Martin Gräßlin e91f34f925 Drop warning regarding ksmserver in sm.cpp
Nobody complained that it doesn't work since the release of Plasma 5.
Thus let's assume that it works fine.
2016-06-29 11:06:24 +02:00

529 lines
21 KiB

KWin - the KDE window manager
This file is part of the KDE project.
Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich <>
Copyright (C) 2003 Lubos Lunak <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "sm.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <fixx11h.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include "workspace.h"
#include "client.h"
#include <QDebug>
#include <QFile>
#include <QSocketNotifier>
#include <QSessionManager>
namespace KWin
static bool gs_sessionManagerIsKSMServer = false;
static KConfig *sessionConfig(QString id, QString key)
static KConfig *config = nullptr;
static QString lastId;
static QString lastKey;
static QString pattern = QString(QLatin1String("session/%1_%2_%3")).arg(qApp->applicationName());
if (id != lastId || key != lastKey) {
delete config;
config = nullptr;
lastId = id;
lastKey = key;
if (!config) {
config = new KConfig(pattern.arg(id).arg(key), KConfig::SimpleConfig);
return config;
void Workspace::saveState(QSessionManager &sm)
// If the session manager is ksmserver, save stacking
// order, active window, active desktop etc. in phase 1,
// as ksmserver assures no interaction will be done
// before the WM finishes phase 1. Saving in phase 2 is
// too late, as possible user interaction may change some things.
// Phase2 is still needed though (ICCCM 5.2)
KConfig *config = sessionConfig(sm.sessionId(), sm.sessionKey());
if (!sm.isPhase2()) {
KConfigGroup cg(config, "Session");
cg.writeEntry("AllowsInteraction", sm.allowsInteraction());
if (gs_sessionManagerIsKSMServer) // save stacking order etc. before "save file?" etc. dialogs change it
storeSession(config, SMSavePhase0);
config->markAsClean(); // don't write Phase #1 data to disk
sm.release(); // Qt doesn't automatically release in this case (bug?)
storeSession(config, gs_sessionManagerIsKSMServer ? SMSavePhase2 : SMSavePhase2Full);
// inform the smserver on how to clean-up after us
const QString localFilePath = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericConfigLocation) + QLatin1Char('/') + config->name();
if (QFile::exists(localFilePath)) { // expectable for the sync
sm.setDiscardCommand(QStringList() << QStringLiteral("rm") << localFilePath);
// I bet this is broken, just like everywhere else in KDE
void Workspace::commitData(QSessionManager &sm)
if (!sm.isPhase2())
// Workspace
Stores the current session in the config file
\sa loadSessionInfo()
void Workspace::storeSession(KConfig* config, SMSavePhase phase)
KConfigGroup cg(config, "Session");
int count = 0;
int active_client = -1;
for (ClientList::Iterator it = clients.begin(); it != clients.end(); ++it) {
Client* c = (*it);
QByteArray sessionId = c->sessionId();
QByteArray wmCommand = c->wmCommand();
if (sessionId.isEmpty())
// remember also applications that are not XSMP capable
// and use the obsolete WM_COMMAND / WM_SAVE_YOURSELF
if (wmCommand.isEmpty())
if (c->isActive())
active_client = count;
if (phase == SMSavePhase2 || phase == SMSavePhase2Full)
storeClient(cg, count, c);
if (phase == SMSavePhase0) {
// it would be much simpler to save these values to the config file,
// but both Qt and KDE treat phase1 and phase2 separately,
// which results in different sessionkey and different config file :(
session_active_client = active_client;
session_desktop = VirtualDesktopManager::self()->current();
} else if (phase == SMSavePhase2) {
cg.writeEntry("count", count);
cg.writeEntry("active", session_active_client);
cg.writeEntry("desktop", session_desktop);
} else { // SMSavePhase2Full
cg.writeEntry("count", count);
cg.writeEntry("active", session_active_client);
cg.writeEntry("desktop", VirtualDesktopManager::self()->current());
void Workspace::storeClient(KConfigGroup &cg, int num, Client *c)
c->setSessionInteract(false); //make sure we get the real values
QString n = QString::number(num);
cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("sessionId") + n, c->sessionId().constData());
cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("windowRole") + n, c->windowRole().constData());
cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("wmCommand") + n, c->wmCommand().constData());
cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("resourceName") + n, c->resourceName().constData());
cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("resourceClass") + n, c->resourceClass().constData());
cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("geometry") + n, QRect(c->calculateGravitation(true), c->clientSize())); // FRAME
cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("restore") + n, c->geometryRestore());
cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("fsrestore") + n, c->geometryFSRestore());
cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("maximize") + n, (int) c->maximizeMode());
cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("fullscreen") + n, (int) c->fullScreenMode());
cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("desktop") + n, c->desktop());
// the config entry is called "iconified" for back. comp. reasons
// (kconf_update script for updating session files would be too complicated)
cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("iconified") + n, c->isMinimized());
cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("opacity") + n, c->opacity());
// the config entry is called "sticky" for back. comp. reasons
cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("sticky") + n, c->isOnAllDesktops());
cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("shaded") + n, c->isShade());
// the config entry is called "staysOnTop" for back. comp. reasons
cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("staysOnTop") + n, c->keepAbove());
cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("keepBelow") + n, c->keepBelow());
cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("skipTaskbar") + n, c->originalSkipTaskbar());
cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("skipPager") + n, c->skipPager());
cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("skipSwitcher") + n, c->skipSwitcher());
// not really just set by user, but name kept for back. comp. reasons
cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("userNoBorder") + n, c->noBorder());
cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("windowType") + n, windowTypeToTxt(c->windowType()));
cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("shortcut") + n, c->shortcut().toString());
cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("stackingOrder") + n, unconstrained_stacking_order.indexOf(c));
// KConfig doesn't support long so we need to live with less precision on 64-bit systems
cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("tabGroup") + n, static_cast<int>(reinterpret_cast<long>(c->tabGroup())));
cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("activities") + n, c->activities());
void Workspace::storeSubSession(const QString &name, QSet<QByteArray> sessionIds)
//TODO clear it first
KConfigGroup cg(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), QLatin1String("SubSession: ") + name);
int count = 0;
int active_client = -1;
for (ClientList::Iterator it = clients.begin(); it != clients.end(); ++it) {
Client* c = (*it);
QByteArray sessionId = c->sessionId();
QByteArray wmCommand = c->wmCommand();
if (sessionId.isEmpty())
// remember also applications that are not XSMP capable
// and use the obsolete WM_COMMAND / WM_SAVE_YOURSELF
if (wmCommand.isEmpty())
if (!sessionIds.contains(sessionId))
qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "storing" << sessionId;
if (c->isActive())
active_client = count;
storeClient(cg, count, c);
cg.writeEntry("count", count);
cg.writeEntry("active", active_client);
//cg.writeEntry( "desktop", currentDesktop());
Loads the session information from the config file.
\sa storeSession()
void Workspace::loadSessionInfo(const QString &key)
// NOTICE: qApp->sessionKey() is outdated when this gets invoked
// the key parameter is cached from the application constructor.
KConfigGroup cg(sessionConfig(qApp->sessionId(), key), "Session");
void Workspace::addSessionInfo(KConfigGroup &cg)
m_initialDesktop = cg.readEntry("desktop", 1);
int count = cg.readEntry("count", 0);
int active_client = cg.readEntry("active", 0);
for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
QString n = QString::number(i);
SessionInfo* info = new SessionInfo;
info->sessionId = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("sessionId") + n, QString()).toLatin1();
info->windowRole = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("windowRole") + n, QString()).toLatin1();
info->wmCommand = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("wmCommand") + n, QString()).toLatin1();
info->resourceName = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("resourceName") + n, QString()).toLatin1();
info->resourceClass = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("resourceClass") + n, QString()).toLower().toLatin1();
info->geometry = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("geometry") + n, QRect());
info->restore = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("restore") + n, QRect());
info->fsrestore = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("fsrestore") + n, QRect());
info->maximized = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("maximize") + n, 0);
info->fullscreen = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("fullscreen") + n, 0);
info->desktop = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("desktop") + n, 0);
info->minimized = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("iconified") + n, false);
info->opacity = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("opacity") + n, 1.0);
info->onAllDesktops = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("sticky") + n, false);
info->shaded = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("shaded") + n, false);
info->keepAbove = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("staysOnTop") + n, false);
info->keepBelow = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("keepBelow") + n, false);
info->skipTaskbar = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("skipTaskbar") + n, false);
info->skipPager = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("skipPager") + n, false);
info->skipSwitcher = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("skipSwitcher") + n, false);
info->noBorder = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("userNoBorder") + n, false);
info->windowType = txtToWindowType(cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("windowType") + n, QString()).toLatin1().constData());
info->shortcut = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("shortcut") + n, QString());
info->active = (active_client == i);
info->stackingOrder = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("stackingOrder") + n, -1);
info->tabGroup = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("tabGroup") + n, 0);
info->tabGroupClient = NULL;
info->activities = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("activities") + n, QStringList());
void Workspace::loadSubSessionInfo(const QString &name)
KConfigGroup cg(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), QLatin1String("SubSession: ") + name);
Returns a SessionInfo for client \a c. The returned session
info is removed from the storage. It's up to the caller to delete it.
