottom = true;
for( int i = 0;
i < 4;
++i )
if( quad[ i ].y() < y )
wholebottom = false;
if( quad[ i ].y() > y )
wholetop = false;
if( wholetop || wholebottom ) // is whole in one split part
ret.append( quad );
ret.append( quad.makeSubQuad( quad.left(),, quad.right(), y ));
ret.append( quad.makeSubQuad( quad.left(), y, quad.right(), quad.bottom()));
return ret;
WindowQuadList WindowQuadList::makeGrid( int maxquadsize ) const
if( empty())
return *this;
// find the bounding rectangle
double left = first().left();
double right = first().right();
double top = first().top();
double bottom = first().bottom();
foreach( WindowQuad quad, *this )
#ifndef NDEBUG
if( quad.isTransformed())
kFatal( 1212 ) << "Splitting quads is allowed only in pre-paint calls!" ;
left = qMin( left, quad.left());
right = qMax( right, quad.right());
top = qMin( top,;
bottom = qMax( bottom, quad.bottom());
WindowQuadList ret;
for( double x = left;
x < right;
x += maxquadsize )
for( double y = top;
y < bottom;
y += maxquadsize )
foreach( WindowQuad quad, *this )
if( QRectF( QPointF( quad.left(),, QPointF( quad.right(), quad.bottom()))
.intersects( QRectF( x, y, maxquadsize, maxquadsize )))
ret.append( quad.makeSubQuad( qMax( x, quad.left()), qMax( y,,
qMin( quad.right(), x + maxquadsize ), qMin( quad.bottom(), y + maxquadsize )));
return ret;
WindowQuadList WindowQuadList::makeRegularGrid( int xSubdivisions, int ySubdivisions ) const
if( empty())
return *this;
// find the bounding rectangle
double left = first().left();
double right = first().right();
double top = first().top();
double bottom = first().bottom();
foreach( WindowQuad quad, *this )
#ifndef NDEBUG
if( quad.isTransformed())
kFatal( 1212 ) << "Splitting quads is allowed only in pre-paint calls!" ;
left = qMin( left, quad.left());
right = qMax( right, quad.right());
top = qMin( top,;
bottom = qMax( bottom, quad.bottom());
double xincrement = (right - left) / xSubdivisions;
double yincrement = (bottom - top) / ySubdivisions;
WindowQuadList ret;
for( double y = top;
y < bottom;
y += yincrement )
for( double x = left;
x < right;
x += xincrement)
foreach( WindowQuad quad, *this )
if( QRectF( QPointF( quad.left(),, QPointF( quad.right(), quad.bottom()))
.intersects( QRectF( x, y, xincrement, yincrement )))
ret.append( quad.makeSubQuad( qMax( x, quad.left()), qMax( y,,
qMin( quad.right(), x + xincrement ), qMin( quad.bottom(), y + yincrement )));
return ret;
void WindowQuadList::makeArrays( float** vertices, float** texcoords ) const
*vertices = new float[ count() * 4 * 2 ];
*texcoords = new float[ count() * 4 * 2 ];
float* vpos = *vertices;
float* tpos = *texcoords;
for( int i = 0;
i < count();
++i )
for( int j = 0;
j < 4;
++j )
*vpos++ = at( i )[ j ].x();
*vpos++ = at( i )[ j ].y();
*tpos++ = at( i )[ j ].tx;
*tpos++ = at( i )[ j ].ty;
WindowQuadList WindowQuadList::select( WindowQuadType type ) const
foreach( WindowQuad q, *this )
if( q.type != type ) // something else than ones to select, make a copy and filter
WindowQuadList ret;
foreach( WindowQuad q, *this )
if( q.type == type )
ret.append( q );
return ret;
return *this; // nothing to filter out
WindowQuadList WindowQuadList::filterOut( WindowQuadType type ) const
foreach( WindowQuad q, *this )
if( q.type == type ) // something to filter out, make a copy and filter
WindowQuadList ret;
foreach( WindowQuad q, *this )
if( q.type != type )
ret.append( q );
return ret;
return *this; // nothing to filter out
bool WindowQuadList::smoothNeeded() const
foreach( WindowQuad q, *this )
if( q.smoothNeeded())
return true;
return false;
QStack< QRegion >* PaintClipper::areas = NULL;
PaintClipper::PaintClipper( const QRegion& allowed_area )
: area( allowed_area )
push( area );
pop( area );
void PaintClipper::push( const QRegion& allowed_area )
if( allowed_area == infiniteRegion()) // don't push these
