And here we go, now we have to snapping styles in kwin, the classic

"magnetic" style and the new "barrier" style.
To enable the new style insert MagneticBorders=off in your kwinrc.
The gui for the control center will follow the next days.
Anybody a good idea how to call it ?
Two radiobuttons, one "Magnetic borders", the other one "Barrier Borders" ?


svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=69692
This commit is contained in:
Alexander Neundorf 2000-11-02 08:33:00 +00:00
parent 5b74c5c352
commit ac87507e17
3 changed files with 100 additions and 84 deletions

View file

@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ void Options::reload()
borderSnapZone = config->readNumEntry("BorderSnapZone", 10);
windowSnapZone = config->readNumEntry("WindowSnapZone", 10);
OpTitlebarDblClick = windowOperation( config->readEntry("TitlebarDoubleClickCommand", "Shade") );

View file

@ -163,6 +163,11 @@ public:
int windowSnapZone;
* use magnetic or barrier borders
bool magneticBorders;
* whether we animate the minimization of windows or not

View file

@ -2397,103 +2397,113 @@ void Workspace::slotWindowResize()
QPoint Workspace::adjustClientPosition( Client* c, QPoint pos )
//CT 16mar98, 27May98 - magics: BorderSnapZone, WindowSnapZone
//CT adapted for kwin on 25Nov1999
if (options->windowSnapZone || options->borderSnapZone ) {
//CT 16mar98, 27May98 - magics: BorderSnapZone, WindowSnapZone
//CT adapted for kwin on 25Nov1999
//aleXXX added option for different snapping style 02Nov2000
if (options->windowSnapZone || options->borderSnapZone )
bool mB=options->magneticBorders;
QRect maxRect = clientArea();
int xmin = maxRect.left();
int xmax = maxRect.right()+1; //desk size
int ymin =;
int ymax = maxRect.bottom()+1;
int snap; //snap trigger
int cx(pos.x());
int cy(pos.y());
int cw(c->width());
int ch(c->height());
int rx(cx+cw);
int ry(cy+ch); //these don't change
QRect maxRect = clientArea();
int xmin = maxRect.left();
int xmax = maxRect.right()+1; //desk size
int ymin =;
int ymax = maxRect.bottom()+1;
int cx, cy, rx, ry, cw, ch; //these don't change
int nx(cx), ny(cy); //buffers
int deltaX(xmax);
int deltaY(ymax); //minimum distance to other clients
int nx, ny; //buffers
int deltaX = xmax, deltaY = ymax; //minimum distance to other clients
int lx, ly, lrx, lry; //coords and size for the comparison client, l
int lx, ly, lrx, lry; //coords and size for the comparison client, l
// border snap
int snap = options->borderSnapZone; //snap trigger
if (snap)
if ((mB?true:(cx<xmin)) && (QABS(xmin-cx)<snap))
deltaX = xmin-cx;
nx = xmin;
if ((mB?true:(rx>xmax)) && (QABS(rx-xmax)<snap) && (QABS(xmax-rx) < deltaX))
deltaX = rx-xmax;
nx = xmax - cw;
nx = cx = pos.x();
ny = cy = pos.y();
rx = cx + (cw = c->width());
ry = cy + (ch = c->height());
// border snap
snap = options->borderSnapZone;
if (snap) {
if ( QABS(cx-xmin) < snap ){
deltaX = QABS(cx - xmin);
nx = xmin;
if ((QABS(xmax-rx) < snap) && (QABS(xmax-rx) < deltaX)) {
deltaX = QABS(xmax-rx);
nx = xmax - cw;
if ((mB?true:(cy<ymin)) && (QABS(ymin-cy)<snap))
deltaY = ymin-cy;
ny = ymin;
if ((mB?true:(ry>ymax)) && (QABS(ry-ymax)<snap) && (QABS(ymax-ry) < deltaY))
deltaY =ry-ymax;
ny = ymax - ch;
if ( QABS(cy-ymin) < snap ){
deltaY = QABS(cy-ymin);
ny = ymin;
if ((QABS(ymax-ry) < snap) && (QABS(ymax-ry) < deltaY)) {
deltaY = QABS(ymax-ry);
ny = ymax - ch;
// windows snap
snap = options->windowSnapZone;
if (snap)
QValueList<Client *>::ConstIterator l;
for (l = clients.begin();l != clients.end();++l )
if ((*l)->isOnDesktop(currentDesktop()) && (*l) != desktop_client &&
!(*l)->isIconified() && (*l)->transientFor() == None && (*l) != c )
lx = (*l)->x();
ly = (*l)->y();
lrx = lx + (*l)->width();
lry = ly + (*l)->height();
// windows snap
snap = options->windowSnapZone;
if (snap) {
QValueList<Client *>::ConstIterator l;
for (l = clients.begin();l != clients.end();++l ) {
if((*l)->isOnDesktop(currentDesktop()) && (*l) != desktop_client &&
!(*l)->isIconified() && (*l)->transientFor() == None &&
(*l) != c ) {
lx = (*l)->x();
ly = (*l)->y();
lrx = lx + (*l)->width();
lry = ly + (*l)->height();
if ( (( cy <= lry ) && ( cy >= ly )) ||
(( ry >= ly ) && ( ry <= lry )) ||
(( cy <= ly ) && ( ry >= lry )) )
if ((mB?true:(cx<lrx)) && (QABS(lrx-cx)<snap) && ( QABS(lrx -cx) < deltaX) )
deltaX = QABS( lrx - cx );
nx = lrx;
if ((mB?true:(rx>lx)) && (QABS(rx-lx)<snap) && ( QABS( rx - lx )<deltaX) )
deltaX = QABS(rx - lx);
nx = lx - cw;
if( ( ( cy <= lry ) && ( cy >= ly ) ) ||
( ( ry >= ly ) && ( ry <= lry ) ) ||
( ( ly >= cy ) && ( lry <= ry ) ) ) {
if ( ( QABS( lrx - cx ) < snap ) &&
( QABS( lrx -cx ) < deltaX ) ) {
deltaX = QABS( lrx - cx );
nx = lrx;
if ( ( QABS( rx - lx ) < snap ) &&
( QABS( rx - lx ) < deltaX ) ) {
deltaX = QABS(rx - lx);
nx = lx - cw;
if( ( ( cx <= lrx ) && ( cx >= lx ) ) ||
( ( rx >= lx ) && ( rx <= lrx ) ) ||
( ( lx >= cx ) && ( lrx <= rx ) ) ) {
if ( ( QABS( lry - cy ) < snap ) &&
( QABS( lry -cy ) < deltaY ) ) {
deltaY = QABS( lry - cy );
ny = lry;
if ( ( QABS( ry-ly ) < snap ) &&
( QABS( ry - ly ) < deltaY ) ) {
deltaY = QABS( ry - ly );
ny = ly - ch;
if ( (( cx <= lrx ) && ( cx >= lx )) ||
(( rx >= lx ) && ( rx <= lrx )) ||
(( cx <= lx ) && ( rx >= lrx )) )
if ((mB?true:(cy<lry)) && (QABS(lry-cy)<snap) && (QABS( lry -cy ) < deltaY))
deltaY = QABS( lry - cy );
ny = lry;
if ((mB?true:(ry>ly)) && (QABS(ry-ly)<snap) && (QABS( ry - ly ) < deltaY ))
deltaY = QABS( ry - ly );
ny = ly - ch;
pos = QPoint(nx, ny);
return pos;
pos = QPoint(nx, ny);
return pos;
Returns the child window under the mouse and activates the
respective client if necessary.