This function is called when a new window is mapped and must be managed.
We try to find a matching entry in the session.
May return 0 if there's no session info for the client.
SessionInfo* Workspace::takeSessionInfo(Client* c)
SessionInfo *realInfo = 0;
QByteArray sessionId = c->sessionId();
QByteArray windowRole = c->windowRole();
QByteArray wmCommand = c->wmCommand();
QByteArray resourceName = c->resourceName();
QByteArray resourceClass = c->resourceClass();
// First search ``session''
if (! sessionId.isEmpty()) {
// look for a real session managed client (algorithm suggested by ICCCM)
foreach (SessionInfo * info, session) {
if (realInfo)
if (info->sessionId == sessionId && sessionInfoWindowTypeMatch(c, info)) {
if (! windowRole.isEmpty()) {
if (info->windowRole == windowRole) {
realInfo = info;
} else {
if (info->windowRole.isEmpty()
&& info->resourceName == resourceName
&& info->resourceClass == resourceClass) {
realInfo = info;
} else {
// look for a sessioninfo with matching features.
foreach (SessionInfo * info, session) {
if (realInfo)
if (info->resourceName == resourceName
&& info->resourceClass == resourceClass
&& sessionInfoWindowTypeMatch(c, info)) {
if (wmCommand.isEmpty() || info->wmCommand == wmCommand) {
realInfo = info;
// Set tabGroupClient for other clients in the same group
if (realInfo && realInfo->tabGroup) {
foreach (SessionInfo * info, session) {
if (!info->tabGroupClient && info->tabGroup == realInfo->tabGroup)
info->tabGroupClient = c;
return realInfo;
bool Workspace::sessionInfoWindowTypeMatch(Client* c, SessionInfo* info)
if (info->windowType == -2) {
// undefined (not really part of NET::WindowType)
return !c->isSpecialWindow();
return info->windowType == c->windowType();
static const char* const window_type_names[] = {
"Unknown", "Normal" , "Desktop", "Dock", "Toolbar", "Menu", "Dialog",
"Override", "TopMenu", "Utility", "Splash"
// change also the two functions below when adding new entries
const char* Workspace::windowTypeToTxt(NET::WindowType type)
if (type >= NET::Unknown && type <= NET::Splash)
return window_type_names[ type + 1 ]; // +1 (unknown==-1)
if (type == -2) // undefined (not really part of NET::WindowType)
return "Undefined";
qFatal("Unknown Window Type");
return NULL;
NET::WindowType Workspace::txtToWindowType(const char* txt)
for (int i = NET::Unknown;
i <= NET::Splash;
if (qstrcmp(txt, window_type_names[ i + 1 ]) == 0) // +1
return static_cast< NET::WindowType >(i);
return static_cast< NET::WindowType >(-2); // undefined
// KWin's focus stealing prevention causes problems with user interaction
// during session save, as it prevents possible dialogs from getting focus.
// Therefore it's temporarily disabled during session saving. Start of
// session saving can be detected in SessionManager::saveState() above,
// but Qt doesn't have API for saying when session saved finished (either
// successfully, or was canceled). Therefore, create another connection
// to session manager, that will provide this information.
// Similarly the remember feature of window-specific settings should be disabled
// during KDE shutdown when windows may move e.g. because of Kicker going away
// (struts changing). When session saving starts, it can be cancelled, in which
// case the shutdown_cancelled callback is invoked, or it's a checkpoint that
// is immediatelly followed by save_complete, or finally it's a shutdown that
// is immediatelly followed by die callback. So getting save_yourself with shutdown
// set disables window-specific settings remembering, getting shutdown_cancelled
// re-enables, otherwise KWin will go away after die.