if( areas == NULL )
areas = new QStack< QRegion >;
areas->push( allowed_area );
void PaintClipper::pop( const QRegion& allowed_area )
if( allowed_area == infiniteRegion())
Q_ASSERT( areas != NULL );
Q_ASSERT( areas->top() == allowed_area );
if( areas->isEmpty())
delete areas;
areas = NULL;
bool PaintClipper::clip()
return areas != NULL;
QRegion PaintClipper::paintArea()
assert( areas != NULL ); // can be called only with clip() == true
QRegion ret = QRegion( 0, 0, displayWidth(), displayHeight());
foreach( QRegion r, *areas )
ret &= r;
return ret;
struct PaintClipper::Iterator::Data
Data() : index( 0 ) {}
int index;
QVector< QRect > rects;
: data( new Data )
if( clip() && effects->compositingType() == OpenGLCompositing )
glPushAttrib( GL_SCISSOR_BIT );
glEnable( GL_SCISSOR_TEST );
data->rects = paintArea().rects();
data->index = -1;
next(); // move to the first one
if( clip() && effects->compositingType() == XRenderCompositing )
XserverRegion region = toXserverRegion( paintArea());
XFixesSetPictureClipRegion( display(), effects->xrenderBufferPicture(), 0, 0, region );
XFixesDestroyRegion( display(), region ); // it's ref-counted
if( clip() && effects->compositingType() == OpenGLCompositing )
if( clip() && effects->compositingType() == XRenderCompositing )
XFixesSetPictureClipRegion( display(), effects->xrenderBufferPicture(), 0, 0, None );
delete data;
bool PaintClipper::Iterator::isDone()
if( !clip())
return data->index == 1; // run once
if( effects->compositingType() == OpenGLCompositing )
return data->index >= data->rects.count(); // run once per each area
if( effects->compositingType() == XRenderCompositing )
return data->index == 1; // run once
void PaintClipper::Iterator::next()
if( clip() && effects->compositingType() == OpenGLCompositing && data->index < data->rects.count())
const QRect& r = data->rects[ data->index ];
// Scissor rect has to be given in OpenGL coords
glScissor( r.x(), displayHeight() - r.y() - r.height(), r.width(), r.height());
QRect PaintClipper::Iterator::boundingRect() const
if( !clip())
return infiniteRegion();
if( effects->compositingType() == OpenGLCompositing )
return data->rects[ data->index ];
if( effects->compositingType() == XRenderCompositing )
return paintArea().boundingRect();
return infiniteRegion();
TimeLine::TimeLine(const int duration)
m_Time = 0;
m_CurveShape = TimeLine::EaseInCurve;
m_Duration = duration;
m_TimeLine = new QTimeLine(m_Duration);
m_TimeLine->setFrameRange(0, m_Duration);
TimeLine::TimeLine(const TimeLine &other)
m_Time = other.m_Time;
m_CurveShape = other.m_CurveShape;
m_Duration = other.m_Duration;
m_TimeLine = new QTimeLine(m_Duration);
m_TimeLine->setFrameRange(0, m_Duration);
delete m_TimeLine;
int TimeLine::duration() const
return m_Duration;
void TimeLine::setDuration(const int msec)
m_Duration = msec;
double TimeLine::value() const
return valueForTime(m_Time);
double TimeLine::valueForTime(const int msec) const
// Catch non QTimeLine CurveShapes here, (but there are none right now)
// else use QTimeLine ...
return m_TimeLine->valueForTime(msec);
void TimeLine::addTime(const int msec)
m_Time = qMin(m_Duration, m_Time + msec);
m_Progress = (double)m_Time / m_Duration;
void TimeLine::removeTime(const int msec)
m_Time = qMax(0, m_Time - msec);
m_Progress = (double)m_Time / m_Duration;
void TimeLine::setProgress(const double progress)
m_Progress = progress;
m_Time = qRound(m_Duration * progress);
double TimeLine::progress() const
return m_Progress;
int TimeLine::time() const
return m_Time;
void TimeLine::addProgress(const double progress)
m_Progress += progress;
m_Time = (int)(m_Duration * m_Progress);
void TimeLine::setCurveShape(CurveShape curveShape)
switch (curveShape)
case EaseInCurve:
case EaseOutCurve:
case EaseInOutCurve:
case LinearCurve:
case SineCurve:
m_CurveShape = curveShape;
} // namespace