Alexander Neundorf ac87507e17 And here we go, now we have to snapping styles in kwin, the classic
"magnetic" style and the new "barrier" style.
To enable the new style insert MagneticBorders=off in your kwinrc.
The gui for the control center will follow the next days.
Anybody a good idea how to call it ?
Two radiobuttons, one "Magnetic borders", the other one "Barrier Borders" ?


svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=69692
2000-11-02 08:33:00 +00:00

250 lines
9.1 KiB

kwin - the KDE window manager
Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich <>
#include "options.h"
#include <qpalette.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <kapp.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kglobalsettings.h>
: QObject( 0, 0)
int i;
for(i=0; i < KWINCOLORS*2; ++i)
cg[i] = NULL;
connect( kapp, SIGNAL( appearanceChanged() ), this, SLOT(reload() ) );
int i;
for(i=0; i < KWINCOLORS*2; ++i){
delete cg[i];
cg[i] = NULL;
const QColor& Options::color(ColorType type, bool active)
return(colors[type + (active ? 0 : KWINCOLORS)]);
const QFont& Options::font(bool active, bool small)
if ( small )
return(active ? activeFontSmall : inactiveFontSmall);
return(active ? activeFont : inactiveFont);
const QColorGroup& Options::colorGroup(ColorType type, bool active)
int idx = type + (active ? 0 : KWINCOLORS);
cg[idx] = new QColorGroup(Qt::black, colors[idx], colors[idx].light(150),
colors[idx].dark(), colors[idx].dark(120),
Qt::black, QApplication::palette().normal().
void Options::reload()
QPalette pal = QApplication::palette();
KConfig *config = KGlobal::config();
// normal colors
colors[Frame] = pal.normal().background();
colors[Frame] = config->readColorEntry("frame", &colors[Frame]);
colors[Handle] = colors[Frame];
colors[Handle] = config->readColorEntry("handle", &colors[Handle]);
// full button configuration (background, blend, and foreground
if(QPixmap::defaultDepth() > 8)
colors[ButtonBg] = colors[Frame].light(130);
colors[ButtonBg] = colors[Frame];
colors[ButtonBg] = config->readColorEntry("activeTitleBtnBg",
colors[TitleBar] = pal.normal().highlight();
colors[TitleBar] = config->readColorEntry("activeBackground",
if(QPixmap::defaultDepth() > 8)
colors[TitleBlend] = colors[ TitleBar ].dark(110);
colors[TitleBlend] = colors[ TitleBar ];
colors[TitleBlend] = config->readColorEntry("activeBlend",
colors[Font] = pal.normal().highlightedText();
colors[Font] = config->readColorEntry("activeForeground", &colors[Font]);
// inactive
colors[Frame+KWINCOLORS] = config->readColorEntry("inactiveFrame",
colors[TitleBar+KWINCOLORS] = colors[Frame];
colors[TitleBar+KWINCOLORS] = config->
readColorEntry("inactiveBackground", &colors[TitleBar+KWINCOLORS]);
if(QPixmap::defaultDepth() > 8)
colors[TitleBlend+KWINCOLORS] = colors[ TitleBar+KWINCOLORS ].dark(110);
colors[TitleBlend+KWINCOLORS] = colors[ TitleBar+KWINCOLORS ];
colors[TitleBlend+KWINCOLORS] =
config->readColorEntry("inactiveBlend", &colors[TitleBlend+KWINCOLORS]);
// full button configuration
if(QPixmap::defaultDepth() > 8)
colors[ButtonBg+KWINCOLORS] = colors[Frame+KWINCOLORS].light(130);
colors[ButtonBg+KWINCOLORS] = colors[Frame+KWINCOLORS];
colors[ButtonBg+KWINCOLORS] =
colors[Handle+KWINCOLORS] = colors[Frame];
config->readColorEntry("inactiveHandle", &colors[Handle]);
colors[Font+KWINCOLORS] = colors[Frame].dark();
colors[Font+KWINCOLORS] = config->readColorEntry("inactiveForeground",
// Keep in sync with kglobalsettings.
QFont activeFontGuess("helvetica", 12, QFont::Bold);
activeFont = config->readFontEntry("activeFont", &activeFontGuess);
inactiveFont = config->readFontEntry("inactiveFont", &activeFontGuess);
activeFontSmall = activeFont;
activeFontSmall.setPointSize(activeFont.pointSize() - 2);
activeFontSmall = config->readFontEntry("activeFontSmall", &activeFontSmall);
inactiveFontSmall = config->readFontEntry("inactiveFontSmall", &activeFontSmall);
int i;
for(i=0; i < KWINCOLORS*2; ++i){
delete cg[i];
cg[i] = NULL;
config->setGroup( "Windows" );
moveMode = config->readEntry("MoveMode", "Opaque" ) == "Opaque"?Opaque:Transparent;