static void save_yourself(SmcConn conn_P, SmPointer ptr, int, Bool shutdown, int, Bool)
SessionSaveDoneHelper* session = reinterpret_cast< SessionSaveDoneHelper* >(ptr);
if (conn_P != session->connection())
if (shutdown)
SmcSaveYourselfDone(conn_P, True);
static void die(SmcConn conn_P, SmPointer ptr)
SessionSaveDoneHelper* session = reinterpret_cast< SessionSaveDoneHelper* >(ptr);
if (conn_P != session->connection())
// session->saveDone(); we will quit anyway
static void save_complete(SmcConn conn_P, SmPointer ptr)
SessionSaveDoneHelper* session = reinterpret_cast< SessionSaveDoneHelper* >(ptr);
if (conn_P != session->connection())
static void shutdown_cancelled(SmcConn conn_P, SmPointer ptr)
SessionSaveDoneHelper* session = reinterpret_cast< SessionSaveDoneHelper* >(ptr);
if (conn_P != session->connection())
RuleBook::self()->setUpdatesDisabled(false); // re-enable
// no need to differentiate between successful finish and cancel
void SessionSaveDoneHelper::saveDone()
if (Workspace::self())
SmcCallbacks calls;
calls.save_yourself.callback = save_yourself;
calls.save_yourself.client_data = reinterpret_cast< SmPointer >(this);
calls.die.callback = die;
calls.die.client_data = reinterpret_cast< SmPointer >(this);
calls.save_complete.callback = save_complete;
calls.save_complete.client_data = reinterpret_cast< SmPointer >(this);
calls.shutdown_cancelled.callback = shutdown_cancelled;
calls.shutdown_cancelled.client_data = reinterpret_cast< SmPointer >(this);
char* id = NULL;
char err[ 11 ];
conn = SmcOpenConnection(NULL, 0, 1, 0,
SmcSaveYourselfProcMask | SmcDieProcMask | SmcSaveCompleteProcMask
| SmcShutdownCancelledProcMask, &calls, NULL, &id, 10, err);
if (id != NULL)
if (conn == NULL)
return; // no SM
// detect ksmserver
char* vendor = SmcVendor(conn);
gs_sessionManagerIsKSMServer = qstrcmp(vendor, "KDE") == 0;
// set the required properties, mostly dummy values
SmPropValue propvalue[ 5 ];
SmProp props[ 5 ];
propvalue[ 0 ].length = sizeof(unsigned char);
unsigned char value0 = SmRestartNever; // so that this extra SM connection doesn't interfere
propvalue[ 0 ].value = &value0;
props[ 0 ].name = const_cast< char* >(SmRestartStyleHint);
props[ 0 ].type = const_cast< char* >(SmCARD8);
props[ 0 ].num_vals = 1;
props[ 0 ].vals = &propvalue[ 0 ];
struct passwd* entry = getpwuid(geteuid());
propvalue[ 1 ].length = entry != NULL ? strlen(entry->pw_name) : 0;
propvalue[ 1 ].value = (SmPointer)(entry != NULL ? entry->pw_name : "");
props[ 1 ].name = const_cast< char* >(SmUserID);
props[ 1 ].type = const_cast< char* >(SmARRAY8);
props[ 1 ].num_vals = 1;
props[ 1 ].vals = &propvalue[ 1 ];
propvalue[ 2 ].length = 0;
propvalue[ 2 ].value = (SmPointer)("");
props[ 2 ].name = const_cast< char* >(SmRestartCommand);
props[ 2 ].type = const_cast< char* >(SmLISTofARRAY8);
props[ 2 ].num_vals = 1;
props[ 2 ].vals = &propvalue[ 2 ];
propvalue[ 3 ].length = strlen("kwinsmhelper");
propvalue[ 3 ].value = (SmPointer)"kwinsmhelper";
props[ 3 ].name = const_cast< char* >(SmProgram);
props[ 3 ].type = const_cast< char* >(SmARRAY8);
props[ 3 ].num_vals = 1;
props[ 3 ].vals = &propvalue[ 3 ];
propvalue[ 4 ].length = 0;
propvalue[ 4 ].value = (SmPointer)("");
props[ 4 ].name = const_cast< char* >(SmCloneCommand);
props[ 4 ].type = const_cast< char* >(SmLISTofARRAY8);
props[ 4 ].num_vals = 1;
props[ 4 ].vals = &propvalue[ 4 ];
SmProp* p[ 5 ] = { &props[ 0 ], &props[ 1 ], &props[ 2 ], &props[ 3 ], &props[ 4 ] };
SmcSetProperties(conn, 5, p);
notifier = new QSocketNotifier(IceConnectionNumber(SmcGetIceConnection(conn)),
QSocketNotifier::Read, this);
connect(notifier, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(processData()));
void SessionSaveDoneHelper::close()
if (conn != NULL) {
delete notifier;
SmcCloseConnection(conn, 0, NULL);
conn = NULL;
void SessionSaveDoneHelper::processData()
if (conn != NULL)
IceProcessMessages(SmcGetIceConnection(conn), 0, 0);
void Workspace::sessionSaveDone()
session_saving = false;
//remove sessionInteract flag from all clients
foreach (Client * c, clients) {
} // namespace