- adds the kcm rule option to set the activity - one or all option like
for virtual desktops
- makes the windows obey the rule
- makes the rule enforced even when the user tries to change the
window's activity via the alt+f3 menu
Button currently not yet shown as the category on kde-look is
still missing. This means the code is also completely untested.
REVIEW: 104877
CCBUG: 296774
Effects can specify their minimum requirements in their
desktop file:
* OpenGL
* OpenGL 2 (GLSL required)
* Shaders (either ARB or OpenGL 2)
The configuration module uses this information in combination
with which backend KWin is currently using. So if e.g. OpenGL
is used and an effect requires OpenGL 2 a detailed error
message can be showed that OpenGL 2 is required.
BUG: 209213
FIXED-IN: 4.9.0
REVIEW: 104847
ScreenEdge is changed to emit a signal whenever a screen edge
got activated without an action or effect taking care of it.
A Script can reserve one to many callbacks for an edge and the
callback get's triggered whenever the signal is emitted. On
deconstruction of the Script the edge is unreserved again.
FEATURE: 299275
FIXED-IN: 4.9.0
REVIEW: 104904
cppcheck complained about that piece of code and it was not
really good. A TabBoxClient belongs to exactly one Client which
means the setter should for Client should not be there in the
first place and was only used during construction.
REVIEW: 104909
issue is that the effect chain may (will) change between two paint passes and buildQuads is called outside the paint pass
(shadows / decos whatever changes) so that the iterator may dangle
BUG: 299582
REVIEW: 104881
A CMake variable is used to specify the name of the binary.
By default this is "kwin" but building for PA changes the
name to "kwinactive". The variable adjusts all names, e.g.
kwinnvidiahack becomes kwinactivenvidiahack.
The remaining usage of kwinrc in core and libs is replaced
by a cmakedefine for the configuration name and all data
installations are moved to the defined name. Dynamic loading
for scripts & co is adjusted for loading based on defined name.
This change allows the side-by-side installation of both kwin
for desktop and kwin for Plasma Desktop without the known
issues like conflicts in config files or missing build options
if kwin desktop is used for Plasma Active.
Likewise the KCMs are not adjusted as they are not intended to
be used for kwinactive.
REVIEW: 104299
BUG: 296084
FIXED-IN: 4.9.0
CCMAIL: active@kde.org
Further debugging functionality for KWin scripts. Added assert
methods validate the to be tested parameter and throw a script
error if the value is not valid.
Following methods are available:
* assert(value)
* assertTrue(boolean)
* assertFalse(boolean)
* assertEquals(expected, actual)
* assertNull(nullValue)
* assertNotNull(notNullValue)
All methods take an additional optional parameter which is used
as the error message if provided.
Methods to validate the number of arguments and types of the
parameters are added and throw syntax or type errors.
REVIEW: 104870
A ScriptEngineAgent is added to monitor the execution of a
script. If it ends it stops the script to free resources.
The same is done in case of an exception, just that in this
case the script takes care of unloading itself.
REVIEW: 104871
Additional TabBox Mode which allows to switch between all open
windows of the current selected application. By default Alt+tilde
is used which is on qwerty just one key above tab. For non-qwerty
layouts the shortcut is unfortunately not convenient.
REVIEW: 104730
FEATURE: 299308
FIXED-IN: 4.9.0
If the layout name is specified a custom layout config is
passed to the TabBoxHandler with the configured name.
This can be used by Plasma Active to specify the window strip
(overwrites any settings) and for Netbook shell as a replacement
to opening Present Windows Effect.
REVIEW: 104838
Effects that need GLSL require that OpenGL 2 is active.
It does not matter whether the GPU would support it if
OpenGL 2 is not used.
Cherry-picked from db42152
CCBUG: 299426
Creating an EffectFrame requires I/O which takes on my system
during testing between 10 and 40 msec. Also it needs a little
bit of memory.
This changes moves out the creation of EffectFrames at Effect
load till the Effect actually needs the EffectFrame. E.g. if a
user does not filter in PresentWindows there is no need to ever
create it.
BoxSwitch effect is ignored as it should be dropped for 4.9.
REVIEW: 104815