resizeMode = config->readEntry("ResizeMode", "Opaque" ) == "Opaque"?Opaque:Transparent;
moveResizeMaximizedWindows = config->readBoolEntry("MoveResizeMaximizedWindows", true );
QString val;
val = config->readEntry ("FocusPolicy", "ClickToFocus");
focusPolicy = ClickToFocus; // what a default :-)
if ( val == "FocusFollowsMouse" )
focusPolicy = FocusFollowsMouse;
else if ( val == "FocusUnderMouse" )
focusPolicy = FocusUnderMouse;
else if ( val == "FocusStrictlyUnderMouse" )
focusPolicy = FocusStrictlyUnderMouse;
val = config->readEntry ("AltTabStyle", "KDE");
altTabStyle = KDE; // what a default :-)
if ( val == "CDE" )
altTabStyle = CDE;
// Enable the grab of control-TAB?
useControlTab = config->readBoolEntry ("ControlTab", TRUE);
val = config->readEntry("Placement","Smart");
if (val == "Smart") placement = Smart;
else if (val == "Random") placement = Random;
else if (val == "Cascade") placement = Cascade;
animateShade = config->readBoolEntry("AnimateShade", TRUE );
animateMinimize = config->readBoolEntry("AnimateMinimize", TRUE );
animateMinimizeSpeed = config->readNumEntry("AnimateMinimizeSpeed", 5 );
autoRaise = config->readBoolEntry("AutoRaise", FALSE );
autoRaiseInterval = config->readNumEntry("AutoRaiseInterval", 0 );
// important: autoRaise implies ClickRaise
clickRaise = autoRaise || config->readBoolEntry("ClickRaise", FALSE );
borderSnapZone = config->readNumEntry("BorderSnapZone", 10);
windowSnapZone = config->readNumEntry("WindowSnapZone", 10);
OpTitlebarDblClick = windowOperation( config->readEntry("TitlebarDoubleClickCommand", "Shade") );
ignorePositionClasses = config->readListEntry("IgnorePositionClasses");
// Mouse bindings
config->setGroup( "MouseBindings");
CmdActiveTitlebar1 = mouseCommand(config->readEntry("CommandActiveTitlebar1","Raise"));
CmdActiveTitlebar2 = mouseCommand(config->readEntry("CommandActiveTitlebar2","Lower"));
CmdActiveTitlebar3 = mouseCommand(config->readEntry("CommandActiveTitlebar3","Operations menu"));
CmdInactiveTitlebar1 = mouseCommand(config->readEntry("CommandInactiveTitlebar1","Activate and raise"));
CmdInactiveTitlebar2 = mouseCommand(config->readEntry("CommandInactiveTitlebar2","Activate and lower"));
CmdInactiveTitlebar3 = mouseCommand(config->readEntry("CommandInactiveTitlebar3","Activate"));
CmdWindow1 = mouseCommand(config->readEntry("CommandWindow1","Activate, raise and pass click"));
CmdWindow2 = mouseCommand(config->readEntry("CommandWindow2","Activate and pass click"));
CmdWindow3 = mouseCommand(config->readEntry("CommandWindow3","Activate and pass click"));
CmdAll1 = mouseCommand(config->readEntry("CommandAll1","Move"));
CmdAll2 = mouseCommand(config->readEntry("CommandAll2","Toggle raise and lower"));
CmdAll3 = mouseCommand(config->readEntry("CommandAll3","Resize"));
emit resetClients();
Options::WindowOperation Options::windowOperation(const QString &name){
if (name == "Move")
return MoveOp;
else if (name == "Resize")
return ResizeOp;
else if (name == "Maximize")
return MaximizeOp;
else if (name == "Iconify")
return IconifyOp;
else if (name == "Close")
return CloseOp;
else if (name == "Sticky")
return StickyOp;
else if (name == "Shade")
return ShadeOp;
else if (name == "Operations")
return OperationsOp;
return NoOp;
Options::MouseCommand Options::mouseCommand(const QString &name)
if (name == "Raise") return MouseRaise;
if (name == "Lower") return MouseLower;
if (name == "Operations menu") return MouseOperationsMenu;
if (name == "Toggle raise and lower") return MouseToggleRaiseAndLower;
if (name == "Activate and raise") return MouseActivateAndRaise;
if (name == "Activate and lower") return MouseActivateAndLower;
if (name == "Activate") return MouseActivate;
if (name == "Activate, raise and pass click") return MouseActivateRaiseAndPassClick;
if (name == "Activate and pass click") return MouseActivateAndPassClick;
if (name == "Move") return MouseMove;
if (name == "Resize") return MouseResize;
if (name == "Nothing") return MouseNothing;
return MouseNothing;
#include "options.moc"